blob: fd452bc017c1f886f7e265ec3b9d41c8c19558f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Ansgar Radermacher
package org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.ros2.codegen.cpp.component
import org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.languages.cpp.profile.C_Cpp.Include
import org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.languages.cpp.profile.C_Cpp.ManualGeneration
import org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.profile.robotics.functions.FunctionKind
import org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.ros2.codegen.common.utils.RosHelpers
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.codegen.common.utils.ActivityUtils.*
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.codegen.common.utils.ComponentUtils.getInstName
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.core.utils.FunctionUtils.getFunctions
import static extension org.eclipse.papyrus.robotics.core.utils.ParameterUtils.*
import static extension
import static extension
class CreateMain {
* register a ROS2 components
def static registerComponent(Class component) '''
#include "rclcpp_components/register_node_macro.hpp"
// Register the component with class_loader.
// This acts as a sort of entry point, allowing the component to be discoverable when its library
// is being loaded into a running process.
* Create the main entry point for a class
def static createMain(Class component) {
val main = component.nearestPackage.createOwnedClass( + "_main", false);
val include = main.applyApp(Include);
include.body = component.createMainCode.toString
def static lambdaStart(Class component) '''
[«component.instName»](const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) {
def static lambdaEnd() '''
return rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn::SUCCESS;
def static createMainCode(Class component) '''
«val instRef = component.instName + "->"»
«val onConfigure = component.onLifecycleEvent(instRef, FunctionKind.ON_CONFIGURE)»
«val onActivate = component.onActivate(instRef)»
«val onDeActivate = component.onQuitActive(instRef, FunctionKind.ON_DEACTIVATE)»
«val onShutdown = component.onQuitActive(instRef, FunctionKind.ON_SHUTDOWN)»
«val onCleanup = component.onLifecycleEvent(instRef, FunctionKind.ON_CLEANUP)»
«val compClassName = component.qualifiedName + component.postfix»
#include "«»/«»«component.postfix».h"
«IF component.hasPeriodicActivities»
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
// declare options
rclcpp::NodeOptions «component.instName»_options;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
auto «component.instName» = std::make_shared<«compClassName»>(«component.instName»_options);
RCLCPP_INFO(«instRef»get_logger(), "«» has been initialized");
«IF onConfigure.length > 0»
«IF onActivate.length > 0»
«IF onDeActivate.length > 0»
«IF onShutdown.length > 0»
«IF onCleanup.length > 0»
«IF component.allParameters.size > 0»
rclcpp::executors::MultiThreadedExecutor executor;
def static void createTimer(Class component) {
for (activity : component.activities) {
val period = activity.period
if (period !== null) {
val timerBase = ElementUtils.getQualifiedElementFromRS(component,
"ros2Library::rclcpp::timer::TimerBase") as Type;
val timer = component.createOwnedAttribute('''timer_«»_''', timerBase);
* Create a function to call during the state transition towards a certain
* state. Calls the function with the passed "kind"
def static onLifecycleEvent(Class component, String instRef, FunctionKind kind) '''
«FOR activity : component.activities»
«val associatedFcts = activity.getFunctions(kind)»
«IF associatedFcts.size > 0»
«FOR associatedFct : associatedFcts»
* Create a function to call during the state transition towards activation.
* In particular, call the functions with "kind" ON_ACTIVATE and start periodic timers
def static onActivate(Class component, String instRef) '''
«FOR activity : component.activities»
«val activityCl = activity.base_Class»
«val period = activity.period»
«val activateFcts = activity.getFunctions(FunctionKind.ON_ACTIVATE)»
«val periodicFcts = activity.getFunctions(FunctionKind.PERIODIC)»
«IF activateFcts.size > 0»
«FOR activateFct : activateFcts»
«IF period !== null && periodicFcts.size > 0»
// periodic execution («period») for «» using a wall timer
«FOR periodicFct : periodicFcts»
«instRef»timer_«»_ = «instRef»create_wall_timer(«period»,
std::bind(&«»::«»«component.postfix»::«», «component.instName»));
* Create a function to call during the state transition leaving the active state (either shutdown or deactivate).
* In particular, call the functions with "kind" ON_DEACTIVATE and stop periodic timers
def static onQuitActive(Class component, String instRef, FunctionKind kind) '''
«FOR activity : component.activities»
«val activityCl = activity.base_Class»
«val period = activity.period»
«val associatedFcts = activity.getFunctions(kind)»
«val periodicFcts = activity.getFunctions(FunctionKind.PERIODIC)»
«IF (period !== null && periodicFcts.size > 0) || associatedFcts.size > 0»
«FOR activateFct : associatedFcts»
«IF period !== null && periodicFcts.size > 0»
// stop timer of «»