blob: 212bbd16b7637227b670ee4e6d2c1c2016bce424 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<description>A Papyrus DSML for the SysML 1.6 OMG norm</description>
<!-- platform specific properties -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Timestamp used in various places, e.g. the about dialog (see about.mappings) -->
<!-- Human readable name of the release, e.g. used in the about dialog
(see about.mappings) -->
<>2021-12 (4.22)</>
<name>Nicolas FAUVRGUE</name>
<organization>CEA Tech LIST</organization>
<name>Eclipse Public License 2.0</name>
<!-- is being fetched by default -->
<name>Eclipse CBI</name>
<!-- redistributed plugin configurations -->
<main.argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=100</main.argLine>
<!-- Tycho build using the project's JDT settings. -->
<!-- local plugins -->
<!-- Sources -->
<plugin id="${}" />
<!-- No profile: Don't produce any artifact (update site). Used by Gerrit
findBugs: produce analysis reports. Activation: explicit ("Profiles") packAndSign:
produce a stable update site (Packed & signed). Used for releases (+ milestones)
only. Activation: SIGN=true pack: produce a simple update site (Packed).
Used for nightly or feature branch builds. Activation: SIGN=false -->
<!-- Stable release profile. Takes +30min. Eclipse servers only -->
<!-- Pack200 -->