blob: 50d8dcdf2c961d42d6b53e36edb56a6dcc61094f [file] [log] [blame]
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<cheatsheet title="Testing Infopop and Help Links">
This cheat sheet will test infopop and help link.
Let's get started!
<item title="Item with simple text">
Some simple text to test the decription formating.
<item title="Item with a line break"><description>
Line one
Line two with a special &lt; char in the middle.
<item title="Item with all the special charaters"><description>
&lt; - less than
<b>Special characters</b><br/>
less than: &lt;
greater than: &gt;
ampersand: &amp;
apostrophe: &apos;
quote: &quot;
<item title="Item with one less than"><description><b>&lt;</b></description></item>
<item title="Item with one greater than"><description>&gt;</description></item>
<item title="Item with one bold less than"><description><b>&lt;</b></description></item>
<item title="Item with one bold greater than"><description><b>&gt;</b></description></item>
<item title="Item with one less than before a break"><description>&lt;<br/></description></item>
<item title="Item with one less than after a break"><description><br/>&lt;</description></item>
<item title="Item with one less than between breaks"><description><br/>&lt;<br/></description></item>
<item title="Item with one greater than before a break"><description>&gt;<br/></description></item>
<item title="Item with one greater than after a break"><description><br/>&gt;</description></item>
<item title="Item with one greater than between breaks"><description><br/>&gt;<br/></description></item>