blob: 65e57bb0a4b506a7bfd611d29940461a37fa1413 [file] [log] [blame]
The lib directory contains all library files related to CodeMirror 5.50.0
I didn't write any line of these files and they are under MIT license (for javascript files).
The lib/scripts directory concerns javascript files of CodeMirror and autoComplete facility (show-hint)
The lib/styles directory refers to equivalent topics (CodeMirror / AutoComplete) but with CSS styles. Docs.css is another imported style (a useful example found on the net).
For the files that I wrote for the uml class textual editor, they are located on 3 places:
- scripts directory for javascript files
- styles directory for CSS styles
- root one for html file.
Index.html is not used by the plug-in. It is just useful for debuging the whole JS stuff within a classic browser.
The files from the lib folder comes from the zip downloaded here:
/!\ the zip is not the same than on github
(this last one doesn't contains the file codemirror.js which is built and included in the zip available on
Origin of the files copied in Payrus:
codemirror.js and codemirror.css -> in the zip, /lib folder
show-hint.js and show-hint.css -> in the zip, /addon/hint folder
doc.css -> in the zip, /doc folder