blob: 0dcf744f2d2afb6823579fdaad3df68e3eb3015e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 CEA LIST
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* David Lopez LIST)
package org.eclipse.papyrus.moka.ease.parametric.python;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.aceeditor.CodeAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml16.constraintblocks.ConstraintBlock;
public class PythonBehaviorBlockValidator {
public static List<CodeAnnotation> validate(String function, ConstraintBlock block){
ArrayList<CodeAnnotation> annotations = new ArrayList<>();
// FIXME This code has been comment to avoid the dependency to pydev (no valid CQ)
// if (function == null || function.trim().equals(""))
// return annotations;
// PythonBehaviorFunctionInfo info = PythonBehaviorHelper.buildFunctionInfo(function);
// // Check function name
// if (isFunctionNameValid(info))
// if (info.getName() == null) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(info.getCodeLineDefinition(), 0, "The script should have a function called: '" + ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_NAME + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Error));
// }
// if (info.getBlockParamName() == null) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(info.getCodeLineDefinition(), 0, "The function '" + ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_NAME + "' should have exactly one parameter", CodeAnnotationType.Error));
// }
// if (!ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAM_NAME.equals(info.getBlockParamName())) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(info.getCodeLineDefinition(), 0, "The parameter of the function '" + ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_NAME + "' must be called '" + ScriptBehaviorConstants.SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAM_NAME + "'",
// CodeAnnotationType.Error));
// }
// Set<String> outputs = new HashSet<>();
// Set<String> inputs = new HashSet<>();
// for (Property p : block.getParameters()) {
// if (p.isDerived())
// outputs.add(p.getName());
// else
// inputs.add(p.getName());
// }
// Set<String> used = new HashSet<>();
// for (PythonAccess pa : info.getParamAccesses()) {
// boolean isDerived = outputs.contains(pa.getName());
// boolean isNotDerived = inputs.contains(pa.getName());
// if (pa.isRead() && isDerived) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(pa.getLine(), pa.getColumn(), "Reading derived property: '" + pa.getName() + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Warning));
// }
// if (!pa.isRead() && isNotDerived) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(pa.getLine(), pa.getColumn(), "Writing to non derived property: '" + pa.getName() + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Warning));
// }
// if (!isDerived && !isNotDerived) {
// if (pa.isRead())
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(pa.getLine(), pa.getColumn(), "Reading non-existing property: '" + pa.getName() + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Error));
// else
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(pa.getLine(), pa.getColumn(), "Writing to non-existing property: '" + pa.getName() + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Warning));
// }
// used.add(pa.getName());
// }
// for (String input : inputs) {
// if (!used.contains(input)) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(info.getCodeLineDefinition(), 0, "Property '" + input + "' not used in the behavior", CodeAnnotationType.Warning));
// }
// }
// for (String output : outputs) {
// if (!used.contains(output)) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(info.getCodeLineDefinition(), 0, "Not setting the value of '" + output + "'", CodeAnnotationType.Warning));
// }
// }
// PythonError error = info.getParserError();
// if (error != null) {
// annotations.add(new CodeAnnotation(error.getLine(), error.getColumn(), error.getFirstErrorLine(), CodeAnnotationType.Error));
// }
return annotations;
private static boolean isFunctionNameValid(PythonBehaviorFunctionInfo info) {
return info.getName() != null;