blob: f4b8eb8753adcc01d9d43533186f3365d83e2dba [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jface.text;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrintDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ScrollBar;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
* SWT based implementation of <code>ITextViewer</code>. Once the viewer and its SWT control
* have been created the viewer can only indirectly be disposed by disposing its SWT control.<p>
* Clients are supposed to instantiate a text viewer and subsequently to communicate with it
* exclusively using the <code>ITextViewer</code> interface. Clients should no subclass this
* class as it is rather likely that subclasses will be broken by future releases.
* @see ITextViewer
public class TextViewer extends Viewer implements ITextViewer, ITextOperationTarget, IWidgetTokenOwner {
public static boolean TRACE_ERRORS= false;
* Represent a replace command that brings the text viewer's text widget
* back in sync with text viewer's document after the document has been changed.
protected class WidgetCommand {
public DocumentEvent event;
public int start, length;
public String text, preservedText;
* Translates a document event into the presentation coordinates of this text viewer.
* @param e the event to be translated
public void setEvent(DocumentEvent e) {
event= e;
start= e.getOffset();
length= e.getLength();
text= e.getText();
if (length != 0) {
try {
preservedText= e.getDocument().get(e.getOffset(), e.getLength());
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
preservedText= null;
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.WidgetCommand.setEvent")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else
preservedText= null;
* Connects a text double click strategy to this viewer's text widget.
* Calls the double click strategy when the mouse has been double clicked
* inside the text editor.
class TextDoubleClickStrategyConnector extends MouseAdapter {
private boolean fDoubleClicked= false;
public TextDoubleClickStrategyConnector() {
public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
fDoubleClicked= true;
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
if (fDoubleClicked) {
fDoubleClicked= false;
ITextDoubleClickStrategy s= (ITextDoubleClickStrategy) selectContentTypePlugin(getSelectedRange().x, fDoubleClickStrategies);
if (s != null)
* Monitors the area of the viewer's document that is visible in the viewer.
* If the area might have been changed, it informs the text viewer about this
* potential change and its origin. The origin is internally used for optimization purposes.
class ViewportGuard extends MouseAdapter
implements ControlListener, KeyListener, MouseMoveListener, SelectionListener {
* @see ControlListener#controlResized(ControlEvent)
public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) {
* @see ControlListener#controlMoved(ControlEvent)
public void controlMoved(ControlEvent e) {
* @see KeyListener#keyReleased
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
* @see KeyListener#keyPressed
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
* @see MouseListener#mouseUp
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
if (fTextWidget != null)
* @see MouseListener#mouseDown
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
if (fTextWidget != null)
* @see MouseMoveListener#mouseMove
public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) {
* @see SelectionListener#widgetSelected
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
* @see SelectionListener#widgetDefaultSelected
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {}
* This position updater is used to keep the selection during text shift operations.
static class ShiftPositionUpdater extends DefaultPositionUpdater {
* Creates the position updater for the given category.
* @param category the category this updater takes care of
protected ShiftPositionUpdater(String category) {
* If an insertion happens at the selection's start offset,
* the position is extended rather than shifted.
* @see DefaultPositionUpdater#adaptToInsert
protected void adaptToInsert() {
int myStart= fPosition.offset;
int myEnd= fPosition.offset + fPosition.length -1;
myEnd= Math.max(myStart, myEnd);
int yoursStart= fOffset;
int yoursEnd= fOffset + fReplaceLength -1;
yoursEnd= Math.max(yoursStart, yoursEnd);
if (myEnd < yoursStart)
if (myStart <= yoursStart) {
fPosition.length += fReplaceLength;
if (myStart > yoursStart)
fPosition.offset += fReplaceLength;
* Internal document listener and hover reset timer.
class DocumentListener implements IDocumentListener, Runnable {
private Object fSyncPoint= new Object();
private Thread fThread;
private boolean fIsReset= false;
* @see IDocumentListener#documentAboutToBeChanged
public void documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent e) {
if (e.getDocument() == getVisibleDocument()) {
if (fTextHoverManager != null && (fThread == null || !fThread.isAlive())) {
fThread= new Thread(this, JFaceTextMessages.getString("")); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see IDocumentListener#documentChanged
public void documentChanged(final DocumentEvent e) {
if (fWidgetCommand.event == e) {
if (fTextHoverManager != null) {
synchronized (fSyncPoint) {
fIsReset= true;
* @see IRunnable#run
public void run() {
try {
while (true) {
synchronized (fSyncPoint) {
if (fIsReset) {
fIsReset= false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fThread= null;
if (fTextHoverManager != null) {
Control c= getControl();
if (c != null && !c.isDisposed()) {
Display d= c.getDisplay();
if (d != null) {
d.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (fTextHoverManager != null)
* Stops the running hover timer thread.
public void stop() {
if (fThread != null) {
if (fThread.isAlive())
fThread= null;
* Internal verify listener.
class TextVerifyListener implements VerifyListener {
private boolean fForward= true;
* Tells the listener to forward received events.
public void forward(boolean forward) {
fForward= forward;
* @see VerifyListener#verifyText(VerifyEvent)
public void verifyText(VerifyEvent e) {
if (fForward)
* This viewer's find/replace target.
class FindReplaceTarget implements IFindReplaceTarget {
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#getSelectionText()
public String getSelectionText() {
if (fTextWidget != null)
return fTextWidget.getSelectionText();
return null;
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#replaceSelection(String)
public void replaceSelection(String text) {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
Point s= fTextWidget.getSelectionRange();
fTextWidget.replaceTextRange(s.x, s.y, text);
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#isEditable()
public boolean isEditable() {
return TextViewer.this.isEditable();
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#getSelection()
public Point getSelection() {
return TextViewer.this.getSelectedRange();
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#findAndSelect(int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
public int findAndSelect(int offset, String findString, boolean searchForward, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord) {
return TextViewer.this.findAndSelect(offset, findString, searchForward, caseSensitive, wholeWord);
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#canPerformFind()
public boolean canPerformFind() {
return TextViewer.this.canPerformFind();
/** ID for originators of view port changes */
protected static final int SCROLLER= 1;
protected static final int MOUSE= 2;
protected static final int MOUSE_END= 3;
protected static final int KEY= 4;
protected static final int RESIZE= 5;
protected static final int INTERNAL= 6;
/** Internal name of the position category used selection preservation during shift */
protected static final String SHIFTING= "__TextViewer_shifting"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** The viewer's text widget */
private StyledText fTextWidget;
/** The viewer's input document */
private IDocument fDocument;
/** The viewer's visible document */
private IDocument fVisibleDocument;
/** The viewer's document adapter */
private IDocumentAdapter fDocumentAdapter;
/** The child document manager */
private ChildDocumentManager fChildDocumentManager;
/** The text viewer's double click strategies connector */
private TextDoubleClickStrategyConnector fDoubleClickStrategyConnector;
/** The text viewer's hovering controller */
private AbstractHoverInformationControlManager fTextHoverManager;
/** The text viewer's viewport guard */
private ViewportGuard fViewportGuard;
/** Caches the graphical coordinate of the first visible line */
private int fTopInset= 0;
/** The most recent document modification as widget command */
private WidgetCommand fWidgetCommand= new WidgetCommand();
/** The SWT control's scrollbars */
private ScrollBar fScroller;
/** Document listener */
private DocumentListener fDocumentListener= new DocumentListener();
/** Verify listener */
private TextVerifyListener fVerifyListener= new TextVerifyListener();
/** The most recent widget modification as document command */
private DocumentCommand fDocumentCommand= new DocumentCommand();
/** The viewer's find/replace target */
private IFindReplaceTarget fFindReplaceTarget;
/** The viewer widget token keeper */
private Object fWidgetTokenKeeper;
/** Should the auto indent strategies ignore the next edit operation */
protected boolean fIgnoreAutoIndent= false;
/** The strings a line is prefixed with on SHIFT_RIGHT and removed from each line on SHIFT_LEFT */
protected Map fIndentChars;
/** The string a line is prefixed with on PREFIX and removed from each line on STRIP_PREFIX */
protected Map fDefaultPrefixChars;
/** The text viewer's text double click strategies */
protected Map fDoubleClickStrategies;
/** The text viewer's undo manager */
protected IUndoManager fUndoManager;
/** The text viewer's auto indent strategies */
protected Map fAutoIndentStrategies;
/** The text viewer's text hovers */
protected Map fTextHovers;
/** The creator of the text hover control */
protected IInformationControlCreator fHoverControlCreator;
/** All registered viewport listeners> */
protected List fViewportListeners;
/** The last visible vertical position of the top line */
protected int fLastTopPixel;
/** All registered text listeners */
protected List fTextListeners;
/** All registered text input listeners */
protected List fTextInputListeners;
/** The text viewer's event consumer */
protected IEventConsumer fEventConsumer;
/** Indicates whether the viewer's text presentation should be replaced are modified. */
protected boolean fReplaceTextPresentation= false;
//---- Construction and disposal ------------------
* Internal use only
protected TextViewer() {
* Create a new text viewer with the given SWT style bits.
* The viewer is ready to use but does not have any plug-in installed.
* @param parent the parent of the viewer's control
* @param styles the SWT style bits for the viewer's control
public TextViewer(Composite parent, int styles) {
createControl(parent, styles);
* Factory method to create the text widget to be used as the viewer's text widget.
* @return the text widget to be used
protected StyledText createTextWidget(Composite parent, int styles) {
return new StyledText(parent, styles);
* Factory method to create the document adapter to be used by this viewer.
* @return the document adapter to be used
protected IDocumentAdapter createDocumentAdapter() {
return new DocumentAdapter();
* Creates the viewer's SWT control. The viewer's text widget either is
* the control or is a child of the control.
* @param parent the parent of the viewer's control
* @param styles the SWT style bits for the viewer's control
protected void createControl(Composite parent, int styles) {
fTextWidget= createTextWidget(parent, styles);
new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
fTextWidget= null;
* Disable SWT Shift+TAB traversal in this viewer
* 1GIYQ9K: ITPUI:WINNT - StyledText swallows Shift+TAB
fTextWidget.addTraverseListener(new TraverseListener() {
public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent e) {
if ((SWT.SHIFT == e.stateMask) && ('\t' == e.character))
e.doit = false;
// where does the first line start
fTopInset= -fTextWidget.computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0).y;
fTextWidget.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
selectionChanged(event.x, event.y - event.x);
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
selectionChanged(event.x, event.y - event.x);
* @see Viewer#getControl
public Control getControl() {
return fTextWidget;
* @see ITextViewer#activatePlugin
public void activatePlugins() {
if (fDoubleClickStrategies != null && !fDoubleClickStrategies.isEmpty() && fDoubleClickStrategyConnector == null) {
fDoubleClickStrategyConnector= new TextDoubleClickStrategyConnector();
if (fTextHovers != null && !fTextHovers.isEmpty() && fHoverControlCreator != null && fTextHoverManager == null) {
fTextHoverManager= new TextViewerHoverManager(this, fHoverControlCreator);
if (fUndoManager != null) {
* @see ITextViewer#resetPlugins()
public void resetPlugins() {
if (fUndoManager != null)
* Frees all resources allocated by this viewer. Internally called when the viewer's control
* has been disposed.
protected void handleDispose() {
fViewportGuard= null;
if (fViewportListeners != null) {
fViewportListeners= null;
if (fTextListeners != null) {
fTextListeners= null;
if (fAutoIndentStrategies != null) {
fAutoIndentStrategies= null;
if (fUndoManager != null) {
fUndoManager= null;
if (fDoubleClickStrategies != null) {
fDoubleClickStrategies= null;
if (fTextHovers != null) {
fTextHovers= null;
fDoubleClickStrategyConnector= null;
if (fTextHoverManager != null) {
fTextHoverManager= null;
if (fDocumentListener != null) {
fDocumentListener= null;
if (fVisibleDocument instanceof ChildDocument) {
ChildDocument child = (ChildDocument) fVisibleDocument;
if (fDocumentAdapter != null) {
fDocumentAdapter= null;
fDocument= null;
fChildDocumentManager= null;
fScroller= null;
//---- simple getters and setters
* Returns viewer's text widget.
public StyledText getTextWidget() {
return fTextWidget;
* @see ITextViewer#setAutoIndentStrategy
public void setAutoIndentStrategy(IAutoIndentStrategy strategy, String contentType) {
if (strategy != null) {
if (fAutoIndentStrategies == null)
fAutoIndentStrategies= new HashMap();
fAutoIndentStrategies.put(contentType, strategy);
} else if (fAutoIndentStrategies != null)
* @see ITextViewer#setEventConsumer
public void setEventConsumer(IEventConsumer consumer) {
fEventConsumer= consumer;
* @see ITextViewer#setIndentPrefixes
public void setIndentPrefixes(String[] indentPrefixes, String contentType) {
int i= -1;
boolean ok= (indentPrefixes != null);
while (ok && ++i < indentPrefixes.length)
ok= (indentPrefixes[i] != null);
if (ok) {
if (fIndentChars == null)
fIndentChars= new HashMap();
fIndentChars.put(contentType, indentPrefixes);
} else if (fIndentChars != null)
* @see ITextViewer#getTopInset
public int getTopInset() {
return fTopInset;
* @see ITextViewer#isEditable
public boolean isEditable() {
if (fTextWidget == null)
return false;
return fTextWidget.getEditable();
* @see ITextViewer#setEditable
public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
if (fTextWidget != null)
* @see ITextViewer#setDefaultPrefixes
public void setDefaultPrefixes(String[] defaultPrefixes, String contentType) {
if (defaultPrefixes != null && defaultPrefixes.length > 0) {
if (fDefaultPrefixChars == null)
fDefaultPrefixChars= new HashMap();
fDefaultPrefixChars.put(contentType, defaultPrefixes);
} else if (fDefaultPrefixChars != null)
* @see ITextViewer#setUndoManager
public void setUndoManager(IUndoManager undoManager) {
fUndoManager= undoManager;
* @see ITextViewer#setTextHover
public void setTextHover(ITextHover hover, String contentType) {
if (hover != null) {
if (fTextHovers == null)
fTextHovers= new HashMap();
fTextHovers.put(contentType, hover);
} else if (fTextHovers != null)
* Returns the text hover for a given offset.
* @param offset the offset for which to return the text hover
* @return the text hover for the given offset
protected ITextHover getTextHover(int offset) {
return (ITextHover) selectContentTypePlugin(offset, fTextHovers);
* Returns the text hovering controller of this viewer.
* @return the text hovering controller of this viewer
protected AbstractInformationControlManager getTextHoveringController() {
return fTextHoverManager;
* Sets the creator for the hover controls.
* @param creator the hover control creator
public void setHoverControlCreator(IInformationControlCreator creator) {
fHoverControlCreator= creator;
* @see IWidgetTokenOwner#requestWidgetToken(Object)
public synchronized boolean requestWidgetToken(Object tokenRequester) {
return true;
// if (fTextWidget != null) {
// if (fWidgetTokenKeeper == null) {
// fWidgetTokenKeeper= tokenRequester;
// return true;
// }
// return (fWidgetTokenKeeper == tokenRequester);
// }
// return false;
* @see IWidgetTokenOwner#releaseWidgetToken(Object)
public synchronized void releaseWidgetToken(Object tokenKeeper) {
if (fWidgetTokenKeeper == tokenKeeper)
fWidgetTokenKeeper= null;
//---- Selection
* @see ITextViewer#getSelectedRange
public Point getSelectedRange() {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
Point p= fTextWidget.getSelectionRange();
int offset= getVisibleRegionOffset();
return new Point(p.x + offset, p.y);
return new Point(-1, -1);
* @see ITextViewer#setSelectedRange
public void setSelectedRange(int offset, int length) {
if (fTextWidget == null)
int end= offset + length;
IDocument doc= getVisibleDocument();
if (doc instanceof ChildDocument) {
Position p= ((ChildDocument) doc).getParentDocumentRange();
if (p.overlapsWith(offset, length)) {
if (offset < p.getOffset())
offset= p.getOffset();
offset -= p.getOffset();
int e= p.getOffset() + p.getLength();
if (end > e)
end= e;
end -= p.getOffset();
} else
length= end - offset;
int[] selectionRange= new int[] { offset, length };
if (selectionRange[0] >= 0 && selectionRange[1] >= 0) {
fTextWidget.setSelectionRange(selectionRange[0], selectionRange[1]);
selectionChanged(selectionRange[0], selectionRange[1]);
* Validates and adapts the given selection range if it is not a valid
* widget selection. The widget selection is invalid if it starts or ends
* inside a multi-character line delimiter. If so, the selection is adapted to
* start <b>after</b> the divided line delimiter and to end <b>before</b>
* the divided line delimiter. The parameter passed in is changed in-place
* when being adapted. An adaptation to <code>[-1, -1]</code> indicates
* that the selection range could not be validated.
* Subclasses may reimplement this method.
* @param selectionRange selectionRange[0] is the offset, selectionRange[1]
* the length of the selection to validate.
protected void validateSelectionRange(int[] selectionRange) {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
int documentLength= document.getLength();
int offset= selectionRange[0];
int length= selectionRange[1];
if (offset <0)
offset= 0;
if (offset > documentLength)
offset= documentLength;
int delta= (offset + length) - documentLength;
if (delta > 0)
length -= delta;
try {
int lineNumber= document.getLineOfOffset(offset);
IRegion lineInformation= document.getLineInformation(lineNumber);
int lineEnd= lineInformation.getOffset() + lineInformation.getLength();
delta= offset - lineEnd;
if (delta > 0) {
// in the middle of a multi-character line delimiter
offset= lineEnd;
String delimiter= document.getLineDelimiter(lineNumber);
if (delimiter != null)
offset += delimiter.length();
int end= offset + length;
lineInformation= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(end);
lineEnd= lineInformation.getOffset() + lineInformation.getLength();
delta= end - lineEnd;
if (delta > 0) {
// in the middle of a multi-character line delimiter
length -= delta;
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
selectionRange[0]= -1;
selectionRange[1]= -1;
selectionRange[0]= offset;
selectionRange[1]= length;
* @see Viewer#setSelection(ISelection)
public void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal) {
if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
ITextSelection s= (ITextSelection) selection;
setSelectedRange(s.getOffset(), s.getLength());
if (reveal)
revealRange(s.getOffset(), s.getLength());
* @see Viewer#getSelection()
public ISelection getSelection() {
Point p= getSelectedRange();
if (p.x == -1 || p.y == -1)
return TextSelection.emptySelection();
return new TextSelection(getDocument(), p.x, p.y);
* @see ITextViewer#getSelectionProvider
public ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider() {
return this;
* Sends out a selection changed event to all registered listeners.
* @param offset the offset of the newly selected range
* @param length the length of the newly selected range
protected void selectionChanged(int offset, int length) {
ISelection selection= new TextSelection(getDocument(), offset, length);
SelectionChangedEvent event= new SelectionChangedEvent(this, selection);
//---- Text listeners
* @see ITextViewer#addTextListener
public void addTextListener(ITextListener listener) {
if (fTextListeners == null)
fTextListeners= new ArrayList();
if (!fTextListeners.contains(listener))
* @see ITextViewer#removeTextListener
public void removeTextListener(ITextListener listener) {
if (fTextListeners != null) {
if (fTextListeners.size() == 0)
fTextListeners= null;
* Informs all registered text listeners about the change specified by the
* widget command. This method does not use a robust iterator.
* @param cmd the widget command translated into a text event and sent to all text listeners
protected void updateTextListeners(WidgetCommand cmd) {
if (fTextListeners != null) {
DocumentEvent event= cmd.event;
if (event instanceof ChildDocumentEvent)
event= ((ChildDocumentEvent) event).getParentEvent();
TextEvent e= new TextEvent(cmd.start, cmd.length, cmd.text, cmd.preservedText, event);
for (int i= 0; i < fTextListeners.size(); i++) {
ITextListener l= (ITextListener) fTextListeners.get(i);
//---- Text input listeners
* @see ITextViewer#addTextInputListener
public void addTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener) {
if (fTextInputListeners == null)
fTextInputListeners= new ArrayList();
if (!fTextInputListeners.contains(listener))
* @see ITextViewer#removeTextInputListener
public void removeTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener) {
if (fTextInputListeners != null) {
if (fTextInputListeners.size() == 0)
fTextInputListeners= null;
* Informs all registered text input listeners about the forthcoming input change,
* This method does not use a robust iterator.
* @param oldInput the old input document
* @param newInput the new input document
protected void fireInputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) {
if (fTextInputListeners != null) {
for (int i= 0; i < fTextInputListeners.size(); i++) {
ITextInputListener l= (ITextInputListener) fTextInputListeners.get(i);
l.inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(oldInput, newInput);
* Informs all registered text input listeners about the sucessful input change,
* This method does not use a robust iterator.
* @param oldInput the old input document
* @param newInput the new input document
protected void fireInputDocumentChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) {
if (fTextInputListeners != null) {
for (int i= 0; i < fTextInputListeners.size(); i++) {
ITextInputListener l= (ITextInputListener) fTextInputListeners.get(i);
l.inputDocumentChanged(oldInput, newInput);
//---- Document
* @see Viewer#getInput
public Object getInput() {
return getDocument();
* @see ITextViewer#getDocument
public IDocument getDocument() {
return fDocument;
* @see Viewer#setInput
public void setInput(Object input) {
IDocument document= null;
if (input instanceof IDocument)
document= (IDocument) input;
* @see ITextViewer#setDocument(IDocument)
public void setDocument(IDocument document) {
fReplaceTextPresentation= true;
fireInputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(fDocument, document);
IDocument oldDocument= fDocument;
fDocument= document;
inputChanged(fDocument, oldDocument);
fireInputDocumentChanged(oldDocument, fDocument);
fReplaceTextPresentation= false;
* @see ITextViewer#setDocument(IDocument, int int)
public void setDocument(IDocument document, int visibleRegionOffset, int visibleRegionLength) {
fReplaceTextPresentation= true;
fireInputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(fDocument, document);
IDocument oldDocument= fDocument;
fDocument= document;
try {
int line= fDocument.getLineOfOffset(visibleRegionOffset);
int offset= fDocument.getLineOffset(line);
int length= (visibleRegionOffset - offset) + visibleRegionLength;
setVisibleDocument(getChildDocumentManager().createChildDocument(fDocument, offset, length));
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.invalid_visible_region_1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
inputChanged(fDocument, oldDocument);
fireInputDocumentChanged(oldDocument, fDocument);
fReplaceTextPresentation= false;
//---- Viewports
* Initializes all listeners and structures required to set up viewport listeners.
private void initializeViewportUpdate() {
if (fViewportGuard != null)
if (fTextWidget != null) {
fViewportGuard= new ViewportGuard();
fLastTopPixel= -1;
fScroller= fTextWidget.getVerticalBar();
if (fScroller != null)
* Removes all listeners and structures required to set up viewport listeners.
private void removeViewPortUpdate() {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
if (fScroller != null && !fScroller.isDisposed()) {
fScroller= null;
fViewportGuard= null;
* @see ITextViewer#addViewportListener
public void addViewportListener(IViewportListener listener) {
if (fViewportListeners == null) {
fViewportListeners= new ArrayList();
if (!fViewportListeners.contains(listener))
* @see ITextViewer#removeViewportListener
public void removeViewportListener(IViewportListener listener) {
if (fViewportListeners != null)
* Checks whether the viewport changed and if so informs all registered
* listeners about the change.
* @param origin describes under which circumstances this method has been called.
* @see IViewportListener
protected void updateViewportListeners(int origin) {
int topPixel= fTextWidget.getTopPixel();
if (topPixel >= 0 && topPixel != fLastTopPixel) {
if (fViewportListeners != null) {
for (int i= 0; i < fViewportListeners.size(); i++) {
IViewportListener l= (IViewportListener) fViewportListeners.get(i);
fLastTopPixel= topPixel;
//---- scrolling and revealing
* @see ITextViewer#getTopIndex
public int getTopIndex() {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
int top= fTextWidget.getTopIndex();
int offset= getVisibleRegionOffset();
if (offset > 0) {
try {
top += getDocument().getLineOfOffset(offset);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.getTopIndex")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -1;
return top;
return -1;
* @see ITextViewer#setTopIndex
public void setTopIndex(int index) {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
int offset= getVisibleRegionOffset();
if (offset > 0) {
try {
index -= getDocument().getLineOfOffset(offset);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.setTopIndex_1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (index >= 0) {
int lines= getVisibleLinesInViewport();
if (lines > -1 ) {
IDocument d= getVisibleDocument();
int last= d.getNumberOfLines() - lines;
if (last > 0 && index > last)
index= last;
} else
* Returns the viewport height in lines.
* The actual visible lines can be fewer if the document is shorter than the viewport.
* @return the viewport height in lines
protected int getVisibleLinesInViewport() {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
Rectangle clArea= fTextWidget.getClientArea();
if (!clArea.isEmpty())
return clArea.height / fTextWidget.getLineHeight();
return -1;
* @see ITextViewer#getBottomIndex
public int getBottomIndex() {
if (fTextWidget == null)
return -1;
IRegion r= getVisibleRegion();
try {
IDocument d= getDocument();
int startLine= d.getLineOfOffset(r.getOffset());
int endLine= d.getLineOfOffset(r.getOffset() + r.getLength() - 1);
int lines= getVisibleLinesInViewport();
if (startLine + lines < endLine)
return getTopIndex() + lines - 1;
return endLine - getTopIndex();
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.getBottomIndex")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -1;
* @see ITextViewer#getTopIndexStartOffset
public int getTopIndexStartOffset() {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
int top= fTextWidget.getTopIndex();
try {
top= getVisibleDocument().getLineOffset(top);
return top + getVisibleRegionOffset();
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.getTopIndexStartOffset")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -1;
* @see ITextViewer#getBottomIndexEndOffset
public int getBottomIndexEndOffset() {
try {
IRegion line= getDocument().getLineInformation(getBottomIndex());
return line.getOffset() + line.getLength() - 1;
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.getBottomIndexEndOffset")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return getDocument().getLength() - 1;
* @see ITextViewer#revealRange
public void revealRange(int start, int length) {
if (fTextWidget == null)
int end= start + length;
IDocument doc= getVisibleDocument();
if (doc instanceof ChildDocument) {
Position p= ((ChildDocument) doc).getParentDocumentRange();
if (p.overlapsWith(start, length)) {
if (start < p.getOffset())
start= p.getOffset();
start -= p.getOffset();
int e= p.getOffset() + p.getLength();
if (end > e)
end= e;
end -= p.getOffset();
} else
internalRevealRange(start, end);
* Reveals the given range of the visible document.
* @param start the start offset of the range
* @param end the end offset of the range
protected void internalRevealRange(int start, int end) {
try {
IDocument doc= getVisibleDocument();
int startLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(start);
int endLine= doc.getLineOfOffset(end);
int top= fTextWidget.getTopIndex();
if (top > -1) {
// scroll vertically
int lines= getVisibleLinesInViewport();
int bottom= top + lines;
// two lines at the top and the bottom should always be left
// if window is smaller than 5 lines, always center position is chosen
int bufferZone= 2;
if (startLine >= top + bufferZone
&& startLine <= bottom - bufferZone
&& endLine >= top + bufferZone
&& endLine <= bottom - bufferZone) {
// do not scroll at all as it is already visible
} else {
int delta= Math.max(0, lines - (endLine - startLine));
fTextWidget.setTopIndex(startLine - delta/3);
// scroll horizontally
if (endLine < startLine) {
endLine += startLine;
startLine= endLine - startLine;
endLine -= startLine;
int startPixel= -1;
int endPixel= -1;
if (endLine > startLine) {
// reveal the beginning of the range in the start line
IRegion line= doc.getLineInformation(startLine);
startPixel= getWidthInPixels(line.getOffset(), start - line.getOffset());
endPixel= getWidthInPixels(line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
} else {
int lineStart= doc.getLineOffset(startLine);
startPixel= getWidthInPixels(lineStart, start - lineStart);
endPixel= getWidthInPixels(lineStart, end - lineStart);
int visibleStart= fTextWidget.getHorizontalPixel();
int visibleEnd= visibleStart + fTextWidget.getClientArea().width;
// scroll only if not yet visible
if (startPixel < visibleStart || visibleEnd < endPixel) {
// set buffer zone to 10 pixels
bufferZone= 10;
int newOffset= visibleStart;
if (startPixel < visibleStart)
newOffset= startPixel;
else if (endPixel - startPixel + bufferZone < visibleEnd - visibleStart)
newOffset= visibleStart + (endPixel - visibleEnd + bufferZone);
newOffset= startPixel;
fTextWidget.setHorizontalIndex(newOffset / getAverageCharWidth());
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.invalid_range")); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the width of the text when being drawed into this viewer's widget.
* @param the string to messure
* @return the width of the presentation of the given string
* @deprecated use <code>getWidthInPixels(int, int)</code> instead
final protected int getWidthInPixels(String text) {
GC gc= new GC(fTextWidget);
Point extent= gc.textExtent(text);
return extent.x;
* Returns the width of the representation of a text range in the
* visible region of the viewer's document as drawn in this viewer's
* widget.
* @param offset the offset of the text range in the visible region
* @param length the length of the text range in the visible region
* @return the width of the presentation of the specified text range
final protected int getWidthInPixels(int offset, int length) {
Point left= fTextWidget.getLocationAtOffset(offset);
Point right= new Point(left.x, left.y);
int end= offset + length;
for (int i= offset +1; i <= end; i++) {
Point p= fTextWidget.getLocationAtOffset(i);
if (left.x > p.x)
left.x= p.x;
if (right.x < p.x)
right.x= p.x;
return right.x - left.x;
* Returns the average character width of this viewer's widget.
* @return the average character width of this viewer's widget
final protected int getAverageCharWidth() {
GC gc= new GC(fTextWidget);
int increment= gc.getFontMetrics().getAverageCharWidth();
return increment;
* @see Viewer#refresh
public void refresh() {
//---- visible range support
* Returns the child document manager
* @return the child document manager
private ChildDocumentManager getChildDocumentManager() {
if (fChildDocumentManager == null)
fChildDocumentManager= new ChildDocumentManager();
return fChildDocumentManager;
* Invalidates the current presentation by sending an initialization
* event to all text listener.
public final void invalidateTextPresentation() {
if (fVisibleDocument != null) {
fWidgetCommand.start= 0;
fWidgetCommand.length= 0;
fWidgetCommand.text= fVisibleDocument.get();
fWidgetCommand.event= null;
* Initializes the text widget with the visual document and
* invalidates the overall presentation.
private void initializeWidgetContents() {
if (fTextWidget != null && fVisibleDocument != null) {
// set widget content
if (fDocumentAdapter == null)
fDocumentAdapter= createDocumentAdapter();
// invalidate presentation
* Sets this viewer's visible document. The visible document represents the
* visible region of the viewer's input document.
* @param document the visible document
private void setVisibleDocument(IDocument document) {
if (fVisibleDocument != null)
fVisibleDocument= document;
if (fVisibleDocument != null)
* Returns the viewer's visible document.
* @return the viewer's visible document
protected IDocument getVisibleDocument() {
return fVisibleDocument;
* Returns the offset of the visible region.
* @return the offset of the visible region
protected int getVisibleRegionOffset() {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
if (document instanceof ChildDocument) {
ChildDocument cdoc= (ChildDocument) document;
return cdoc.getParentDocumentRange().getOffset();
return 0;
* @see ITextViewer#getVisibleRegion
public IRegion getVisibleRegion() {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
if (document instanceof ChildDocument) {
Position p= ((ChildDocument) document).getParentDocumentRange();
return new Region(p.getOffset(), p.getLength());
return new Region(0, document.getLength());
* @see ITextViewer#setVisibleRegion
public void setVisibleRegion(int start, int length) {
IRegion region= getVisibleRegion();
if (start == region.getOffset() && length == region.getLength()) {
// nothing to change
ChildDocument child= null;
IDocument parent= getVisibleDocument();
if (parent instanceof ChildDocument) {
child= (ChildDocument) parent;
parent= child.getParentDocument();
try {
int line= parent.getLineOfOffset(start);
int offset= parent.getLineOffset(line);
length += (start - offset);
if (child != null) {
child.setParentDocumentRange(offset, length);
} else {
child= getChildDocumentManager().createChildDocument(parent, offset, length);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.invalid_visible_region_2")); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see ITextViewer#resetVisibleRegion
public void resetVisibleRegion() {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
if (document instanceof ChildDocument) {
ChildDocument child = (ChildDocument) document;
* @see ITextViewer#overlapsWithVisibleRegion
public boolean overlapsWithVisibleRegion(int start, int length) {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
if (document instanceof ChildDocument) {
ChildDocument cdoc= (ChildDocument) document;
return cdoc.getParentDocumentRange().overlapsWith(start, length);
} else if (document != null) {
int size= document.getLength();
return (start >= 0 && length >= 0 && start + length <= size);
return false;
* @see ITextViewer#setTextDoubleClickStrategy
public void setTextDoubleClickStrategy(ITextDoubleClickStrategy strategy, String contentType) {
if (strategy != null) {
if (fDoubleClickStrategies == null)
fDoubleClickStrategies= new HashMap();
fDoubleClickStrategies.put(contentType, strategy);
} else if (fDoubleClickStrategies != null)
* Selects from the given map the one which is registered under
* the content type of the partition in which the given offset is located.
* @param plugins the map from which to choose
* @param offset the offset for which to find the plugin
* @return the plugin registered under the offset's content type
protected Object selectContentTypePlugin(int offset, Map plugins) {
try {
return selectContentTypePlugin(getDocument().getContentType(offset), plugins);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.selectContentTypePlugin")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Selects from the given <code>plugins</code> this one which is registered for
* the given content <code>type</code>.
private Object selectContentTypePlugin(String type, Map plugins) {
if (plugins == null)
return null;
return plugins.get(type);
* Hook called on receipt of a <code>VerifyEvent</code>. The event has
* been translated into a <code>DocumentCommand</code> which can now be
* manipulated by interested parties. By default, the hook forwards the command
* to the installed <code>IAutoIndentStrategy</code>.
* @param command the document command representing the verify event
protected void customizeDocumentCommand(DocumentCommand command) {
if (!fIgnoreAutoIndent) {
IAutoIndentStrategy s= (IAutoIndentStrategy) selectContentTypePlugin(command.offset, fAutoIndentStrategies);
if (s != null)
s.customizeDocumentCommand(getDocument(), command);
fIgnoreAutoIndent= false;
* @see VerifyListener#verifyText
protected void handleVerifyEvent(VerifyEvent e) {
if (fEventConsumer != null) {
if (!e.doit)
int offset= getVisibleRegionOffset();
fDocumentCommand.setEvent(e, offset);
if (!fDocumentCommand.fillEvent(e, offset)) {
try {
getDocument().replace(fDocumentCommand.offset, fDocumentCommand.length, fDocumentCommand.text);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.verifyText")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
//---- text manipulation
* @see ITextViewer#canDoOperation
public boolean canDoOperation(int operation) {
if (fTextWidget == null)
return false;
switch (operation) {
case CUT:
return isEditable() && fTextWidget.getSelectionCount() > 0;
case COPY:
return fTextWidget.getSelectionCount() > 0;
case DELETE:
case PASTE:
return isEditable();
return true;
return isEditable() && fIndentChars != null && isBlockSelected();
case PREFIX:
return isEditable() && fDefaultPrefixChars != null;
case UNDO:
return fUndoManager != null && fUndoManager.undoable();
case REDO:
return fUndoManager != null && fUndoManager.redoable();
case PRINT:
return isPrintable();
return false;
* @see ITextViewer#doOperation
public void doOperation(int operation) {
if (fTextWidget == null)
switch (operation) {
case UNDO:
if (fUndoManager != null) {
fIgnoreAutoIndent= true;
case REDO:
if (fUndoManager != null) {
fIgnoreAutoIndent= true;
case CUT:
case COPY:
case PASTE:
fIgnoreAutoIndent= true;
case DELETE:
* 1GETDON: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Select All doesn't work in segmented view
* setSelectedRange(0, getVisibleDocument().getLength());
setSelectedRange(getVisibleRegionOffset(), getVisibleDocument().getLength());
shift(false, true, false);
shift(false, false, false);
case PREFIX:
shift(true, true, true);
shift(true, false, true);
case PRINT:
* Deletes the current selection. If the selection has the length 0
* the selection is automatically extended to the right - either by 1
* or by the length of line delimiter if at the end of a line.
protected void deleteText() {
Point p= getSelectedRange();
if (p.y == 0) {
int length= getVisibleDocument().getLength();
if (p.x < length) {
IDocument document= getDocument();
try {
IRegion line= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(p.x);
if (p.x == line.getOffset() + line.getLength()) {
int lineNumber= document.getLineOfOffset(p.x);
String delimiter= document.getLineDelimiter(lineNumber);
if (delimiter != null) {
if (p.x + delimiter.length() <= length)
p.y= delimiter.length();
} else
p.y= 1;
fTextWidget.replaceTextRange(p.x, p.y, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
// ignore
} else if (p.x >= 0)
fTextWidget.replaceTextRange(p.x, p.y, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
* A block is selected if the character preceding the start of the
* selection is a new line character.
* @return <code>true</code> if a block is selected
protected boolean isBlockSelected() {
Point s= getSelectedRange();
if (s.y == 0)
return false;
try {
IDocument document= getDocument();
int line= document.getLineOfOffset(s.x);
int start= document.getLineOffset(line);
return (s.x == start);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
return false;
* Returns the index of the first line whose start offset is in the given text range.
* @param region the text range in characters where to find the line
* @return the first line whose start index is in the given range, -1 if there is no such line
private int getFirstCompleteLineOfRegion(IRegion region) {
try {
IDocument d= getDocument();
int startLine= d.getLineOfOffset(region.getOffset());
int offset= d.getLineOffset(startLine);
if (offset >= region.getOffset())
return startLine;
offset= d.getLineOffset(startLine + 1);
return (offset > region.getOffset() + region.getLength() ? -1 : startLine + 1);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.getFirstCompleteLineOfRegion")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -1;
* Creates a region describing the text block (something that starts at
* the beginning of a line) completely containing the current selection.
* @param selection the selection to use
private IRegion getTextBlockFromSelection(Point selection) {
try {
IDocument document= getDocument();
IRegion line= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(selection.x);
int length= selection.y == 0 ? line.getLength() : selection.y + (selection.x - line.getOffset());
return new Region(line.getOffset(), length);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
return null;
* Shifts a text block to the right or left using the specified set of prefix characters.
* The prefixes must start at the beginnig of the line.
* @param useDefaultPrefixes says whether the configured default or indent prefixes should be used
* @param right says whether to shift to the right or the left
* @deprecated use shift(boolean, boolean, boolean) instead
protected void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes, boolean right) {
shift(useDefaultPrefixes, right, false);
* Shifts a text block to the right or left using the specified set of prefix characters.
* If white space should be ignored the prefix characters must not be at the beginning of
* the line when shifting to the left. There may be whitespace in front of the prefixes.
* @param useDefaultPrefixes says whether the configured default or indent prefixes should be used
* @param right says whether to shift to the right or the left
* @param ignoreWhitespace says whether whitepsace in front of prefixes is allowed
protected void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes, boolean right, boolean ignoreWhitespace) {
if (fUndoManager != null)
try {
Point selection= getSelectedRange();
IRegion block= getTextBlockFromSelection(selection);
ITypedRegion[] regions= getDocument().computePartitioning(block.getOffset(), block.getLength());
IDocument d= getDocument();
int[] lines= new int[regions.length * 2]; // [startline, endline, startline, endline, ...]
for (int i= 0, j= 0; i < regions.length; i++, j+= 2) {
// start line of region
lines[j]= getFirstCompleteLineOfRegion(regions[i]);
// end line of region
int offset= regions[i].getOffset() + regions[i].getLength() - 1;
lines[j + 1]= (lines[j] == -1 ? -1 : d.getLineOfOffset(offset));
// Remember the selection range.
IPositionUpdater positionUpdater= new ShiftPositionUpdater(SHIFTING);
Position rememberedSelection= new Position(selection.x, selection.y);
try {
d.addPosition(SHIFTING, rememberedSelection);
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) {
// should not happen
// Perform the shift operation.
Map map= (useDefaultPrefixes ? fDefaultPrefixChars : fIndentChars);
for (int i= 0, j= 0; i < regions.length; i++, j += 2) {
String[] prefixes= (String[]) selectContentTypePlugin(regions[i].getType(), map);
if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0 && lines[j] >= 0 && lines[j + 1] >= 0) {
if (right)
shiftRight(lines[j], lines[j + 1], prefixes[0]);
shiftLeft(lines[j], lines[j + 1], prefixes, ignoreWhitespace);
// Restore the selection.
setSelectedRange(rememberedSelection.getOffset(), rememberedSelection.getLength());
try {
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) {
// should not happen
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.shift_1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
if (fUndoManager != null)
* Shifts the specified lines to the right inserting the given prefix
* at the beginning of each line
* @param prefix the prefix to be inserted
* @param startLine the first line to shift
* @param endLine the last line to shift
private void shiftRight(int startLine, int endLine, String prefix) {
try {
IDocument d= getDocument();
while (startLine <= endLine) {
d.replace(d.getLineOffset(startLine++), 0, prefix);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println("TextViewer.shiftRight: BadLocationException");
* Shifts the specified lines to the right or to the left. On shifting to the right
* it insert <code>prefixes[0]</code> at the beginning of each line. On shifting to the
* left it tests whether each of the specified lines starts with one of the specified
* prefixes and if so, removes the prefix.
* @param prefixes the prefixes to be used for shifting
* @param right if <code>true</code> shift to the right otherwise to the left
* @param startLine the first line to shift
* @param endLine the last line to shift
private void shiftLeft(int startLine, int endLine, String[] prefixes, boolean ignoreWhitespace) {
IDocument d= getDocument();
try {
IRegion[] occurrences= new IRegion[endLine - startLine + 1];
// find all the first occurrences of prefix in the given lines
for (int i= 0; i < occurrences.length; i++) {
IRegion line= d.getLineInformation(startLine + i);
String text= d.get(line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
int index= -1;
int[] found= TextUtilities.indexOf(prefixes, text, 0);
if (found[0] != -1) {
if (ignoreWhitespace) {
String s= d.get(line.getOffset(), found[0]);
s= s.trim();
if (s.length() == 0)
index= line.getOffset() + found[0];
} else if (found[0] == 0)
index= line.getOffset();
if (index > -1) {
// remember where prefix is in line, so that it can be removed
int length= prefixes[found[1]].length();
if (length == 0 && !ignoreWhitespace && line.getLength() > 0) {
// found a non-empty line which cannot be shifted
} else
occurrences[i]= new Region(index, length);
} else {
// found a line which cannot be shifted
// ok - change the document
for (int i= occurrences.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
IRegion r= occurrences[i];
d.replace(r.getOffset(), r.getLength(), null);
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println("TextViewer.shiftLeft: BadLocationException");
* Returns whether the shown text can be printed.
* @return the viewer's printable mode
protected boolean isPrintable() {
* 1GK7Q10: ITPUI:WIN98 - internal error after invoking print at editor view
* Changed from returning true to testing the length of the printer queue
PrinterData[] printerList= Printer.getPrinterList();
return (printerList != null && printerList.length > 0);
* This implementation brings up a print dialog, then
* calls printContents(Printer), which performs the actual print.
* Subclasses may override.
protected void print() {
final PrintDialog dialog= new PrintDialog(fTextWidget.getShell(), SWT.NULL);
final PrinterData data=;
if (data != null) {
final Printer printer= new Printer(data);
final Runnable styledTextPrinter= fTextWidget.print(printer);
Thread printingThread= new Thread("Printing") { //$NON-NLS-1$
public void run() {;
//------ find support
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#canPerformFind
protected boolean canPerformFind() {
IDocument d= getVisibleDocument();
return (fTextWidget != null && d != null && d.getLength() > 0);
* @see IFindReplaceTarget#findAndSelect(int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)
protected int findAndSelect(int startPosition, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord) {
if (fTextWidget == null)
return -1;
try {
int offset= (startPosition == -1 ? startPosition : startPosition - getVisibleRegionOffset());
int pos= getVisibleDocument().search(offset, findString, forwardSearch, caseSensitive, wholeWord);
if (pos > -1) {
fTextWidget.setSelectionRange(pos, findString.length());
internalRevealRange(pos, pos + findString.length());
return pos;
} catch (BadLocationException x) {
System.out.println(JFaceTextMessages.getString("TextViewer.error.bad_location.findAndSelect")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -1;
//---------- text presentation support
* @see ITextViewer#setTextColor
public void setTextColor(Color color) {
if (color != null)
setTextColor(color, 0, getDocument().getLength(), true);
* @see ITextViewer#setTextColor
public void setTextColor(Color color, int start, int length, boolean controlRedraw) {
if (fTextWidget != null) {
if (controlRedraw)
StyleRange s= new StyleRange();
s.foreground= color;
s.start= start;
s.length= length;
if (controlRedraw)
* Adds the given presentation to the viewer's style information.
* @param presentation the presentation to be added
private void addPresentation(TextPresentation presentation) {
Iterator e= null;
StyleRange dfltRange= presentation.getDefaultStyleRange();
if (dfltRange != null) {
e= presentation.getNonDefaultStyleRangeIterator();
} else {
e= presentation.getAllStyleRangeIterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
StyleRange r= (StyleRange);
* Returns the visible region if it is not equal to the whole document.
* Otherwise returns <code>null</code>.
* @return the viewer's visible region if smaller than input document, otherwise <code>null</code>
protected IRegion internalGetVisibleRegion() {
IDocument document= getVisibleDocument();
if (document instanceof ChildDocument) {
Position p= ((ChildDocument) document).getParentDocumentRange();
return new Region(p.getOffset(), p.getLength());
return null;
* @see ITextViewer#changeTextPresentation
public void changeTextPresentation(TextPresentation presentation, boolean controlRedraw) {
if (presentation == null)
if (presentation.isEmpty() || fTextWidget == null)
if (controlRedraw)
if (fReplaceTextPresentation)
TextPresentation.applyTextPresentation(presentation, fTextWidget);
if (controlRedraw)
* @see ITextViewer#getFindReplaceTarget()
public IFindReplaceTarget getFindReplaceTarget() {
if (fFindReplaceTarget == null)
fFindReplaceTarget= new FindReplaceTarget();
return fFindReplaceTarget;
* @see ITextViewer#getTextOperationTarget()
public ITextOperationTarget getTextOperationTarget() {
return this;