blob: 11f6f01099bf498da8aa20e1864d22c5df1f5e0a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
############################################################################### Error: {0}
internal=An internal error has occurred. Consult the error log for details.
AbstractStructureVisitor.sendingFolder=Processing {0}
AbstractStructureVisitor.sendingFile=Processing {0}
AbstractStructureVisitor.noRemote=Unable to determine remote location for resource
AddDeleteMoveListener.deletedResource={0} has been deleted locally
AddDeleteMoveListener.Error_creating_deletion_marker_1=Error creating deletion marker
AddDeleteMoveListener.Local_addition_not_under_CVS_control_2=Local addition not under CVS control
AddDeleteMoveListener.Error_creating_addition_marker_3=Error creating addition marker
AddDeleteMoveListener.Error_updating_marker_state_4=Error updating marker state
CVSAuthenticationException.detail=Authentication error: {0} communication error: {0}
CVSCommunicationException.interruptCause=The most likely cause of the interrupt is either an intermittent network failure or a communications timeout.
CVSCommunicationException.interruptSolution=The CVS communications timeout can be adjusted in the Team/CVS preferences.
CVSCommunicationException.alternateInterruptCause=Another possible cause is the improper configuration of the "ext" connection method.
CVSCommunicationException.alternateInterruptSolution=The "ext" connection method can be configured on the Team/CVS/EXT Connection Method preference page accessing CVS file
CVSDiffException.message=The compared files are different
CVSStatus.messageWithRoot={0}: {1}
CVSTag.nullName=Name must not be null
CVSTag.emptyName=Name must not be empty
CVSTag.beginName=Name must start with a letter
CVSTag.badCharName=Name must not contain spaces or the characters `$,.:;@|'
CVSWorkspaceRoot.notCVSFolder=The CVS synchronization information for {0} has become corrupt or does not exist exception occurred: {0} of file encountered: {0} not found: {0} has been interrupted. locate host connect to host Exception: {0}
Connection.cannotClose=Cannot close connection
Connection.readUnestablishedConnection=Failure due to attempt to read from an unestablished connection
Connection.writeUnestablishedConnection=Failure due to attempt to write to an unestablished connection
PServerConnection.invalidChars=Invalid characters in password
PServerConnection.hostInvalid=Invalid host
PServerConnection.loginRefused=Incorrect user name or password
PServerConnection.socket=Cannot connect to host: {0}
PServerConnection.connectionRefused=Connection refused: {0} opening socket connection
PServerConnection.noResponse=No response from server
PServerConnection.authenticating=Authenticating using pserver
CVSProviderPlugin.cannotUpdateDescription=Error updating project description
CVSProviderPlugin.errorDeletingCache=Error occurred deleting cache: {0}
CVSProviderPlugin.errorCreatingCache=Error occurred creating cache: {0}
CVSProviderPlugin.unknownStateFileVersion=Could not read CVS state file: unknown version '{0}'.
CVSProvider.exception=Internal error occurred.
CVSProvider.invalidResource=Resource {0} is not a CVS resource
CVSProvider.initialImport=Initial import
CVSProvider.alreadyExists=The specified repository location already exists.
CVSProvider.rename=An I/O Exception occurred while renaming the state file {0} I/O Exception occurred while saving the state file {0}
CVSProvider.ioException=I/O Exception occurred on the state file
CVSProvider.errorSaving=Error saving state
CVSProvider.errorLoading=Error loading state
CVSProvider.infoMismatch=Provided CVS information does not match that on disk for project {0}
CVSTeamProvider.noFolderInfo=Project {0} does not contain CVS folder meta-information
CVSTeamProvider.deconfigureProblem=Error while deconfiguring CVS project {0}
CVSTeamProvider.initializationFailed=Initialization of CVS for project {0} failed
CVSTeamProvider.visitError=An error occurred while visiting resource {0}
CVSTeamProvider.invalidResource=Resource {0} is not a child of project {1}
CVSTeamProvider.checkinProblems=Problems occurred committing resources to server
CVSTeamProvider.invalidProjectState=CVS sharing information is missing from project {0}
CVSTeamProvider.typesDiffer=Error retrieving remote resource tree. Local and remote resource types differ for {0}
CVSTeamProvider.connectionInfo=Updating connection information for project {0}
CVSTeamProvider.folderInfo=Updating folder synchronization information for project {0}
CVSTeamProvider.updatingFolder=Updating {0}
CVSTeamProvider.scrubbingResource=Scrubbing {0}
CVSTeamProvider.updatingFile=Updating {0}
CVSTeamProvider.makeBranch=Creating branch
CVSTeamProvider.preparingToSetKSubst=Preparing to set keyword substitution mode
CVSTeamProvider.settingKSubst=Setting keyword substitution mode
CVSTeamProvider.cleanLineDelimitersException=Exception occurred while cleaning line delimiters
CVSTeamProvider.changingKeywordComment=*** keyword substitution change ***
CVSTeamProvider.errorGettingFetchProperty=Could not get "fetch new directory" property for project ''{0}''.
CVSTeamProvider.errorSettingFetchProperty=Could not set "fetch new directory" property for project ''{0}''.
CVSTeamProvider.overlappingRemoteFolder=Cannot create linked resource ''{0}'' because a folder of the same name exists remotely.
CVSTeamProvider.overlappingFileDeletion=Cannot create linked resource ''{0}'' because a deletion for the file of that name has not been committed.
CVSTeamProvider.errorGettingWatchEdit=Could not get "watch/edit" property for project ''{0}''.
CVSTeamProvider.errorSettingWatchEdit=Could not set "watch/edit" property for project ''{0}''.
CVSTeamProvider.errorAddingFileToDiff=An I/O error occurred adding file ''{0}'' to the patch output.
ResourceDeltaVisitor.visitError=Error while processing resource deltas
ResponseDispatcher.serverError=The CVS server responded with an error (see the CVS console)
ResponseDispatcher.problemsReported= Errors occurred during the CVS operation
ResponseDispatcher.receiving=Receiving response
FileProperties.invalidEntryLine=Invalid entry line: {0}
EclipseResource.invalidResourceClass=Two different implementations of ICVSResource used
RemoteResource.invalidResourceClass=Two different implementations of ICVSResource used
RemoteResource.invalidOperation=Invalid operation performed on remote resource
RemoteFolder.errorFetchingRevisions=Error fetching file revision numbers
RemoteFolder.invalidChild=Resource {0} is not a child of folder {1}
RemoteFolder.errorFetchingRevisions=Error fetching file revisions
RemoteFolder.errorFetchingMembers=One or more error occurred fetching the members of a remote folder
RemoteFolder.doesNotExist=Folder {0} does not exist remotely
RemoteFile.noContentsReceived=No contents received from server for {0}
RemoteFile.errorRetrievingFromCache=Error occurred retrieving cached contents: {0}
RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildingBase=Collecting local synchronization information
RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.receivingDelta=Receiving delta for {0}
RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.receivingRevision=Receiving revision for {0}
RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.missingParent=An error has occurred processing file ''{0} {1}''
RemoteFolderTreeBuild.folderDeletedFromServer=Folder ''{0}'' has been deleted from the server.
ReplaceWithBaseVisitor.replacing=Replacing ''{0}''
Session.badInt="Malformed file transmission received"
Session.receiving=Receiving file: {0}
Session.sending=Sending file: {0}
Session.transfer={0} ({1}K of {2}K bytes)
Session.calculatingCompressedSize=Calculating compressed size: {0}
Command.receivingResponses=Receiving server response
Command.warnings=The following warnings were reported while performing the "cvs {0}" command.
Command.serverError=The server reported an error while performing the "cvs {0}" command.
Command.noMoreInfoAvailable=The server did not provide any additional information.
Command.unsupportedResponse=Unknown response received from cvs server: {0} {1}
Command.argumentNotManaged=Argument {0} is not managed
Command.invalidTag=HEAD is not a valid tag
Command.noOpenSession=The CVS command cannot be issued because there is no connection available
Command.seriousServerError=The server reported an error: {0}
Commit.syncInfoMissing=The commit operation succeeded. However, committed file ''{0}'' no longer has CVS synchronization information.
Commit.timestampReset=The modification timestamp was changed for ''{0}'' but the contents match that of the server. The timstamp has been reset.
Diff.serverError=The server reported an error while performing the "cvs diff" command which may only indicate that a difference exists.
Tag.notVersionOrBranchError=Error applying tag: the tag provided is not a version or branch tag.
DefaultHandler.connectionClosed=The connection to the server has been closed
ModTimeHandler.invalidFormat=The server modification time {0} is in an unknown format
Updated.numberFormat=Server did not send length of the file
UnsupportedHandler.message=Unsupported response received from server
RemovedHandler.invalid=Invalid removed response received from CVS server for {0}
CheckInHandler.checkedIn= Receiving confirmation for file {0}.
KSubstOption.-kb.long=Binary (-kb)
KSubstOption.-ko.short=ASCII -ko
KSubstOption.-ko.long=ASCII without keyword substitution (-ko)
KSubstOption.-kkv.short=ASCII -kkv
KSubstOption.-kkv.long=ASCII with keyword expansion (-kkv)
KSubstOption.-kkvl.short=ASCII -kkvl
KSubstOption.-kkvl.long=ASCII with keyword expansion and locker (-kkvl)
KSubstOption.-kv.short=ASCII -kv
KSubstOption.-kv.long=ASCII with keyword replacement (-kv)
KSubstOption.-kk.short=ASCII -kk
KSubstOption.-kk.long=ASCII with keyword compression (-kk)
KSubstOption.unknown.short=Unknown {0}
KSubstOption.unknown.long=Unknown ({0})
AdminKSubstListener.expectedRCSFile=Expected RCS file {0} to end in ',v'
AdminKSubstListener.commandRootNotManaged=Local root for this command is not managed
AdminKSubstListener.expectedChildOfCommandRoot=Expected RCS file {0} to be a child of remote root for this command {1}
AdminKSubstListener.couldNotSetResourceSyncInfo=Could not set resource sync info for {0}: {1}
CVSRepositoryLocation.nullLocation=Location must not be null
CVSRepositoryLocation.emptyLocation=Location must not be empty
CVSRepositoryLocation.endWhitespace=Location must not end with whitespace
CVSRepositoryLocation.locationForm=Location must have form ':methodname:[user[:password]@]host:[port]/path/to/cvsroot'
CVSRepositoryLocation.startOfLocation=Location must start with a connection method name enclosed in colons
CVSRepositoryLocation.methods=Only the following methods are supported: {0}
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingMethod=Error in connection method specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingUser=Error in user name specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingPassword=Error in password specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingHost=Error in host specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingPort=Error in port specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.parsingRoot=Error in repository root directory specification
CVSRepositoryLocation.invalidFormat=Invalid CVS repository location format: {0}
CVSRepositoryLocation.authenticationCanceled=Authentication canceled by user
CVSRepositoryLocation.errorCaching=Error occurred while saving password for {0}
CVSRepositoryLocation.errorFlushing=Error occurred while flushing password for {0}
CVSRepositoryLocation.openingConnection=Opening connection to {0}
CVSRepositoryLocation.usernameRequired=A username is required to make a connection
CVSRepositoryLocation.cvsntPrefix=CVSNT repository ''{0}'' is configured to use a repository prefix. However, CVSNT does not always properly communicate resource paths in this mode resulting in the failure of some specialized Eclipse CVS operations. The use of a repository prefix should be disable if the full functionality of the Eclipse CVS client is desired
ProjectDescriptionContentHandler.xml=Error parsing project description file
Util.invalidResource=Resource {1} is not relative to root {0}
Util.timeout=A timeout occurred connecting to host {0}
Util.processTimeout=A timeout occurred executing command ''{0}''
Synchronizer.reload=Examining {0}
Checking_out_from_CVS..._5=Checking out from CVS...
FileSystemSynchronizer_Error_loading_from_CVS/Entries_file_1=Error loading from CVS/Entries file
FileSystemSynchronizer_Error_loading_from_.cvsignore_file_2=Error loading from .cvsignore file
FileSystemSynchronizer_Error_loading_from_CVS/Root,Repository_files_3=Error loading from CVS/Root,Repository files
FileSystemSynchronizer_Error_reloading_sync_information_5=Error reloading sync information
Malformed_entry_line___11=Malformed entry line:
Malformed_entry_line,_missing_name___12=Malformed entry line, missing name:
Malformed_entry_line,_missing_revision___13=Malformed entry line, missing revision:
FolderSyncInfo_Maleformed_root_4=Malformed root
SyncFileUtil_Error_writing_to_Entries.log_48=Error writing to Entries.log
SyncFileUtil_Cannot_close_Entries.log_49=Cannot close Entries.log
SyncFileUtil_Error_reloading_sync_information_58=Error reloading sync information
SyncFileUtil_Error_writing_to_.cvsignore_61=Error writing to .cvsignore
SyncFileUtil_Cannot_close_.cvsignore_62=Cannot close .cvsignore
SyncFileWriter.baseNotAvailable=Could not restore the base contents of ''{0}'' from the local cache.
BaseRevInfo.malformedEntryLine=Malformed entry line ''{0}'' for base revision information file.
FileModificationValidator.isReadOnly=File is Read Only.
EXTServerConnection.invalidPort=A port cannot be specified for the ext connection method.
EXTServerConnection.varsNotSet=Cannot run external ext program because CVS_RSH and CVS_SERVER variables are not initialized.
EXTServerConnection.ioError=Error starting external connection program: {0}. Ensure that the path is correct and that you can connect manually using this program.
CVSRemoteSyncElement.rootDiffers=Error mapping local folder {0} to repository {1}. It is already managed by repository {2}.
CVSRemoteSyncElement.repositoryDiffers=Error mapping local folder {0} to remote folder {1}. It is already mapped to {2}.
Util.Internal_error,_resource_does_not_start_with_root_3=Internal error, resource does not start with root
CVSProvider.Scrubbing_local_project_1=Scrubbing local project
CVSProvider.Scrubbing_projects_1=Scrubbing projects
CVSProvider.Creating_projects_2=Creating projects
EclipseFile_Problem_deleting_resource=Problem deleting resource: {0}. {1}
EclipseFile_Problem_accessing_resource=Problem accessing resource: {0}. {1} Perform a Refresh.
EclipseFile_Problem_creating_resource=Problem creating resource: {0}. {1}
EclipseFile_Problem_writing_resource=Problem writing resource ''{0}''. {1}
EclipseFolder_problem_creating=Problem creating folder: {0}. {1}
EclipseFolder.isModifiedProgress=Determining if {0} has outgoing changes...
EclipseSynchronizer.UpdatingSyncEndOperation=Updating CVS synchronization information...
EclipseSynchronizer.UpdatingSyncEndOperationCancelled=Operation cancelled: updating CVS synchronization information...
EclipseSynchronizer.NotifyingListeners=Notifying of CVS changes...
EclipseSynchronizer.ErrorSettingFolderSync=Cannot set folder sync info on {0}
EclipseSynchronizer.ErrorSettingResourceSync=Cannot set resource sync info on {0}
EclipseSynchronizer.ErrorSettingIgnorePattern=Cannot set ignored pattern on {0}
EclipseSynchronizer.ErrorCommitting=Errors saving CVS synchronization information to disk. Please fix the problems listed below and then update the affected resources from the CVS repository.
EclipseSynchronizer.folderSyncInfoMissing=CVS synchronization information could not be found for folder ''{0}''
EclipseSynchronizer.workspaceClosedForResource=Invalid attempt to modify the sync info for resource ''{0}''
SynchrnoizerSyncInfoCache.failedToSetSyncBytes=Could not change sync info for ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' to ''{2}'' because the workspace is locked.
SyncFileChangeListener.errorSettingTeamPrivateFlag=Error setting team-private flag on resource
RemoteFile.getContents=Retrieving remote file contents
RemoteFile.getLogEntries=Retrieving log entries
RemoteFolder.exists=Checking if resource exists remotely
RemoteFolder.getMembers=Retrieving children of remote folder
RemoteModule.getRemoteModules=Retrieving remote modules
RemoteModule.invalidDefinition=Invalid module definition ''{0}'' received from ''{1}''.
PruneFolderVisitor.caseVariantsExist=The following resources could not be created.
PruneFolderVisitor.caseVariantExists=The resource ''{0}'' could not be created because another resource exists whose path differs only by case.
Version.unsupportedVersion=Host ''{0}'' is running unsupported CVS version {1}. Although most functionality works, use version 1.11.1p1 or later for full support.
Version.unsupportedCVSNT=Host ''{0}'' is running CVS NT (version {1}) which is not fully supported. However, most functionality is available.
Version.unknownVersionFormat=Host ''{0}'' is running ''{1}'' which is an unknown version to the workbench. Although most functionality may work, use version 1.11.1p1 or later for full support.
Version.versionNotValidRequest=Unable to determine server version. Host ''{0}'' does not support the ''cvs version'' command. Although most functionality works, use version 1.11.1p1 or later for full support.
LogListener.invalidRevisionFormat=Invalid revision format ''{1}'' for tag ''{0}''.
RemoteFile.Could_not_cache_remote_contents_to_disk._Caching_remote_file_in_memory_instead._1=Could not cache remote contents to disk. Caching remote file in memory instead. Exception follows.
NotifyInfo.MalformedLine=Invalid Notify format: ''{0}''
NotifyInfo.MalformedNotificationType=Invalid notification type in line: ''{0}''
NotifyInfo.MalformedNotifyDate=Invalid date format in line: ''{0}''
ResourceSynchronizer.missingParentBytesOnGet=Synchronization bytes are missing for parent of resource ''{1}'' in synchronization partner ''{0}'' on get.
ResourceSynchronizer.missingParentBytesOnSet=Synchronization bytes are missing for parent of resource ''{1}'' in synchronization partner ''{0}'' on set.
CVSAnnotateBlock.6={0} {1} ({2} {3})
CVSMergeSubscriber.2=CVS Merge: {0} to {1}
CVSMergeSubscriber.4=Shows the the differences between a merge source and the workspace.
CVSMergeSubscriber.13=Error restoring merge subscriber: {0} is an invalid save context.
CVSMergeSubscriber.19=Error restoring merge subscriber {0}: There are no roots in the save context.
CVSMergeSubscriber.21=Ignoring root resource {0} because it does not exist in the current workspace.
CVSMergeSubscriber.22=Error restoring merge subscriber {0}: There are no existing roots in the save context.
CVSProviderPlugin.20=CVS Workspace
CVSProviderPlugin.21=Synchronizes the CVS managed resources in your workspace with their associated remote location
CVSSyncTreeSubscriber.0={0} is not a valid comparison criteria for subscriber {1}
CVSRevisionNumberCompareCriteria.1=Comparing revision numbers
RemoteTagSynchronizer.0=Refreshing {0}
ReentrantLock.9=An error occurred writting CVS synchronization information to disk. Some information may be lost.
CRLFDetectInputStream.0=CVS file {0} either contains invalid line endings on the server (CR/LF instead of just LF) or is a binary file that is not marked as -kb.
SynchronizerSyncInfoCache.0=Synchronization information could not be cached for {0}. The only negative effect of this may be decreased performance.
DeferredResourceChangeHandler.0=Reconciling CVS state changes
DeferredResourceChangeHandler.1=Errors occured handling ignore file (.cvsignore) changes. Some resources may not be decorated properly.
CVSWorkspaceRoot.11=The parent folder of managed file {0} does not have sync info associated with it.
RemoveEntryHandler.2=Remove-entry received and ignored from CVS server for existing file {0}.
ServerMessageLineMatcher.5=Variable in template is not of the correct format: {0}
ServerMessageLineMatcher.6=There are additional groups above those defining variables in template: {0}
ServerMessageLineMatcher.7=Expected variable {0} in {1} but it is not present.
CVSSyncTreeSubscriber.1=Errors occurred during refresh of {0}
CVSSyncTreeSubscriber.2=An error occurred refreshing {0}: {1}
CVSSyncInfo.7=Invalid attempt to make file {0} in-sync. This operation can only be sed on folders.
CVSSyncInfo.8=Invalid attempt to make outgoing resource {0} in-sync. This operation only applies to incoming or conflicting changes.
CVSSyncInfo.9=Cannot make {0} in-sync because its parent is not under CVS control.
CVSSyncInfo.10=Cannot make {0} in-sync because there is no corresponding remote.