blob: 90ba763c828be6d4179d5a90d3e218c7b9b855d1 [file] [log] [blame] = SWT Launcher Example Plugin = SWT Examples = SWT Example Launcher = Launch Items = Workbench Views
launchcategory.SWTViewExamples.description = \
A collection of Standard Widget Toolkit examples that run as Views inside the Workbench. \
These examples will create a new View in the current Perspective. = Launcher
launchitem.LauncherExample.description = \
The Example Launcher is a tool for enumerating, running and browsing a variety of examples. \
While these operations may be performed manually (with some difficulty), the Example Launcher \
offers a convenient interface. For information on how to manipulate particular examples \
manually, please consult their related documentation.\n\n\
Running the Example Launcher\n\
To run the Example Launcher, pull down the Perspective menu, select the \
Show View menu item, then select Other from the submenu. A dialog \
will come up with a list of views. Expand SWT Examples and select \
the view named SWT Example Launcher. A view containing a list of examples to \
choose will appear.\n\n\
About the examples\n\
The Example Launcher can launch two different types of examples: Workbench Views, \
and Standalone applications. Examples will generally be organized into categories to \
distinguish the one from the other.\n\n\
Workbench Views are GUI panels that sit inside a given perspective. When the Launcher \
starts a program that is written to interact with the Workbench as a view, it is opened and \
embedded into the currently active perspective.\n\n\
Standalone applications are programs that run independently of the current \
Eclipse Platform environment. First, a new Java VM and Eclipse Platform runtime \
is started, then the application's main() method is invoked. For this reason, \
these applications may take some time to load.\n\n\
The example launcher view contains a tree list, a text area, and 2 buttons. \
The tree list contains a list of all the SWT examples you can choose \
to run. When an example is selected from the tree, the text area \
shows a short description of each example. The selected example can \
be executed by clicking on the Run button, which can be found just below \
the tree list. For some of the examples, you can also import the example \
source code into a project in the Workspace. A project, with a name specified \
by the user, is created and all the java classes required to run that example \
will be added to that newly created project.\n\n\
Depending on the example and on the configuration of your system, it may be \
necessary to alter Project build paths or to define classpath variables to compile \
or run examples that have been imported to the Workspace.
error.CouldNotLoadResources = Unable to load resources
error.IncompleteProgramLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ProgramLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteViewLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ViewLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteLaunchItem = Incomplete or unrecognized XML LaunchItem definition, id = {0}
dialog.RunProgramProblems.title = Run Program Problems
dialog.RunProgramErrorCheckLog.message = Error while running program "{0}", check log for details.
dialog.ImportPathInput.title = Add to Workbench
dialog.ImportPathInput.message = Enter the name of the new project to create.
dialog.InvalidTargetProjectPath.interactive = Not a valid project name.
dialog.ExistingProjectPath.interactive = A project with that name already exists.
dialog.ImportProgramProblems.title = Add to Workbench Problems
dialog.InvalidTargetProjectPath.message = "{0}" is not a valid project name.
dialog.ErrorAccessingZipFile.message = Error accessing Zip/Jar file "{0}" for import. {1}
dialog.ErrorCreatingNewProject.message = Error creating new project. {0}
dialog.ErrorUpdatingProjectProperties.message = Error updating project properties. {0}
dialog.UnableToGetJavaProjectHandle.message = Could not retrieve Java Project handle.
dialog.UnableToSetClasspathVariable.message = Could not set classpath variable "{0}" to "{1}".
dialog.UnableExpandSubstitutionKeyword.message = Could not expand substitution variable "{0}" in "{1}" line of
dialog.UnableToProgramArguments.message = Could not set program arguments for type "{1}" in resource "{0}" to "{2}".
dialog.UnableToVMArguments.message = Could not set VM arguments for type "{1}" resource "{0}" to "{2}".
dialog.ImportProgramOverwrite.title = Add to Workbench
dialog.FileAlreadyExists.message = {0} already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
launchitem.Null.description = <<no item selected>> = <<unnamed>>
launchitem.Missing.description = <<no description available>>
view.launchGroup.text = Examples
view.launchButton.text = Run
view.importButton.text = Add to Workspace
view.descriptionGroup.text = Description
run.error.Invocation = A fatal error occurred while launching the program.
run.error.Execution = An uncaught exception occured while running the program.
run.error.CouldNotFindPlugin = Could not find plugin: {0}
run.error.CouldNotFindMain = Could not find a suitable main method to run.
run.error.CouldNotFindDefaultVM = Could not find default VM. Please ensure that a default VM has been selected in the Java Properties editor.
run.error.CouldNotFindVMRunner = The VM "{0}" does not support launching Java programs in ''Run'' mode. Please select a default VM that supports this mode in the Java Properties editor.
run.error.CouldNotDetermineClasspath = Internal Error: Unable to determine classpath for plugin: {0}
run.error.MalformedArgumentList = Malformed argument list
run.error.MissingAppPlugin = Missing -appplugin argument. Must specify the plugin with the program to launch.
run.error.MissingAppClass = Missing -appclass argument. Must specify the class with the main() method to invoke.