blob: 990592a081882cd6d9a2b006c62adc87beb72022 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Mikaƫl Barbero (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
* A progress monitor wrapper that computes the number of calls to
* {@link #isCanceled()} and the maximum time interval without calls to
* {@link #isCanceled()}.
* <p>
* Clients are expected to call {@link #aboutToStart()} and
* {@link #hasStopped()} shortly before and after the job execution.
* <p>
* After {@link #hasStopped()} has been called, client can call
* {@link #createCancelabilityStatus()} and retrieve an {@link IStatus} stating
* whether the Job follows best practices regarding cancelability. Best
* practices threshold and report details can be configured through an
* {@link Options} given at instantiation time.
public final class JobCancelabilityMonitor extends ProgressMonitorWrapper {
* For conversion in {@link #nanosToString(long)}
private static final long _1_SECOND_IN_NANOS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);
* Specific error code to help the Automatic Error Reporting Initiative
* (AERI) identifying cancelability issues.
private static final int CANCELABILITY_ERROR_CODE = 8;
* Will be incremented every time {@link #isCanceled()} is called.
private int isCanceledHitCount = 0;
* Will be set to {@link System#nanoTime()} when {@link #aboutToStart()}
* will be called.
private long startNano = -1;
* Will be set to "{@link System#nanoTime()} - {@link #startNano}" when
* hasStopped(); will be called.
private long elapsedNano = -1;
* Keep the {@link System#nanoTime()} value of previous hit to
* {@link #isCanceled()}. Will be initialized in {@link #aboutToStart()}.
private long lastHit = -1;
* At every call to {@link #isCanceled()}, will be set to
* {@code Math.max(maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck, System.nanoTime() - lastHit)}
* .
private long maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck = -1;
* List of stack traces that will be computed during calls to some
* {@link IProgressMonitor} methods
private List<StackTraceSample> stackTraces;
* Temporary holder of the last captured stack trace that may be added to
* {@link #stackTraces} if {@link Options#maxStackSamples()} is not reached
* or if it longer than one of the already recorded sample.
private StackTraceElement[] lastCapturedStackTrace;
* Configurable threshold and options for the result of
* {@link #createCancelabilityStatus()}.
private final Options options;
* The job that report progress to this progress monitor.
private final InternalJob job;
JobCancelabilityMonitor(InternalJob job, Options options) {
this.job = job;
this.options = options;
this.stackTraces = new ArrayList<>(options.maxStackSamples() + 1);
* Must be called before the {@link #job} starts.
* @return this to simplify calling code.
IProgressMonitor aboutToStart() {
lastCapturedStackTrace = captureStackTrace();
startNano = System.nanoTime();
lastHit = startNano;
return this;
* Must be called after the {@link #job} ends.
void hasStopped() {
elapsedNano = System.nanoTime() - startNano;
* Captures the current thread stack trace and removes the top 3 frames to
* avoid displaying the monitoring related frames in the log.
private StackTraceElement[] captureStackTrace() {
final StackTraceElement[] ret;
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace.length > 3) {
ret = Arrays.copyOfRange(stackTrace, 3, stackTrace.length);
} else {
ret = stackTrace;
return ret;
private static class StackTraceSample {
final long nanoBetweenStackTraces;
final StackTraceElement[] firstSte;
final StackTraceElement[] secondSte;
public StackTraceSample(long nanoBetweenStackTrace, StackTraceElement[] firstSte,
StackTraceElement[] secondSte) {
nanoBetweenStackTraces = nanoBetweenStackTrace;
this.firstSte = firstSte;
this.secondSte = secondSte;
public boolean isCanceled() {
long elapsedSinceLastHit = System.nanoTime() - lastHit;
lastHit = System.nanoTime();
maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck = Math.max(maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck, elapsedSinceLastHit);
lastCapturedStackTrace = storeStackTraceSample(elapsedSinceLastHit, captureStackTrace());
return super.isCanceled();
private StackTraceElement[] storeStackTraceSample(long elapsedSinceLastHit, StackTraceElement[] currentStackTrace) {
if (elapsedSinceLastHit >= options.warningThreshold()) {
if (stackTraces.size() >= options.maxStackSamples()) {
int shortestStackTraceIdx = findShortestStackTraceSample(elapsedSinceLastHit);
if (shortestStackTraceIdx >= 0) {
new StackTraceSample(elapsedSinceLastHit, lastCapturedStackTrace, currentStackTrace));
} else {
stackTraces.add(new StackTraceSample(elapsedSinceLastHit, lastCapturedStackTrace, currentStackTrace));
return currentStackTrace;
* Returns the index of the {@link StackTraceSample} with the shortest
* {@link StackTraceSample#nanoBetweenStackTraces} that is shorter than the
* given {@code shorterThan} value.
* @param shorterThanNanos
* threshold above which
* {@link StackTraceSample#nanoBetweenStackTraces} will not be
* considered during the search.
* @return the index of the {@link StackTraceSample} with the shortest
* nanoBetweenStackTraces that is shorter than the given
* {@code shorterThan} value, or -1 if there is no such value.
private int findShortestStackTraceSample(long shorterThanNanos) {
long minValue = shorterThanNanos;
int shortest = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraces.size(); i++) {
final StackTraceSample stackTraceSample = stackTraces.get(i);
if (stackTraceSample.nanoBetweenStackTraces < minValue) {
shortest = i;
minValue = stackTraceSample.nanoBetweenStackTraces;
return shortest;
IStatus createCancelabilityStatus() {
IStatus ret;
if (isCanceledHitCount > 0) {
ret = createCancelabilityStatus(severityForElapsedTime(maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck),
new Object[] { job.getName(), nanosToString(maxTimeBetweenTwoCancelationCheck),
nanosToString(elapsedNano) }));
} else {
ret = createCancelabilityStatus(severityForElapsedTime(elapsedNano),
new Object[] { job.getName(), isCanceledHitCount, nanosToString(elapsedNano) }));
return ret;
private int severityForElapsedTime(long nanoTime) {
final int severity;
if (job.isUser() && isCanceledHitCount == 0 && options.alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError()) {
// even a short user job should check for cancelation
severity = IStatus.ERROR;
} else if (nanoTime >= options.errorThreshold()) {
severity = IStatus.ERROR;
} else if (nanoTime >= options.warningThreshold()) {
severity = IStatus.WARNING;
} else {
severity = IStatus.OK;
return severity;
private IStatus createCancelabilityStatus(int severity, String msg) {
IStatus ret;
if (severity > IStatus.OK) {
final MultiStatus ms = new MultiStatus(JobManager.PI_JOBS, CANCELABILITY_ERROR_CODE, msg, null);
// Sort stack traces samples by elapsed time
Collections.sort(stackTraces, new Comparator<StackTraceSample>() {
public int compare(StackTraceSample s1, StackTraceSample s2) {
return (int) (s1.nanoBetweenStackTraces - s2.nanoBetweenStackTraces);
for (StackTraceSample sts : stackTraces) {
ret = ms;
} else {
ret = Status.OK_STATUS;
return ret;
private IStatus createStatusFromStackTraceSample(StackTraceSample stackTraceSample) {
MultiStatus ms = new MultiStatus(JobManager.PI_JOBS, CANCELABILITY_ERROR_CODE,
int severity = severityForElapsedTime(stackTraceSample.nanoBetweenStackTraces);
ms.add(createStatusFromStackTrace(severity, JobMessages.cancelability_monitor_secondStackTrace,
ms.add(createStatusFromStackTrace(severity, JobMessages.cancelability_monitor_initialStackTrace,
return ms;
private static IStatus createStatusFromStackTrace(int severity, String msg, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
return new Status(severity, JobManager.PI_JOBS, msg, createThrowableFromStackTrace(stackTrace, msg));
private static Throwable createThrowableFromStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, String msg) {
Throwable throwable = new Throwable(msg);
return throwable;
private static String nanosToString(long nanos) {
double value = (double) nanos / _1_SECOND_IN_NANOS;
final String format = nanos >= TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(100) ? "%.0f %s" //$NON-NLS-1$
: nanos >= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(10) ? "%.2g %s" : "%.1g %s"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return String.format(format, value, JobMessages.cancelability_monitor_abbrevUnitSeconds);
public static interface Options {
boolean enabled();
long errorThreshold();
long warningThreshold();
int maxStackSamples();
boolean alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError();
* Static inactive singleton that will be used when no service has been
* registered.
static final Options DEFAULT_OPTIONS = new BasicOptionsImpl();
static {
((BasicOptionsImpl) DEFAULT_OPTIONS).setEnabled(false);
public static class BasicOptionsImpl implements Options {
private boolean enabled;
private long errorThreshold;
private long warningThreshold;
private int maxStackSamples;
private boolean alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError;
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
public void setErrorThreshold(long errorThreshold) {
this.errorThreshold = errorThreshold;
public void setWarningThreshold(long warningThreshold) {
this.warningThreshold = warningThreshold;
public void setMaxStackSamples(int maxStackSamples) {
this.maxStackSamples = maxStackSamples;
public void setAlwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError(boolean alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError) {
this.alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError = alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError;
public boolean enabled() {
return enabled;
public long errorThreshold() {
return errorThreshold;
public long warningThreshold() {
return warningThreshold;
public int maxStackSamples() {
return maxStackSamples;
public boolean alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError() {
return alwaysReportNonCancelableUserJobAsError;