blob: 50f47020414aeb77fb332f7598bd3da5e4291663 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
IBM Corporation - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IBasicPropertyConstants;
* Utility class for accessing marker attributes.
/* package */ class MarkerUtil implements IMarkerConstants {
private static Map imageDescriptors;
private static ImageRegistry imageRegistry = new ImageRegistry();
private static MessageFormat line =
new MessageFormat(TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.line")); //$NON-NLS-1$;
private static MessageFormat lineAndLocation =
new MessageFormat(TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.lineAndLocation")); //$NON-NLS-1$
static {
* Don't allow instantiation.
private MarkerUtil() {
* Creates an image descriptor for the image file referred to by the
* given relative path (relative to the icons directory for the plug-in).
static ImageDescriptor createImageDescriptor(String relativePath) {
String iconPath = "icons/full/";//$NON-NLS-1$
try {
URL URL_BASIC = TaskList.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getInstallURL();
URL url = new URL(URL_BASIC, iconPath + relativePath);
return ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;
* Creates the map of image descriptors.
static void createImageDescriptors() {
String CTOOL = "ctool16/";//$NON-NLS-1$
String LOCAL = "clcl16/";//$NON-NLS-1$
String LOCAL_GREY = "elcl16/";//$NON-NLS-1$
String LOCAL_DISABLED = "dlcl16/";//$NON-NLS-1$
String OBJ = "obj16/";//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors = new HashMap(51);
imageDescriptors.put("header_complete", createImageDescriptor("obj8/complete.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("header_priority", createImageDescriptor("obj8/priority.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("copy", createImageDescriptor(CTOOL + "copy_edit.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("paste", createImageDescriptor(CTOOL + "paste_edit.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("task", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "taskmrk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("error", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "error_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("warn", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "warn_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("info", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "info_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("hprio", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "hprio_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("lprio", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "lprio_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("complete_tsk", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "complete_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("incomplete_tsk", createImageDescriptor(OBJ + "incomplete_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("gotoobj", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "gotoobj_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("gotoobj_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "gotoobj_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("addtsk", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "addtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("addtsk_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "addtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("addtsk_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "addtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("remtsk", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "remtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("remtsk_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "remtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("remtsk_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "remtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showcomplete", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "showcomplete_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("selected_mode", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "selected_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("selected_mode_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "selected_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("selected_mode_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "selected_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showchild_mode", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "showchild_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showchild_mode_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "showchild_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showchild_mode_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "showchild_mode.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showerr_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "showerr_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showerr_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "showerr_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showwarn_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "showwarn_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showwarn_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "showwarn_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showtsk_grey", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_GREY + "showtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("showtsk_disabled", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL_DISABLED + "showtsk_tsk.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("delete_edit", createImageDescriptor(CTOOL + "delete_edit.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
imageDescriptors.put("filter", createImageDescriptor(LOCAL + "filter_ps.gif"));//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the ending character offset of the given marker.
public static int getCharEnd(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END, -1);
* Returns the starting character offset of the given marker.
public static int getCharStart(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START, -1);
* Returns the icon to be used in the tasklist
* for the complete state of a task. Returns null
* for markers that are not tasks.
public static Image getCompleteImage(IMarker marker) {
if (isMarkerType(marker, IMarker.TASK)) {
if (isComplete(marker))
return getImage("complete_tsk");//$NON-NLS-1$
return getImage("incomplete_tsk");//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Returns the text to be used for the complete state of a task.
* Returns the empty string for markers that are not tasks.
public static String getCompleteText(IMarker marker) {
if (isMarkerType(marker, IMarker.TASK)) {
if (isComplete(marker))
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.completed"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.notCompleted"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the text to be used for the kind of marker.
public static String getKindText(IMarker marker) {
if (isMarkerType(marker, IMarker.TASK)) {
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.task"); //$NON-NLS-1$
switch (getSeverity(marker)) {
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.error"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.warning"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return TaskListMessages.getString(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the container name if it is defined, or empty string if not.
public static String getContainerName(IMarker marker) {
IPath path = marker.getResource().getFullPath();
int n = path.segmentCount() - 1; // n is the number of segments in container, not path
if (n <= 0)
return "";
int len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
len += path.segment(i).length();
// account for /'s
if (n > 1)
len += n-1;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (i != 0)
return sb.toString();
* Returns the image with the given key, or <code>null</code> if not found.
static Image getImage(String key) {
Image image = (Image) imageRegistry.get(key);
if (image == null) {
ImageDescriptor desc = getImageDescriptor(key);
if (desc != null) {
image = desc.createImage(false);
if (image == null) {
System.err.println("TaskList: Error creating image for " + key);//$NON-NLS-1$
imageRegistry.put(key, image);
return image;
* Returns the image that should be used to visually represent
* the marker, based on its type and priority.
static public Image getImage(IMarker marker) {
if (isMarkerType(marker, IMarker.PROBLEM)) {
switch (getSeverity(marker)) {
return getImage("error");//$NON-NLS-1$
return getImage("warn");//$NON-NLS-1$
return getImage("info");//$NON-NLS-1$
else if (isMarkerType(marker, IMarker.TASK)) {
return getImage("task");//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Returns the image descriptor with the given key, or <code>null</code> if not found.
static ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(String key) {
ImageDescriptor desc = (ImageDescriptor) imageDescriptors.get(key);
if (desc == null) {
System.err.println("TaskList: No image descriptor for " + key); //$NON-NLS-1$
return desc;
* Returns the text for the line and location column given the marker.
public static String getLineAndLocation(IMarker marker) {
int lineNumber = getLineNumber(marker);
String location = getLocation(marker);
return getLineAndLocation(lineNumber, location);
* Returns the text for the line and location column given the line number and location text.
public static String getLineAndLocation(int lineNumber, String location) {
if (lineNumber == -1) {
if (location.equals("")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
return "";//$NON-NLS-1$
else {
return location;
else {
if (location.equals("")) {//$NON-NLS-1$
return line.format(new Object[] { Integer.toString(lineNumber) });
else {
return lineAndLocation.format(new Object[] { Integer.toString(lineNumber), location });
* Returns the line number of the given marker.
public static int getLineNumber(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, -1);
* Returns the text for the location field.
public static String getLocation(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.LOCATION, "");//$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the message attribute of the given marker,
* or the empty string if the message attribute is not defined.
public static String getMessage(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, "");//$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the numeric value of the given string, which is assumed to represent a numeric value.
* @return <code>true</code> if numeric, <code>false</code> if not
static public int getNumericValue(String value) {
boolean negative = false;
int i = 0;
int len = value.length();
// skip any leading '#'
// workaround for 1GCE69U: ITPJCORE:ALL - Java problems should not have '#' in location.
if (i < len && value.charAt(i) == '#')
if (i < len && value.charAt(i) == '-') {
negative = true;
int result = 0;
while (i < len) {
int digit = Character.digit(value.charAt(i++), 10);
if (digit < 0) {
return result;
result = result * 10 + digit;
if (negative) {
result = -result;
return result;
* Returns the priority of the given marker. Default is PRIORITY_NORMAL.
public static int getPriority(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY, IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL);
* Returns an image that should visually represent marker's priority
* in the tasklist.
public static Image getPriorityImage(IMarker marker) {
switch (getPriority(marker)) {
return getImage("hprio");//$NON-NLS-1$
return null; // no image for normal priority
case IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW:
return getImage("lprio");//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Returns the text for the given marker's priority.
public static String getPriorityText(IMarker marker) {
switch (getPriority(marker)) {
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.high"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
case IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW:
return TaskListMessages.getString("TaskList.low"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Implements IProvider interface by supporting a number of
* properties required for visual representation of markers
* in the tasklist.
static public Object getProperty(Object object, String key) {
IMarker marker = (IMarker) object;
// optimizations:
// - check properties needed for TaskListLabelProvider first,
// then those needed for cell modifiers
// - use == instead of equals for efficiency
if (IBasicPropertyConstants.P_IMAGE == key) {
return getImage(marker);
if (IMarkerConstants.P_COMPLETE_IMAGE == key) {
return getCompleteImage(marker);
if (IMarkerConstants.P_PRIORITY_IMAGE == key) {
return getPriorityImage(marker);
if (IMarker.MESSAGE == key) {
return getMessage(marker);
if (IMarkerConstants.P_RESOURCE_NAME == key) {
return getResourceName(marker);
if (IMarkerConstants.P_CONTAINER_NAME == key) {
return getContainerName(marker);
if (IMarkerConstants.P_LINE_AND_LOCATION == key) {
return getLineAndLocation(marker);
if (IMarker.PRIORITY == key) {
// this property is used only by cell editor, where order is High, Normal, Low
return new Integer(IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH-getPriority(marker));
if (IMarker.DONE == key) {
return isComplete(marker) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (IBasicPropertyConstants.P_TEXT == key) {
return getMessage(marker);
return null;
* Returns name if it is defined, or
* blank string if not.
public static String getResourceName(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getResource().getName();
* Returns the severity of the given marker. Default is SEVERITY_WARNING.
public static int getSeverity(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING);
* A helper method that returns true if the given
* marker is marked as complete in the tasklist.
* Only tasks can be complete.
public static boolean isComplete(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.DONE, false);
* Returns whether the given marker is of the given type (either directly or indirectly).
public static boolean isMarkerType(IMarker marker, String type) {
try {
return marker.isSubtypeOf(type);
catch (CoreException e) {
return false;
* Returns whether the given string represents a numeric value.
* @return <code>true</code> if numeric, <code>false</code> if not
static public boolean isNumeric(String value) {
int i = 0;
int len = value.length();
// skip any leading '#'
// workaround for 1GCE69U: ITPJCORE:ALL - Java problems should not have '#' in location.
if (i < len && value.charAt(i) == '#')
// skip any '-'
if (i < len && value.charAt(i) == '-')
// if no digits, consider it not to be numeric
if (i == len)
return false;
while (i < len) {
if (Character.digit(value.charAt(i++), 10) == -1)
return false;
return true;
* Method getCreationTime.
* @param marker
* @return String
public static String getCreationTime(IMarker marker) {
try {
return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(new Date(marker.getCreationTime()));
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;