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| <properties> |
| <title>SysML - Tools Generation Standard Operating Procedure</title> |
| </properties> |
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| <body> |
| <section name="Context"> |
| <p>In order to develop the SysML 1.6 application, the developer team |
| has choosen to use a model based approach. |
| At least, it is used to gather all requirements in different SysML 1.1 |
| models. |
| </p> |
| <p>A first model of requirement has been made by extracting all basic |
| requirements from the Norm. Each section of the norm described in |
| the table of content has been extracted as a requirement.</p> |
| <p>This model is located here core/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml16/doc/omg.sysml.uml |
| </p> |
| <p>New requirements, through the use of papyrus Req plugin, are |
| created in each SysML 1.1 model located in the doc folder of each |
| module. They should use the "DeriveReqt" link.</p> |
| <p>Finaly you could reference your requirement anywhere in your code, document by using the following convention:</p> |
| <source>@pap.req ${Model.ID}#{Req.ID}</source> |
| <p>The goal is to have a tool, plugin that will be able to parse this snipped of code to link it to the model, and eventually open the model.</p> |
| </section> |
| |
| <section name="Example"> |
| <subsection name="Zoom on OMG SYSML Requirement Model"> |
| <p>Pay attention to the ID, NAME and the TEXT, that have been |
| normalized.</p> |
| <img alt="omg" src="../img/developer/sop4-requirement/omg-requirement.png" /> |
| </subsection> |
| <subsection name="Zoom on a Derivereq Link"> |
| <p>Pay attention to the ID, it has to be uniq, it is generated by the Papyrus Req plugin: /org.eclipse.papyrus/extraplugins/req/org.eclipse.papyrus.req.reqif</p> |
| <p>Papyrus Req plugin is an extra plugin of Papyrus project, you have to download it and install it in your own Eclipse instalaltion. Then when opening a requirment diagram, you will have a new right-click menu thta allows you to create directly new derived requirement from an initial requirement. It will compute automatically the identifier and pre-fill the text.</p> |
| <img alt="derivereqt" src="../img/developer/sop4-requirement/derivereqt.png" /> |
| </subsection> |
| </section> |
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| </body> |
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| </document> |