blob: 92ebcecdbfda71430cea9e1a5be5e3c40911d898 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
FeatureVersionCompare_errorInVerifyPluginMsg=Error occurred while verifying plugin "{0}" in feature (id "{1}"; version: "{2}"; location: "{3}").
FeatureVersionCompare_errorReasonMsg=Errors occurred during feature verification.
FeatureModelTable_urlConvertErrorMsg=Could not convert "{0}" into a valid URL.
FeatureVersionCompare_featureFileErrorMsg=Feature manifest (feature.xml) file could not be successfully loaded from location "{0}".
FeatureVersionCompare_verifyingFeatureMsg=Comparing Features......
FeatureVersionCompare_comparingFeatureMsg=Comparing Feature {0}
FeatureVersionCompare_comparingReferenceMsg=Comparing references......
FeatureModelTable_featureFileParseErrorMsg=Could not parse feature file "{0}", it may not exist.
FeatureModelTable_featureSourceErrorMsg="{0}" is neither a configuration file nor a feature directory.
FeatureVersionCompare_incorrectNewVersionMsg=The version of the feature (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}"; location: "{2}") should be at least "{3}".
FeatureVersionCompare_incorrectNewVersionMsg2=The version of the feature (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}"; location: "{2}") should be higher than "{3}".
FeatureVersionCompare_incorrectPluginVersionMsg=The version of the plugin (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}"; location: "{2}") should be at least "{3}".
FeatureVersionCompare_incorrectPluginVersionChange=Plugin (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}") got "{2}" change, but its "{3}" version has been increased.
FeatureVersionCompare_inputErrorMsg=Inputs "{0}" or "{1}" could not be resolved correctly. They should be either both paths of configurations or both paths of feature directories.
FeatureVersionCompare_sourceIncludedFeatureNotFoundMsg=Compare source feature "{0}" is included in feature (id: "{1}"; version: "{2}", location: "{3}"), but its feature model has not been found.
FeatureVersionCompare_destIncludedFeatureNotFoundMsg=Compare destination feature "{0}" is included in feature (id: "{1}"; version: "{2}", location: "{3}"), but its feature model has not been found.
FeatureVersionCompare_lowerNewVersion=The version "{0}" of {1} "{2}" in feature (id: "{3}";version: "{4}"; location: "{5}") is lower than its version "{6}" in feature (id: "{3}";version: "{7}"; location: "{8}").
FeatureVersionCompare_nestedErrorOccurredMsg=Feature (id: "{0}";version: "{1}"; location: "{2}") could not be verified since errors occurred while verifying its included features or plugins.
FeatureModelTable_couldNotReadConfigFileMsg=Could not read configuration file "{0}".
FeatureVersionCompare_newVersionLowerThanOldMsg=The Version of feature (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}", location: "{2}") is lower than the version of feature(id: "{0}"; version: "{3}", location: "{4}").
FeatureVersionCompare_noFeaturesFoundInConfigMsg=No feature has been found in configuration: "{0}".
FeatureVersionCompare_noFeatureFoundMsg=No feature has been found under directory: "{0}".
FeatureVersionCompare_versionChangeIncorrectMsg=Feature (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}", location: "{2}") got "{3}" change, but its "{4}" version has been increased.
FeatureVersionCompare_pluginNotFoundMsg=Plugin "{0}" is included in feature (id: "{1}"; version: "{2}"; location: "{3}"), but it has not been found under "{4}".
FeatureVersionCompare_newAddedFeaturePlingMsg= {0} "{1}" is new added into feature (id: "{2}"; version: "{3}", location: "{4}").
FeatureVersionCompare_newIntroducedFeatureMsg=Feature (id: "{0}"; version: "{1}"; location: "{2}") is a new introduced feature.
FeatureVersionCompare_deletedFeaturePluginMsg= {0} "{1}" no longer exists in feature (id: "{2}"; version: "{3}", location: "{4}").
VersionVerifier_compareOKMsg=All of the versions are correct.
VersionVerifier_coreExceptionMsg=CoreException occurred:
VersionVerifier_createFileErrorMsg=Exception occurred while creating the output file "{0}".
VersionVerifier_mixedInputMsg=Inputs should be either two paths of configurations or two paths of feature directories, but not mix of them.
VersionVerifier_pathIsNotFileMsg=The specified output file path is not a file.
VersionVerifier_messageNumberMsg=Number of message: {0}
VersionVerifier_summaryMsg=Comparison result Summary:
VersionCompareDispatcher_fileNotFoundMsg=Could not find exclusion list file "{0}".
VersionCompareDispatcher_readPropertyFailedMsg=Could not read property from file "{0}".
VersionCompareDispatcher_invalidXMLFileNameMsg="{0}" is not a valid XML file.
VersionCompareDispatcher_failedWriteXMLFileMsg=Failed to write out the compare result to "{0}".
VersionCompareDispatcher_closeFileFailedMsg=Failed to close file "{0}".
VersionCompareDispatcher_failedCreateDocMsg=Failed to create XML file for the compare result.
JavaClassVersionCompare_classFileNotLoadedMsg=Could not read class file from: "{0}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_classErrorOccurredMsg=Error occurred while comparing class "{0}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_classMajorChangeMsg=Class "{0}" has a major change.
JavaClassVersionCompare_classMinorChangeMsg=Class "{0}" has a minor change.
JavaClassVersionCompare_classModifierChangedMsg=Modifier of "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_differentClassNameMsg=Selected two classes(or java sources) do not have the same class name. One is "{0}", another is "{1}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_differentSuperClassMsg=Super class of "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_deletedInterfaceMsg=Interface "{0}" has no longer been implemented in class "{1}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_deprecatedChangedMsg={0} "{1}" has been deprecated in class "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_descriptorChangedMsg=Type of field "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}" in class "{3}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_inputStreamErrMsg=Could not read class file from provided InputSteam.
JavaClassVersionCompare_ModifierChangedMsg=Modifier of {0} "{1}" has been changed from "{2}" to "{3}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedInterfaceMsg=Interface "{0}" has been new implemented in class "{1}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedMsg={0} "{1}" is new added into class "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_noLongerExistMsg={0} "{1}" no longer exists in class "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_classMicroChange=Class "{0}" has a micro change.
JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedExceptionMsg=Exceptions "{0}" have been new added to method "{1}" in class "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_noLongerExistExceptionMsg= Exceptions "{0}" are no longer thrown from method "{1}" in class "{2}".
JavaClassVersionCompare_unexpectedTypeMsg= "{0}" is not an expected input type.
JavaClassVersionCompare_comparingClassMsg=Comparing class......
PluginVersionCompare_classPathJarNotFoundMsg=Corresponding jar file has not been found for class path element "{0}" in plugin "{1}".
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotReadManifestMsg=Could not read manifest file of plugin "{0}" correctly.
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotOpenJarMsg=Could not open jar file "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_comparingPluginMsg=Comparing Plugin
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotReadAttributesMsg=Could not read attributes from manifest file of bundle "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotReadClassPathMsg=Could not read Bundle-ClassPath attributes from manifest file of plugin "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotReadClassMsg=Could not read class file "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotParseHeaderMsg=Could not parse manifest header "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_couldNotConvertManifestMsg=Could not convert "{0}" into manifest file.
PluginVersionCompare_destinationClassNotFoundMsg=Class "{0}" is a new added class.
PluginVersionCompare_noPluginConverterInstanceMsg=Could not get PluginConverter instance from OSGi framework.
PluginVersionCompare_failCloseJarMsg=Failed to close jar file "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_failCloseJarEntryAfterExtractMsg=Failed to close jar entry "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_failExtractJarEntryMsg=Failed to extract jar entry "{0}" to temporary file.
PluginVersionCompare_finishedProcessPluginMsg=Finished process plugin "{0}", used {1} milliseconds.
PluginVersionCompare_failOpenJarEntryMsg=Failed to open jar entry "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_failOpenTmpJarMsg=Failed to open temporary jar file "{0}" of jar entry "{1}" of "{2}".
PluginVersionCompare_failCloseTmpAfterCreateMsg=Failed to close temporary file "{0}" after creating.
PluginVersionCompare_errorWhenCompareClassesMsg=Error occurred while comparing {0}.
PluginVersionCompare_failCreatTmpJarMsg=Failed to create temporary file "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_inValidClassPathMsg="{0}" is not a valid class path element in manifest file of "{1}".
PluginVersionCompare_inputNotExistMsg="{0}" does not represent an exist file or directory.
PluginVersionCompare_noValidClassFoundMsg=No class in "{0}" is need to be compared.
PluginVersionCompare_pluginMajorChangeMsg=Plugin "{0}" has a major change.
PluginVersionCompare_pluginMinorChangeMsg=Plugin "{0}" has a minor change.
PluginVersionCompare_pluginMicroChangeMsg=Plugin "{0}" has a micro change.
PluginVersionCompare_pluginErrorOccurredMsg=Error occurred while comparing plugin "{0}".
PluginVersionCompare_sourceClassNotFoundMsg=Class "{0}" is no longer existed.