blob: 5394a6df28b82f3c8c0f29e56c29f941d0279f5e [file] [log] [blame]
Checking data integrity......done.
Status: Database is seeded.
Status: Preferences are loaded.
Seeded System Version: ######
Seeded Model Code: #######
CacheGUID: ########
CacheSequenceNum: 12172
Date Initialized: #######
Path: #################
DB Object: ##############
Store Object: ###############
+++++++++++++++++++++ MEMORY USAGE +++++++++++++++++++++
sizeof(Data): ### ( ### bytes) --------
sizeof(Table): ## ( ## bytes) --------
sizeof(Unit): # ( # bytes) --------
sizeof(IdentifierCache): # ( # bytes) --------
BundleClass: kLSBundleClassApplication
Container mount state: mounted
bundle id: 9796
Mach-O UUIDs: #################
Device Familie
Counterpart ID
sequenceNum: 9796
FamilyID: 0
PurchaserID: 0
DownloaderID: 0
installType: 0
appContainer: #
dataContainer: #
path: /Applications/
name: Calculator
displayName: (null)
itemName: (null)
teamID: 0000000000
staticSize: 0
storeFront: 0
versionID: 0
sourceAppID: (null)
ratingLabel: (null)
ratingRank: 0
genre:: (null)
genreID: 0
2ry category:
identifier: (0x8000bf7d)
vendor: (null)
type: (null)
version: 123.0 (<00000000 00ec0100>)
versionString: 123
displayVersion 10.13
codeInfoID: (null)
signerOrg: (null)
mod date: ##############
reg date: ##############
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: '????'
bundle flags: apple-internal has-display-name (0000000000000003)
Icon flags: relative-icon-path supports-asset-catalog (0000000000000005)
arch flags: x86_64 (0000000000000008)
item flags: container package application extension-hidden native-app (000000000010008e)
iconName: AppIcon
iconDict: {
CFBundlePrimaryIcon = {
CFBundleIconName = AppIcon;
icons: Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/Calculator
inode: 1752
exec inode: 9188046
container id: 4
min version: 10.10 (<00004001 00280000>)
mach min ver: 10.13 (<0000a001 00280000>)
execSDK ver: 10.13 (<0000a001 00280000>)
plistCommon: {
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
CFBundleExecutable = Calculator;
CFBundleGetInfoString = "10.13, Copyright \U00a9 2001-2017, Apple Inc.";
CFBundleHelpBookFolder = "";
CFBundleHelpBookName = "";
CFBundleIconFile = AppIcon;
CFBundleIconName = AppIcon;
CFBundleIdentifier = "";
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
CFBundleName = Calculator;
CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
CFBundleShortVersionString = "10.13";
CFBundleSignature = "????";
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms = (
CFBundleVersion = 123;
NSMainNibFile = Calculator;
NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
NSSupportsSuddenTermination = 1;
library: (null)
schemesList: NONE
activityTypes:, pv-d0fb7e13705334
entitlements: 4 entitlements
entitlements: {
"" = 1;
"" = 1;
"" = 1;
"" = 1;
BundleClass: kLSBundleClassApplication
Container mount state: mounted
bundle id: ####
Mach-O UUIDs: #####
Device Familie
Counterpart ID
sequenceNum: ####
FamilyID: 0
PurchaserID: 0
DownloaderID: 0
installType: 0
appContainer: #
dataContainer: #
path: /Users/myuser/Applications/
name: Eclipse
displayName: Eclipse
itemName: (null)
teamID: (null)
staticSize: 0
storeFront: 0
versionID: 0
sourceAppID: (null)
ratingLabel: (null)
ratingRank: 0
genre:: (null)
genreID: 0
category: (null)
2ry category: (null)
identifier: org.eclipse.sdk.ide (0x800072f6)
vendor: (null)
type: (null)
version: 4.7.3 (<0300e000 00100000>)
versionString: 4.7.3.M20180330-0640
displayVersion 4.7.3
codeInfoID: (null)
signerOrg: (null)
mod date: ###############
reg date: ###############
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: '????'
bundle flags: has-display-name (0000000000000002)
Icon flags: relative-icon-path (0000000000000001)
arch flags: x86_64 (0000000000000008)
item flags: container package application extension-hidden native-app (000000000010008e)
iconName: (null)
icons: Contents/Resources/Eclipse.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/eclipse
inode: ######
exec inode: ######
container id: 4
mach min ver: 10.10 (<00004001 00280000>)
execSDK ver: 10.10 (<00004001 00280000>)
plistCommon: {
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
CFBundleDisplayName = Eclipse;
CFBundleExecutable = eclipse;
CFBundleGetInfoString = "Eclipse 4.7 for Mac OS X, Copyright IBM Corp. and others 2002, 2016. All rights reserved.";
CFBundleIconFile = "Eclipse.icns";
CFBundleIdentifier = "org.eclipse.sdk.ide";
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
CFBundleName = Eclipse;
CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
CFBundleShortVersionString = "4.7.3";
CFBundleSignature = "????";
CFBundleURLTypes = (
CFBundleURLName = "The Hello World demo protocol";
CFBundleURLSchemes = (
CFBundleURLName = "The Hello World demo protocol";
CFBundleURLSchemes = (
CFBundleURLName = "The Hello World demo protocol";
CFBundleURLSchemes = (
CFBundleVersion = "4.7.3.M20180330-0640";
NSHighResolutionCapable = 1;
library: (null)
schemesList: NONE
activityTypes: NOTIFICATION#:org.eclipse.sdk.ide, pv-cd21293c654b55
claim id: 42056
name: The adt protocol
rank: Default
roles: Viewer
flags: url-type
bindings: hello1:, hello:, hello2
BundleClass: kLSBundleClassApplication
Container mount state: mounted
bundle id: 8668
Mach-O UUIDs: ##########################
Device Familie
Counterpart ID
sequenceNum: 8668
FamilyID: 0
PurchaserID: 0
DownloaderID: 0
installType: 0
appContainer: #
dataContainer: #
path: /Applications/
name: Stickies
displayName: (null)
itemName: (null)
teamID: 0000000000
staticSize: 0
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versionID: 0
sourceAppID: (null)
ratingLabel: (null)
ratingRank: 0
genre:: (null)
genreID: 0
2ry category: (null)
identifier: (0x8000b3aa)
canonical id: (0x8000b3a9)
vendor: (null)
type: (null)
version: (null) (<00000000 00000000>)
versionString: (null)
displayVersion 10.1
codeInfoID: (null)
signerOrg: (null)
mod date: 04.06.18, 15:11
reg date: 04.06.18, 15:13
type code: 'APPL'
creator code: 'notz'
bundle flags: apple-internal has-display-name (0000000000000003)
plist flags: (0000000000010000)
Icon flags: relative-icon-path (0000000000000001)
arch flags: x86_64 (0000000000000008)
item flags: container package application extension-hidden native-app services (000000000030008e)
iconName: (null)
icons: Contents/Resources/Stickies.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/Stickies
inode: 66390
exec inode: 9193526
container id: 4
min version: 10.8 (<00000001 00280000>)
mach min ver: 10.13 (<0000a001 00280000>)
execSDK ver: 10.13 (<0000a001 00280000>)
plistCommon: {
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
CFBundleDocumentTypes = (
CFBundleTypeName = StickieDocument;
CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
NSDocumentClass = StickiesDocument;
CFBundleExecutable = Stickies;
CFBundleHelpBookFolder = "";
CFBundleHelpBookName = "";
CFBundleIconFile = "Stickies.icns";
CFBundleIdentifier = "";
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
CFBundleName = Stickies;
CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
CFBundleShortVersionString = "10.1";
CFBundleSignature = notz;
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms = (
CFBundleVersion = "";
NSMainNibFile = MainMenu;
NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
NSServices = (
NSExecutable = Stickies;
NSKeyEquivalent = {
default = Y;
NSMenuItem = {
default = "Make Sticky";
NSMessage = makeStickyFromTextService;
NSPortName = Stickies;
NSSendTypes = (
NSSupportsSuddenTermination = YES;
library: (null)
schemesList: NONE
activityTypes: pv-f07aec335ad51f,
claim id: 32636
name: StickieDocument
rank: Default
roles: Editor
flags: apple-internal doc-type resolves-icloud-conflicts
service id: 1324
menu: Make Sticky
key: Y
port: Stickies
message: makeStickyFromTextService
user data: (null)
timeout: -1
send types: "NSStringPboardType", "NSRTFPboardType", "NSRTFDPboardType"
return types:
handler id: 9568
content type: public.vcard
all roles: (0x80006d8a)
handler id: 9572
content type:
all roles: (0x80006d8a)