blob: 0d3e2535b4f9e259725ffba1576de8b7c6e55a8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.util;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.*;
import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.*;
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.*;
public class PDEJavaHelper {
/*static class Requestor extends TypeNameRequestor {
int count = 0;
public void acceptType(int modifiers, char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName,
char[][] enclosingTypeNames, String path) {
count += 1;
public boolean hasMatches() {
return count > 0;
public static boolean isDiscouraged(String fullyQualifiedName, IJavaProject project, BundleDescription desc) {
if (fullyQualifiedName.indexOf('$') != -1)
fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName.replace('$', '.');
// just grab the package
int dot = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot != -1) // check for the default package case
fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, dot);
fullyQualifiedName = "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
// allow classes within the project itself
try {
IType type = project.findType(fullyQualifiedName);
if (type != null && type.exists()) {
HashMap map = PDEJavaHelper.getPackageFragmentsHash(project, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, false);
if (map.containsValue(type.getPackageFragment())) {
return false;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
State state = desc.getContainingState();
StateHelper helper = state.getStateHelper();
ExportPackageDescription[] exports = helper.getVisiblePackages(desc);
for (int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++) {
BundleDescription exporter = exports[i].getExporter();
if (exporter == null)
if (fullyQualifiedName.equals(exports[i].getName()) && helper.getAccessCode(desc, exports[i]) == StateHelper.ACCESS_DISCOURAGED)
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isOnClasspath(String fullyQualifiedName, IJavaProject project) {
if (fullyQualifiedName.indexOf('$') != -1)
fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName.replace('$', '.');
try {
IType type = project.findType(fullyQualifiedName);
return type != null && type.exists();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
/*try {
Requestor requestor = new Requestor();
new SearchEngine().searchAllTypeNames(
fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.')).toCharArray(),
fullyQualifiedName.substring(fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toCharArray(),
SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] {project}),
new NullProgressMonitor());
return requestor.hasMatches();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;*/
public static IJavaSearchScope getSearchScope(IJavaProject project) {
return SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(getNonJRERoots(project));
public static IJavaSearchScope getSearchScope(IProject project) {
return getSearchScope(JavaCore.create(project));
public static IPackageFragmentRoot[] getNonJRERoots(IJavaProject project) {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = project.getAllPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
if (!isJRELibrary(roots[i])) {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return (IPackageFragmentRoot[]) result.toArray(new IPackageFragmentRoot[result.size()]);
public static boolean isJRELibrary(IPackageFragmentRoot root) {
try {
IPath path = root.getRawClasspathEntry().getPath();
if (path.equals(new Path(JavaRuntime.JRE_CONTAINER)) || path.equals(new Path(JavaRuntime.JRELIB_VARIABLE))) {
return true;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
* @param packageName - the name of the package
* @param pluginID - the id of the containing plug-in - can be null if <code>project</code> is not null
* @param project - if null will search for an external package fragment, otherwise will search in project
* @return
public static IPackageFragment getPackageFragment(String packageName, String pluginID, IProject project) {
if (project == null)
return getExternalPackageFragment(packageName, pluginID);
IJavaProject jp = JavaCore.create(project);
if (jp != null)
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = jp.getAllPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
IPackageFragment frag = roots[i].getPackageFragment(packageName);
if (frag.exists()) {
return frag;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
private static IPackageFragment getExternalPackageFragment(String packageName, String pluginID) {
if (pluginID == null)
return null;
IPluginModelBase base = null;
try {
IPluginModelBase plugin = PluginRegistry.findModel(pluginID);
if (plugin == null)
return null;
ImportPackageSpecification[] packages = plugin.getBundleDescription().getImportPackages();
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++)
if (packages[i].getName().equals(packageName)) {
ExportPackageDescription desc = (ExportPackageDescription) packages[i].getSupplier();
if (desc != null)
base = PluginRegistry.findModel(desc.getExporter().getSymbolicName());
if (base == null)
return null;
IResource res = base.getUnderlyingResource();
if (res != null) {
IJavaProject jp = JavaCore.create(res.getProject());
if (jp != null)
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = jp.getAllPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
IPackageFragment frag = roots[i].getPackageFragment(packageName);
if (frag.exists())
return frag;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
IProject proj = PDECore.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(SearchablePluginsManager.PROXY_PROJECT_NAME);
if (proj == null)
return searchWorkspaceForPackage(packageName, base);
IJavaProject jp = JavaCore.create(proj);
IPath path = new Path(base.getInstallLocation());
// if model is in jar form
if (!path.toFile().isDirectory()) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root = jp.findPackageFragmentRoot(path);
if (root != null) {
IPackageFragment frag = root.getPackageFragment(packageName);
if (frag.exists())
return frag;
// else model is in folder form, try to find model's libraries on filesystem
} else {
IPluginLibrary[] libs = base.getPluginBase().getLibraries();
for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
if (IPluginLibrary.RESOURCE.equals(libs[i].getType()))
String libName = ClasspathUtilCore.expandLibraryName(libs[i].getName());
IPackageFragmentRoot root = jp.findPackageFragmentRoot(path.append(libName));
if (root != null) {
IPackageFragment frag = root.getPackageFragment(packageName);
if (frag.exists())
return frag;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return searchWorkspaceForPackage(packageName, base);
private static IPackageFragment searchWorkspaceForPackage(String packageName, IPluginModelBase base) {
IPluginLibrary[] libs = base.getPluginBase().getLibraries();
ArrayList libPaths = new ArrayList();
IPath path = new Path(base.getInstallLocation());
if (libs.length == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
if (IPluginLibrary.RESOURCE.equals(libs[i].getType()))
String libName = ClasspathUtilCore.expandLibraryName(libs[i].getName());
IProject[] projects = PDECore.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
try {
if (!projects[i].hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID) || !projects[i].isOpen())
IJavaProject jp = JavaCore.create(projects[i]);
ListIterator li = libPaths.listIterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root = jp.findPackageFragmentRoot((IPath);
if (root != null) {
IPackageFragment frag = root.getPackageFragment(packageName);
if (frag.exists())
return frag;
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;
* @param jProject
* @param existingPackages
* @param allowJava
* @return
public static IPackageFragment[] getPackageFragments(IJavaProject jProject, Collection existingPackages, boolean allowJava) {
HashMap map = getPackageFragmentsHash(jProject, existingPackages, allowJava);
return (IPackageFragment[]) map.values().toArray(new IPackageFragment[map.size()]);
* @param jProject
* @param existingPackages
* @param allowJava
* @return
public static HashMap getPackageFragmentsHash(IJavaProject jProject, Collection existingPackages, boolean allowJava) {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = getRoots(jProject);
for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
IJavaElement[] children = roots[i].getChildren();
for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
IPackageFragment fragment = (IPackageFragment) children[j];
String name = fragment.getElementName();
if (name.length() == 0)
name = "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
if ((fragment.hasChildren() || fragment.getNonJavaResources().length > 0) && !existingPackages.contains(name)) {
if (!name.equals("java") || !name.startsWith("java.") || allowJava) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
map.put(fragment.getElementName(), fragment);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return map;
private static IPackageFragmentRoot[] getRoots(IJavaProject jProject) {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = jProject.getPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
if (roots[i].getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE || jProject.getProject().equals(roots[i].getCorrespondingResource()) || (roots[i].isArchive() && !roots[i].isExternal())) {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return (IPackageFragmentRoot[]) result.toArray(new IPackageFragmentRoot[result.size()]);
* @param project
* @return
public static String getJavaSourceLevel(IProject project) {
return getJavaLevel(project, JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE);
* @param project
* @return
public static String getJavaComplianceLevel(IProject project) {
return getJavaLevel(project, JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE);
* Precedence order from high to low: (1) Project specific option;
* (2) General preference option; (3) Default option; (4) Java 1.3
* @param project
* @param optionName
* @return
public static String getJavaLevel(IProject project, String optionName) {
// Returns the corresponding java project
// No need to check for null, will return null
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
String value = null;
// Preferred to use the project
if ((javaProject != null) && javaProject.exists()) {
// Get the project specific option if one exists. Rolls up to the
// general preference option if no project specific option exists.
value = javaProject.getOption(optionName, true);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// Get the general preference option
value = JavaCore.getJavaCore().getPluginPreferences().getString(optionName);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// Get the default option
value = JavaCore.getOption(optionName);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// Return the default
return JavaCore.VERSION_1_3;