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<title>Eclipse Project 4.4 M6 News</title>
<h1>Eclipse Project 4.4 M6 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
<p>Here are some of the more noteworthy things available in milestone build M6
(March 7, 2014) which is now available for <a href="" target="_top">download</a>.
We also recommend to read the Tips and Tricks, either via <b>Help &gt; Tips and Tricks...</b> or online for
<a href="">Platform</a>,
<a href="">JDT</a>, and
<a href="">PDE</a>.
<li><a href="#Platform">Platform</a></li>
<li><a href="#PDE">PDE</a></li>
<li><a href="#Equinox">Equinox</a></li>
<table class="news" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
<td colspan="2" class="section" id="Platform">Platform</td>
<tr id="swt-webkit">
<td class="title">Experimental support for WebKit2 added to the SWT Browser</td>
<td class="content">
The SWT Browser now has preliminary support for WebKit2. To try it out, create a browser
widget with style <code>SWT.WEBKIT</code>, and set the environment variable SWT_WEBKIT2
to 1. This is only supported with GTK+ 3.x; if GTK+ 3 is disabled the browser will
fallback to WebKit1.
<tr id="swt-gtk-problem">
<td class="title">SWT does not work on Linux with GTK+ 3 version &gt; 3.8.x</td>
<td class="content">
The Linux GTK+ 3 port of SWT is currently broken for GTK+ versions above 3.8.x.
This primarily affects users running Fedora 20, Ubuntu 14.04 (Alpha builds), openSUSE 13.1 and any other Linux distributions that bundle GTK+ 3.10.x.
In those setups, the launcher will automatically switch back to GTK+ 2.
For more details see <a href="">bug 421127</a>.
<tr id="bidi-segments">
<td class="title">BIDI segments support for Combo on Windows</td>
<td class="content">
The <code>Combo</code> widget now supports the same <code>SegmentListener</code> API as <code>Text</code>.
This allows an application to specify
segment boundaries and Unicode Control Characters to use in the segment boundaries.
<a href="">
Snippet332</a> shows how to accomplish RTL override in a Combo.
<p><img src="images/combo-bidi-segments.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>JFace clients can use <code>BidiUtils#applyBidiProcessing(...)</code> to set pre-defined text types.</p>
<tr id="darktheme">
<td class="title">Dark theme</td>
<td class="content">
A new experimental CSS theme based on a community contribution has been added. This popular community
theme demonstrates the capabilities of the current CSS styling. This new theme helps the Platform team
to continue to improve these capabilities.
CSS theming in Eclipse 4 does currently not allow to configure the syntax highlighting in text editors (e.g.
the Java editor), so it is recommended to use the dark theme together with additional settings as for
example provided by the <a href="">Eclipse color theme project</a>.
<img src="images/darktheme.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="OpenAsProject">
<td class="title">Open as project</td>
<td class="content">
In the <b>Project Explorer</b>, a folder that contains a <code>.project</code> file and whose related project
isn't already in the workspace now shows an <b>Open As Project</b> context menu entry that imports the folder
as existing project into the workspace.
<p><img src="images/OpenAsProject.png" alt=""/></p>
<tr id="launch-options">
<td class="title">Updated launch options</td>
<td class="content">
The default preference for the fall-back behavior of context-sensitive launching has been changed to launch the previous application.
<img src="images/launch-options.png" alt=""/>
Existing workspaces that use the "Always launch the previously launched application" option are not affected by this change.
<tr id="MLocalizable">
<td class="title">MLocalizable mixin interface</td>
<td class="content">
Changed the way in which localization is done in the application model. While before EOperations (methods) where used to get
a localized value, now volatile, transient, derived, unchangeable EStructuralFeatures are used. Doing this enables to send
notifications if a localizable value has changed. To mark EClasses who hold localizable informations and to inform them
externally about a changed Locale, the <code>MLocalizable</code> mixin interface is introduced, which contains the single method
<code>updateLocalization()</code>. This enables to generically search the model for model elements affected by a Locale change and
force them sending out updates.
<tr id="Locale_Change_Propagation">
<td class="title">Locale change propagation</td>
<td class="content">
Introduced the <code>ILocaleChangeService</code> which need to be used to change a Locale at runtime. Using this service will:
<li>Update the Locale in the application context.</li>
<li>Inform all model elements of an application that implement <code>MLocalization</code> about the change.</li>
<li>Post an event via event broker.</li>
<tr id="Locale_Change_Consumption">
<td class="title">Locale change consumption</td>
<td class="content">
There are now three ways to get informed about a Locale change:
<li>Via event broker by listening to the topic <i>org/eclipse/e4/core/NLS/LOCALE_CHANGE</i></li>
<li>Via dependency injection by getting the value for <code>TranslationService.LOCALE</code> injected (e.g. via method injection)</li>
<li>Via attaching to the model events listening to the newly introduced LOCALIZED-Features</li>
<b>Note:</b> The renderers need to be modified to listen to the LOCALIZED-Features, otherwise the Locale change at runtime isn't supported!
<tr id="ResourceBundleProvider">
<td class="title">ResourceBundleProvider</td>
<td class="content">
Introduced the <code>ResourceBundleProvider</code> service to abstract out the reference to <code>BundleLocalization</code> OSGi service.
This way users are able to change how ResourceBundles should be looked up within their Eclipse application, e.g. using class-based
ResourceBundles, loading translations out of a database, loading ResourceBundles from a server by using a different ResourceBundle.Control.
The default implementation <code>DefaultResourceBundleProvider</code> is internally using <code>BundleLocalization</code> to keep the
known default behaviour.
<tr id="TranslationService">
<td class="title">TranslationService update</td>
<td class="content">
The <code>TranslationService</code>, that is used to localize the application model, had several downsides regarding extensibility.
A lot of code needed to be copied in order to create a custom <code>TranslationService</code> that retrieves translations from a different location
than the OSGi-ResourceBundle. To make it easier for users to implement a custom <code>TranslationService</code>, the API was modified. The method
<code>getResourceString(String, ResourceBundle)</code> is moved from <code>BundleTranslationProvider</code> to <code>TranslationService</code> with
protected visibility, as it contains the logic to retrieve and transform the translation key that is set in the application model. The default
implementation <code>BundleTranslationProvider</code> is now using the <code>ResourceBundleHelper</code> in combination with the
<code>ResourceBundleProvider</code>. This way the localization of the application model and the localization via new message extension are using
the same mechanisms. As a small enhancement, this also enables the usage of dot separated keys for translating the application model.
Also with M6 the package <code></code> is released as API.
<tr id="CSSIncludes">
<td class="title">CSS includes </td>
<td class="content">
CSS files for Eclipse can now include other CSS files via the
<code>@import url("platform:/plugin/Bundle-Symbolic-Name/path/file.extension");</code> statement. This allows easy reuse of
existing style sheets.
<tr id="css-bridge">
<td class="title">CSS&nbsp;bridge</td>
<td class="content">
The CSS support for the 3.x theme element definitions is now available (the CSS bridge), bugs:
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug 419016</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug 419018</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug 429338</a></li>
The use cases for the bridge:
Using the Color and FontDefinitions in the CSS stylesheet:
<img src="images/css-bridge/using-definitions.png" alt=""/>
Overriding of the definitions in the CSS stylesheet
<img src="images/css-bridge/overriding-definitions.png" alt=""/>
Adding the new definitions with the CSS stylesheet
<img src="images/css-bridge/new-definitions.png" alt=""/>
The 3.x theme definitions overridden or added in the CSS stylesheet are merged with the current 3.x theme.<br/>
After switching the 3.x theme they are re-merged with the new theme.<br/><br/>
The new definitions added with the CSS file (the last use case) are available in the CSS theme that provides it.<br/>
After switching the CSS theme the definitions can be unavailable in the theme registries when the new theme doesn't re-define it.
So using such definitions out of the CSS files, we have to be prepared for such situation and use proper default values in the case when some definitions are missing.
<tr id="theme-association">
<td class="title">New&nbsp;&quot;themeAssociation&quot;&nbsp;element of&nbsp;the&nbsp;&quot;org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme&quot;&nbsp;extension&nbsp;point</td>
<td class="content">
Currently the user is able to connect the CSS theme with proper 3.x theme. After defining the proper association between themes,
when user changes the CSS theme with the combo in the preference dialog, the proper 3.x theme will be set.
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug 355946</a></li>
<img src="images/theme-association.png" alt=""/>
<td colspan="2" class="section" id="PDE">PDE</td>
<tr id="trace-std-out">
<td class="title">Print debug trace to the standard output stream</td>
<td class="content">
On the <b>General &gt; Tracing</b> preference page you can now choose to have the output of debug trace statements
being sent to the standard output stream.
<img src="images/trace-output.png" alt="The tracing preference page with output to standard output stream option"/>
<tr id="os-arch-system-props">
<td class="title">Products can specify OS/arch system properties</td>
<td class="content">
In the <b>Product Editor</b> you can now add system properties that will only apply to a single OS, a single architecture or a
an OS/architecture combination.
<img src="images/osarch-systemprops.png" alt="The product editor showing os/arch system properties"/>
<tr id="os-arch-vm-args">
<td class="title">Products can specify OS/arch launch arguments</td>
<td class="content">
In the <b>Product Editor</b> you can now add program and VM arguments to all platforms, a specific operating system or
a specific architecture/OS combination. A preview area shows the complete list of arguments that will apply to the selected
OS and architecture.
<img src="images/osarch-args.png" alt="The product editor showing os/arch vm arguments"/>
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<p>The above features are just the ones that are new since the previous milestone
build. Summaries for earlier Luna milestone builds:</p>
<li><a href="">New for Eclipse Luna milestone build M5 (January 24, 2014)</a></li>
<li><a href="">New for Eclipse Luna milestone build M4 (December 13, 2013)</a></li>
<li><a href="">New for Eclipse Luna milestone build M3 (November 1, 2013)</a></li>
<li><a href="">New for Eclipse Luna milestone build M2 (September 20, 2013)</a></li>
<li><a href="">New for Eclipse Luna milestone build M1 (August 9, 2013)</a></li>