blob: 5f1a467380150deac984a38a6731d1c6e87a5bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
<document xmlns=""
<title>Sample Changes Report: Papyrus SysML 1.4</title>
<release version="0.9.1" date="2016-07-30" description="0.9.1">
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update" issue="495408">
Add a new type of table : Requirement Tree Table
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update">
Add a new plugin to hold all the viewpoint configuration
<action type="update">
All the fixes can be found here: https:&#47;&#47;;bugs&#47;buglist.cgi&#63;classification&#61;Modeling&#38;product&#61;Papyrus&#38;component&#61;SysML&#38;target_milestone&#61;0.9.1
<release version="0.9.0" date="2016-05-30" description="Wild Cat release">
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update">
This version is only compatible with Papyrus Eclipse Neon.
<action type="update">
This version will allow to create "Inner Port", port on port in IBD and Parametric Diagram.
<action type="update">
This version add all the validation rules for the requirements.
<action type="update">
All the fixes can be found here: https:&#47;&#47;;bugs&#47;buglist.cgi&#63;classification&#61;Modeling&#38;product&#61;Papyrus&#38;component&#61;SysML&#38;target_milestone&#61;0.9.0
<release version="0.8.1" date="2016-15-04" description="Second release">
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update" issue="488468">
Update version dependencies to indicate incompatibility with Papyrus Neon
(Note version 0.9.0 won't be compatible with Papyrus Mars)
<action dev="flefevre" type="update" issue="479570">
755c771 Bug 484695 - [SysML 1.4][product] open the papyrus perspective
<action dev="flefevre" type="update" issue="479570">
3958147 Bug 478259 - [SysML 1.4][BDD] Attributes compartment of ConstraintBlocks should be named 'parameters'
<action dev="flefevre" type="add" issue="480739">
New icon for ControlOperator in the model explorer view
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update" issue="488080">
The new Child menu is separated in two menus nodes and relations
<action dev="bmaggi" type="add" issue="484221">
The rcptt tests are know available here: https:&#47;&#47;;content&#47;repositories&#47;papyrus-releases&#47;org&#47;eclipse&#47;papyrus&#47;sysml&#47;org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml14.rcptt.tests&#47;
<action type="update">
All the fixes can be found here: https:&#47;&#47;;bugs&#47;buglist.cgi&#63;classification&#61;Modeling&#38;product&#61;Papyrus&#38;component&#61;SysML&#38;target_milestone&#61;0.8.1
<release version="0.8" date="2015-12-01" description="First release">
<action dev="flefevre" type="fix" issue="479570">
Factorize the code under org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml14.diagram.blockdefinition.factory.
<action dev="bmaggi" type="update">
Uploaded documentation and first major commit.