blob: d945ebefb04356c4e3d35b031141cfbe8b8abf63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Red Hat, Inc - WizardProjectsImportPage[_ArchiveSelectTitle,
# _SelectArchiveDialogTitle]
# package: org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer
# ==============================================================================
# Data Transfer Wizards
# ==============================================================================
DataTransfer_fileSystemTitle = File system
ZipExport_exportTitle = Zip file
ArchiveExport_exportTitle = Archive file
DataTransfer_browse = B&rowse...
DataTransfer_selectTypes = Filter &Types...
DataTransfer_selectAll = &Select All
DataTransfer_deselectAll = &Deselect All
DataTransfer_refresh = R&efresh
DataTransfer_cannotOverwrite = Cannot overwrite file: {0}
DataTransfer_emptyString =
DataTransfer_scanningMatching = Scanning for matching files...
DataTransfer_information = Information
# --- Import Wizards ---
DataTransfer_importTitle = Import
DataTransfer_importTask = Importing:
ImportOperation_cannotCopy = Cannot copy root file system.
ImportOperation_importProblems = Problems were encountered during import:
ImportOperation_openStreamError = Error opening input stream for {0}
ImportOperation_closeStreamError = Could not close input stream for {0}
ImportOperation_coreImportError = Unable to import {0}. Reason: {1}
ImportOperation_targetSameAsSourceError = Unable to import {0}. The file cannot be copied onto itself
ImportPage_filterSelections = Filtering selection
FileImport_selectSource = Select a directory to import from.
FileImport_selectSourceTitle = Import from directory
FileImport_fromDirectory = From director&y:
FileImport_importFileSystem = Import resources from the local file system.
FileImport_overwriteExisting = &Overwrite existing resources without warning
FileImport_createTopLevel = &Create top-level folder
FileImport_createVirtualFolders = Create &virtual folders
FileImport_importElementsAs=Create l&ink locations relative to:
FileImport_createVirtualFoldersTooltip = This option needs to be set when a partial hierarchy is selected.
FileImport_createLinksInWorkspace= Create lin&ks in workspace
FileImport_noneSelected = There are no resources currently selected for import.
FileImport_cannotImportFilesUnderAVirtualFolder=Cannot import files into a virtual folder when linked resources support is disabled on the 'Linked Resources' preference page.
FileImport_haveToCreateLinksUnderAVirtualFolder=The 'Create links in workspace' option in the 'Advanced' section has to be set when the destination is a virtual folder.
FileImport_invalidSource = Source directory is not valid or has not been specified.
FileImport_sourceEmpty = Source must not be empty.
FileImport_importProblems = Import Problems
ZipImport_description = Import the contents of a Zip file from the local file system.
ZipImport_couldNotClose = Could not close file {0}
ZipImport_badFormat = Source file is not a valid Zip file.
ZipImport_couldNotRead = Source file could not be read.
ZipImport_fromFile = From &zip file:
ZipImportSource_title = Import from Zip File
ArchiveImport_description = Import the contents of an archive file in zip or tar format from the local file system.
ArchiveImport_fromFile = From &archive file:
ArchiveImportSource_title = Import from Archive File
TarImport_badFormat = Source file is not a valid tar file.
TarImport_invalid_tar_format = Not a valid tar format
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_locationError = Invalid project contents directory
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_projectLocationEmpty = Project contents directory must be specified
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_projectExistsMessage = Project already exists.
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_projectContentsLabel = Project &contents:
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_nameLabel = &Project name:
WizardProjectsImportPage_RootSelectTitle=Select roo&t directory:
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_title = Import Project from File System
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_description = Create a new Project from an Eclipse project in the file system.
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_notAProject = {0} does not have a .project file.
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_caseVariantExistsError = The name of {0} conflicts with another project in the workbench. Project names are case-insensitive.
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_directoryLabel = Select the Project location.
WizardProjectsImportPage_ArchiveSelectTitle=Select &archive file:
WizardProjectsImportPage_SelectArchiveDialogTitle=Select archive containing the projects to import
WizardProjectsImportPage_ProcessingMessage=Processing results
WizardProjectsImportPage_SelectDialogTitle=Select root directory of the projects to import
WizardProjectsImportPage_SearchingMessage=Searching for projects
WizardExternalProjectImportPage_errorMessage = Creation Problems
WizardProjectsImportPage_ImportProjectsTitle=Import Projects
WizardProjectsImportPage_projectsInWorkspace=Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace
WizardProjectsImportPage_projectsInvalid=Some projects cannot be imported because their project description file is corrupted
WizardProjectsImportPage_projectsInWorkspaceAndInvalid=Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace or their project description file is corrupted
WizardProjectsImportPage_noProjectsToImport=No projects are found to import
WizardProjectsImportPage_CreateProjectsTask=Creating Projects
WizardProjectsImportPage_ImportProjectsDescription=Select a directory to search for existing Eclipse projects.
WizardProjectsImportPage_CheckingMessage= Checking: {0}
WizardProjectsImportPage_SearchForNestedProjects=Searc&h for nested projects
WizardProjectsImportPage_CopyProjectsIntoWorkspace=&Copy projects into workspace
WizardProjectsImportPage_invalidProjectName=Invalid Project
# The first parameter is the project folder name and the second is the name from the project description
WizardProjectsImportPage_projectLabel={0} ({1})
WizardProjectsImportPage_hideExistingProjects=H&ide projects that already exist in the workspace
# --- Export Wizards ---
DataTransfer_export = Export
DataTransfer_exportingTitle = Exporting:
DataTransfer_createTargetDirectory = Target directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?
DataTransfer_directoryCreationError = Target directory could not be created.
DataTransfer_errorExporting = Error exporting {0}: {1}
DataTransfer_exportProblems = Export Problems
ExportFile_overwriteExisting = &Overwrite existing files without warning
ExportFile_resolveLinkedResources=&Resolve and export linked resources
FileExport_selectDestinationTitle= Export to Directory
FileExport_selectDestinationMessage=Select a directory to export to.
FileExport_exportLocalFileSystem = Export resources to the local file system.
FileExport_destinationEmpty = Please enter a destination directory.
FileExport_createDirectoryStructure = &Create directory structure for files
FileExport_createSelectedDirectories = Create on&ly selected directories
FileExport_noneSelected = There are no resources currently selected for export.
FileExport_directoryExists = Target directory already exists as a file.
FileExport_conflictingContainer = Destination directory conflicts with location of {0}.
FileExport_rootName = workspace root
FileSystemExportOperation_problemsExporting = Problems were encountered during export:
FileExport_toDirectory = To director&y:
FileExport_damageWarning=The project {0} may be damaged after this operation
ZipExport_compressContents = Co&mpress the contents of the file
ZipExport_destinationLabel = To &zip file:
ZipExport_mustBeFile = Export destination must be a file, not a directory.
ZipExport_alreadyExists = Target file already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
ZipExport_alreadyExistsError = Export destination already exists and cannot be overwritten.
ZipExport_cannotOpen = Unable to open destination file: {0}
ZipExport_cannotClose = Unable to close destination file: {0}
ZipExport_selectDestinationTitle = Export to Zip File
ZipExport_destinationEmpty = Please enter a destination zip file.
ArchiveExport_description = Export resources to an archive file on the local file system.
ArchiveExport_destinationLabel = To &archive file:
ArchiveExport_selectDestinationTitle = Export to Archive File
ArchiveExport_destinationEmpty = Please enter a destination archive file.
ArchiveExport_saveInZipFormat = Save in &zip format
ArchiveExport_saveInTarFormat = Sa&ve in tar format
# Smart Import
SmartImportWizardPage_selectFolderOrArchiveToImport=Select the folder to find projects to import
SmartImportWizardPage_browseForFolder=Browse for Folder
SmartImportProposals_alreadyImportedAsProject_title=Folder already imported as project
SmartImportProposals_anotherProjectWithSameNameExists_description=Could not perform operation:\n\
A project with name ''{0}'' already exists in workspace, and the folder you''re trying to import \
contains a project description file (.project) using this same name.\n\
You should consider renaming either the project in workspace, or editing the .project in selected folder.
SmartImportWizardPage_importProjectsInFolderTitle=Import Projects from File System or Archive
SmartImportWizardPage_importProjectsInFolderDescription=This wizard analyzes the content of your folder or archive file to find projects and import them in the IDE.
SmartImportWizardPage_selectRootDirectory=Import source:
SmartImportWizardPage_incorrectRootDirectory=Invalid directory or archive file
SmartImportWizardPage_selectArchiveTitle=Select an archive file to import
SmartImportWizardPage_workingSets=Working Sets
SmartImportReport_importedProjects=Imported Projects
SmartImportWizardPage_detectNestedProjects=Search for &nested projects
SmartImportWizardPage_configureProjects=Detect and &configure project natures
SmartImportWizardPage_showAvailableDetectors=Use <a>installed project configurators</a> to:
SmartImportWizardPage_availableDetectors_title=Installed project configurators
SmartImportWizardPage_availableDetectors_description=The following project configurators are installed and available to detect and configure projects:
SmartImportReport_importedProjectsWithCount=Imported {0} projects
SmartImportReport_relativePath=Relative Path
SmartImportReport_natures=Imported as
SmartImportReport_importErrors=Skipped {0} locations because of errors
SmartImportWizardPage_scanProjectsFailed=Unable to scan for projects
SmartImportWizardPage_allSupportedArchives=All supported archives
SmartImportJob_discardRootProject_title=Discard root project
SmartImportJob_discardRootProject_description=It seems like the root directory you specified doesn't contain much development data. Do you want to discard it?\n\
While keeping the root project may be helpful for navigation purpose (especially if you use nested view of projects), discarding it may improve the overall performances of your IDE.
SmartImportProposals_selectionSummary={0} of {1} selected
SmartImportProposals_importAs=Import as
SmartImportProposals_hideExistingProjects=Hide already open projects
SmartImportJob_detectAndConfigureProjects=Detecting and configuring nested projects
SmartImportJob_configuringSelectedDirectories=Configuring selected directories
SmartImportJob_configuring=Configuring project {0}
SmartImportJob_crawling=Crawling {0}
SmartImportJob_continuingConfiguration=Continue configuration of project {0}
SmartImportJob_inspecting=Inspecting location {0}
SmartImportJob_importingProjectIntoWorkspace=Import project at {0} into workspace
SmartImportWizardPage_expandingArchive=Expanding {0} into {1}
SmartImportWizardPage_overwriteArchiveDirectory_title=Overwrite directory content
SmartImportWizardPage_overwriteArchiveDirectory_message=This archive seems to be already expanded in directory {0}. Do you want to overwrite the content of this directory and re-expand archive there?
SmartImportWizardPage_incompleteExpand_title=Incomplete expansion
SmartImportWizardPage_incompleteExpand_message=Archive expansion didn''t complete successfully. It''s recommend that you clean directory {0} and try importing again.