blob: bebb340f35c3dc8c3f39e446abea1293b4de2d07 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.ui.tests.api;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.ui.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.junit.util.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.*;
public class IWorkbenchPageTest extends UITestCase {
private IWorkbenchPage fActivePage;
private IWorkbenchWindow fWin;
private IWorkbenchPart partMask;
private IProject proj;
public IWorkbenchPageTest(String testName) {
public void setUp() {
fWin = openTestWindow();
fActivePage = fWin.getActivePage();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (proj != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
proj = null;
* tests both of the following:
* setEditorAreaVisible()
* isEditorAreaVisible()
public void testGet_SetEditorAreaVisible() throws Throwable {
assertTrue(fActivePage.isEditorAreaVisible() == true);
assertTrue(fActivePage.isEditorAreaVisible() == false);
public void testGetPerspective() throws Throwable {
IWorkbenchPage page =
fWin.openPage(EmptyPerspective.PERSP_ID, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace());
assertEquals(EmptyPerspective.PERSP_ID, page.getPerspective().getId());
public void testSetPerspective() throws Throwable {
IPerspectiveDescriptor per =
assertEquals(per, fActivePage.getPerspective());
public void testGetLabel() {
public void testGetInput() throws Throwable {
IAdaptable input = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IWorkbenchPage page = fWin.openPage(input);
assertEquals(input, page.getInput());
public void testActivate() throws Throwable {
MockViewPart part = (MockViewPart) fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID);
MockViewPart part2 = (MockViewPart) fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID2);
MockPartListener listener = new MockPartListener();
CallHistory callTrace;
callTrace = part2.getCallHistory();
callTrace = part.getCallHistory();
public void testBringToTop() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
IEditorPart part = fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("a.mock1", proj));
IEditorPart part2 =
fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("b.mock1", proj));
MockPartListener listener = new MockPartListener();
CallHistory callTrace = listener.getCallHistory();
//at this point, part2 is active
assertEquals(callTrace.contains("partBroughtToTop"), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains("partBroughtToTop"), true);
public void testGetWorkbenchWindow() {
assertEquals(fActivePage.getWorkbenchWindow(), fWin);
IWorkbenchPage page = openTestPage(fWin);
assertEquals(page.getWorkbenchWindow(), fWin);
public void testShowView() throws Throwable {
javadoc: Shows a view in this page and give it focus
MockViewPart view = (MockViewPart) fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID);
new String[] { "init", "createPartControl", "setFocus" }));
fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID2 );
javadoc: If the view is already visible, it is given focus
CallHistory callTrace = view.getCallHistory();
assertEquals(fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID), view );
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "setFocus" ), true );
* openEditor(IFile input)
public void testOpenEditor() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
javadoc: 1. The workbench editor registry is consulted to determine if an editor extension has been
registered for the file type. If so, an instance of the editor extension is opened on the file
IFile file = FileUtil.createFile("test.mock1", proj);
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
javadoc: 2. Next, the native operating system will be consulted to determine if a native editor exists for
the file type. If so, a new process is started and the native editor is opened on the file.
//can not be tested
javadoc: 3. If all else fails the file will be opened in a default text editor.
// PR 1GkD5O0 - Fails on linux
String platform = SWT.getPlatform();
if (!platform.equals("motif")) {
file = FileUtil.createFile("a.null and void", proj);
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), "org.eclipse.ui.DefaultTextEditor");
//open another editor to take the focus away from the first editor
fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("test.mock2", proj));
javadoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is activated
//open the editor second time.
assertEquals(editor, fActivePage.openEditor(file));
assertEquals(editor, fActivePage.getActiveEditor());
* openEditor(IFile input, String editorID)
public void testOpenEditor2() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final IFile file = FileUtil.createFile("asfasdasdf", proj);
final String id = MockEditorPart.ID1;
javadoc: The editor type is determined by mapping editorId to an editor extension registered with the workbench.
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file, id);
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
//open another editor to take the focus away from the first editor
fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("test.mock2", proj));
javadoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is activated
//open the first editor second time.
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(file, id), editor);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
* openEditor(IEditorInput input,String editorId)
public void testOpenEditor3() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final String id = MockEditorPart.ID1;
IEditorInput input =
new FileEditorInput(FileUtil.createFile("test.mock1", proj));
javadoc: The editor type is determined by mapping editorId to an editor extension registered with the workbench
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(input, id);
assertEquals(editor.getEditorInput(), input);
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
//open another editor to take the focus away from the first editor
fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("test.mock2", proj));
javadoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is activated
//open the first editor second time.
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(input, id), editor);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
* openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId, boolean activate)
public void testOpenEditor4() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final String id = MockEditorPart.ID1;
IEditorInput input =
new FileEditorInput(FileUtil.createFile("test.mock1", proj));
MockPartListener listener = new MockPartListener();
CallHistory callTrace = listener.getCallHistory();
javadoc: The editor type is determined by mapping editorId to an editor extension
registered with the workbench.
javadoc: If activate == true the editor will be activated
//open an editor with activation
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(input, id, true);
assertEquals(editor.getEditorInput(), input);
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partActivated"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
//we need another editor so that the editor under test can receive events.
//otherwise, events will be ignored.
IEditorPart extra = fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("aaaaa", proj));
//open an editor without activation
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(input, id, false);
assertEquals(editor.getEditorInput(), input);
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partActivated"), false);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), false);
javadoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is brought to the front
//open the editor under test second time without activation
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(input, id, false), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partActivated"), false);
//activate the other editor
javadoc: If activate == true the editor will be activated
//open the editor under test second time with activation
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(input, id, true), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "partActivated"), true);
* openEditor(IMarker marker)
public void testOpenEditor5() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
IMarker marker =
FileUtil.createFile("aa.mock2", proj).createMarker(IMarker.TASK);
CallHistory callTrace;
javadoc: the cursor and selection state of the editor is then updated from information
recorded in the marker.
//open the registered editor for the marker resource
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker);
callTrace = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), MockEditorPart.ID2);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
javadoc: If the marker contains an EDITOR_ID_ATTR attribute the attribute value will be used to
determine the editor type to be opened
marker.setAttribute(IWorkbenchPage.EDITOR_ID_ATTR, MockEditorPart.ID1);
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker);
callTrace = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), MockEditorPart.ID1);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
//do not close the editor this time
javdoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is activated
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(marker), editor);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
* openEditor(IMarker marker, boolean activate)
public void testOpenEditor6() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
IMarker marker =
FileUtil.createFile("aa.mock2", proj).createMarker(IMarker.TASK);
MockPartListener listener = new MockPartListener();
CallHistory listenerCall = listener.getCallHistory();
CallHistory editorCall;
//we need another editor so that the editor under test can receive events.
//otherwise, events will be ignored.
IEditorPart extra = fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile("aaaaa", proj));
javadoc: If activate == true the editor will be activated
//open the registered editor for the marker resource with activation
IEditorPart editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker, true);
editorCall = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), MockEditorPart.ID2);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
javadoc: the cursor and selection state of the editor is then updated from information
recorded in the marker.
assertEquals(editorCall.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
//open the registered editor for the marker resource without activation
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker, false);
editorCall = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), MockEditorPart.ID2);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), false);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partActivated"), false);
assertEquals(editorCall.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
javadoc: If the marker contains an EDITOR_ID_ATTR attribute the attribute value will be used to
determine the editor type to be opened
String id = MockEditorPart.ID1;
marker.setAttribute(IWorkbenchPage.EDITOR_ID_ATTR, id);
//open an editor with activation
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker, true);
editorCall = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getActiveEditor(), editor);
assertEquals(editorCall.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false);
//open an editor without activation
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(marker, false);
editorCall = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(editor.getSite().getId(), id);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editor), true);
assertEquals(editorCall.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partActivated"), false);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), false);
//do not close the editor this time
javadoc: If this page already has an editor open on the target object that editor is brought to front
//open the editor second time without activation
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(marker, false), editor);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), true);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partActivated"), false);
javdoc: If activate == true the editor will be activated
//open the editor second time with activation
assertEquals(fActivePage.openEditor(marker, true), editor);
assertEquals(editorCall.contains( "gotoMarker"), true);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partBroughtToTop"), true);
assertEquals(listenerCall.contains( "partActivated"), true);
public void testFindView() throws Throwable {
String id = MockViewPart.ID3;
//id of valid, but not open view
IViewPart view = fActivePage.showView(id);
assertEquals(fActivePage.findView(id), view);
//close view
public void testGetViews() throws Throwable {
int totalBefore = fActivePage.getViews().length;
IViewPart view = fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID2);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getViews(), view), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getViews().length, totalBefore + 1);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getViews(), view), false);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getViews().length, totalBefore);
public void testHideView() throws Throwable {
IViewPart view = fActivePage.showView(MockViewPart.ID3);
CallHistory callTrace = ((MockViewPart) view).getCallHistory();
assertTrue(callTrace.contains( "dispose"));
public void testClose() throws Throwable {
IWorkbenchPage page = openTestPage(fWin);
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final IFile file = FileUtil.createFile("aaa.mock1", proj);
IEditorPart editor = page.openEditor(file);
CallHistory callTrace = ((MockEditorPart) editor).getCallHistory();
javadoc: If the page has open editors with unsaved content and save is true, the user will be given the opportunity to save them
assertEquals(page.close(), true);
callTrace.verifyOrder(new String[] { "isDirty", "dispose" }),
assertEquals(fWin.getActivePage(), fActivePage);
public void testCloseEditor() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final IFile file = FileUtil.createFile("test.mock1", proj);
IEditorPart editor;
CallHistory callTrace;
MockEditorPart mock;
javadoc: Parameters: save - true to save the editor contents if required (recommended)
//create a clean editor that needs to be saved on closing
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file);
mock = (MockEditorPart) editor;
callTrace = mock.getCallHistory();
//close the editor with save confirmation
assertEquals( fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, true), true );
new String[] { "isSaveOnCloseNeeded", "isDirty", "dispose" }),
javadoc: If the editor has unsaved content and save is true, the user will be given the opportunity to save it.
//can't be tested
javadoc: Parameters: save - false to discard any unsaved changes
//create a dirty editor
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file);
mock = (MockEditorPart) editor;
callTrace = mock.getCallHistory();
//close the editor and discard changes
assertEquals( fActivePage.closeEditor(editor, false), true );
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "isSaveOnCloseNeeded"), false);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "isDirty"), false);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "doSave"), false);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "dispose"), true);
public void testCloseAllEditors() throws Throwable
int total = 5;
final IFile[] files = new IFile[total];
IEditorPart[] editors = new IEditorPart[total];
CallHistory[] callTraces = new CallHistory[total];
MockEditorPart[] mocks = new MockEditorPart[total];
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
files[i] = FileUtil.createFile(i + ".mock2", proj);
javadoc: If the page has open editors with unsaved content and save is true, the user will be given the opportunity to save them.
//close all clean editors with confirmation
for( int i = 0; i < total; i ++ ){
editors[i] = fActivePage.openEditor(files[i]);
callTraces[i] = ((MockEditorPart)editors[i]).getCallHistory();
assertEquals(fActivePage.closeAllEditors(true), true);
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "isDirty"), true);
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "doSave"), false);
//close all dirty editors with confirmation
//can't be tested
//close all dirty editors discarding them
for( int i = 0; i < total; i ++ ){
editors[i] = fActivePage.openEditor(files[i]);
mocks[i] = (MockEditorPart) editors[i];
callTraces[i] = mocks[i].getCallHistory();
assertEquals(fActivePage.closeAllEditors(false), true);
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains("doSave"), false);
public void testSaveEditor() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
final IFile file = FileUtil.createFile("test.mock1", proj);
IEditorPart editor;
CallHistory callTrace;
MockEditorPart mock;
//create a clean editor
editor = fActivePage.openEditor(file);
mock = (MockEditorPart) editor;
callTrace = mock.getCallHistory();
javadoc: Saves the contents of the given editor if dirty.
If not, this method returns without effect
//save the clean editor with confirmation
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveEditor(editor, true), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains("isDirty"), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains("doSave"), false);
javadoc: If confirm is true the user is prompted to confirm the command.
//can't be tested
javadoc: Otherwise, the save happens without prompt.
//save the clean editor without confirmation
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveEditor(editor, false), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains( "isDirty"), true);
assertEquals(callTrace.contains("doSave"), false);
//save the dirty editor without confirmation
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveEditor(editor, false), true);
callTrace.verifyOrder(new String[] { "isDirty", "doSave" }),
public void testSaveAllEditors() throws Throwable {
int total = 3;
final IFile[] files = new IFile[total];
IEditorPart[] editors = new IEditorPart[total];
CallHistory[] callTraces = new CallHistory[total];
MockEditorPart[] mocks = new MockEditorPart[total];
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
files[i] = FileUtil.createFile(i + ".mock2", proj);
editors[i] = fActivePage.openEditor(files[i]);
mocks[i] = (MockEditorPart) editors[i];
callTraces[i] = mocks[i].getCallHistory();
javadoc: If there are no dirty editors this method returns without effect.
javadoc: If confirm is true the user is prompted to confirm the command
//save all clean editors with confirmation
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveAllEditors(true), true);
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "isDirty"), true);
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "doSave"), false);
//save all dirty editors with confirmation can't be tested
javadoc: Parameters: confirm - false to save unsaved changes without asking
//save all clean editors without confirmation
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveAllEditors(false), true);
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "isDirty"), true);
assertEquals(callTraces[i].contains( "doSave"), false);
//save all dirty editors without confirmation
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
assertEquals(fActivePage.saveAllEditors(false), true);
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
callTraces[i].verifyOrder(new String[] { "isDirty", "doSave" }),
public void testGetEditors() throws Throwable {
proj = FileUtil.createProject("testOpenEditor");
int totalBefore = fActivePage.getEditors().length;
int num = 3;
IEditorPart[] editors = new IEditorPart[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
editors[i] = fActivePage.openEditor(FileUtil.createFile(i + ".mock2", proj));
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editors[i]), true);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getEditors().length, totalBefore + num);
fActivePage.closeEditor(editors[0], false);
assertEquals(ArrayUtil.contains(fActivePage.getEditors(), editors[0]), false);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getEditors().length, totalBefore + num - 1);
assertEquals(fActivePage.getEditors().length, 0);
public void testShowActionSet() {
String id = MockActionDelegate.ACTION_SET_ID;
WorkbenchPage page = (WorkbenchPage) fActivePage;
int totalBefore = page.getActionSets().length;
IActionSetDescriptor[] sets = ((WorkbenchPage) fActivePage).getActionSets();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++)
if (id.equals(sets[i].getId()))
found = true;
assertEquals(found, true);
//check that the method does not add an invalid action set to itself
id = IConstants.FakeID;
sets = ((WorkbenchPage) fActivePage).getActionSets();
found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++)
if (id.equals(sets[i].getId()))
found = true;
assertEquals(found, false);
assertEquals(page.getActionSets().length, totalBefore + 1);
public void testHideActionSet() {
WorkbenchPage page = (WorkbenchPage) fActivePage;
int totalBefore = page.getActionSets().length;
String id = MockWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate.SET_ID;
fActivePage.showActionSet( id );
assertEquals(page.getActionSets().length, totalBefore + 1);
fActivePage.hideActionSet(id );
assertEquals(page.getActionSets().length, totalBefore );
IActionSetDescriptor[] sets = page.getActionSets();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++)
if (id.equals(sets[i].getId()))
found = true;
assertEquals(found, false);