blob: a5309084b0f175a2672e6fd1c762d5d81fa085a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
public class CVSStatus extends TeamStatus {
/*** Status codes ***/
public static final int SERVER_ERROR = -10;
public static final int NO_SUCH_TAG = -11;
public static final int CONFLICT = -12;
public static final int ERROR_LINE = -14; // generic uninterpreted E line from the server
public static final int TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS = -15;
public static final int COMMITTING_SYNC_INFO_FAILED = -16;
public static final int DOES_NOT_EXIST = -17;
public static final int FOLDER_NEEDED_FOR_FILE_DELETIONS = -18;
public static final int CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS = -19;
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION = -20;
public static final int SERVER_IS_CVSNT = -21;
public static final int SERVER_IS_UNKNOWN = -22;
public static final int PROTOCOL_ERROR = -23;
public static final int ERROR_LINE_PARSE_FAILURE = -24;
public static final int FAILED_TO_CACHE_SYNC_INFO = -25;
public static final int UNMEGERED_BINARY_CONFLICT = -26;
public static final int INVALID_LOCAL_RESOURCE_PATH = -27;
public static final int RESPONSE_HANDLING_FAILURE = -28;
public static final int COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = -29;
public static final int AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE = -30;
// Path for resource related status
private ICVSFolder commandRoot;
// Server information
private ICVSRepositoryLocation cvsLocation;
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, Throwable t, ICVSRepositoryLocation cvsLocation) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, code, message, t,null);
this.cvsLocation = cvsLocation;
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message,ICVSRepositoryLocation cvsLocation) {
this(severity, code, message, null, cvsLocation);
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, Throwable t, IResource cvsResource) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, code, message, t, cvsResource);
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, IResource resource) {
this(severity, code, message, null, resource);
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, Throwable t, ICVSFolder commandRoot) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, code, message, t, null);
this.commandRoot = commandRoot;
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, ICVSFolder commandRoot) {
this(severity, code, message, null, commandRoot);
public CVSStatus(int severity, int code, String message, Throwable t) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, code, message, t, null);
public CVSStatus(int severity, String message, Throwable t) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, CVSStatus.ERROR, message, t, null);
public CVSStatus(int severity, String message) {
super(severity, CVSProviderPlugin.ID, CVSStatus.ERROR, message, null, null);
* @see IStatus#getMessage()
public String getMessage() {
String message = super.getMessage();
if (commandRoot != null) {
message = NLS.bind(CVSMessages.CVSStatus_messageWithRoot, new String[] { commandRoot.getName(), message });
return message;
* Return whether this status is wrapping an internal error.
* An internal error is any error for which the wrapped exception
* is not a CVS exception. Check deeply to make sure there isn't
* an internal error buried deep down.
* @return whether this status is wrapping an internal error
public boolean isInternalError() {
Throwable ex = getException();
if (ex instanceof CVSException) {
CVSException cvsEx = (CVSException) ex;
IStatus status = cvsEx.getStatus();
return isInternalError(status);
return ex != null;
* Return whether this status is wrapping an internal error.
* An internal error is any error for which the wrapped exception
* is not a CVS exception. Check deeply to make sure there isn't
* an internal error buried deep down.
* @return whether this status is wrapping an internal error
public static boolean isInternalError(IStatus status) {
if (status instanceof CVSStatus) {
return ((CVSStatus)status).isInternalError();
if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
IStatus child = children[i];
if (isInternalError(child)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
public ICVSRepositoryLocation getCvsLocation() {
if (cvsLocation==null){
try {
if (commandRoot!=null){
FolderSyncInfo info = commandRoot.getFolderSyncInfo();
if (info!=null){
String repoString = info.getRoot();
cvsLocation = KnownRepositories.getInstance().getRepository(repoString);
} else if (getResource()!=null){
ICVSFolder folder = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(getResource().getProject());
FolderSyncInfo info = folder.getFolderSyncInfo();
if (info!=null){
String repoString = info.getRoot();
cvsLocation = KnownRepositories.getInstance().getRepository(repoString);
} catch (CVSException e){
// do nothing as we are already creating a status for an exception
// we may need to trace it though
return cvsLocation;
public ICVSFolder getCommandRoot() {
return commandRoot;