Bug 559885 - Hyperlink support in cheat sheet item

Added support for hyperlinks in cheat sheet item description.
Hyperlinks are expressed using <a href="URL">diplay link</a>, where URL
is a valid URL to an external web site or an CheatSheet URL that
represents an CheatSheat action. All cheat sheet URLs have the following
form: http://org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheet/<action_name>?param1=value1&amp;param2=value2
and will be processed by the cheat sheet framework.

The following predefined actions are included in the cheat sheet
 - showView - activates view with given view id
 - execute - executes the specified command

Change-Id: I8b2500e734e45d2b00e93d4795316347a2ff4ccd
Signed-off-by: George Suaridze <suag@1c.ru>
12 files changed