blob: 8ee398b2653620053dffadb615d333ebd063a4f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// global variables
$testResults = array();
$testConfigs = array();
# Begin: page-specific settings.
$pageTitle = "$BUILD_ID - Eclipse Project Downloads";
$pageKeywords = "eclipse,project,plug-ins,plugins,java,ide,swt,refactoring,free java ide,tools,platform,open source,development environment,development,ide";
$pageAuthor = "David Williams and Christopher Guindon";
//ini_set("display_errors", "true");
//error_reporting (E_ALL);
if (array_key_exists("SERVER_NAME", $_SERVER)) {
$servername = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
if ($servername === "") {
else {
else {
$servername = "localhost";
$streamArr = explode(".", $STREAM);
$STREAM_MAJOR = $streamArr[0];
$STREAM_MINOR = $streamArr[1];
$STREAM_SERVICE = $streamArr[2];
DL.thin.header.php.html was original obtained from
and then that file modified to suit our needs.
Occasionally, our version should be compared to the "standard" to see if anything has
changed, in the interest of staying consistent.
$endingBreadCrumbs="<li class=\"active\">$BUILD_ID</li>";
<?php if (! isset ($BUILD_FAILED) ) { ?>
<aside class="col-md-6" id="leftcol" style="margin-top:20px;" >
<ul class="ul-left-nav fa-ul hidden-print" style="color:black; background-color:#EFEBFF; background-size:contain; background-clip:border-box; border-color: black; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; padding:2px; line-height:1; margin:20px 3px 20px 3px">
<li><a href="#Repository">Eclipse p2 Repository</a></li>
<li><a href="#EclipseSDK">Eclipse SDK</a></li>
<li><a href="#JUnitPlugin">Tests and Testing Framework</a></li>
<li><a href="#RCPRuntime">RCP Runtime Binary</a></li>
<li><a href="#RCPSDK">RCP SDK</a></li>
<li><a href="#PlatformRuntime">Platform Runtime Binary</a></li>
<li><a href="#JDTCORE">JDT Core Batch Compiler</a></li>
<li><a href="#SWT">SWT binary and Source</a></li>
<!-- end 'not build failed' -->
<?php } ?>
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1>Eclipse <?php echo $STREAM; ?> <?php echo $BUILD_TYPE_NAME; ?> Build: <?php echo $BUILD_ID; ?>
if (file_exists("buildUnstable")) {
echo "&nbsp<a href=\"\" title=\"Unstable Build\" style='color:red;'>Unstable!</a>\n";
if (file_exists("buildUnstable")) {
$bu_file = file_get_contents("buildUnstable");
echo "$bu_file";
<p style="padding-bottom: 1em">This page provides access to the various deliverables of Eclipse Platform build along with
its logs and tests.</p>
// check if test build only, just to give warning of oversite.
// see bug 404545
if (isset($testbuildonly) && ($testbuildonly)) {
echo "<h2>Test-Build-Only flag found set. Input was not tagged.<h2>\n";
// $NEWS_ID needs to be added to buildproperties.php, such as $NEWS_ID="4.5/M4";
// Once ready to display it.
if (isset ($NEWS_ID)) {
echo "<a href=\"${NEWS_ID}/\">New and Noteworthy</a><br>\n";
else {
// Show N&N link on the I-Build download page
echo "<a href=\"${STREAMMajor}.${STREAMMinor}/\">New and Noteworthy</a><br>\n";
// Similar for $ACK_ID and $README_ID, but they are added only for 'R builds',
// And, are added by the promotion scripts, as long as we keep same conventions.
if (isset ($ACK_ID)) {
echo "<a href=\"${ACK_ID}.php\">Acknowledgments</a><br>\n";
if (isset ($README_ID)) {
echo "<a href=\"${README_ID}.php\">Eclipse Project ${BUILD_ID} Readme</a><br>\n";
echo "<a href=\"${STREAMMajor}_${STREAMMinor}.xml\">Eclipse Project Plan</a><br>\n";
if (isset ($BUILD_FAILED) ) {
echo "<h2>Build Failed</h2><p>See <a href=\"buildlogs.php\">logs</a>.</p>\n";
$result = preg_match($PATTERN, $BUILD_FAILED, $MATCHES);
// cheap short cut, since we expect only 1 such file
if ($result !== FALSE) {
echo "<p>Specifically, see <a href=\"buildlogs/$SPECIFIC_LOG\">the log with errors</a>, \n";
echo "or a <a href=\"$summaryFile[0]\">summary</a>. <br /> \n";
echo "Or see traditional <a href=\"testResults.php\">Compile Logs</a> (if any).\n";
echo "See recent changes in the <a href=\"gitLog.php\">git log</a>.</p>\n";
else {
<h3>Logs and Test Links</h3>
// for current (modern) builds, test results are always in
// 'testresults'. That directory only exists after first results
// have finished and been "published".
if (file_exists("testresults")) {
} elseif (file_exists("results")) {
} else {
if ($boxes < 0 ) {
$boxesDisplay = 0;
} else {
$boxesDisplay = $boxes;
// echo "<ul class='midlist'>";
echo "<ul>";
// We will always display link to logs (as normal link, not using color:inherit;)
echo "<li>View the <a title=\"Link to logs.\" href=\"testResults.php\">logs for the current build</a>.</li>\n";
// This section if for overall status if anything failed, overall is failed
// -3 is special code meaning no testResults directory exists yet.
if ($boxes == -3) {
$testResultsStatus = "pending";
} else {
/* since boxes is not -3, there must be at least one */
$totalFailed = 0;
$expectedBoxes = count($expectedTestConfigs);
foreach ($expectedTestConfigs as $config) {
if (isset($testResults[$config])) {
$testRes = $testResults[$config];
$failed = $testRes['failCount'];
$totalFailed = $totalFailed + $failed;
if ($totalFailed == 0 && $boxes == $expectedBoxes) {
$testResultsStatus = "success";
} elseif ($totalFailed == 0 && $boxes < $expectedBoxes) {
$testResultsStatus = "inProgress";
} elseif ($totalFailed > 0 && $boxes > 0) {
$testResultsStatus = "failed";
} else {
// This is some sort of programming error?
// Don't think we should get to here?
// Will flag as "unknown" but not sure how to convey that ....
// would only be useful if debugging.
$testResultsStatus = "unknown";
if (file_exists("overrideTestColor")) {
else {
if ($testResultsStatus === "failed") {
/* note we don't override 'inherit' cases, just 'failed'. */
if (file_exists("overrideTestColor")) {
} else {
$linkColor = 'text-danger';
} elseif ($testResultsStatus === "success") {
} elseif ($testResultsStatus === "pending") {
} elseif ($testResultsStatus === "inProgress") {
if ($testResultsStatus == "pending") {
echo "<li>Integration and unit tests are pending.</li>\n";
} else {
echo "<li>View the <a class=\"${linkColor}\" title=\"Link test results.\" href=\"testResults.php\">integration and unit test results for the current build.</a></li>\n";
/* performance tests line item */
if (file_exists("performance/performance.php") && $generated) {
echo "<li>View the <a href=\"performance/performance.php\">performance test results</a> for the current build.</li>\n";
} else {
echo "<li>Performance tests are pending.</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
if (file_exists("TEST_INVOCATION_FAILED.html")) {
$tf_file = file_get_contents("TEST_INVOCATION_FAILED.html");
echo "<h3>Test Invocation Failed for some Machines</h3>$tf_file";
echo "<h3>Summary of Unit Tests Results</h3>";
echo "<table class=\"testTable\">\n";
echo "<caption> \n";
echo "<p>".$boxesDisplay." of ".count($expectedTestConfigs)." integration and unit test configurations are complete.</p> \n";
if (file_exists("testNotes.html")) {
$my_file = file_get_contents("testNotes.html");
echo $my_file;
echo "</caption> \n";
echo "<tr><th style=\"width:40%\">Tested Platform</th><th>Failed</th><th>Passed</th><th>Total</th><th>Test&nbsp;Time&nbsp;(s)</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($expectedTestConfigs as $config) {
$displayConfig = computeDisplayConfig($config);
if (isset($testResults[$config])) {
$testRes = $testResults[$config];
$failed = $testRes['failCount'];
$passed = $testRes['passCount'];
$total = $failed + $passed;
$duration = $testRes['duration'];
if (file_exists("overrideTestColor")) {
else {
if ($failed > 0) {
// note we don't override 'inherit' cases, just 'failed'.
if (file_exists("overrideTestColor")) {
} else {
$linkColor = 'text-danger';
} else {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td style=\"text-align:left\">\n";
echo "<a class=\"${linkColor}\" href=\"testResults.php\">".$displayConfig."</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>$failed</td><td>$passed</td><td>$total</td><td>$duration</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
else {
// Yes, all configs intentionally links, since all go to the same place, but if no results yet, would not look like one.
$linkColor = 'text-muted';
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td style=\"text-align:left\">\n";
echo "<a class=\"${linkColor}\" href=\"testResults.php\">".$displayConfig."</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
<h3>Related Links</h3>
<ul class="midlist">
<li><a href="<?php echo $STREAMMajor; ?>_<?php echo $STREAMMinor; ?>.xml#target_environments">Target Platforms and Environments.</a></li>
<li><a href="gitLog.php">Git log.</a></li>
<li><a href="">How to verify a download.</a></li>
if ((file_exists($sums512file)) && (file_exists($sums512file_asc))) {
echo "<p style=\"text-indent: 3em;\"><a href=\"$sums512file\">SHA512 Checksums for $BUILD_ID</a>&nbsp;(<a href=\"$sums512file.asc\">GPG</a>)</p>";
} else if (file_exists($sums512file)) {
echo "<p style=\"text-indent: 3em;\"><a href=\"$sums512file\">SHA512 Checksums for $BUILD_ID</a>";
# place holder: we don't currently produce these reports, and
# when we do, will need some work here.
# FWIW, we may want to construct elaborate query into CGit for this,
# even though that'd be elaborate, would get user to an area where
# they coudl tweak query, if desired?
if (file_exists("report.txt")) {
echo "<p><a href=\"report.txt\">Report of changes</a> from previous build.</p>";
</div> <!-- end midcolumn -->
<!-- main download section -->
<div class="dropSection">
<h3 id="Repository">Eclipse p2 Repository&nbsp;<a href="details.html#Repository"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a></h3>
<?php startTable(); ?>
if ((file_exists("$relativePath3/updates/".$STREAM_REPO_NAME)) || (file_exists("$relativePath4/updates/".$STREAM_REPO_NAME))) {
echo "<tr><td> \n";
echo "To update your Eclipse installation to this development stream, you can use the software repository at<br />\n";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"$STREAM_REPO_URL\">$STREAM_REPO_URL</a><br />\n";
echo "</td></tr> \n";
if ((file_exists("$relativePath3/updates/"."$BUILD_REPO_NAME")) || (file_exists("$relativePath4/updates/"."$BUILD_REPO_NAME")) ) {
echo "<tr><td> \n";
echo "To update your build to use this specific build, you can use the software repository at<br />\n";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"$BUILD_REPO_URL\">$BUILD_REPO_URL</a><br />\n";
echo "</td></tr> \n";
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="EclipseSDK">Eclipse SDK&nbsp;<a href="details.html#EclipseSDK"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="JUnitPlugin">Tests and Testing Framework&nbsp;<a href="details.html#JUnitPlugin"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="RCPRuntime">RCP Runtime Binary&nbsp;<a href="details.html#RCPRuntime"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="RCPSDK">RCP SDK&nbsp;<a href="details.html#RCPSDK"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="DeltaPack">DeltaPack&nbsp;<a href="details.html#DeltaPack"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="PlatformRuntime">Platform Runtime Binary&nbsp;<a href="details.html#PlatformRuntime"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="JDTCORE">JDT Core Batch Compiler &nbsp;<a href="details.html#JDTCORE"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<h3 id="SWT">SWT Binary and Source&nbsp;<a href="details.html#SWT"><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;</i></a>
<?php startTable(); ?>
<?php columnHeads(); ?>
<?php } ?>
</div> <!-- end dropsection -->
</main> <!-- close main element -->
$html = ob_get_clean();
#echo the computed content
echo $html;