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<title>SWT - Hello World Examples</title>
<h2>Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) Standalone Example - Hello World</h2>
<p>The Hello World examples shows how to create a shell, use listeners, process
events, and use SWT controls.
<h3>Running the example</h3>
<p>If the Example Launcher is installed, select the Hello World [1-5] item from the Standalone category and click Run.&nbsp;
Otherwise, install and run the example manually as per the
<a href="swt_manual_setup.html">Standalone Examples Manual Setup</a> instructions.&nbsp; The executable classes are
<h4>Hello World 1</h4>
<p>This example demonstrates the minimum amount of code required to open an
SWT Shell and process the events.
<h4>Hello World 2</h4>
<p>This example builds on HelloWorld1 and demonstrates the minimum amount
of code required to open an SWT Shell with a Label and process the events.
<h4>Hello World 3</h4>
<p>This example builds on HelloWorld2 and demonstrates how to resize the Label
when the Shell resizes using a Listener mechanism.
<h4>Hello World 4</h4>
<p>This example builds on HelloWorld2 and demonstrates how to resize the Label
when the Shell resizes using a Layout.
<h4>Hello World 5</h4>
<p>This example builds on HelloWorld1 and demonstrates how to draw directly
on an SWT Control.
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