blob: 2ed33347a12b8247d5a4ec467146da1dd210d781 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.dynamichelpers.IExtensionTracker;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.AbstractGroupMarker;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.ICoolBarManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IToolBarManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.Separator;
import org.eclipse.jface.internal.provisional.action.IToolBarContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.ui.IActionBars;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ActionSetRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.IWorkbenchRegistryConstants;
* This builder reads the actions for an action set from the registry.
public class PluginActionSetBuilder extends PluginActionBuilder {
private PluginActionSet actionSet;
private IWorkbenchWindow window;
private ArrayList<ActionSetContribution> adjunctContributions = new ArrayList<>(0);
* Used by the workbench window extension handler to unhook action sets from
* their associated window.
* @since 3.1
public static class Binding implements IDisposable {
PluginActionSetBuilder builder;
PluginActionSet set;
IWorkbenchWindow window;
IExtensionTracker tracker;
public void dispose() {
if (tracker != null) {
tracker.unregisterObject(set.getConfigElement().getDeclaringExtension(), this);
tracker = null;
* Constructs a new builder.
public PluginActionSetBuilder() {
* Read the actions within a config element. Called by customize perspective
* @param set the action set
* @param window the window to contribute to
public void buildMenuAndToolBarStructure(PluginActionSet set, IWorkbenchWindow window) {
this.actionSet = set;
this.window = window;
cache = null;
currentContribution = null;
targetID = null;
targetContributionTag = IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.TAG_ACTION_SET;
readElements(new IConfigurationElement[] { set.getConfigElement() });
if (cache != null) {
for (Object element : cache) {
ActionSetContribution contribution = (ActionSetContribution) element;
contribution.contribute(actionSet.getBars(), true, true);
if (contribution.isAdjunctContributor()) {
for (ActionSetContribution contribution : adjunctContributions) {
ActionSetActionBars bars = actionSet.getBars();
for (ActionDescriptor adjunctAction : contribution.adjunctActions) {
contribution.contributeAdjunctCoolbarAction(adjunctAction, bars);
protected ActionDescriptor createActionDescriptor(IConfigurationElement element) {
// As of 2.1, the "pulldown" attribute was deprecated and replaced by
// the attribute "style". See doc for more details.
boolean pullDownStyle = false;
String style = element.getAttribute(IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.ATT_STYLE);
if (style != null) {
pullDownStyle = style.equals(ActionDescriptor.STYLE_PULLDOWN);
} else {
String pulldown = element.getAttribute(ActionDescriptor.STYLE_PULLDOWN);
pullDownStyle = pulldown != null && pulldown.equals("true"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ActionDescriptor desc = null;
if (pullDownStyle) {
desc = new ActionDescriptor(element, ActionDescriptor.T_WORKBENCH_PULLDOWN, window);
} else {
desc = new ActionDescriptor(element, ActionDescriptor.T_WORKBENCH, window);
WWinPluginAction action = (WWinPluginAction) desc.getAction();
return desc;
protected BasicContribution createContribution() {
return new ActionSetContribution(actionSet.getDesc().getId(), window);
* Returns the insertion point for a new contribution item. Clients should use
* this item as a reference point for insertAfter.
* @param startId the reference id for insertion
* @param sortId the sorting id for the insertion. If null then the item
* will be inserted at the end of all action sets.
* @param mgr the target menu manager.
* @param startVsEnd if <code>true</code> the items are added at the start of
* action with the same id; else they are added to the end
* @return the insertion point, or null if not found.
public static IContributionItem findInsertionPoint(String startId, String sortId, IContributionManager mgr,
boolean startVsEnd) {
// Get items.
IContributionItem[] items = mgr.getItems();
// Find the reference item.
int insertIndex = 0;
while (insertIndex < items.length) {
if (startId.equals(items[insertIndex].getId())) {
if (insertIndex >= items.length) {
return null;
// Calculate startVsEnd comparison value.
int compareMetric = 0;
if (startVsEnd) {
compareMetric = 1;
// Find the insertion point for the new item.
// We do this by iterating through all of the previous
// action set contributions define within the current group.
for (int nX = insertIndex + 1; nX < items.length; nX++) {
IContributionItem item = items[nX];
if (item.isSeparator() || item.isGroupMarker()) {
// Fix for bug report 18357
if (item instanceof IActionSetContributionItem) {
if (sortId != null) {
String testId = ((IActionSetContributionItem) item).getActionSetId();
if (sortId.compareTo(testId) < compareMetric) {
insertIndex = nX;
} else {
// Return item.
return items[insertIndex];
/* package */static void processActionSets(List<PluginActionSet> pluginActionSets, WorkbenchWindow window) {
// Process the action sets in two passes. On the first pass the
// pluginActionSetBuilder
// will process base contributions and cache adjunct contributions. On the
// second
// pass the adjunct contributions will be processed.
PluginActionSetBuilder[] builders = new PluginActionSetBuilder[pluginActionSets.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < pluginActionSets.size(); i++) {
PluginActionSet set = pluginActionSets.get(i);
PluginActionSetBuilder builder = new PluginActionSetBuilder();
builder.readActionExtensions(set, window);
builders[i] = builder;
for (PluginActionSetBuilder builder : builders) {
protected void processAdjunctContributions() {
// Contribute the adjunct contributions.
for (ActionSetContribution contribution : adjunctContributions) {
ActionSetActionBars bars = actionSet.getBars();
for (ActionDescriptor adjunctAction : contribution.adjunctActions) {
contribution.contributeAdjunctCoolbarAction(adjunctAction, bars);
* Read the actions within a config element.
protected void readActionExtensions(PluginActionSet set, IWorkbenchWindow window) {
this.actionSet = set;
this.window = window;
cache = null;
currentContribution = null;
targetID = null;
targetContributionTag = IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.TAG_ACTION_SET;
readElements(new IConfigurationElement[] { set.getConfigElement() });
if (cache != null) {
// for dynamic UI - save cache for future removal lf actionset extensions
// Don't call addCache -- it's broken, and is only used for dynamic plugin
// removal,
// which the workbench doesn't currently support.
// See bug 66374 for more details.
// WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry().addCache(set.getDesc().getId(),
// cache);
for (Object element : cache) {
ActionSetContribution contribution = (ActionSetContribution) element;
contribution.contribute(actionSet.getBars(), true, true);
if (contribution.isAdjunctContributor()) {
} else {
WorkbenchPlugin.log("Action Set is empty: " + set.getDesc().getId()); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void registerBinding(final PluginActionSet set) {
final IExtensionTracker tracker = window.getExtensionTracker();
// register the new binding
final Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.builder = this;
binding.set = set;
binding.window = window;
binding.tracker = tracker;
tracker.registerObject(set.getConfigElement().getDeclaringExtension(), binding, IExtensionTracker.REF_STRONG);
* Helper class to collect the menus and actions defined within a contribution
* element.
private static class ActionSetContribution extends BasicContribution {
private String actionSetId;
private WorkbenchWindow window;
protected ArrayList<ActionDescriptor> adjunctActions = new ArrayList<>(0);
* Create a new instance of <code>ActionSetContribution</code>.
* @param id the id
* @param window the window to contribute to
public ActionSetContribution(String id, IWorkbenchWindow window) {
actionSetId = id;
this.window = (WorkbenchWindow) window;
* This implementation inserts the group into the action set additions group.
protected void addGroup(IContributionManager mgr, String name) {
IContributionItem refItem = findInsertionPoint(IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS, actionSetId, mgr,
// Insert the new group marker.
ActionSetSeparator group = new ActionSetSeparator(name, actionSetId);
if (refItem == null) {
} else {
mgr.insertAfter(refItem.getId(), group);
* Contributes submenus and/or actions into the provided menu and tool bar
* managers.
* @param bars the action bars to contribute to
* @param menuAppendIfMissing append to the menubar if missing
* @param toolAppendIfMissing append to the toolbar if missing
public void contribute(IActionBars bars, boolean menuAppendIfMissing, boolean toolAppendIfMissing) {
IMenuManager menuMgr = bars.getMenuManager();
IToolBarManager toolBarMgr = bars.getToolBarManager();
if (menus != null && menuMgr != null) {
for (IConfigurationElement menuElement : menus) {
contributeMenu(menuElement, menuMgr, menuAppendIfMissing);
if (actions != null) {
for (ActionDescriptor ad : actions) {
if (menuMgr != null) {
contributeMenuAction(ad, menuMgr, menuAppendIfMissing);
if (toolBarMgr != null) {
if (bars instanceof ActionSetActionBars) {
contributeCoolbarAction(ad, (ActionSetActionBars) bars);
} else {
contributeToolbarAction(ad, toolBarMgr, toolAppendIfMissing);
* Contributes action from the action descriptor into the cool bar manager.
protected void contributeAdjunctCoolbarAction(ActionDescriptor ad, ActionSetActionBars bars) {
String toolBarId = ad.getToolbarId();
String toolGroupId = ad.getToolbarGroupId();
String contributingId = bars.getActionSetId();
ICoolBarManager coolBarMgr = bars.getCoolBarManager();
if (coolBarMgr == null) {
PluginAction action = ad.getAction();
ActionContributionItem actionContribution = new PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem(action);
// create a coolitem for the toolbar id if it does not yet exist
IToolBarManager toolBarManager = bars.getToolBarManager(toolBarId);
// Check to see if the group already exists
IContributionItem groupMarker = toolBarManager.find(toolGroupId);
// Add a group marker if one does not exist
if (groupMarker == null) {
toolBarManager.add(new Separator(toolGroupId));
IContributionItem refItem = findAlphabeticalOrder(toolGroupId, contributingId, toolBarManager);
if (refItem != null && refItem.getId() != null) {
toolBarManager.insertAfter(refItem.getId(), actionContribution);
} else {
* Contributes action from the action descriptor into the cool bar manager.
protected void contributeCoolbarAction(ActionDescriptor ad, ActionSetActionBars bars) {
String toolBarId = ad.getToolbarId();
String toolGroupId = ad.getToolbarGroupId();
if (toolBarId == null && toolGroupId == null) {
String contributingId = bars.getActionSetId();
if (toolBarId == null || toolBarId.isEmpty()) {
// the item is being added to the coolitem for its action set
toolBarId = contributingId;
if (!toolBarId.equals(contributingId)) {
// adding to another action set, validate the id
if (!isValidCoolItemId(toolBarId, window)) {
// toolbarid not valid, add the item to the coolitem for its action set
toolBarId = contributingId;
} else {
// Create the action
PluginAction action = ad.getAction();
ActionContributionItem actionContribution = new PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem(action);
// retreive the toolbar from the action bars.
IToolBarManager toolBar = bars.getToolBarManager(toolBarId);
// Check to see if the group already exists
IContributionItem groupMarker = toolBar.find(toolGroupId);
// Add a group marker if one does not exist
if (groupMarker == null) {
// @issue should this be a GroupMarker?
toolBar.add(new Separator(toolGroupId));
toolBar.prependToGroup(toolGroupId, actionContribution);
* Checks to see if the cool item id is in the given window.
private boolean isValidCoolItemId(String id, WorkbenchWindow window) {
ActionSetRegistry registry = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry();
if (registry.findActionSet(id) != null) {
return true;
if (window != null) {
return window.isWorkbenchCoolItemId(id);
return false;
protected void insertMenuGroup(IMenuManager menu, AbstractGroupMarker marker) {
if (actionSetId != null) {
IContributionItem[] items = menu.getItems();
// Loop thru all the current groups looking for the first
// group whose id > than the current action set id. Insert
// current marker just before this item then.
for (IContributionItem item : items) {
if (item.isSeparator() || item.isGroupMarker()) {
if (item instanceof IActionSetContributionItem) {
String testId = ((IActionSetContributionItem) item).getActionSetId();
if (actionSetId.compareTo(testId) < 0) {
menu.insertBefore(item.getId(), marker);
private IContributionItem findAlphabeticalOrder(String startId, String itemId, IContributionManager mgr) {
IContributionItem[] items = mgr.getItems();
int insertIndex = 0;
// look for starting point
while (insertIndex < items.length) {
IContributionItem item = items[insertIndex];
if (startId != null && startId.equals(item.getId())) {
// Find the index that this item should be inserted in
for (int i = insertIndex + 1; i < items.length; i++) {
IContributionItem item = items[i];
if (item.isGroupMarker()) {
String testId = null;
if (item instanceof PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem) {
testId = ((PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem) item).getActionSetId();
if (testId == null) {
if (itemId != null) {
if (itemId.compareTo(testId) < 1) {
insertIndex = i;
if (insertIndex >= items.length) {
return null;
return items[insertIndex];
* Returns whether the contributor is an adjunct contributor.
* @return whether the contributor is an adjunct contributor
public boolean isAdjunctContributor() {
return adjunctActions.size() > 0;
protected void insertAfter(IContributionManager mgr, String refId, IContributionItem item) {
IContributionItem refItem = findInsertionPoint(refId, actionSetId, mgr, true);
if (refItem != null) {
mgr.insertAfter(refItem.getId(), item);
} else {
WorkbenchPlugin.log("Reference item " + refId + " not found for action " + item.getId()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// for dynamic UI
protected void revokeContribution(WorkbenchWindow window, IActionBars bars, String id) {
revokeActionSetFromMenu(window.getMenuManager(), id);
// IMenuManager menuMgr = bars.getMenuManager();
// if (menuMgr != null)
// revokeActionSetFromMenu(menuMgr, id);
revokeActionSetFromCoolbar(window.getCoolBarManager2(), id);
// IToolBarManager toolBarMgr = bars.getToolBarManager();
// if (toolBarMgr != null && toolBarMgr instanceof CoolItemToolBarManager)
// revokeActionSetFromToolbar(toolBarMgr, id);
// for dynamic UI
protected void revokeAdjunctCoolbarAction(ActionDescriptor ad, ActionSetActionBars bars) {
String toolBarId = ad.getToolbarId();
// String toolGroupId = ad.getToolbarGroupId();
// String contributingId = bars.getActionSetId();
ICoolBarManager coolBarMgr = bars.getCoolBarManager();
// ((CoolItemToolBarManager)bars.getToolBarManager()).getParentManager();
PluginAction action = ad.getAction();
PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem actionContribution = new PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem(action);
// remove a coolitem for the toolbar id if it exists
IContributionItem cbItem = coolBarMgr.find(toolBarId);
if (cbItem != null) {
// activeManager = cbItem.getToolBarManager();
// activeManager.remove(contributingId);
// IContributionItem groupMarker = activeManager.find(toolGroupId);
// if (groupMarker != null) {
// int idx = activeManager.indexOf(toolGroupId);
// IContributionItem[] items = activeManager.getItems();
// if (items.length == idx+1 ||
// ((items.length > idx && items[idx+1] instanceof Separator)))
// if (activeManager.find(toolGroupId) != null)
// activeManager.remove(toolGroupId);
// }
// activeManager.addAdjunctItemToGroup(toolGroupId, contributingId,
// actionContribution);
// for dynamic UI
private void revokeActionSetFromMenu(IMenuManager menuMgr, String actionsetId) {
IContributionItem[] items = menuMgr.getItems();
ArrayList<IContributionItem> itemsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
String id;
for (IContributionItem item : items) {
if (item instanceof IMenuManager) {
revokeActionSetFromMenu((IMenuManager) item, actionsetId);
} else if (item instanceof ActionSetContributionItem) {
id = ((ActionSetContributionItem) item).getActionSetId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
} else if (item instanceof Separator) {
id = ((Separator) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
} else if (item instanceof GroupMarker) {
id = ((GroupMarker) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
Iterator<IContributionItem> iter = itemsToRemove.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IContributionItem item =;
// for dynamic UI
private void revokeActionSetFromCoolbar(ICoolBarManager coolbarMgr, String actionsetId) {
IContributionItem[] items = coolbarMgr.getItems();
ArrayList<IContributionItem> itemsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
String id;
for (IContributionItem item : items) {
id = item.getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
if (item instanceof IToolBarManager) {
revokeActionSetFromToolbar((IToolBarManager) item, actionsetId);
} else if (item instanceof IToolBarContributionItem) {
id = ((IToolBarContributionItem) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
} else if (item instanceof GroupMarker) {
id = ((GroupMarker) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
Iterator<IContributionItem> iter = itemsToRemove.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// for dynamic UI
private void revokeActionSetFromToolbar(IToolBarManager toolbarMgr, String actionsetId) {
IContributionItem[] items = toolbarMgr.getItems();
ArrayList<IContributionItem> itemsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
String id;
for (IContributionItem item : items) {
id = item.getId();
if (id.equals(actionsetId)) {
if (item instanceof PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem) {
id = ((PluginActionCoolBarContributionItem) item).getActionSetId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
} else if (item instanceof ActionContributionItem) {
id = ((ActionContributionItem) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
} else if (item instanceof GroupMarker) {
id = ((GroupMarker) item).getId();
if (actionsetId.equals(id)) {
Iterator<IContributionItem> iter = itemsToRemove.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
* Remove the given action set from the window.
* @param set the set to remove
* @param window the window to remove from
protected void removeActionExtensions(PluginActionSet set, IWorkbenchWindow window) {
this.actionSet = set;
this.window = window;
currentContribution = null;
targetID = null;
targetContributionTag = IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.TAG_ACTION_SET;
String id = set.getDesc().getId();
if (cache != null) {
for (Object element : cache) {
ActionSetContribution contribution = (ActionSetContribution) element;
contribution.revokeContribution((WorkbenchWindow) window, actionSet.getBars(), id);
if (contribution.isAdjunctContributor()) {
for (ActionDescriptor adjunctAction : contribution.adjunctActions) {
contribution.revokeAdjunctCoolbarAction(adjunctAction, actionSet.getBars());