Bug 437726 - [target][p2] Wrong error messages when opening target definitions with non-existing IUs

  * Expose AbstractBundleContainer#fResolutionStatus as protected to
    allow modification by subclasses (e.g., IUBundleContainer#synchronizerChanged)
    to support better problem-reporting to the UI
  * Change IUBundleContainer and P2TargetUtils to accumulate resolution
    errors and report as a MultiStatus
  * Change resolving process to First process changes to synchronizers
    (P2UpdateUtils instances shared by multiple bundle containers)
    before resolving individual containers.  The P2TargetUtils instances
    do the bulk of the resolving work, but they only need to do it once.

Signed-Off-By: Brian de Alwis <bsd@mt.ca>
4 files changed
tree: a3ea96f81a5e4f20dc551d1577bc6657befc4967
  1. apitools/
  2. ds/
  3. tests-pom/
  4. ua/
  5. ui/
  6. .gitignore
  7. pom.xml