Bug 483588: [RobotML][releng] deploy an update site at

Change-Id: I55c7ad245d029c4f0ca535a9a20cbab36c199b8d
Task-Url: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=483588
Signed-off-by: Francois Le Fevre - CEA <francois.le-fevre@cea.fr>
8 files changed
tree: 01ef9b3fb9e755977874ea92b69099a99e2f0a83
  1. generators/
  2. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml/
  3. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.deployment/
  4. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.diagram.common/
  5. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.diagram.ui/
  6. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.doc/
  7. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.help/
  8. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.modelexplorer/
  9. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.perspective/
  10. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.templaterepository/
  11. org.eclipse.papyrus.robotml.validation/
  12. releng/
  13. src/
  14. targetplatform/
  15. .gitignore
  16. .project
  17. pom.xml
  18. readme.md


This projects aims at providing a modeling environment for robotic applications with Papyrus.

How to build

Components in this project are built using Maven and its Tycho plugin for the build of Eclipse artifacts. To build locally, simply execute the command line:

mvn clean install

To also build the modules relative to RCP and Product, please activate the following profile:

mvn clean install -Pproduct

### Building for Eclipser server ###

If you want to pack and sign the project, you have to use the following profiles:


