Bug 433958 - [win32] Minimizing a Shell doesn't make some other
application's window active

Fixed the bug in WM_SYSCOMMAND by limiting an old workaround to only
apply to Windows versions prior to Vista.

Also fixed another version check in WM_ERASEBKGND to apply its
workaround to only Windows Vista like its accompanying comment says.

Change-Id: Id956ecca9d950923a765853fb36d75cdd117b7a4
Signed-off-by: Timo Kinnunen <timo.kinnunen@gmail.com>
1 file changed
tree: 40cb4681c490406e87b7a81a266eb9e5cbeb9c15
  1. bundles/
  2. examples/
  3. tests/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md

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