blob: 634819564821c59b097921f09bc4fc4b56b7ad36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.test.performance.ui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class LineGraph {
StringBuilder fAreaBuffer;
private static class GraphItem {
String title;
String description=null;
double value;
Color color;
boolean displayDescription=false;
GraphItem(String title, String description,double value, Color color,boolean display) {
this(title, description, value, color);
GraphItem(String title, String description, double value, Color color) {
this.title= title;
this.value= value;
this.color= color;
this.description= description;
Point getSize(GC g) {
Point e1= g.stringExtent(this.description);
Point e2= g.stringExtent(this.title);
return new Point(Math.max(e1.x, e2.x), e1.y+e2.y);
static final int PADDING= 15;
String fTitle;
List<GraphItem> fItems;
Dim fDimension;
public LineGraph(String title, Dim dim) {
this.fTitle= title;
this.fItems= new ArrayList<>();
this.fDimension= dim;
public void paint(Image im) {
Rectangle bounds= im.getBounds();
GC g= new GC(im);
Point ee= g.stringExtent(this.fTitle);
int titleHeight= ee.y;
double maxItem= getMaxItem();
double minItem= getMinItem();
int max= (int) (Math.ceil(maxItem * (maxItem < 0 ? 0.9 : 1.2)));
int min= (int) (Math.floor(minItem * (minItem < 0 ? 1.2 : 0.9)));
String smin= this.fDimension.getDisplayValue(min);
Point emin= g.stringExtent(smin);
String smax= this.fDimension.getDisplayValue(max);
Point emax= g.stringExtent(smax);
int labelWidth= Math.max(emin.x, emax.x) + 2;
int top= PADDING;
int bottom= bounds.height - titleHeight - PADDING;
int left= PADDING + labelWidth;
GraphItem lastItem= this.fItems.get(this.fItems.size()-1);
int right= bounds.width - lastItem.getSize(g).x - PADDING/2;
// draw the title
//g.drawString(fTitle, (bounds.width - titleWidth) / 2, titleHeight, true);
// draw the max and min values
g.drawString(smin, PADDING/2+labelWidth-emin.x, bottom-titleHeight, true);
g.drawString(smax, PADDING/2+labelWidth-emax.x, top, true);
// draw the vertical and horizontal lines
g.drawLine(left, top, left, bottom);
g.drawLine(left, bottom, right, bottom);
Color oldbg= g.getBackground();
Color oldfg= g.getForeground();
int n= this.fItems.size();
int xincrement= n > 1 ? (right-left) / (n-1) : 0;
int graduations= max - min;
if (graduations == 0)
graduations= 1;
int lastx= 0;
int lasty= 0;
int xposition= left;
for (int i= 0; i < n; i++) {
GraphItem thisItem= this.fItems.get(i);
int yposition= (int) (bottom - (((thisItem.value-min) * (bottom-top)) / graduations));
if (i > 0) // don't draw for first segment
g.drawLine(lastx, lasty, xposition, yposition);
g.fillOval(xposition-2, yposition-2, 5, 5);
if (this.fAreaBuffer == null)
this.fAreaBuffer= new StringBuilder();
this.fAreaBuffer.append("\r<area shape=\"CIRCLE\" coords=\""+(xposition-2)+','+(yposition-2)+','+5+" alt=\""+ thisItem.title+": "+thisItem.description+"\""+ " title=\""+ thisItem.title+": "+thisItem.description+"\">");
int shift;
if (i > 0 && yposition < lasty)
shift= 3; // below dot
shift= -(2*titleHeight+3); // above dot
if (thisItem.displayDescription){
g.drawString(thisItem.title, xposition+2, yposition+shift, true);
g.drawString(thisItem.description, xposition+2, yposition+shift+titleHeight, true);
lastx= xposition;
lasty= yposition;
xposition+= xincrement;
public void addItem(String name, String description, double value, Color col) {
addItem(name, description, value, col,false);
public void addItem(String name, String description, double value, Color col, boolean display) {
this.fItems.add(new GraphItem(name, description, value, col,display));
public double getMaxItem() {
double maxItem= 0;
for (int i= 0; i < this.fItems.size(); i++) {
GraphItem graphItem= this.fItems.get(i);
if (graphItem.value > maxItem)
maxItem= graphItem.value;
if (maxItem == 0)
return 1;
return maxItem;
public double getMinItem() {
double minItem= getMaxItem();
for (int i= 0; i < this.fItems.size(); i++) {
GraphItem graphItem= this.fItems.get(i);
if (graphItem.value < minItem)
minItem= graphItem.value;
if (minItem == 0)
return -1;
return minItem;
public String getAreas() {
if (this.fAreaBuffer != null) {
String s= this.fAreaBuffer.toString();
this.fAreaBuffer= null;
return s;
return null;