blob: 0f9a606df2ec42b71927b855140653e2fa2e658c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.releng.generators;
* @author SDimitrov
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class EclipseTestResultsGeneratorNoMail extends TestResultsGenerator {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final String publishingContent = "/home/davidw/gitdavidw2/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles";
String localTestBuildId = "I20141120-1922";
String localTestDropDir="/shared/eclipse/buildsdavidw/4I/siteDir/eclipse/downloads/drops4/" + localTestBuildId;
final EclipseTestResultsGeneratorNoMail test = new EclipseTestResultsGeneratorNoMail();
test.setXmlDirectoryName(localTestDropDir + "/testresults/xml");
test.setTestResultsTemplateFileName(publishingContent + "/templateFiles/testResults.php.template");
test.setDropTemplateFileName(publishingContent + "/templateFiles/index.php.template");
test.setCompileLogsDirectoryName(localTestDropDir + "/compilelogs");
private boolean sendMail = true;
public void execute() {
// if (sendMail)
// mailResults();
public boolean isSendMail() {
return sendMail;
// I restored this 'mailResults' method from history. It was removed about 3.8 M3. It was commented out
// at that time. Not sure for how long. I am not sure where "Mailer" class was coming from.
// Needs more research or re-invention. (Compare with CBI aggregator method.)
// private void mailResults() {
// //send a different message for the following cases:
// //build is not tested at all
// //build is tested, tests have not run
// //build is tested, tests have run with error and or failures
// //build is tested, tests have run with no errors or failures
// try {
// mailer = new Mailer();
// } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// return;
// }
// String buildLabel = mailer.getBuildProperties().getBuildLabel();
// String httpUrl = mailer.getBuildProperties().getHttpUrl()+"/"+buildLabel;
//// String ftpUrl = mailer.getBuildProperties().getftpUrl()+"/"+buildLabel;
// String subject = "Build is complete. ";
// String downloadLinks="\n\nHTTP Download:\n\n\t"+httpUrl+" \n\n";
///* downloadLinks=downloadLinks.concat("FTP Download:\n\n");
// downloadLinks=downloadLinks.concat("\tuser: anonymous\n\tpassword: (e-mail address or leave blank)\n\tserver:\n\tcd to directory: "+buildLabel);
// downloadLinks=downloadLinks.concat("\n\n\tor");
// downloadLinks=downloadLinks.concat("\n\n\t"+ftpUrl);*/
// //provide http links
// String message = "The build is complete."+downloadLinks;
// if (testsRan()) {
// subject = "Automated JUnit testing complete. ";
// message = "Automated JUnit testing is complete. ";
// subject =
// subject.concat(
// (getTestResultsWithProblems().endsWith("\n"))
// ? "All tests pass."
// : "Test failures/errors occurred.");
// message =
// message.concat(
// (getTestResultsWithProblems().endsWith("\n"))
// ? "All tests pass."
// : "Test failures/errors occurred in the following: "
// + getTestResultsWithProblems())+downloadLinks;
// } else if (isBuildTested() && (!getTestedBuildType().equals("N"))) {
// subject = subject.concat("Automated JUnit testing is starting.");
// message = "The " + subject+downloadLinks;
// }
// if (subject.endsWith("Test failures/errors occurred."))
// mailer.sendMessage(subject, message);
// else if (!getTestedBuildType().equals("N"))
// mailer.sendMessage(subject, message);
public void setSendMail(final boolean sendMail) {
this.sendMail = sendMail;