blob: 07539b46af8e8616e0b9c0f4e326324332dfe598 [file] [log] [blame]
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, International Business Machines Corp and others.
# All rights reserved.   This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v0.5
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Cagatay Kavukcuoglu <> - Filter for markers in same project
# ==============================================================================
# package: org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist
# ==============================================================================
# TaskList
# ==============================================================================
TaskList.line = line {0}
TaskList.lineAndLocation = line {0} in {1}
TaskList.summaryFmt = {0} item(s): {1}
TaskList.summaryCountFmt = {0} task(s), {1} error(s), {2} warning(s), {3} info(s)
TaskList.unfilteredTitleFmt1 = ({0} item)
TaskList.unfilteredTitleFmtN = ({0} items)
TaskList.filteredTitleFmt = (Filter showing {0} of {1} items)
TaskList.selectedFmt = {0} items selected: {1}
TaskList.headerIcon =
TaskList.headerCompleted = C
TaskList.headerPriority = !
TaskList.headerDescription = Description
TaskList.headerResource = Resource
TaskList.headerFolder = In Folder
TaskList.headerLocation = Location
TaskList.high = High
TaskList.low = Low
TaskList.normal = Normal
TaskList.errorModifyingTask = Error modifying task
TaskList.reportHdr = Report for {0} markers:
TaskList.reportMarker = Marker {0}:
TaskList.reportResourceAndLine = Resource: {0}, Line: {1}
TaskList.reportMessage = Message: {0}
TaskList.reportType = Marker type: {0}
TaskList.reportPriority = Priority: {0}
# --- Actions ---
NewTask.text = &New Task
NewTask.tooltip = New Task
NewTask.enterDescription = Enter task description
NewTask.errorMessage = Error creating task
RemoveTask.text = &Delete
RemoveTask.tooltip = Delete
RemoveTask.errorMessage = Error deleting task
Filters.text = &Filter...
Filters.tooltip = Filter
GotoTask.text = &Go To
GotoTask.tooltip = Go to Resource
GotoTask.errorMessage = Problems Opening Editor
PurgeCompleted.text = Delete &Completed Tasks
PurgeCompleted.tooltip = Delete Completed Tasks
PurgeCompleted.question = Question
PurgeCompleted.permanent = Do you want to permanently discard all completed tasks?
PurgeCompleted.errorMessage = Error discarding completed tasks
SelectAll.text = Select A&ll
SelectAll.tooltip = Select All
Resolve.text = &Autofix...
Resolve.tooltip = Automatically resolve the task
# --- Filter Dialog ---
TaskList.filter = Filter Tasks
TaskList.showEntriesOfType = Show entries of &type:
TaskList.anyResource = On &any resource
TaskList.anyResourceInSameProject = On any resource in same &project
TaskList.selectedResource = On selected resource &only
TaskList.selectedAndChildren = On selected resource and its &children
TaskList.whereDescription = Where &description
TaskList.contains = contains
TaskList.doesNotContain = does not contain
TaskList.severity.label = Where problem &severity is:
TaskList.severity.error = &Error
TaskList.severity.warning = Warnin&g = &Info
TaskList.priority.label = Where task priorit&y is:
TaskList.priority.high = &High
TaskList.priority.low = Lo&w
TaskList.priority.normal = &Normal
TaskList.status.label = Where task stat&us is:
TaskList.status.completed = Co&mpleted
TaskList.status.notCompleted = Not Comp&leted
TaskList.resetText = &Reset