blob: bc471fcf3946a2fdaf07f8c08468b9213c251743 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
* Instances of this class provide a selectable user interface object
* that displays a hierarchy of items and issue notificiation when an
* item in the hierarchy is selected.
* <p>
* The item children that may be added to instances of this class
* must be of type <code>TreeItem</code>.
* </p><p>
* Note that although this class is a subclass of <code>Composite</code>,
* it does not make sense to add <code>Control</code> children to it,
* or set a layout on it.
* </p><p>
* <dl>
* <dt><b>Styles:</b></dt>
* <dt><b>Events:</b></dt>
* <dd>Selection, DefaultSelection, Collapse, Expand</dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* IMPORTANT: This class is <em>not</em> intended to be subclassed.
* </p>
public class Tree extends Composite {
int hAnchor;
TreeItem [] items;
ImageList imageList;
boolean dragStarted;
boolean ignoreSelect, ignoreExpand, ignoreDeselect;
static final int TreeProc;
static final byte [] TreeClass = OS.WC_TREEVIEW;
static {
lpWndClass.cbSize = WNDCLASSEX.sizeof;
OS.GetClassInfoEx (0, TreeClass, lpWndClass);
TreeProc = lpWndClass.lpfnWndProc;
* Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent
* and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
* <p>
* The style value is either one of the style constants defined in
* class <code>SWT</code> which is applicable to instances of this
* class, or must be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together
* (that is, using the <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more
* of those <code>SWT</code> style constants. The class description
* for all SWT widget classes should include a comment which
* describes the style constants which are applicable to the class.
* </p>
* @param parent a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
* @param style the style of control to construct
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent</li>
* <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li>
* </ul>
* @see SWT
* @see Widget#checkSubclass
* @see Widget#getStyle
public Tree (Composite parent, int style) {
super (parent, checkStyle (style));
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the receiver's selection changes, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>SelectionListener</code>
* interface.
* <p>
* When <code>widgetSelected</code> is called, the item field of the event object is valid.
* If the reciever has <code>SWT.CHECK</code> style set and the check selection changes,
* the event object detail field contains the value <code>SWT.CHECK</code>.
* <code>widgetDefaultSelected</code> is typically called when an item is double-clicked.
* </p>
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see SelectionListener
* @see #removeSelectionListener
* @see SelectionEvent
public void addSelectionListener(SelectionListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection, typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection, typedListener);
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when an item in the receiver is expanded or collapsed
* by sending it one of the messages defined in the <code>TreeListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see TreeListener
* @see #removeTreeListener
public void addTreeListener(TreeListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Expand, typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Collapse, typedListener);
int callWindowProc (int msg, int wParam, int lParam) {
if (handle == 0) return 0;
return OS.CallWindowProc (TreeProc, handle, msg, wParam, lParam);
static int checkStyle (int style) {
* Feature in Windows. It is not possible to create
* a tree that scrolls and does not have scroll bars.
* The TVS_NOSCROLL style will remove the scroll bars
* but the tree will never scroll. Therefore, no matter
* what style bits are specified, set the H_SCROLL and
* V_SCROLL bits so that the SWT style will match the
* widget that Windows creates.
return checkBits (style, SWT.SINGLE, SWT.MULTI, 0, 0, 0, 0);
public Point computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
checkWidget ();
int width = 0, height = 0;
RECT rect = new RECT ();
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_ROOT, 0);
while (hItem != 0) {
rect.left = hItem;
if (OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 1, rect) != 0) {
width = Math.max (width, rect.right - rect.left);
height += rect.bottom -;
hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_NEXT, hItem);
width = width * 2;
if (width == 0) width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
if (height == 0) height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT) width = wHint;
if (hHint != SWT.DEFAULT) height = hHint;
int border = getBorderWidth ();
width += border * 2; height += border * 2;
if ((style & SWT.V_SCROLL) != 0) {
width += OS.GetSystemMetrics (OS.SM_CXVSCROLL);
if ((style & SWT.H_SCROLL) != 0) {
height += OS.GetSystemMetrics (OS.SM_CYHSCROLL);
return new Point (width, height);
void createHandle () {
super.createHandle ();
state &= ~CANVAS;
/* Set the checkbox image list */
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) setCheckboxImageList ();
* Feature in Windows. When the control is created,
* it does not use the default system font. A new HFONT
* is created and destroyed when the control is destroyed.
* This means that a program that queries the font from
* this control, uses the font in another control and then
* destroys this control will have the font unexpectedly
* destroyed in the other control. The fix is to assign
* the font ourselves each time the control is created.
* The control will not destroy a font that it did not
* create.
int hFont = OS.GetStockObject (OS.SYSTEM_FONT);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0);
void createItem (TreeItem item, int hParent, int hInsertAfter) {
int id = 0;
while (id < items.length && items [id] != null) id++;
if (id == items.length) {
TreeItem [] newItems = new TreeItem [items.length + 4];
System.arraycopy (items, 0, newItems, 0, items.length);
items = newItems;
tvInsert.hParent = hParent;
tvInsert.hInsertAfter = hInsertAfter;
tvInsert.lParam = id;
tvInsert.iImage = OS.I_IMAGENONE;
tvInsert.iSelectedImage = tvInsert.iImage;
/* Set the initial unchecked state */
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) {
tvInsert.mask = tvInsert.mask | OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvInsert.state = 1 << 12;
tvInsert.stateMask = OS.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
/* Insert the item */
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, tvInsert);
if (hItem == 0) error (SWT.ERROR_ITEM_NOT_ADDED);
item.handle = hItem;
items [id] = item;
* This code is intentionally commented.
// if (hParent != 0) {
// int bits = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_STYLE);
// OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_STYLE, bits);
// }
* Bug in Windows. When a child item ss added to a parent item
* that has no children outside of WM_NOTIFY with control code
* TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, the tree widget does not redraw the +/-
* indicator. The fix is to detect this case and force a redraw.
if (!OS.IsWindowVisible (handle) || drawCount > 0) return;
int hChild = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CHILD, hParent);
if (hChild == 0 || OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_NEXT, hChild) != 0) {
RECT rect = new RECT ();
rect.left = hParent;
if (OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 0, rect) != 0) {
OS.InvalidateRect (handle, rect, false);
ScrollBar createScrollBar (int type) {
return new ScrollBar (this, type);
void createWidget () {
super.createWidget ();
items = new TreeItem [4];
int defaultBackground () {
return OS.GetSysColor (OS.COLOR_WINDOW);
* Deselects all selected items in the receiver.
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public void deselectAll () {
checkWidget ();
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) {
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem != 0) {
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
void destroyItem (TreeItem item) {
int hItem = item.handle;
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
releaseItems (new TreeItem [] {item}, tvItem);
boolean fixRedraw = false;
if (drawCount == 0 && OS.IsWindowVisible (handle)) {
RECT rect = new RECT ();
rect.left = hItem;
fixRedraw = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 0, rect) == 0;
if (fixRedraw) {
OS.UpdateWindow (handle);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0);
int result = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, hItem);
if (fixRedraw) {
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
OS.ValidateRect (handle, null);
int count = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if (count == 0) {
if (imageList != null) {
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
imageList.dispose ();
imageList = null;
items = new TreeItem [4];
int getBackgroundPixel () {
int pixel = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0);
if (pixel == -1) return OS.GetSysColor (OS.COLOR_WINDOW);
return pixel;
int getForegroundPixel () {
int pixel = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0);
if (pixel == -1) return OS.GetSysColor (OS.COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
return pixel;
* Returns the item at the given point in the receiver
* or null if no such item exists. The point is in the
* coordinate system of the receiver.
* @param point the point used to locate the item
* @return the item at the given point
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public TreeItem getItem (Point point) {
checkWidget ();
if (point == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
lpht.x = point.x; lpht.y = point.y;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_HITTEST, 0, lpht);
if (lpht.hItem != 0 && (lpht.flags & OS.TVHT_ONITEM) != 0) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = lpht.hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
return items [tvItem.lParam];
return null;
* Returns the number of items contained in the receiver
* that are direct item children of the receiver. The
* number that is returned is the number of roots in the
* tree.
* @return the number of items
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public int getItemCount () {
checkWidget ();
int count = 0;
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_ROOT, 0);
while (hItem != 0) {
hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_NEXT, hItem);
return count;
* Returns the height of the area which would be used to
* display <em>one</em> of the items in the tree.
* @return the height of one item
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public int getItemHeight () {
checkWidget ();
return OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
* Returns the number of items contained in the receiver
* that are direct item children of the receiver. These
* are the roots of the tree.
* <p>
* Note: This is not the actual structure used by the receiver
* to maintain its list of items, so modifying the array will
* not affect the receiver.
* </p>
* @return the number of items
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public TreeItem [] getItems () {
checkWidget ();
int count = 0;
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_ROOT, 0);
while (hItem != 0) {
hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_NEXT, hItem);
int index = 0;
TreeItem [] result = new TreeItem [count];
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_ROOT, 0);
while (tvItem.hItem != 0) {
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
result [index++] = items [tvItem.lParam];
tvItem.hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_NEXT, tvItem.hItem);
return result;
* Returns the receiver's parent item, which must be a
* <code>TreeItem</code> or null when the receiver is a
* root.
* @return the receiver's parent item
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public TreeItem getParentItem () {
checkWidget ();
return null;
* Returns an array of <code>TreeItem</code>s that are currently
* selected in the receiver. An empty array indicates that no
* items are selected.
* <p>
* Note: This is not the actual structure used by the receiver
* to maintain its selection, so modifying the array will
* not affect the receiver.
* </p>
* @return an array representing the selection
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public TreeItem [] getSelection () {
checkWidget ();
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) {
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem == 0) return new TreeItem [0];
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) == 0) return new TreeItem [0];
return new TreeItem [] {items [tvItem.lParam]};
int count = 0;
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) count++;
TreeItem [] result = new TreeItem [count];
if (count != 0) {
int index = 0;
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) {
result [index++] = item;
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
return result;
* Returns the number of selected items contained in the receiver.
* @return the number of selected items
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public int getSelectionCount () {
checkWidget ();
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) {
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem == 0) return 0;
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) == 0) return 0;
return 1;
int count = 0;
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) count++;
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
return count;
int imageIndex (Image image) {
if (image == null) return OS.I_IMAGENONE;
if (imageList == null) {
int hOldList = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_NORMAL, 0);
if (hOldList != 0) OS.ImageList_Destroy (hOldList);
imageList = new ImageList ();
imageList.setBackground (getBackgroundPixel ());
imageList.add (image);
int hImageList = imageList.getHandle ();
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_NORMAL, hImageList);
return 0;
int index = imageList.indexOf (image);
if (index != -1) return index;
return imageList.add (image);
void releaseItems (TreeItem [] nodes, TVITEM tvItem) {
for (int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = nodes [i];
TreeItem [] sons = item.getItems ();
if (sons.length != 0) {
releaseItems (sons, tvItem);
int hItem = item.handle;
if (hItem == hAnchor) hAnchor = 0;
if (!item.isDisposed ()) {
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
items [tvItem.lParam] = null;
item.releaseWidget ();
item.releaseHandle ();
void releaseWidget () {
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null && !item.isDisposed ()) {
item.releaseWidget ();
item.releaseHandle ();
items = null;
super.releaseWidget ();
if (imageList != null) {
imageList.dispose ();
} else {
int hOldList = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_NORMAL, 0);
if (hOldList != 0) OS.ImageList_Destroy (hOldList);
imageList = null;
int hOldList = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_STATE, 0);
if (hOldList != 0) OS.ImageList_Destroy (hOldList);
* Removes all of the items from the receiver.
* <p>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public void removeAll () {
checkWidget ();
ignoreDeselect = ignoreSelect = true;
int result = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, OS.TVI_ROOT);
ignoreDeselect = ignoreSelect = false;
if (result == 0) error (SWT.ERROR_ITEM_NOT_REMOVED);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null && !item.isDisposed ()) {
item.releaseWidget ();
item.releaseHandle ();
if (imageList != null) {
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
imageList.dispose ();
imageList = null;
items = new TreeItem [4];
hAnchor = 0;
* Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
* @param listener the listener which should no longer be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see SelectionListener
* @see #addSelectionListener
public void removeSelectionListener (SelectionListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
eventTable.unhook (SWT.Selection, listener);
eventTable.unhook (SWT.DefaultSelection, listener);
* Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when items in the receiver are expanded or collapsed..
* @param listener the listener which should no longer be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see TreeListener
* @see #addTreeListener
public void removeTreeListener(TreeListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
if (eventTable == null) return;
eventTable.unhook (SWT.Expand, listener);
eventTable.unhook (SWT.Collapse, listener);
* Display a mark indicating the point at which an item will be inserted.
* The drop insert item has a visual hint to show where a dragged item
* will be inserted when dropped on the tree.
* @param item the insert item. Null will clear the insertion mark.
* @param after true places the insert mark above 'item'. false places
* the insert mark below 'item'.
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public void setInsertMark (TreeItem item, boolean before) {
checkWidget ();
int hItem = 0;
if (item != null) hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETINSERTMARK, (before) ? 0 : 1, hItem);
* Selects all the items in the receiver.
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public void selectAll () {
checkWidget ();
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) return;
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem == 0) {
hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_ROOT, 0);
if (hItem != 0) {
ignoreSelect = true;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SELECTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, hItem);
ignoreSelect = false;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, hItem);
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
void setBackgroundPixel (int pixel) {
if (background == pixel) return;
background = pixel;
* Bug in Windows. When TVM_GETBKCOLOR is used more
* than once to set the background color of a tree,
* the background color of the lines and the plus/minus
* does not change to the new color. The fix is to set
* the background color to the default before setting
* the new color.
int oldPixel = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0);
if (oldPixel != -1) OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, -1);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, pixel);
if (pixel == -1) pixel = getBackgroundPixel ();
if (imageList != null) {
imageList.setBackground (pixel);
int hImageList = imageList.getHandle ();
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_NORMAL, hImageList);
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) setCheckboxImageList ();
void setCheckboxImageList () {
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) == 0) return;
int count = 5;
int height = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0), width = height;
int hImageList = OS.ImageList_Create (width, height, OS.ILC_COLOR, count, count);
int hDC = OS.GetDC (handle);
int memDC = OS.CreateCompatibleDC (hDC);
int hBitmap = OS.CreateCompatibleBitmap (hDC, width * count, height);
int hOldBitmap = OS.SelectObject (memDC, hBitmap);
RECT rect = new RECT ();
OS.SetRect (rect, 0, 0, width * count, height);
int hBrush = OS.CreateSolidBrush (getBackgroundPixel ());
OS.FillRect (memDC, rect, hBrush);
OS.DeleteObject (hBrush);
int oldFont = OS.SelectObject (hDC, defaultFont ());
OS.GetTextMetrics (hDC, tm);
OS.SelectObject (hDC, oldFont);
int itemWidth = Math.min (tm.tmHeight, width);
int itemHeight = Math.min (tm.tmHeight, height);
int left = (width - itemWidth) / 2, top = (height - itemHeight) / 2 + 1;
OS.SetRect (rect, left + width, top, left + width + itemWidth, top + itemHeight);
rect.left += width; rect.right += width;
rect.left += width; rect.right += width;
rect.left += width; rect.right += width;
OS.SelectObject (memDC, hOldBitmap);
OS.DeleteDC (memDC);
OS.ReleaseDC (handle, hDC);
OS.ImageList_AddMasked (hImageList, hBitmap, 0);
OS.DeleteObject (hBitmap);
int hOldList = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_STATE, 0);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_STATE, hImageList);
if (hOldList != 0) OS.ImageList_Destroy (hOldList);
void setForegroundPixel (int pixel) {
if (foreground == pixel) return;
foreground = pixel;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, pixel);
* Sets the receiver's selection to be the given array of items.
* The current selected is first cleared, then the new items are
* selected.
* @param items the array of items
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see Tree#deselectAll()
public void setSelection (TreeItem [] items) {
checkWidget ();
if (items == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
/* Select/deselect the first item */
int hOldItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (items.length == 0) {
if (hOldItem != 0) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
tvItem.hItem = hOldItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
} else {
int hNewItem = 0;
TreeItem item = items [0];
if (item != null) hNewItem = item.handle;
ignoreSelect = true;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SELECTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, hNewItem);
ignoreSelect = false;
* Feature in Windows. When the old and new focused item
* are the same, Windows does not check to make sure that
* the item is actually selected, not just focused. The
* fix is to force the item to draw selected by setting
* the state mask.
if (hOldItem == hNewItem) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
tvItem.hItem = hNewItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) return;
/* Select/deselect the rest of the items */
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = this.items [i];
if (item != null) {
int index = 0;
while (index < items.length) {
if (items [index] == item) break;
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) {
if (index == items.length) {
tvItem.state = 0;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
} else {
if (index != items.length) {
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
* Shows the item. If the item is already showing in the receiver,
* this method simply returns. Otherwise, the items are scrolled
* and expanded until the item is visible.
* @param item the item to be shown
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see Tree#showSelection()
public void showItem (TreeItem item) {
checkWidget ();
if (item == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, item.handle);
* Shows the selection. If the selection is already showing in the receiver,
* this method simply returns. Otherwise, the items are scrolled until
* the selection is visible.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see Tree#showItem(TreeItem)
public void showSelection () {
checkWidget ();
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem == 0) return;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, hItem);
int widgetStyle () {
int bits = super.widgetStyle () | OS.WS_TABSTOP | OS.TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS;
* This code is intentionally commented. In future,
* FULL_SELECTION may be implemented for trees and
* automatic tool tips turned off.
// if ((style & SWT.FULL_SELECTION) != 0) {
// } else {
// }
return bits;
byte [] windowClass () {
return TreeClass;
int windowProc () {
return TreeProc;
LRESULT WM_CHAR (int wParam, int lParam) {
LRESULT result = super.WM_CHAR (wParam, lParam);
if (result != null) return result;
* Feature in Windows. The tree control beeps
* in WM_CHAR when the search for the item that
* matches the key stroke fails. This is the
* standard tree behavior but is unexpected when
* the key that was typed was CR or SPACE. The
* fix is to avoid calling the tree window proc
* in these cases.
switch (wParam) {
return result;
LRESULT WM_KEYDOWN (int wParam, int lParam) {
LRESULT result = super.WM_KEYDOWN (wParam, lParam);
if (result != null) return result;
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0 && wParam == OS.VK_SPACE) {
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem != 0) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
int state = tvItem.state >> 12;
if ((state & 0x1) != 0) {
} else {
tvItem.state = state << 12;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
Event event = new Event ();
event.item = items [tvItem.lParam];
event.detail = SWT.CHECK;
postEvent (SWT.Selection, event);
return result;
LRESULT WM_KILLFOCUS (int wParam, int lParam) {
LRESULT result = super.WM_KILLFOCUS (wParam, lParam);
if (result != null) return result;
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) return result;
* Feature in Windows. When multiple item have
* the TVIS_SELECTED state, Windows redraws only
* the focused item in the color used to show the
* selection when the tree loses or gains focus.
* The fix is to force Windows to redraw all the
* visible items when focus is gained or lost.
OS.InvalidateRect (handle, null, false);
return result;
LRESULT WM_LBUTTONDOWN (int wParam, int lParam) {
* Feature in Windows. When a tree item is
* reselected, Windows does not issue a WM_NOTIFY.
* This is inconsistent with the list widget and
* other widgets in Windows. The fix is to detect
* the case when an item is reselected and issue
* the notification.
lpht.x = (short) (lParam & 0xFFFF);
lpht.y = (short) (lParam >> 16);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_HITTEST, 0, lpht);
if (lpht.hItem == 0 || (lpht.flags & OS.TVHT_ONITEM) == 0) {
sendMouseEvent (SWT.MouseDown, 1, OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
int code = callWindowProc (OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
if (OS.GetCapture () != handle) OS.SetCapture (handle);
return new LRESULT (code);
/* Look for check/uncheck */
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) {
if ((lpht.flags & OS.TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) != 0) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = lpht.hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
int state = tvItem.state >> 12;
if ((state & 0x1) != 0) {
} else {
tvItem.state = state << 12;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
Event event = new Event ();
event.item = items [tvItem.lParam];
event.detail = SWT.CHECK;
postEvent (SWT.Selection, event);
sendMouseEvent (SWT.MouseDown, 1, OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
if (OS.GetCapture () != handle) OS.SetCapture (handle);
/* Get the selected state of the item under the mouse */
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.mask = OS.TVIF_STATE;
tvItem.stateMask = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
boolean hittestSelected = false;
if ((style & SWT.MULTI) != 0) {
tvItem.hItem = lpht.hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
hittestSelected = (tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
/* Get the selected state of the last selected item */
int hOldItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if ((style & SWT.MULTI) != 0) {
tvItem.hItem = hOldItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
/* Check for CONTROL or drag selection */
if (hittestSelected || (wParam & OS.MK_CONTROL) != 0) {
if (drawCount == 0) {
OS.UpdateWindow (handle);
OS.DefWindowProc (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0);
* This code is intentionally commented.
// OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0);
} else {
deselectAll ();
/* Do the selection */
sendMouseEvent (SWT.MouseDown, 1, OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
dragStarted = false;
ignoreDeselect = ignoreSelect = true;
int code = callWindowProc (OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
ignoreDeselect = ignoreSelect = false;
if (dragStarted && OS.GetCapture () != handle) OS.SetCapture (handle);
int hNewItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
/* Reselect the last item that was unselected */
if ((style & SWT.MULTI) != 0) {
/* Check for CONTROL and reselect the last item */
if (hittestSelected || (wParam & OS.MK_CONTROL) != 0) {
if (hOldItem == hNewItem && hOldItem == lpht.hItem) {
if ((wParam & OS.MK_CONTROL) != 0) {
tvItem.state ^= OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
if (dragStarted) tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
} else {
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) {
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((wParam & OS.MK_CONTROL) != 0 && !dragStarted) {
if (hittestSelected) {
tvItem.state = 0;
tvItem.hItem = lpht.hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if (drawCount == 0) {
RECT rect1 = new RECT (), rect2 = new RECT ();
rect1.left = hOldItem; rect2.left = hNewItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 1, rect1);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 1, rect2);
* This code is intentionally commented.
// OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
OS.DefWindowProc (handle, OS.WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
OS.RedrawWindow (handle, rect1, 0, flags);
OS.RedrawWindow (handle, rect2, 0, flags);
/* Check for SHIFT or normal select and delect/reselect items */
if ((wParam & OS.MK_CONTROL) == 0) {
if (!hittestSelected || !dragStarted) {
tvItem.state = 0;
int oldProc = OS.GetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, TreeProc);
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
TreeItem item = items [i];
if (item != null && item.handle != hNewItem) {
tvItem.hItem = item.handle;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
tvItem.hItem = hNewItem;
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
OS.SetWindowLong (handle, OS.GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc);
if ((wParam & OS.MK_SHIFT) != 0) {
RECT rect1 = new RECT ();
if (hAnchor == 0) hAnchor = hNewItem;
rect1.left = hAnchor;
if (OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 1, rect1) != 0) {
RECT rect2 = rect2 = new RECT ();
rect2.left = hNewItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEMRECT, 1, rect2);
tvItem.state = OS.TVIS_SELECTED;
int hItem = tvItem.hItem = hAnchor;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
while (hItem != hNewItem) {
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETITEM, 0, tvItem);
hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, flags, hItem);
if ((wParam & OS.MK_SHIFT) == 0) hAnchor = hNewItem;
/* Issue notification */
tvItem.hItem = hNewItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
Event event = new Event ();
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) {
event.item = items [tvItem.lParam];
postEvent (SWT.Selection, event);
* Feature in Windows. Inside WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONDOWN,
* the widget starts a modal loop to determine if the user wants
* to begin a drag/drop operation or marque select. Unfortunately,
* this modal loop eats the corresponding mouse up. The fix is to
* detect the cases when the modal loop has eaten the mouse up and
* issue a fake mouse up.
if (dragStarted) {
sendEvent (SWT.DragDetect);
// widget could be disposed at this point
} else {
sendMouseEvent (SWT.MouseUp, 1, OS.WM_LBUTTONUP, wParam, lParam);
dragStarted = false;
return new LRESULT (code);
LRESULT WM_RBUTTONDOWN (int wParam, int lParam) {
* Feature in Windows. The receiver uses WM_RBUTTONDOWN
* to initiate a drag/drop operation depending on how the
* user moves the mouse. If the user clicks the right button,
* without moving the mouse, the tree consumes the corresponding
* WM_RBUTTONUP. The fix is to avoid calling the window proc for
* the tree.
sendMouseEvent (SWT.MouseDown, 3, OS.WM_RBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
* This code is intentionally commented.
// if (OS.GetCapture () != handle) OS.SetCapture (handle);
setFocus ();
* Feature in Windows. When the user selects a tree item
* with the right mouse button, the item remains selected
* only as long as the user does not release or move the
* mouse. As soon as this happens, the selection snaps
* back to the previous selection. This behavior can be
* observed in the Explorer but is not instantly apparent
* because the Explorer explicity sets the selection when
* the user chooses a menu item. If the user cancels the
* menu, the selection snaps back. The fix is to avoid
* calling the window proc and do the selection ourselves.
* This behavior is consistent with the table.
lpht.x = (short) (lParam & 0xFFFF);
lpht.y = (short) (lParam >> 16);
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_HITTEST, 0, lpht);
if (lpht.hItem != 0 && (lpht.flags & (OS.TVHT_ONITEMICON | OS.TVHT_ONITEMLABEL)) != 0) {
if ((wParam & (OS.MK_CONTROL | OS.MK_SHIFT)) == 0) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = lpht.hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) == 0) {
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SELECTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, lpht.hItem);
LRESULT WM_SETFOCUS (int wParam, int lParam) {
LRESULT result = super.WM_SETFOCUS (wParam, lParam);
if (result != null) return result;
if ((style & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) return result;
* Feature in Windows. When multiple item have
* the TVIS_SELECTED state, Windows redraws only
* the focused item in the color used to show the
* selection when the tree loses or gains focus.
* The fix is to force Windows to redraw all the
* visible items when focus is gained or lost.
OS.InvalidateRect (handle, null, false);
return result;
LRESULT WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE (int wParam, int lParam) {
LRESULT result = super.WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE (wParam, lParam);
if (result != null) return result;
if (imageList != null && background == -1) {
imageList.setBackground (defaultBackground ());
int hImageList = imageList.getHandle ();
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SETIMAGELIST, OS.TVSIL_NORMAL, hImageList);
if ((style & SWT.CHECK) != 0) setCheckboxImageList ();
return result;
LRESULT wmNotifyChild (int wParam, int lParam) {
NMHDR hdr = new NMHDR ();
OS.MoveMemory (hdr, lParam, NMHDR.sizeof);
int code = hdr.code;
switch (code) {
int pos = OS.GetMessagePos ();
POINT pt = new POINT ();
pt.x = (short) (pos & 0xFFFF);
pt.y = (short) (pos >> 16);
OS.ScreenToClient (handle, pt);
lpht.x = pt.x; lpht.y = pt.y;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_HITTEST, 0, lpht);
if ((lpht.flags & OS.TVHT_ONITEM) == 0) break;
// fall through
if (!ignoreSelect) {
TVITEM tvItem = null;
if (code == OS.TVN_SELCHANGED) {
tvItem = new TVITEM ();
int offset = NMHDR.sizeof + 4 + TVITEM.sizeof;
OS.MoveMemory (tvItem, lParam + offset, TVITEM.sizeof);
} else {
int hItem = OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, 0);
if (hItem == 0) {
tvItem = new TVITEM ();
tvItem.hItem = hItem;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_GETITEM, 0, tvItem);
TreeItem item = null;
if (tvItem != null) {
* This code is intentionally commented.
// hAnchor = tvItem.hItem;
if ((tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) != 0) {
item = items [tvItem.lParam];
Event event = new Event ();
event.item = item;
if (code == OS.TVN_SELCHANGED) {
postEvent (SWT.Selection, event);
} else {
postEvent (SWT.DefaultSelection, event);
if (code == OS.NM_DBLCLK && hooks (SWT.DefaultSelection)) {
if (!ignoreSelect && !ignoreDeselect) {
hAnchor = 0;
if ((style & SWT.MULTI) != 0) deselectAll ();
if (!ignoreExpand) {
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
int offset = NMHDR.sizeof + 4 + TVITEM.sizeof;
OS.MoveMemory (tvItem, lParam + offset, TVITEM.sizeof);
int [] action = new int [1];
OS.MoveMemory (action, lParam + NMHDR.sizeof, 4);
Event event = new Event ();
event.item = items [tvItem.lParam];
* It is possible (but unlikely), that application
* code could have disposed the widget in the expand
* or collapse event. If this happens, end the
* processing of the Windows message by returning
* zero as the result of the window proc.
if (action [0] == OS.TVE_EXPAND) {
sendEvent (SWT.Expand, event);
if (isDisposed ()) return LRESULT.ZERO;
if (action [0] == OS.TVE_COLLAPSE) {
sendEvent (SWT.Collapse, event);
if (isDisposed ()) return LRESULT.ZERO;
TVITEM tvItem = new TVITEM ();
int offset = NMHDR.sizeof + 4 + TVITEM.sizeof;
OS.MoveMemory (tvItem, lParam + offset, TVITEM.sizeof);
if (tvItem.hItem != 0 && (tvItem.state & OS.TVIS_SELECTED) == 0) {
ignoreSelect = ignoreDeselect = true;
OS.SendMessage (handle, OS.TVM_SELECTITEM, OS.TVGN_CARET, tvItem.hItem);
ignoreSelect = ignoreDeselect = false;
dragStarted = true;
return super.wmNotifyChild (wParam, lParam);
LRESULT wmScroll (int msg, int wParam, int lParam) {
int code = callWindowProc (msg, wParam, lParam);
if (code == 0) return LRESULT.ZERO;
return new LRESULT (code);