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<title>Team - Logical Model Integration Example</title>
<h2>Team - Logical Model Integration Example</h2>
The Logical Model Integration example shows how to make a repository provider
logical-model-aware and how to make a logical model team-aware. In particular you
this example shows how to:
<li>Use ResourceMappings and ModelProviders to ensure that team operations are
performed on the proper set of resources.</li>
<li>Support model participation in synchronization and merge operations.</li>
<li>Use the Common Navigator framework to show logical model trees.</li>
The example consists of code for both the repository provider and the model provider arranged in the following packages:
<li><em></em>: Low level repository synchronization/merge support.</li>
<li><em></em>: Use of ResourceMapping to ensure operations are performed on
the proper set of resources and Synchronize view integration.</li>
<li><em></em>: The core component of the example model.</li>
<li><em></em>: Use of the Common Navigator to provide a tree-based view
of the example model.</li>
<li><em></em>: ModelProvider/ResourceMapping support for the example model.</li>
<li><em></em>: Synchronize view integration for the model.</li>
<h3>Running the example</h3>
To start using this example:
<li>Create an Example model project (File/New/Other followed by Team Logical Model Example/Model Project)
<li>Open the Project Explorer to see the new project
<li>Add Folders and MOD files as desired.
<li>Add MOE files to MOD files.
<li>Share the project with the Basic file system provider.
<li>Perform various team operations including synchronizations to see the results.