Bug 501746 - Cleanup deprecation warnings in org.eclipse.core.contenttype

- IConfigurationElement.getAttributeAsIs(String) can be safely replaced
by IConfigurationElement.getAttribute(String) per Javadoc
- Add @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") on ContentTypeCatalog.describe()
as it provides backward compatibility with
XMLRootElementContentDescriber. Thus, the warning cannot be removed.

Change-Id: If99cf654adec9dd10811533d36826de155b35f91
Signed-off-by: Mikael Barbero <mikael@eclipse.org>
3 files changed
tree: 2d289b4f34cd1c9c0ee989862f5d85820df348ba
  1. bundles/
  2. features/
  3. tests/
  4. .gitignore
  6. pom.xml