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<title>PDE API Tools Release Notes</title>
<h1> Eclipse API Tools Build Notes&nbsp;</h1>
<h2>Summary of API changes</h2>
<h2>May 27, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 234488</a>: Deleting equals()/hashCode() results in API error<br>
<h2>May 27, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 234014</a>: Externalized string has a typo<br>
<a href="">Bug 233978</a>: Grid data are never used for the combos<br>
<a href="">Bug 233731</a>: Project API descriptions retain all members<br>
<a href="">Bug 234015</a>: Some compatibility options should be removed<br>
<a href="">Bug 233996</a>: binary compatible instance field addition should not be flagged as binary incompatible<br>
<h2>May 26, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 233731</a>: Project API descriptions retain all members<br>
<a href="">Bug 233616</a>: API Verification Report: List of all non API bundles misleading<br>
<h2>May 22, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 233392</a>: IOExceptions if baseline name is invalid file name<br>
<a href="">Bug 233426</a>: Lots of new API errors after switching to I20080521-2000<br>
<a href="">Bug 233398</a>: API Verification Report does not honor API Problem filters<br>
<a href="">Bug 233473</a>: Scan for unsupported tags creates duplicate problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 233445</a>: Reports wrong error on correct @since 3.4 tag<br>
<a href="">Bug 233441</a>: Importing binary project is broken in I20080521-2000<br>
<h2>May 21, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 232524</a>: TVT34:TCT302: TVT FR - Sentence in English + layout<br>
<a href="">Bug 233060</a>: Quick fix message is awkward<br>
<a href="">Bug 232787</a>: [api tooling] NPE in API Analysis Builder on tm.discovery.model.edit project<br>
<a href="">Bug 232408</a>: Message improvements on Compatibility problems tab<br>
<a href="">Bug 232536</a>: Eclipse build Ant task should allow removed bundles to be filtered out<br>
<a href="">Bug 232570</a>: API builder seems slower in I20080515-2000<br>
<a href="">Bug 233280</a>: Unused NLS strings should be cleaned up<br>
<a href="">Bug 233042</a>: Type or members with increased access can return inconsistent delta<br>
<a href="">Bug 233209</a>: Naming of the column in the api verification report should be improved<br>
<a href="">Bug 233283</a>: search engine returns emtpy search results<br>
<a href="">Bug 232958</a>: The same API Problem is reported several in Problem View<br>
<h2>May 20, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 232514</a>: @noreference changes should not be reported when the baseline doesn't have any api description<br>
<a href="">Bug 232538</a>: Scanning 'project' message is not descriptive<br>
<a href="">Bug 232068</a>: API Tools not finding @since tag when there is a comment in the javadoc after the tag.<br>
<a href="">Bug 233034</a>: Error message missing arguments<br>
<a href="">Bug 232601</a>: SWT bundle is poorly handled by API tools<br>
<a href="">Bug 232732</a>: Preference page does not use dialog font<br>
<h2>May 15, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 232176</a>: bundle version error disappears on incremental build<br>
<a href="">Bug 232217</a>: Cannot add back a baseline with same name<br>
<a href="">Bug 231955</a>: API tooling wizard: adding baseline should select it<br>
<a href="">Bug 231953</a>: API tooling wizard: "Use Reset..." error in banner shouldn't be<br>
<a href="">Bug 232249</a>: &quot;Tag '@noinstantiate' is unsupported on a class&quot; should say &quot;abstract class&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 221923</a>: [api tooling] Add @noreference support for delta creation<br>
<a href="">Bug 229462</a>: Progress reaches 100% before done<br>
<h2>May 14, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 231957</a>: API Baselines pref page - should be &quot;Remove&quot; (no ellipsis)<br>
<a href="">Bug 231889</a>: Convert xml reports from Bundle verification ant task into html<br>
<a href="">Bug 232139</a>: Create correct references for fields<br>
<a href="">Bug 231866</a>: Split bundle version management preference to distinguish minor and major version errors<br>
<h2>May 13, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 231688</a>: Cannot filter error inside MANIFEST.MF<br>
<a href="">Bug 231390</a>: quickfix for bundle version replaces .qualifier with explicit build ID<br>
<a href="">Bug 231860</a>: Changing pde.core major version to 4.0.0.qualifier is not detected as an error<br>
<a href="">Bug 231652</a>: NPE building a fragment<br>
<a href="">Bug 231412</a>: Minor and major version change should be detected after API freeze<br>
<a href="">Bug 226254</a>: API tools use too much memory<br>
<h2>May 12, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 231409</a>: Conversion of org.eclipse.update.core is causing weird results<br>
<a href="">Bug 231170</a>: No delta returned for adding or removing volatile modifiers from a field<br>
<a href="">Bug 231027</a>: Changing non-final to final class should be a compatible change for @noextend class<br>
<a href="">Bug 231409</a>: Conversion of org.eclipse.update.core is causing weird results<br>
<h2>May 9, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 230947</a>: Similar problems are being dropped from analyzer<br>
<a href="">Bug 229824</a>: quickfix: Add @noreference tag for leaking parameters<br>
<a href="">Bug 230976</a>: Filter quick-fix should use filter icon<br>
<a href="">Bug 231184</a>: Bundle verification ant task should report non-api bundles<br>
<a href="">Bug 230945</a>: Removing api filters file doesn't trigger a rebuild<br>
<a href="">Bug 231298</a>: org.eclipse.ui complaint about API<br>
<a href="">Bug 231382</a>: Remove javadoc resolution should use the remove icon<br>
<h2>May 8, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 230020</a>: Search engine doesn't support a system bundle component<br>
<a href="">Bug 231028</a>: adding method to @noimplement interface flagged as error<br>
<a href="">Bug 230965</a>: detect unrequired change to plug-in minor version<br>
<a href="">Bug 230362</a>: [Metadata] update version of org.eclipse.ui.navigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 230200</a>: API Tools doc issues<br>
<a href="">Bug 230993</a>: Accurately catching constructor problems inside constructors<br>
<a href="">Bug 231202</a>: NPE creating @since tag problem<br>
<h2>May 7, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 230409</a>: final @noreference method should not be flagged with an error when having API leaks problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 230205</a>: method with @noreference and @nooverride flagged as having "non-API parameter"<br>
<a href="">Bug 230199</a>: Content assist for @no* tags should show boilerplate as additional info<br>
<a href="">Bug 230081</a>: IAE while using quick fix<br>
<a href="">Bug 230209</a>: [api tooling] &quot;Illegally instantiates&quot; should not be flagged when extending an @noinstantiate class<br>
<a href="">Bug 230271</a>: Addition of an ant task to run the API tools verification during Eclipse build<br>
<a href="">Bug 230411</a>: Api filter format could list the message arguments instead of concatenating them<br>
<h2>May 5, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 229971</a>: Usage problem messages should be more descriptive<br>
<a href="">Bug 229834</a>: ICompilationUnit.findPrimaryType called for no reason<br>
<a href="">Bug 230281</a>: Callers of, int, String) must close the input stream<br>
<a href="">Bug 230252</a>: 'Set all to:...' preference action does not set all<br>
<a href="">Bug 229824</a>: quickfix: Add @noreference tag for leaking parameters<br>
<a href="">Bug 230021</a>: Missing error message for api usage<br>
<a href="">Bug 228499</a>: [api tooling] @since tags should not be limited to two fragments only<br>
<a href="">Bug 229814</a>: Incremental build performance improvement<br>
<h2>3.4 M7 - May 2, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 225181</a>: Not possible to have two API problems with the same ids on the same resource<br>
<a href="">Bug 227368</a>: Make exact specification of @no* tags available in the SDK<br>
<a href="">Bug 225176</a>: Hookup context help for API tooling<br>
<a href="">Bug 224983</a>: After fixing breaking API changes, error about bundle version still there<br>
<a href="">Bug 225133</a>: Could not locate IMember for the constructor of a type member<br>
<a href="">Bug 228263</a>: Error message is confusing for removed types<br>
<a href="">Bug 228348</a>: Undo 'Add missing @since tag' quick fix is not atomic<br>
<a href="">Bug 229051</a>: API breakage reported against private class<br>
<a href="">Bug 228726</a>: Don't require bundles to be in "plugins" directory<br>
<a href="">Bug 228460</a>: Analyzer should work in OSGi-less mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 226951</a>: Builder should use analyser, and create its own markers<br>
<a href="">Bug 226398</a>: Problem filter quickfix should be more descriptive<br>
<a href="">Bug 225461</a>: No rebuild is requested when the location of the baseline is modified<br>
<a href="">Bug 228446</a>: External class file folders break bundle API components<br>
<a href="">Bug 228510</a>: URL[] urls = PluginPathFinder.getPluginPaths(location); doesn't return the list of bundles at location anymore<br>
<a href="">Bug 228424</a>: 'restrictions have changed' errors abound<br>
<a href="">Bug 228371</a>: Occasional &quot;Missing @since tag&quot; error on internal class<br>
<a href="">Bug 228075</a>: final keyword addition for a method should not be flagged as a breakage if the enclosing type is tagged with @noextend<br>
<a href="">Bug 228925</a>: error claims API type was removed, but it was internal<br>
<a href="">Bug 228898</a>: Timing issue on removing filters<br>
<a href="">Bug 227332</a>: Addition or removal of filter should trigger an incremental build of the applicable type<br>
<a href="">Bug 227706</a>: API parameter&quot; breaks after rebuild<br>
<a href="">Bug 229460</a>: Not prompted to build after changing baseline<br>
<a href="">Bug 225961</a>: Warn when tag not supported on member<br>
<a href="">Bug 227803</a>: Add messages for compatible deltas<br>
<a href="">Bug 229420</a>: Incremental build does not flag addition of invalid tags<br>
<a href="">Bug 229311</a>: Participate with the Java problem type marker grouping<br>
<a href="">Bug 215074</a>: time constant does not work<br>
<a href="">Bug 220373</a>: [api tooling] check for new apis after a build freeze<br>
<a href="">Bug 220374</a>: [api tooling] Increment minor/major version error should have a detailed message<br>
<a href="">Bug 222905</a>: [api tooling] Deleted compile-time constant interface field not flagged as a problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 225112</a>: leaking types: don't warn when API is non referencable<br>
<a href="">Bug 228209</a>: Overriden method defined in java.lang.Object should not be reported as a method addition<br>
<a href="">Bug 223845</a>: Duplicate error for missing API baseline<br>
<a href="">Bug 224448</a>: Removed constructor reported as breaking change for @noextend @noinstantiate class<br>
<a href="">Bug 223946</a>: [api tooling] Removing all profiles doesn't trigger a rebuild<br>
<a href="">Bug 224719</a>: NPE during API usage scanning<br>
<a href="">Bug 224972</a>: API leak detection does not respect @noreference for public field<br>
<a href="">Bug 225039</a>: NumberFormatException after adding nature<br>
<a href="">Bug 225113</a>: CCE during problem creation<br>
<a href="">Bug 225144</a>: API tooling project property page: wording<br>
<a href="">Bug 225141</a>: wording in 'invalid @since tag' problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 225135</a>: Wording in the build progress monitor<br>
<a href="">Bug 225475</a>: no need to build API description for non-API enabled source projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 225529</a>: what does @noextend mean on methods<br>
<a href="">Bug 226979</a>: Add version to the .api description file<br>
<a href="">Bug 225989</a>: API Analysis builder is not cancelable<br>
<a href="">Bug 227762</a>: remove @nooverride support for constructors<br>
<a href="">Bug 227740</a>: Constructor with API parameter type should not be flagged for @noreference constructor<br>
<a href="">Bug 229626</a>: changing unsupported API tag severity does not update problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 224456</a>: Bundle versioning scheme should be based on problem filtering and project preferences<br>
<a href="">Bug 229750</a>: Project specific errors/warnings doesn't work anymore<br>
<a href="">Bug 225374</a>: Report missing @since tags even if the corresponding member has a non-javadoc comment<br>
<a href="">Bug 226559</a>: Ant task to generate .api_description file should not do anything for projects without the api tools nature<br>
<a href="">Bug 227147</a>: Remove uneeded parameter for API usage scanning<br>
<a href="">Bug 227370</a>: builder progress messages don't appear<br>
<a href="">Bug 225595</a>: no need to persist methods/fields without restrictions in description<br>
<a href="">Bug 226499</a>: NPE in ApiProblemReporter.isProblemFiltered(...)<br>
<a href="">Bug 226403</a>: AssertionFailedException: &quot;null argument&quot; thrown from Util.getBuildJob<br>
<a href="">Bug 225473</a>: removing API not recognizes as breaking change<br>
<a href="">Bug 214620</a>: [api tooling] comments from Eugene<br>
<a href="">Bug 228311</a>: exceptions from builder state<br>
<a href="">Bug 229705</a>: Filtered problems reappear sometimes<br>
<a href="">Bug 228365</a>: NPE in ApiFilterStore.resourceChanged<br>
<a href="">Bug 227611</a>: Execution Environment deltas should consider &quot;compatible&quot; EE<br>
<a href="">Bug 226400</a>: Could not locate member when it is a constructor when the error is &quot;Member visibility reduced&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 226140</a>: @nooverride and @noreference do not work for constructors<br>
<a href="">Bug 225622</a>: Versions seem to be reversed in error message for major version update<br>
<a href="">Bug 225433</a>: Cannot ignore &quot;the final keyword has been added&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 225463</a>: @since tags should be checked for breaking api compatibility error only if they are additions<br>
<h2>April 22, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 227129</a>: API tag code assist proposals should only be available if project is under pde tooling control<br>
<a href="">Bug 225521</a>: code assist after prefix doesn't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 227340</a>: .api_filters could not be removed<br>
<a href="">Bug 227361</a>: 'Api Errors/Warnings > Configure Workspace Settings...' leaves wrong shell active<br>
<a href="">Bug 227124</a>: Failing tests in N20080414-2000<br>
<a href="">Bug 226917</a>: Add @nooverride as a javadoc tag for javadoc generation<br>
<a href="">Bug 227381</a>: @nooverride vs. @noextend for methods<br>
<a href="">Bug 227815</a>: NPE while debugging API tools<br>
<a href="">Bug 227694</a>: NPE, possibly related to missing @since tag error<br>
<a href="">Bug 227612</a>: Remove inheritDoc support<br>
<a href="">Bug 226969</a>: [api tooling] Missing @since tags are not flagged for newly added types<br>
<h2>April 15, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 217706</a>: [api tools] project settings update for<br>
<a href="">Bug 226745</a>: Problem reporter cannot filter problems outside of the workspace<br>
<a href="">Bug 226004</a>: Translation Clarification - string concatenation problems in<br>
<a href="">Bug 225910</a>: Compiler warnings in N20080404-2000<br>
<a href="">Bug 225146</a>: CCE when restoring an ApiDescription<br>
<a href="">Bug 225142</a>: NPE during ApiDescription.resolveAnnotations(...)<br>
<a href="">Bug 225108</a>: @noreference: distinguish between method and constructor<br>
<a href="">Bug 223663</a>: 293 compile warnings in<br>
<a href="">Bug 226128</a>: More specific implementation of a super method should not be considered as an addition<br>
<a href="">Bug 226472</a>: 'API Problem Filters' properties page: Remove ellipsis from Remove...<br>
<a href="">Bug 225163</a>: IllegalArgumentException when @since tags has the wrong format<br>
<a href="">Bug 224375</a>: Confusing error message in &quot;New API Profile&quot; dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 224648</a>: [api tooling] @since tag quickfix should use the version from the Manifest, and not what it thinks is right<br>
<h2>April 8, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 225886</a>: NPE in API Analysis Builder after crash<br>
<a href="">Bug 225164</a>: Should not report @since tag errors for protected members inside a class tagged as @noextend<br>
<a href="">Bug 225181</a>: Not possible to have two API problems with the same ids on the same resource<br>
<a href="">Bug 225141</a>: wording in 'invalid @since tag' problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 225144</a>: API tooling project property page: wording<br>
<a href="">Bug 225131</a>: Wording in the API Tooling setup wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 225133</a>: Could not locate IMember for the constructor of a type member<br>
<a href="">Bug 225113</a>: CCE during problem creation<br>
<a href="">Bug 225833</a>: component.xml file of non-api projects is being over-written<br>
<a href="">Bug 226174</a>: remove export from API component API
<h2>April 1st, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 225131</a>: Wording in the API Tooling setup wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 224969</a>: Got "The super interfaces set has been reduced" but I didn't
<h2>March 31, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 224969</a>: Got &quot;The super interfaces set has been reduced&quot; but I didn't<br>
<a href="">Bug 224904</a>: [AAP001] The source issue
<h2>March 30, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 224716</a>: [api tooling] The IMember is not properly located when it is a constructor<br>
<a href="">Bug 224713</a>: [api tooling] The enclosing type should not be returned as a default member
<h2>March 28, 2008 (3.4M6)</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 224636</a>: [api tooling] Change of interface method signature is not recognized as API breakage<br>
<a href="">Bug 224448</a>: Removed constructor reported as breaking change for @noextend @noinstantiate class<br>
<a href="">Bug 222905</a>: [api tooling] Deleted compile-time constant interface field not flagged as a problem
<h2>March 27, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 224284</a>: avoid &quot;finding&quot; types when building API description nodes<br>
<a href="">Bug 214620</a>: [api tooling] comments from Eugene<br>
<a href="">Bug 223674</a>: NPE opening filter property page on pde.ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 223673</a>: Filters show outgoing change but did not modify them<br>
<a href="">Bug 220902</a>: Create Profile: forced to use highest execution environment<br>
<a href="">Bug 220567</a>: listen for changes to .api_filters<br>
<h2>March 25, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 220819</a>: [api tooling] Improve changes in EE<br>
<a href="">Bug 223946</a>: [api tooling] Removing all profiles doesn't trigger a rebuild<br>
<a href="">Bug 223845</a>: Duplicate error for missing API baseline<br>
<a href="">Bug 220819</a>: [api tooling] Improve changes in EE<br>
<a href="">Bug 223439</a>: Progress message during build<br>
<h2>March 19, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 223093</a>: failing tests in Build N20080317-2000<br>
<h2>March 17, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 222800</a>: [api tooling] When fixing invalid @since tags, the quickfix should say "update" and not "add"<br>
<a href="">Bug 222641</a>: [api tooling] NPE when performing finish in the profile setup page<br>
<a href="">Bug 221866</a>: API profiles pref page polish<br>
<a href="">Bug 222625</a>: [api tooling] NPE trying to create the problem that corresponds to the missing default profile<br>
<a href="">Bug 222441</a>: [api tooling] Add global switch to change binary compatibility options<br>
<a href="">Bug 221819</a>: Improve labels on Binary Incompatibility tab<br>
<a href="">Bug 222508</a>: problem reporter should not clean problems<br>
<h2>March 12, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 222277</a>: [api tooling] VersionNumberingResolution and DefaultApiProfileResolution need their own icons<br>
<a href="">Bug 221920</a>: [api tooling] "Unable to resolve method signature" when adding @noreference in a method on the next build
<h2>March 11, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 221810</a>: Wording and casing in wizards<br>
<a href="">Bug 221817</a>: Improve labels on Usage Restriction tab<br>
<a href="">Bug 221813</a>: Adding new profile blocks UI<br>
<a href="">Bug 222066</a>: [api tooling] Failures in N20080310-0010<br>
<a href="">Bug 221911</a>: [api tooling] @reference null is inserted for some internal classes inside API packages<br>
<h2>March 3, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 220803</a>: Should have error marker in for bundle version errors<br>
<a href="">Bug 220636</a>: creating a no-op change causes API builder to run for 20 seconds<br>
<a href="">Bug 221209</a>: [api tooling] Setting a default api profile should only rebuild the projects that have the api tooling nature<br>
<a href="">Bug 220221</a>: add version numbers to our external files<br>
<a href="">Bug 220730</a>: No way to get rid of api tooling errors<br>
<a href="">Bug 220828</a>: [api tooling] Wrong @since version not detected<br>
<a href="">Bug 219535</a>: [api tools] Missing @since tag version should be based on the right bundle version<br>
<a href="">Bug 220798</a>: [api tooling] Quickfix for missing @since tag should not add the tag twice<br>
<a href="">Bug 220806</a>: [api tooling] addition of a protected field inside a class that can be extended should not be flagged as an error<br>
<a href="">Bug 220750</a>: [api tooling] Addition of a type member inside an interface should not be a binary breakage<br>
<a href="">Bug 220762</a>: [api tooling] Should not report a binary breakage on a private method<br>
<a href="">Bug 219535</a>: [api tools] Missing @since tag version should be based on the right bundle version<br>
<a href="">Bug 220463</a>: workspace profile loaded when it doesn't need to be<br>
<a href="">Bug 220574</a>: api filters file should be written immediately when changes are made<br>
<a href="">Bug 220447</a>: namespace problems with api profiles<br>
<a href="">Bug 220621</a>: polish progress messages for API builder<br>
<h2>February 25, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 220114</a>: .api_filters not updated when it becomes empty<br>
<a href="">Bug 220017</a>: IReference should keep unresolved and resolved target locations<br>
<a href="">Bug 219870</a>: only write filter file if the project has API nature<br>
<a href="">Bug 218208</a>: markers not cleaned up after replace<br>
<a href="">Bug 219451</a>: illegal implementor error disappears after clean/build<br>
<a href="">Bug 219662</a>: [api tooling] generate a fake ee file for testing purpose<br>
<h2>February 19, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 219514</a>: more efficient scoped class file container<br>
<a href="">Bug 218715</a>: persist project API descriptions<br>
<a href="">Bug 214382</a>: [api tooling] tag scanner silently fails without class files<br>
<a href="">Bug 218073</a>: [api tooling] @since tag checker should handle inherited doc<br>
<a href="">Bug 218585</a>: [api tooling] Got &quot;@noinstantiate null&quot; while converting org.eclipse.update.configurator.IPlatformConfigurationFactory<br>
<a href="">Bug 218976</a>: [api tooling] No binary breakage should be reported for a protected field change in a final class<br>
<a href="">Bug 218983</a>: Save cycle causes out of sync resources<br>
<h2>February 12, 2008</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">Bug 213019</a>: [api tooling] plug-in version number validation<br>
<a href="">Link</a>: in from CVS broke workspace profile<br>
<a href="">Bug 218217</a>: &quot;Failed to open archive&quot; adding/deleting projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 212014</a>: [api tooling] extending @noextend method not detected<br>
<a href="">Bug 215089</a>: [api tooling] @noreference not working on inherited interface method<br>
<a href="">Bug 217171</a>: [api tooling] Workspace profile needs to update after resource changes<br>
<a href="">Link</a>: in project API description and API component<br>
<a href="">Bug 218166</a>: NPE when compatibility error is on compilation unit<br>
<a href="">Bug 218213</a>: &quot;Resource does not exist&quot; deleting project<br>
<a href="">Bug 218220</a>: NPE saving filters<br>
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