blob: 2e0e8da709548417d18745c1db4f991797524690 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.runtime;
* An extension point declared in a plug-in.
* Except for the list of extensions plugged in to it, the information
* available for an extension point is obtained from the declaring plug-in's
* manifest (<code>plugin.xml</code>) file.
* <p>
* These registry objects are intended for relatively short-term use. Clients that
* deal with these objects must be aware that they may become invalid if the
* declaring plug-in is updated or uninstalled. If this happens, all methods except
* {@link #isValid()} will throw {@link InvalidRegistryObjectException}.
* For extension point objects, the most common case is code in a plug-in dealing
* with one of the extension points it declares. These extension point objects are
* guaranteed to be valid while the plug-in is active. Code in a plug-in that has
* declared that it is not dynamic aware (or not declared anything) can also safely
* ignore this issue, since the registry would not be modified while it is
* active. However, code in a plug-in that declares that it is dynamic aware
* must be careful if it access the extension point object of a different plug-in,
* because it's at risk if that other plug-in is removed. Similiarly,
* tools that analyze or display the extension registry are vulnerable.
* Client code can pre-test for invalid objects by calling {@link #isValid()},
* which never throws this exception. However, pre-tests are usually not sufficient
* because of the possibility of the extension point object becoming invalid as a
* result of a concurrent activity. At-risk clients must treat
* <code>InvalidRegistryObjectException</code> as if it were a checked exception.
* Also, such clients should probably register a listener with the extension registry
* so that they receive notification of any changes to the registry.
* </p>
* <p>
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
* </p>
public interface IExtensionPoint {
* Returns all configuration elements from all extensions configured
* into this extension point. Returns an empty array if this extension
* point has no extensions configured, or none of the extensions
* contain configuration elements.
* @return the configuration elements for all extension configured
* into this extension point
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public IConfigurationElement[] getConfigurationElements() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns the descriptor of the plug-in that declares this extension point.
* @return the plug-in that declares this extension point
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
* @deprecated IPluginDescriptor is not part of the new runtime and its function
* has been split over several parts of the new runtime. This method
* is not available (returns null) if the compatibility layer is not installed. Use getNamespace()
* to get the symbolic id of the declaring plugin. See {@link IPluginDescriptor} to see how to
* update your usecases.
public IPluginDescriptor getDeclaringPluginDescriptor() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns the namespace for this extension point. This value can be used
* in various global facilities to discover this extension point's provider.
* <p>
* <b>Note</b>: This is an early access API to the new OSGI-based Eclipse 3.0
* Platform Runtime. Because the APIs for the new runtime have not yet been fully
* stabilized, they should only be used by clients needing to take particular
* advantage of new OSGI-specific functionality, and only then with the understanding
* that these APIs may well change in incompatible ways until they reach
* their finished, stable form (post-3.0). </p>
* @return the namespace for this extension point
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
* @see Platform#getBundle(String)
* @see IExtensionRegistry
* @since 3.0
public String getNamespace() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns the extension with the given unique identifier configured into
* this extension point, or <code>null</code> if there is no such extension.
* Since an extension might not have an identifier, some extensions
* can only be found via the <code>getExtensions</code> method.
* @param extensionId the unique identifier of an extension
* (e.g. <code>"com.example.acme.main"</code>).
* @return an extension, or <code>null</code>
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public IExtension getExtension(String extensionId) throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns all extensions configured into this extension point.
* Returns an empty array if this extension point has no extensions.
* @return the extensions configured into this extension point
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public IExtension[] getExtensions() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns a displayable label for this extension point.
* Returns the empty string if no label for this extension point
* is specified in the plug-in manifest file.
* <p> Note that any translation specified in the plug-in manifest
* file is automatically applied.
* </p>
* @return a displayable string label for this extension point,
* possibly the empty string
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public String getLabel() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns reference to the extension point schema. The schema
* reference is returned as a URL path relative to the plug-in
* installation URL.
* Returns the empty string if no schema for this extension point
* is specified in the plug-in manifest file.
* @return a relative URL path, or an empty string
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public String getSchemaReference() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns the simple identifier of this extension point.
* This identifier is a non-empty string containing no
* period characters (<code>'.'</code>) and is guaranteed
* to be unique within the defining plug-in.
* @return the simple identifier of the extension point (e.g. <code>"builders"</code>)
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public String getSimpleIdentifier() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
* Returns the unique identifier of this extension point.
* This identifier is unique within the plug-in registry, and
* is composed of the namespace for this extension point
* and this extension point's simple identifier.
* @return the unique identifier of the extension point
* (e.g. <code>""</code>)
* @throws InvalidRegistryObjectException if this extension point is no longer valid
public String getUniqueIdentifier() throws InvalidRegistryObjectException;
/* (non-javadoc)
* @see Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object o);
* Returns whether this extension point object is valid.
* @return <code>true</code> if the object is valid, and <code>false</code>
* if it is no longer valid
* @since 3.1
public boolean isValid();