Bug 514483 - [wayland] Launchbar filter closes when clicked

GetCursorLocation() was returning wrong coordinates. In Wayland
applications do not share a global coordinate, instead it is relative to
the parent window. The position of the cursor was returning relative to
the popup window and not of the parent window, causing the LaunchBar
logic to think that we are clicking outside of the popup window, thus
closing it. Fixed by using the relative position as an offset and adding
it to the position of the popup window, which will return the correct

Testing this can be done through snippetA in
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=514483 . 

Tested with Junits on Wayland with no additional failures/errors.

Change-Id: I9bfb2052e59de38a93f75cc624759b41885ae2a6
Signed-off-by: Ian Pun <ipun@redhat.com>
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/gtk/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/gtk/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display.java
index c9cef5d..33ab272 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/gtk/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display.java
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/gtk/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display.java
@@ -1612,6 +1612,26 @@
 	checkDevice ();
 	int [] x = new int [1], y = new int [1];
 	gdk_window_get_device_position (0, x, y, null);
+	/*
+	 * Wayland feature: There is no global x/y coordinates in Wayland for security measures, so they
+	 * all return relative coordinates dependant to the root window. If there is a popup window (type SWT.ON_TOP),
+	 * the return position is relative to the new popup window and not relative to the parent if its
+	 * active. Using that as an offset and adding all parent shell relative coordinates will give the
+	 * user the correct mouse position in Wayland. This only supports popups that are type
+	 * SWT.ON_TOP as any other type of window is not tied to the parent window through
+	 * a subsurface. There is currently no support for global coordinates
+	 * in Wayland. See Bug 514483.
+	 */
+	if (!OS.isX11() && activeShell != null) {
+		Shell tempShell = activeShell;
+		int [] offsetX = new int [1], offsetY = new int [1];
+		while (tempShell.getParent() != null) {
+			OS.gtk_window_get_position(tempShell.shellHandle, offsetX, offsetY);
+			x[0]+= offsetX[0];
+			y[0]+= offsetY[0];
+			tempShell = tempShell.getParent().getShell();
+		}
+	}
 	return new Point (x [0], y [0]);