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<title>SWT - File Viewer Example</title>
<h2>SWT Standalone Example - File Viewer</h2>
The File Viewer example shows how a simple application can be implemented using SWT.
This application provides the ability to navigate files and folders and manipulate them via Drag and Drop.
It includes the use of alternate threads for long actions and demonstrates the use of the Tree,
Table, Toolbar and Program.
<h3>Running the example</h3>
Follow the <a href="swt_manual_setup.html">Manual Setup</a>
instructions to install and run the example from your workspace.
The "Main" class is <code>org.eclipse.swt.examples.fileviewer.FileViewer</code>.
This example can also be run using the <a href="swt_launcher_ex.html">Example Launcher</a>.
Select the File Viewer item from the Standalone category and click Run.
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