blob: fcb9649036ca91abf710f3b0781353c442105309 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.FileTransfer;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ReadOnlyStateChecker;
import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.IOverwriteQuery;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.ImportTypeDialog;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEInternalPreferences;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEWorkbenchPlugin;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorMessages;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.PluginDropAdapter;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.ResourceTransfer;
* Implements drop behaviour for drag and drop operations
* that land on the resource navigator.
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
public class NavigatorDropAdapter extends PluginDropAdapter implements IOverwriteQuery {
* A flag indicating that overwrites should always occur.
private boolean alwaysOverwrite = false;
* The last valid operation.
private int lastValidOperation = DND.DROP_NONE;
* Constructs a new drop adapter.
* @param viewer the navigator's viewer
public NavigatorDropAdapter(StructuredViewer viewer) {
* @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener#dragEnter(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent)
public void dragEnter(DropTargetEvent event) {
if (FileTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(event.currentDataType)
&& event.detail == DND.DROP_DEFAULT) {
// default to copy when dragging from outside Eclipse. Fixes bug 16308.
event.detail = DND.DROP_COPY;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter#dragOperationChanged(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent)
public void dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent event) {
* Returns an error status with the given info.
private IStatus error(String message) {
return error(message, null);
* Returns an error status with the given info.
private IStatus error(String message, Throwable exception) {
return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, message,
* Returns the actual target of the drop, given the resource
* under the mouse. If the mouse target is a file, then the drop actually
* occurs in its parent. If the drop location is before or after the
* mouse target and feedback is enabled, the target is also the parent.
private IContainer getActualTarget(IResource mouseTarget) {
/* if cursor is before or after mouseTarget, set target to parent */
if (getFeedbackEnabled()) {
if (getCurrentLocation() == LOCATION_BEFORE
|| getCurrentLocation() == LOCATION_AFTER) {
return mouseTarget.getParent();
/* if cursor is on a file, return the parent */
if (mouseTarget.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
return mouseTarget.getParent();
/* otherwise the mouseTarget is the real target */
return (IContainer) mouseTarget;
* Returns the display
private Display getDisplay() {
return getViewer().getControl().getDisplay();
* Returns the resource selection from the LocalSelectionTransfer.
* @return the resource selection from the LocalSelectionTransfer
private IResource[] getSelectedResources() {
ArrayList selectedResources = new ArrayList();
ISelection selection = LocalSelectionTransfer.getInstance()
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection ssel = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
for (Iterator i = ssel.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof IResource) {
else if (o instanceof IAdaptable) {
IAdaptable a = (IAdaptable) o;
IResource r = (IResource) a.getAdapter(IResource.class);
if (r != null) {
return (IResource[]) selectedResources.toArray(new IResource[selectedResources.size()]);
* Returns the shell
private Shell getShell() {
return getViewer().getControl().getShell();
* Returns an error status with the given info.
private IStatus info(String message) {
return new Status(IStatus.INFO, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, message, null);
* Adds the given status to the list of problems. Discards
* OK statuses. If the status is a multi-status, only its children
* are added.
private void mergeStatus(MultiStatus status, IStatus toMerge) {
if (!toMerge.isOK()) {
* Returns an status indicating success.
private IStatus ok() {
return new Status(IStatus.OK, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0,
ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_ok, null);
* Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of
* complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.
private void openError(IStatus status) {
if (status == null) {
String genericTitle = ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_title;
int codes = IStatus.ERROR | IStatus.WARNING;
//simple case: one error, not a multistatus
if (!status.isMultiStatus()) {
.openError(getShell(), genericTitle, null, status, codes);
//one error, single child of multistatus
IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
if (children.length == 1) {
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), status.getMessage(), null,
children[0], codes);
//several problems
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), genericTitle, null, status, codes);
* Perform the drop.
* @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener#drop(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent)
public boolean performDrop(final Object data) {
alwaysOverwrite = false;
if (getCurrentTarget() == null || data == null) {
return false;
boolean result = false;
IStatus status = null;
IResource[] resources = null;
TransferData currentTransfer = getCurrentTransfer();
if (LocalSelectionTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(
currentTransfer)) {
resources = getSelectedResources();
} else if (ResourceTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(
currentTransfer)) {
resources = (IResource[]) data;
} else if (FileTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(currentTransfer)) {
status = performFileDrop(data);
result = status.isOK();
} else {
result = NavigatorDropAdapter.super.performDrop(data);
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
if (getCurrentOperation() == DND.DROP_COPY) {
status = performResourceCopy(getShell(), resources);
} else {
status = performResourceMove(resources);
return result;
* Performs a drop using the FileTransfer transfer type.
private IStatus performFileDrop(Object data) {
MultiStatus problems = new MultiStatus(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0,
ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_problemImporting, null);
mergeStatus(problems, validateTarget(getCurrentTarget(),
final int currentOperation= getCurrentOperation();
final IContainer target = getActualTarget((IResource) getCurrentTarget());
final String[] names = (String[]) data;
// Run the import operation asynchronously.
// Otherwise the drag source (e.g., Windows Explorer) will be blocked
// while the operation executes. Fixes bug 16478.
Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation(getShell()).copyOrLinkFiles(names, target, currentOperation);
return problems;
* Performs a resource copy
private IStatus performResourceCopy(Shell shell, IResource[] sources) {
MultiStatus problems = new MultiStatus(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 1,
ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_problemsMoving, null);
mergeStatus(problems, validateTarget(getCurrentTarget(),
IContainer target = getActualTarget((IResource) getCurrentTarget());
boolean shouldLinkAutomatically = false;
if (target.isVirtual()) {
shouldLinkAutomatically = true;
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (sources[0].getType() != IResource.FILE) {
shouldLinkAutomatically = false;
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation operation = new CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation(
// if the target is a group and all sources are files, then automatically create links
if (shouldLinkAutomatically) {
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
else {
boolean allSourceAreLinksOrGroups = true;
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (!sources[0].isVirtual() && !sources[0].isLinked()) {
allSourceAreLinksOrGroups = false;
// if all sources are either links or groups, copy then normally, don't show the dialog
if (!allSourceAreLinksOrGroups) {
IPreferenceStore store= IDEWorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
String dndPreference= store.getString(target.isVirtual() ? IDEInternalPreferences.IMPORT_FILES_AND_FOLDERS_VIRTUAL_FOLDER_MODE : IDEInternalPreferences.IMPORT_FILES_AND_FOLDERS_MODE);
if (dndPreference.equals(IDEInternalPreferences.IMPORT_FILES_AND_FOLDERS_MODE_PROMPT)) {
ImportTypeDialog dialog = new ImportTypeDialog(getShell(), getCurrentOperation(), sources, target);
if ( == Window.OK) {
if (dialog.getSelection() == ImportTypeDialog.IMPORT_VIRTUAL_FOLDERS_AND_LINKS)
if (dialog.getSelection() == ImportTypeDialog.IMPORT_LINK)
if (dialog.getVariable() != null)
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
return problems;
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
return problems;
* Performs a resource move
private IStatus performResourceMove(IResource[] sources) {
MultiStatus problems = new MultiStatus(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 1,
ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_problemsMoving, null);
mergeStatus(problems, validateTarget(getCurrentTarget(),
IContainer target = getActualTarget((IResource) getCurrentTarget());
boolean shouldLinkAutomatically = false;
if (target.isVirtual()) {
shouldLinkAutomatically = true;
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (sources[0].isVirtual() || sources[0].isLinked()) {
shouldLinkAutomatically = false;
if (shouldLinkAutomatically) {
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation operation = new CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation(
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
else {
ReadOnlyStateChecker checker = new ReadOnlyStateChecker(
sources = checker.checkReadOnlyResources(sources);
MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation operation = new MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation(
operation.copyResources(sources, target);
return problems;
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.IOverwriteQuery#queryOverwrite(java.lang.String)
public String queryOverwrite(String pathString) {
if (alwaysOverwrite) {
return ALL;
final String returnCode[] = { CANCEL };
final String msg = NLS.bind(ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_overwriteQuery, pathString);
final String[] options = { IDialogConstants.YES_LABEL,
IDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_LABEL, IDialogConstants.NO_LABEL,
IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL };
getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(
ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_question, null, msg, MessageDialog.QUESTION, options, 0);;
int returnVal = dialog.getReturnCode();
String[] returnCodes = { YES, ALL, NO, CANCEL };
returnCode[0] = returnVal < 0 ? CANCEL : returnCodes[returnVal];
if (returnCode[0] == ALL) {
alwaysOverwrite = true;
return returnCode[0];
* This method is used to notify the action that some aspect of
* the drop operation has changed.
public boolean validateDrop(Object target, int dragOperation,
TransferData transferType) {
if (dragOperation != DND.DROP_NONE) {
lastValidOperation = dragOperation;
if (FileTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(transferType)
&& (lastValidOperation != DND.DROP_COPY)) {
return false;
if (super.validateDrop(target, dragOperation, transferType)) {
return true;
return validateTarget(target, transferType).isOK();
* Ensures that the drop target meets certain criteria
private IStatus validateTarget(Object target, TransferData transferType) {
if (!(target instanceof IResource)) {
return info(ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_targetMustBeResource);
IResource resource = (IResource) target;
if (!resource.isAccessible()) {
return error(ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_canNotDropIntoClosedProject);
IContainer destination = getActualTarget(resource);
if (destination.getType() == IResource.ROOT) {
return error(ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_resourcesCanNotBeSiblings);
String message = null;
// drag within Eclipse?
if (LocalSelectionTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(transferType)) {
IResource[] selectedResources = getSelectedResources();
if (selectedResources.length == 0) {
message = ResourceNavigatorMessages.DropAdapter_dropOperationErrorOther;
} else {
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation operation;
if (lastValidOperation == DND.DROP_COPY) {
operation = new CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation(getShell());
if (operation.validateDestination(destination, selectedResources) != null) {
message = operation.validateDestination(destination, selectedResources);
} else {
operation = new MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation(getShell());
if (operation.validateDestination(destination, selectedResources) != null) {
message = operation.validateDestination(destination, selectedResources);
if (message == null)
lastValidOperation = DND.DROP_COPY;
} // file import?
else if (FileTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(transferType)) {
String[] sourceNames = (String[]) FileTransfer.getInstance()
if (sourceNames == null) {
// source names will be null on Linux. Use empty names to do destination validation.
// Fixes bug 29778
sourceNames = new String[0];
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation copyOperation = new CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation(
message = copyOperation.validateImportDestination(destination,
if (message != null) {
return error(message);
return ok();