blob: a5f6d98747623e30fa48c60a42901251217e912f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Ansgar Radermacher
package org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.ros2.codegen.common.message
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Annexes.VSL.DataTypes.ChoiceType
import org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.languages.common.base.file.IPFileSystemAccess
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PrimitiveType
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateBinding
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.codegen.common.utils.PackageTools.pkgName
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.core.utils.InteractionUtils.*
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.ros2.codegen.common.utils.MessageUtils.*
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util.UMLUtil
import org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.bpc.profile.bpc.Entity
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element
import org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.infra.base.StringConstants
class CreateMessage {
CreateMsgPackage msgPkgCreator;
* Construct
new(CreateMsgPackage msgPkgCreator) {
this.msgPkgCreator = msgPkgCreator;
* Create contents for a data type or an enumeration
def createDtOrEnumMsg(DataType dtOrEnum) {
if (dtOrEnum instanceof Enumeration) {
createEnumMsgs(dtOrEnum as Enumeration)
} else {
* Create message contents for a dataType
def createDataTypeMsg(DataType dataType) '''
# Publish-Subscribe (or Push, Send)
«IF StereotypeUtil.isApplied(dataType, ChoiceType) && false»
# attributes of choice-type «dataType.qualifiedName» (only first attribute for the moment)
«val attribute = dataType.getAllAttributes.get(0)»
««« TODO: properly handle choice type, just use first attribute in the moment
# attributes of datatype «dataType.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : dataType.getAllAttributes»
def createServiceMsg(DataType request, DataType response) '''
# query pattern - request
# attributes of request «request.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : request.getAllAttributes»
# attributes of response «response.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : response.getAllAttributes»
def createActionMsg(DataType goal, DataType response, DataType feedback) '''
# action pattern
# attributes of goal «goal.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : goal.getAllAttributes»
# attributes of result «response.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : response.getAllAttributes»
# attributes of feedback «feedback.qualifiedName»
«FOR attribute : response.getAllAttributes»
* Create an attribute within a message, handling default values and comments
def createAttributeMsg(Property attribute) {
var String typeStr
if (attribute.type instanceof PrimitiveType) {
typeStr = attribute.type.primitiveTypeMap
} else if (attribute.type instanceof Enumeration) {
typeStr = '''
# enum «»
val type = attribute.type as Enumeration
// recurse, create new message package
} else if (attribute.type instanceof DataType) {
val type = attribute.type as DataType
typeStr = String.format("%s/%s", attribute.type.messagePackage.pkgName,;
return '''
«typeStr»«attribute.multiplicityStr» «»«attribute.defaultValueStr»«attribute.comment»
def CharSequence comment(Element element) {
val entity = UMLUtil.getStereotypeApplication(element, Entity)
if (entity !== null && entity.description !== null && entity.description.length > 0) {
var prefix = ""
if (element instanceof Property) {
prefix = " "
return '''«prefix»# «entity.description»'''
return StringConstants.EMPTY
def getMultiplicityStr(Property attribute) {
if (attribute.upper == -1) {
return "[]"
} else if (attribute.upper != 1) {
return '''[«attribute.upper»]'''
def defaultValueStr(Property attribute) '''
«IF attribute.defaultValue !== null»
«" "»= «attribute.defaultValue.stringValue»
* generate a message file, unless the message is an already existing system message
* This is the case for messages/services that can be found with an empty AMENT_PREFIX_PATH.
* The user can specify a configurable path that containing entries that should not be
* re-written by code generation.
def void generateFile(IPFileSystemAccess fileAccess, String fileName, String ext, CharSequence content) {
val fileNameWithExt = '''«ext»/«fileName».«ext»'''
fileAccess.generateFile(fileNameWithExt, content.toString)
def createEnumMsgs(Enumeration enumeration) '''
# constants to mimic enumeration «»
«var counter = 0»
«FOR enumLiteral : enumeration.ownedLiterals»
uint8 «» = «counter++»
def createMsgForEvent(TemplateBinding tb) '''
# Event
«FOR tps : tb.getParameterSubstitutions»
«val actual = tps.actual»
«(actual as NamedElement).name» «tps.formal.getTPName»