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<title>Tasks and markers</title>
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Tasks and markers</h2>
<P CLASS="Para"> There are various types of markers including bookmarks, task
markers, debugging breakpoints and problems. This section will focus on tasks
and the Tasks view.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> The Tasks view displays all the tasks in the Workbench.
The view displays tasks associated with specific files, specific lines in specific
files, as well as generic tasks that are not associated with any specific file.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
In the figure below &quot;sample task&quot; is a generic task not associated
with any specific resource. The second task (&quot;add sixth line to the
text&quot;) is associated with the file JanesFile.txt.</P>
<P>&nbsp;<img src="../images/Image21_task_view.png" alt="Task view" border="0">