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<title>SWT - Controls Overview</title>
<h2>SWT example - Browser Demos</h2>
The Browser Demos demonstrate various features of the SWT Browser widget.
<li>The Pawns Game is a board game that can be played against the computer
or against another player. Rendering is based on HTML and CSS techniques. The
board is a table filled with hyperlinks. Cascading Style Sheets
provide various themes and control the table aesthetic appearance.
The API <code>org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.setText(java.lang.String)</code> draws
the board game from HTML generated in memory.
Player moves are captured by implementing the interface <code>org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationListener</code>.
e.g the player clicks on a cell that may generate an hyperlink with a URL similar to That hyperlink identifies
the position of the cell selected by the player. The move is completed by generating
new HTML content and invoking <code>Browser.setText</code> to update the board game.
<h3>Running the example</h3>
Follow the <a href="../../org.eclipse.swt.examples/doc-html/swt_manual_setup.html">SWT standalone examples setup</a>
instructions to install and run the example from your workspace.
The "Main" class is <code>org.eclipse.swt.examples.browser.demos.BrowserDemoView</code>.
This example can also be run using the <a href="../../org.eclipse.swt.examples.launcher/doc-html/swt_launcher_ex.html">Example Launcher</a>.
Select the <strong>Browser Demo</strong> item from the <strong>Workbench Views</strong> category and click <strong>Run</strong>.
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