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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Provides a reconciler add-on for an <tt>ITextViewer</tt>.
A&nbsp; reconciler provides generic synchronization support&nbsp; with
the content of the document serving as the <tt>ITextViewer</tt>'s input.
There is no explicit model of what is synchronized.
Package Specification</h2>
<tt>IReconciler</tt> defines the concept of a reconciler. It collaborates
with content type specific reconciling strategies (<tt>IReconcilingStrategy</tt>)
which perform the synchronization for a given dirty region. The package
contains a default implementation of <tt>IReconciler</tt> (<tt>Reconciler</tt>).
<tt>Reconciler</tt> and <tt>MonoReconciler</tt> implements reconciling
as a periodic background activity and folds co-located changes while being