blob: d44e28e1c5939cce3c90af54283cc08d7892cad3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
class ImageList {
int handle, background;
Image [] images;
static final int CREATE_FLAGS;
static {
int flags = OS.ILC_MASK;
int hDC = OS.GetDC (0);
int bits = OS.GetDeviceCaps (hDC, OS.BITSPIXEL);
int planes = OS.GetDeviceCaps (hDC, OS.PLANES);
OS.ReleaseDC (0, hDC);
int depth = bits * planes;
switch (depth) {
case 4:
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR4;
case 8:
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR8;
case 16:
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR16;
case 24:
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR24;
case 32:
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR32;
flags |= OS.ILC_COLOR;
public ImageList () {
handle = OS.ImageList_Create (32, 32, CREATE_FLAGS, 16, 16);
images = new Image [4];
background = 0x00FFFFFF;
public int add (Image image) {
int count = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
int index = 0;
while (index < count) {
if (images [index] != null) {
if (images [index].isDisposed ()) images [index] = null;
if (images [index] == null) break;
int hImage = image.handle;
int [] cx = new int [1], cy = new int [1];
OS.ImageList_GetIconSize (handle, cx, cy);
switch (image.type) {
case SWT.BITMAP: {
if (count == 0) {
BITMAP bm = new BITMAP ();
OS.GetObject (hImage, BITMAP.sizeof, bm);
cx [0] = bm.bmWidth; cy [0] = bm.bmHeight;
OS.ImageList_SetIconSize (handle, cx [0], cy [0]);
int hBitmap = copyBitmap (hImage, cx [0], cy [0]);
if (index == count) {
OS.ImageList_AddMasked (handle, hBitmap, background);
} else {
int hMask = createMask (hBitmap, cx [0], cy [0]);
OS.ImageList_Replace (handle, index, hBitmap, hMask);
OS.DeleteObject (hMask);
OS.DeleteObject (hBitmap);
case SWT.ICON: {
if (count == 0) {
BITMAP bm = new BITMAP ();
ICONINFO info = new ICONINFO ();
OS.GetIconInfo (hImage, info);
int hBitmap = info.hbmColor;
if (hBitmap == 0) hBitmap = info.hbmMask;
OS.GetObject (hBitmap, BITMAP.sizeof, bm);
if (hBitmap == info.hbmMask) bm.bmHeight /= 2;
if (info.hbmColor != 0) OS.DeleteObject (info.hbmColor);
if (info.hbmMask != 0) OS.DeleteObject (info.hbmMask);
cx [0] = bm.bmWidth; cy [0] = bm.bmHeight;
OS.ImageList_SetIconSize (handle, cx [0], cy [0]);
int hIcon = copyIcon (hImage, cx [0], cy [0]);
OS.ImageList_ReplaceIcon (handle, index == count ? -1 : index, hIcon);
OS.DestroyIcon (hIcon);
if (index == images.length) {
Image [] newImages = new Image [images.length + 4];
System.arraycopy (images, 0, newImages, 0, images.length);
images = newImages;
images [index] = image;
return index;
int copyBitmap (int hImage, int width, int height) {
BITMAP bm = new BITMAP ();
OS.GetObject (hImage, BITMAP.sizeof, bm);
int hDC = OS.GetDC (0);
int hdc1 = OS.CreateCompatibleDC (hDC);
OS.SelectObject (hdc1, hImage);
int hdc2 = OS.CreateCompatibleDC (hDC);
int hBitmap = OS.CreateCompatibleBitmap (hDC, width, height);
OS.SelectObject (hdc2, hBitmap);
OS.SetStretchBltMode(hdc2, OS.COLORONCOLOR);
OS.StretchBlt (hdc2, 0, 0, width, height, hdc1, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, OS.SRCCOPY);
OS.DeleteDC (hdc1);
OS.DeleteDC (hdc2);
OS.ReleaseDC (0, hDC);
return hBitmap;
int copyIcon (int hImage, int width, int height) {
int hIcon = OS.CopyImage (hImage, OS.IMAGE_ICON, width, height, OS.LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
return hIcon;
int createMask (int hBitmap, int width, int height) {
int hDC = OS.GetDC (0);
int hdc1 = OS.CreateCompatibleDC (hDC);
OS.SelectObject (hdc1, hBitmap);
int hdc2 = OS.CreateCompatibleDC (hDC);
int hMask = OS.CreateBitmap (width, height, 1, 1, null);
OS.SelectObject (hdc2, hMask);
OS.SetBkColor (hdc1, background);
OS.BitBlt (hdc2, 0, 0, width, height, hdc1, 0, 0, OS.SRCCOPY);
OS.ReleaseDC (0, hDC);
OS.DeleteDC (hdc1);
OS.DeleteDC (hdc2);
return hMask;
public void dispose () {
if (handle != 0) OS.ImageList_Destroy (handle);
handle = 0;
images = null;
public Image get (int index) {
return images [index];
public int getBackground () {
return background;
public int getHandle () {
return handle;
public int indexOf (Image image) {
int count = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
if (images [i] != null) {
if (images [i].isDisposed ()) images [i] = null;
if (images [i] != null && images [i].equals (image)) return i;
return -1;
public void put (int index, Image image) {
int count = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
if (!(0 <= index && index < count)) return;
if (image != null) {
int [] cx = new int [1], cy = new int [1];
OS.ImageList_GetIconSize (handle, cx, cy);
int hImage = image.handle;
switch (image.type) {
int hBitmap = copyBitmap (hImage, cx [0], cy [0]);
int hMask = createMask (hBitmap, cx [0], cy [0]);
OS.ImageList_Replace (handle, index, hBitmap, hMask);
OS.DeleteObject (hBitmap);
OS.DeleteObject (hMask);
case SWT.ICON:
int hIcon = copyIcon (hImage, cx [0], cy [0]);
OS.ImageList_ReplaceIcon (handle, index, hIcon);
OS.DestroyIcon (hIcon);
images [index] = image;
public void remove (int index) {
int count = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
if (!(0 <= index && index < count)) return;
OS.ImageList_Remove (handle, index);
System.arraycopy (images, index + 1, images, index, --count - index);
images [index] = null;
public void setBackground (int color) {
if (background == color) return;
background = color;
* This code is intentionally commented. When the background
* color of the control changes, it is necessary to recompute
* the masks for all bitmaps in the image list. This can look
* really bad when the application program assumes the original
* color of the control and makes bitmaps accordingly. Typically
* this happens when the colors are change using the control panel.
* Therefore, this code remains commented even though it is correct.
// int length = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
// if (length == 0) return;
// int [] cx = new int [1], cy = new int [1];
// OS.ImageList_GetIconSize (handle, cx, cy);
// int width = cx [0], height = cy [0];
// OS.ImageList_Destroy (handle);
// handle = OS.ImageList_Create (width, height, CREATE_FLAGS, length, 16);
// for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
// Image image = images [i];
// if (image == null || image.isDisposed ()) {
// images [i] = null;
// int hBitmap = OS.CreateBitmap (width, height, 1, 1, null);
// OS.ImageList_AddMasked (handle, hBitmap, background);
// OS.DeleteObject (hBitmap);
// } else {
// int hImage = image.handle;
// switch (image.type) {
// case SWT.BITMAP:
// int hBitmap = copyBitmap (hImage, width, height);
// OS.ImageList_AddMasked (handle, hBitmap, background);
// OS.DeleteObject (hBitmap);
// break;
// case SWT.ICON:
// int hIcon = copyIcon (hImage, width, height);
// OS.ImageList_ReplaceIcon (handle, -1, hIcon);
// OS.DestroyIcon (hIcon);
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
// }
public int size () {
int result = 0;
int count = OS.ImageList_GetImageCount (handle);
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
if (images [i] != null) {
if (images [i].isDisposed ()) images [i] = null;
if (images [i] == null) result++;
return result;