blob: db2d2e18cfb5a217588f95d3881f05d1300d4aed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
printArguments=Missing arguments:\n\
reference location : {0}\n\
current baseline location : {1}\n\
report location : {2}
api_generation_printArguments=Missing arguments:\n\
project name : {0}\n\
project location : {1}\n\
binary locations: {2}\n\
target folder: {3}
api_generation_projectLocationNotADirectory=The project argument {0} must be a directory
api_generation_targetFolderNotADirectory=The target argument {0} must be a directory
api_generation_invalidBinaryLocation=The location {0} specified in the binary argument does not exist
ApiMigrationTask_missing_scan_location=Missing Arguments: scanLocation: {0}
ApiMigrationTask_scan_location_not_dir=Invalid Arguments: scanLocation must be a directory: {0}
ApiMigrationTask_scan_location_not_exist=Invalid Arguments: scanLocation does not exist: {0}
ApiMigrationTask_scan_locatoin_same_as_report_location=Invalid Arguments: scanLocation must be different than report location: {0}
ApiUseReportConversionTask_conversion_complete=Report conversion complete: {0}
ApiUseTask_missing_baseline_argument=Missing Arguments:\n\tlocation: {0}
ApiUseTask_missing_report_location=Missing Arguments: missing report location {0}
ApiUseTask_search_engine_problem=Search engine encountered a problem.
errorInComparison=An error occurred during the comparison
illegalElementInScope=An error occurred during the comparison because of the scope elements is invalid.\n{0}
errorCreatingParentReportFile=An error occurred creating the folder {0} for the report file
errorCreatingReportDirectory=Could not create report directory : {0}
directoryIsEmpty=The directory {0} is empty
fileDoesnotExist=File does not exist : {0}
couldNotDelete=Could not delete : {0}
couldNotCreate=Could not create : {0}
couldNotUnzip=Could not unzip {0} into {1}
couldNotUntar=Could not untar {0} into {1}
deltaReportTask_entry_major_version=The major version has been changed (from {1} to {2})
deltaReportTask_entry_minor_version=The minor version has been changed (from {1} to {2})
deltaReportTask_missingXmlFileLocation=Missing the xml file location argument
deltaReportTask_couldNotCreateSAXParser=Could not create a sax parser
missing_xml_files_location=The directory that contains xml reports must be specified
invalid_directory_name=''{0}'' is not a valid directory name
could_not_create_sax_parser=Could not create a sax parser
could_not_create_file=Could not create file {0}
fullReportTask_nonApiBundleSummary=<p>List of <a href=\"{0}\">bundles not configured for API analysis</a>.</p>
fullReportTask_apiBundleSummary=<p>All bundles have been converted to API tools.</p>
ioexception_writing_html_file=An IOException occurred while writing html for: {0}
fullReportTask_api_usage_header=API Usage
fullReportTask_bundle_version_header=Bundle Version
# The next properties are not meant to be translated
deltaReportTask_header=<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">\n\
\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n\
\ <title>API Freeze 3.4 log</title>\n\
<h1>Unapproved Changes Since API Freeze</h1>\n
\ <a href=""><img \n\
\ src=""\n\
\ alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" height="31" width="88"></a>\n\
\ </p>\n\
deltaReportTask_entry=\ <tr>\n <td width="7%">{0}</td><td width="73%">{1}</td>\n </tr>\n
deltaReportTask_componentEntry=<table border="1" width="80%">\n\
\ <tr>\n <th colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#CC9933">{0}</th>\n </tr>\n
fullReportTask_bundlesheader=<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">\n\
\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n\
\ <title>Bundles Not Setup For API Analysis</title>\n\
<h1>Bundles Not Setup For API Analysis</h1>\n\
<table border="1">\n
# {0} is the bundle name
fullReportTask_bundlesentry_even=\ <tr>\n <td align="left">{0}</td>\n </tr>
# {0} is the bundle name
fullReportTask_bundlesentry_odd=\ <tr>\n <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">{0}</td>\n </tr>
\ <p><a href=""><img \n\
\ src=""\n\
\ alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" height="31" width="88"></a>\n\
\ </p>\n\
<a href="">\n\
\ <img src="" alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" height="31" width="88">\n\
fullReportTask_apiproblemheader=<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">\n\
\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n\
\ <title>List of problems found in {0}</title>\n\
<h1>List of problems found in {0}</h1>\n
# {0} compatibility problem number
# {1} usage problem number
# {2} bundle version problem number
fullReportTask_apiproblemsummary=<table border="1" width="80%">\n\
\ <tr>\n\
\ <th align="center" bgcolor="#CC9933">Compatibility Warnings</th>\n\
\ <th align="center" bgcolor="#CC9933">API Usage Warnings</th>\n\
\ <th align="center" bgcolor="#CC9933">Bundle Version Warnings</th>\n </tr>\n\
\ <tr>\n\
\ <td align="center">{0}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center">{1}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center">{2}</td>\n </tr>\n\
# {0} category name
fullReportTask_category_no_elements=<h1>{0}</h1><p>No problems found</p>\n
# {0} category name
fullReportTask_categoryheader=<h1>{0}</h1><table border="1" width="80%">\n
# {0} problem message
fullReportTask_problementry_even_error=\ <tr>\n <td align="left"><font color="#FF0000">{0}</font></td>\n </tr>
# {0} problem message
fullReportTask_problementry_odd_error=\ <tr>\n <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><font color="#FF0000">{0}</font></td>\n </tr>
# {0} problem message
fullReportTask_problementry_even_warning=\ <tr>\n <td align="left">{0}</td>\n </tr>
# {0} problem message
fullReportTask_problementry_odd_warning=\ <tr>\n <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">{0}</td>\n </tr>
fullReportTask_indexheader=<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">\n\
\ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n\
\ <title>API Tooling Verification Reports</title>\n\
<h1>API Tooling Verification Reports</h1>\n\
<table width="80%" border="1">\n\
\ <tr>\n\
\ <td align="left"><b>Individual report</b></td>\n\
\ <td align="center"><b>Compatibility Warnings</b></td>\n\
\ <td align="center"><b>API Usage Warnings</b></td>\n\
\ <td align="center"><b>Bundle Version Warnings</b></td>\n\
\ </tr>\n
\ <p><a href=""><img \n\
\ src=""\n\
\ alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" height="31" width="88"></a>\n\
\ </p>\n\
# {0} component id
# {1} compatibility problem number
# {2} usage problem number
# {3} bundle version problem number
# {4} link to report
fullReportTask_indexsummary_even=\ <tr>\n\
\ <td align="left"><a href="{4}">{0}</a></td>\n\
\ <td align="center">{1}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center">{2}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center">{3}</td>\n\
\ </tr>\n
# {0} component id
# {1} compatibility problem number
# {2} usage problem number
# {3} bundle version problem number
fullReportTask_indexsummary_odd=\ <tr>\n\
\ <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><a href="{4}">{0}</a></td>\n\
\ <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">{1}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">{2}</td>\n\
\ <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">{3}</td>\n\
\ </tr>\n
UseTask_no_scan_both_types_not_searched_for=Build stopping - neither API nor internal references are being searched for