blob: 9ce04f6a99e41449a34d9040ce0fa4c568123537 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEWorkbenchPlugin;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.Policy;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.markers.MarkerSupportInternalUtilities;
import org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.MarkerField;
import org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.MarkerItem;
* @since 3.2
public class MarkerGroup {
* Create a new MarkerGroup from element.
* @param element
* @return MarkerGroup
public static MarkerGroup createMarkerGroup(IConfigurationElement element) {
if (element.getAttribute(MarkerSupportInternalUtilities.ATTRIBUTE_ID).equals(Util.TYPE_MARKER_GROUPING_ID)) {
return new TypeMarkerGroup(element.getAttribute(MarkerSupportRegistry.LABEL));
return new MarkerGroup(element);
class AttributeMapping extends EntryMapping {
String attribute;
String attributeValue;
AttributeMarkerGrouping grouping;
* Create a mapping for an attribute with name attributeName and value
* value to the supplied entry.
* @param entry
* @param attributeName
* @param value
AttributeMapping(MarkerGroupingEntry entry, String attributeName, String value, AttributeMarkerGrouping grouping) {
attribute = attributeName;
attributeValue = value;
this.grouping = grouping;
public boolean hasAttributes() {
return true;
public MarkerGroupingEntry testAttribute(IMarker marker) {
Object value;
if (!marker.exists()) {
return null;// If the marker was deleted during the update drop it
try {
value = marker.getAttribute(attribute);
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;
if (value != null && attributeValue.equals(value.toString())) {
return groupingEntry;
return null;
class EntryMapping {
MarkerGroupingEntry groupingEntry;
* Create an entry mapping for the receiver.
* @param entry
EntryMapping(MarkerGroupingEntry entry) {
groupingEntry = entry;
* Return whether or not the receiver tests attributes.
* @return boolean
public boolean hasAttributes() {
return false;
* Test the attribute of the marker to find a grouping.
* @param marker
* @return MarkerGroupingEntry or <code>null</code> if there is not
* entry.
public MarkerGroupingEntry testAttribute(IMarker marker) {
return null;
class FieldGroup implements IField {
MarkerGroup markerGroup;
private boolean showing;
FieldGroup(MarkerGroup group) {
markerGroup = group;
public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
MarkerGroupingEntry entry1 = getMapping(((MarkerNode) obj1).getConcreteRepresentative());
MarkerGroupingEntry entry2 = getMapping(((MarkerNode) obj2).getConcreteRepresentative());
return entry2.getPriority() - entry1.getPriority();
public Image getColumnHeaderImage() {
return null;
public String getColumnHeaderText() {
return markerGroup.getTitle();
public int getDefaultDirection() {
return TableComparator.ASCENDING;
public String getDescription() {
return markerGroup.getTitle();
public Image getDescriptionImage() {
return null;
public Image getImage(Object obj) {
return null;
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return 75;
public String getValue(Object obj) {
MarkerNode node = (MarkerNode) obj;
if (node.isConcrete()) {
MarkerGroupingEntry groupingEntry = markerGroup.getMapping((ConcreteMarker) node);
return groupingEntry.getLabel();
return node.getDescription();
public boolean isShowing() {
return this.showing;
public void setShowing(boolean showing) {
this.showing = showing;
* GroupMarkerField is the MarkerField used for MarkerGroupungs
* @since 3.4
class GroupMarkerField extends MarkerField {
GroupMarkerField() {
public String getValue(MarkerItem item) {
return MarkerSupportInternalUtilities.getGroupValue(MarkerGroup.this, item);
public int compare(MarkerItem item1, MarkerItem item2) {
// Elements with markers to the top are higher values
if (item1.getMarker() == null) {
if (item2.getMarker() == null) {
return 0;
return 1;
// Elements with markers to the top are higher values
if (item2.getMarker() == null) {
return -1;
try {
return (findGroupValue(item2.getMarker().getType(),
item2.getMarker()).getPriority() - findGroupValue(
item1.getMarker().getType(), item1.getMarker())
} catch (CoreException exception) {
return 0;
public String getName() {
return MarkerGroup.this.getTitle();
private static MarkerGroupingEntry undefinedEntry = new MarkerGroupingEntry(
protected IField field;
protected MarkerField markerField;
private Map<String, Collection<EntryMapping>> typesToMappings = new HashMap<>();
private IConfigurationElement configurationElement;
private String id;
* Create a new instance of the receiver called name with id identifier.
* @param element
protected MarkerGroup(IConfigurationElement element) {
configurationElement = element;
if (element != null) {
id = element.getAttribute(MarkerSupportInternalUtilities.ATTRIBUTE_ID);
* Process the markerContentEntries for the reciever.
private void processEntries() {
if(configurationElement == null) {
IConfigurationElement[] markerEntryElements = configurationElement
IConfigurationElement[] attributeGroupingElements = configurationElement
Map<String, MarkerGroupingEntry> idsToEntries = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < markerEntryElements.length; i++) {
MarkerGroupingEntry entry = new MarkerGroupingEntry(markerEntryElements[i]);
idsToEntries.put(entry.getId(), entry);
for (int i = 0; i < attributeGroupingElements.length; i++) {
AttributeMarkerGrouping attributeGrouping = new AttributeMarkerGrouping(attributeGroupingElements[i]);
String defaultEntryId = attributeGrouping.getDefaultGroupingEntry();
if (defaultEntryId != null) {
if (idsToEntries.containsKey(defaultEntryId)) {
MarkerGroupingEntry entry = idsToEntries.get(defaultEntryId);
} else {
"Reference to invalid markerGroupingEntry {0}",//$NON-NLS-1$
IConfigurationElement[] mappings = attributeGrouping.getElement()
for (int mappingIndex = 0; mappingIndex < mappings.length; mappingIndex++) {
String entryId = mappings[mappingIndex].getAttribute(MarkerSupportRegistry.MARKER_GROUPING_ENTRY);
if (idsToEntries.containsKey(entryId)) {
MarkerGroupingEntry entry = idsToEntries.get(entryId);
} else {
"Reference to invaild markerGroupingEntry {0}", //$NON-NLS-1$
* Create the fields for the marker views.
protected void createFields() {
field = new FieldGroup(this);
markerField = new GroupMarkerField();
* Add the entry for the markerType.
* @param markerType
* @param entry
private void addEntry(String markerType, EntryMapping entry) {
MarkerType[] allDerived = getMarkerTypes(markerType);
for (int i = 0; i < allDerived.length; i++) {
Collection<EntryMapping> entries = new HashSet<>();
MarkerType type = allDerived[i];
if (typesToMappings.containsKey(type.getId())) {
entries = typesToMappings.get(markerType);
} else {
entries = new HashSet<>();
typesToMappings.put(type.getId(), entries);
* Find the group value. If it cannot be found in an attribute mapping then
* return null;
* @param concreteMarker
* @return String or <code>null</code>
private MarkerGroupingEntry findGroupValue(ConcreteMarker concreteMarker) {
String type = concreteMarker.getType();
IMarker marker = concreteMarker.getMarker();
return findGroupValue(type, marker);
* Find the group for the marker of the specified marker type.
* @param type
* @param marker
* @return MarkerGroupingEntry
public MarkerGroupingEntry findGroupValue(String type, IMarker marker) {
if (typesToMappings.containsKey(type)) {
EntryMapping defaultMapping = null;
Iterator<EntryMapping> mappings = typesToMappings.get(type).iterator();
while (mappings.hasNext()) {
EntryMapping mapping =;
if (mapping.hasAttributes()) {
MarkerGroupingEntry entry = mapping.testAttribute(marker);
if (entry != null) {
return entry;
} else {
// If it has no attributes it is our default
defaultMapping = mapping;
if (defaultMapping != null) {
return defaultMapping.groupingEntry;
return undefinedEntry;
* Return the field for the receiver.
* @return {@link IField}
public IField getField() {
return field;
* Return the id of the receiver.
* @return String
public String getId() {
return id;
* Get the attribute mapping for the marker
* @param marker
* @return MarkerGroupingEntry
private MarkerGroupingEntry getMapping(ConcreteMarker marker) {
if (marker.getGroup() == null) {
return (MarkerGroupingEntry) marker.getGroup();
* Return the markerField for the receiver.
* @return MarkerField
public MarkerField getMarkerField() {
return markerField;
* Return the marker types that match and are subtypes of markerType.
* @param markerType
* @return MarkerType[]
private MarkerType[] getMarkerTypes(String markerType) {
MarkerTypesModel model = MarkerTypesModel.getInstance();
Collection<MarkerType> types = new HashSet<>();
MarkerType type = model.getType(markerType);
if (type != null) {
MarkerType[] subs = type.getAllSubTypes();
for (int j = 0; j < subs.length; j++) {
if (types.isEmpty()) {
return new MarkerType[0];
MarkerType[] typesArray = new MarkerType[types.size()];
return typesArray;
* Return the title for the receiver.
* @return String
public String getTitle() {
return configurationElement.getAttribute(MarkerSupportRegistry.LABEL);
* Add an attributeMapping for the markerType.
* @param attributeGrouping
* @param entry
* @param attributeValue
public void mapAttribute(AttributeMarkerGrouping attributeGrouping,
MarkerGroupingEntry entry, String attributeValue) {
addEntry(attributeGrouping.getMarkerType(), new AttributeMapping(entry,
attributeGrouping.getAttribute(), attributeValue,
* Remove the entry from all of the entries in the receiver.
* @param entry
public void remove(MarkerGroupingEntry entry) {
Iterator<Collection<EntryMapping>> entries = typesToMappings.values().iterator();
Collection<EntryMapping> removeCollection = new ArrayList<>();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
Collection<EntryMapping> mappings =;
Iterator<EntryMapping> mappingsIterator = mappings.iterator();
while (mappingsIterator.hasNext()) {
EntryMapping next =;
if (next.groupingEntry.equals(entry)) {
* Set entry and the default entry for the supplied markerType.
* @param markerType
* @param entry
public void setAsDefault(String markerType, MarkerGroupingEntry entry) {
addEntry(markerType, new EntryMapping(entry));
* Unmap the attributeMarkerGrouping from the receiver.
* @param attributeMarkerGrouping
public void unmap(AttributeMarkerGrouping attributeMarkerGrouping) {
String type = attributeMarkerGrouping.getMarkerType();
Collection<EntryMapping> removed = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<EntryMapping> entries = typesToMappings.get(type);
Iterator<EntryMapping> mappings = entries.iterator();
while (mappings.hasNext()) {
EntryMapping mapping =;
if (mapping instanceof AttributeMapping
&& (((AttributeMapping) mapping).grouping == attributeMarkerGrouping)) {
if (entries.size() == 0) {
* Returns the comparator that can be used for
* sorting the MarkerGroupingEntry(s) in the group.
* @return Comparator
public Comparator<MarkerGroupingEntry> getEntriesComparator() {
return new Comparator<MarkerGroupingEntry>() {
public int compare(MarkerGroupingEntry o1, MarkerGroupingEntry o2) {
return -(o1.getPriority() - o2.getPriority());