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<title>Eclipse Platform Release Notes (3.2) - JFace and Workbench</title>
<h1>Eclipse Platform Build Notes (3.2)<br>
JFace and Workbench</h1>
<p>Integration Build (May 4, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 99149</a>. [Examples] example project installs ugly icons on toolbar<br>
<a href="">Bug 133749</a>. [Contributions] Create WatchExpression action show up twice in Variables View<br>
<a href="">Bug 136849</a>. [CommonNavigator] NPE is thrown and navigator dies<br>
<a href="">Bug 138149</a>. [CommonNavigator] (NeedsApproval) Problem with selection causes view to fail to load<br>
<a href="">Bug 138759</a>. [Dialogs] Compile errors against foundation 1.0: org.eclipse.jface<br>
<a href="">Bug 138823</a>. [MPE] Changes to MultiPageEditorPart causing endless loop<br>
<a href="">Bug 139067</a>. [IDE] Compile errors against Foundation 1.0: org.eclipse.ui.workbench<br>
<a href="">Bug 139176</a>. Javadoc problems in ExternalActionManager<br>
<a href="">Bug 139385</a>. [Viewers] Viewer#setComparator(ViewerComparator) has no effect<br>
<a href="">Bug 139483</a>. IDEIdleHelper should be a system job<br>
<a href="">Bug 139494</a>. [JFace] Update manifest to compile against Foundation 1.0: org.eclipse.jface<br>
<a href="">Bug 139511</a>. [CommonNavigator] (NeedsApproval) getParent() fails in certain cases<br>
<a href="">Bug 139700</a>. Long delay on package explorer selection changes in large workspace<br>
<a href="">Bug 139704</a>. Opening the Run.. dialog edits Launch configurations (could tell user)<br>
<a href="">Bug 139792</a>. Update manifest to compile against Foundation 1.0: org.eclipse.core.commands<br>
<a href="">Bug 139922</a>. [Markers] markerSupportRegistry not reading categories<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 27, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 1305</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<a href="">Bug 34527</a>. [Dialogs] &quot;Select Perspective&quot; dialog does not match invoking action<br>
<a href="">Bug 42056</a>. [Dialogs] New Path Variable Dialog; lable alignment<br>
<a href="">Bug 55817</a>. [Progress] Progress Information dialog appears on start bar, and shows up on wrong monitor<br>
<a href="">Bug 060417</a>. Configured activities not persisted<br>
<a href="">Bug 66292</a>. [Dialogs] InputDialog NPE when invoking setErrorMessage(...) too early<br>
<a href="">Bug 82064</a>. [Dialogs] TitleAreaDialog#setTitleImage cannot be called before open()<br>
<a href="">Bug 90273</a>. [Dialogs] ListSelectionDialog dialog alignment<br>
<a href="">Bug 95950</a>. [KeyBindings] interactions: ALT/COMMAND+ARROW keybindings should be swapped on Mac<br>
<a href="">Bug 97565</a>. [KeyBindings] preference page: AIOOBE trying to change key bindings<br>
<a href="">Bug 100993</a>. [EditorMgmt][Presentations] Regression: Editor tabs do not remember order or active tab after restarting Eclipse<br>
<a href="">Bug 107107</a>. Location.setURL does not provide sufficient information when failing to set the workspace location<br>
<a href="">Bug 109361</a>. [Markers] Multiselection in problems view yields invalid status message<br>
<a href="">Bug 110169</a>. [Navigator] ResourceNavigator.initWorkingSetFilter should be protected visibility.<br>
<a href="">Bug 111424</a>. [Markers] Missing markerImageProvider extension for bookmark marker<br>
<a href="">Bug 113370</a>. [Dialogs] The window title SafeRunnable displays is always English in non-English language<br>
<a href="">Bug 125753</a>. [CommonNavigator] Nav doesn't synchronize with file sys on delete<br>
<a href="">Bug 125948</a>. [TabbedProperties] Types should specify subclassing/implementing contract<br>
<a href="">Bug 127029</a>. [JFace] [DND] LocalSelectionTransfer should be supported on the JFace layer.<br>
<a href="">Bug 127173</a>. New API elements missing &#64;since<br>
<a href="">Bug 127550</a>. [Progress] Little text centred in a big view<br>
<a href="">Bug 128455</a>. [Presentation] [ViewBar] Outline view toolbar is visible above a maximized editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 129599</a>. Mark the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point as experimental<br>
<a href="">Bug 129841</a>. [DynamicUI] Calling reg.removeExtension, then reg.addContribution not showing actionSet in UI<br>
<a href="">Bug 130297</a>. [Progress] dozens of &quot;Scheduled refresh postponed due to conflicting operations&quot; in Progress view<br>
<a href="">Bug 130315</a>. [JFace] ImageRegistry.put(String, Image) cannot accept null Image<br>
<a href="">Bug 130340</a>. [Decorators] lightweight decorator blinking problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 131105</a>. [EFS] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation does not handle null locations<br>
<a href="">Bug 131344</a>. [project explorer] Nav not refreshing after adding xdoclet bean to existing project<br>
<a href="">Bug 132161</a>. [KeyBindings] &quot;Open Workspace&quot; command should be &quot;Switch Workspace...&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 132550</a>. [FastViews] BIDI:Fast Views become hidden when selected<br>
<a href="">Bug 132821</a>. [Dialogs] Stored Dialog location and size invalid after changing font<br>
<a href="">Bug 133044</a>. [JFace] - should we show error status when required fields are empty if they have required field emphasis<br>
<a href="">Bug 133416</a>. Open with references should only prompt if necessary<br>
<a href="">Bug 133541</a>. [Import/Export] 'testImportArchiveMultiProject is failing<br>
<a href="">Bug 133794</a>. [KeyBindings] default keybinding for Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...<br>
<a href="">Bug 135535</a>. [KeyBindings] Key bindings lost in the Java editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 135787</a>. need to adopt ICU4J APIs<br>
<a href="">Bug 135956</a>. [Trim] no perspective switcher on resize<br>
<a href="">Bug 136130</a>. [TabbedProperties] Incorrect package names in<br>
<a href="">Bug 136292</a>. [Markers] problems view: NPE after delete<br>
<a href="">Bug 136475</a>. [Trim] Graphic is disposed error on shutdown<br>
<a href="">Bug 136696</a>. CHKPII error in org.eclipse.ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 136763</a>. Performance improvements to BindingManager<br>
<a href="">Bug 136830</a>. Close Unrelated Projects closes needed projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 136855</a>. [IDE] Deadlock caused by IDEIdleHelper and HeapStatus calls to runFinalization from UI thread<br>
<a href="">Bug 136870</a>. Progress bar in progress dialog too long<br>
<a href="">Bug 136921</a>. [IDE] New File dialog locks for 20 seconds<br>
<a href="">Bug 136981</a>. [Trim] Failing trim gives multiple error dialogs<br>
<a href="">Bug 137097</a>. [Trim] provide a vertically oriented progress bar<br>
<a href="">Bug 137148</a>. [Markers] Contributions to IMarker no longer show up on elements in the Problems View<br>
<a href="">Bug 137199</a>. Generate Identifiers Test has very unstable Elapsed process<br>
<a href="">Bug 137227</a>. [Trim] occasionally last moved trim is moved instead of current<br>
<a href="">Bug 137228</a>. [Trim] right click to start a trim drag will position the cursor on the top right of the screen<br>
<a href="">Bug 137310</a>. [CommonNavigator] NewActionProvider should use a different name than the marker<br>
<a href="">Bug 137315</a>. [Dialogs] Doubleclickable area to restore dialog size is often very small<br>
<a href="">Bug 137330</a>. [Commands] remove experimental keys preference page for 3.2<br>
<a href="">Bug 137334</a>. [PerspectiveBar] Order of perspective bar items not maintained across sessions when coolbar not shown<br>
<a href="">Bug 137341</a>. [WorkbenchParts] WorkbenchPage.closeEditors calls IWorkbenchPart.getSaveables after disposing the part<br>
<a href="">Bug 137356</a>. [Markers] marker grouping not working as expected via markerSupport<br>
<a href="">Bug 137375</a>. [Trim] too many resize calls<br>
<a href="">Bug 137384</a>. [Presentations] ClassCastException in org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack line 1305<br>
<a href="">Bug 137410</a>. [Presentations] ViewPane does not ask the ActionBarPresentation to create the toolbar control<br>
<a href="">Bug 137477</a>. Error in the documentation for org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 137527</a>. [PresentationAPI] (regression) Implementors of StackPresentation now must implement save/restore state methods<br>
<a href="">Bug 137640</a>. [CommonNavigator] New java elements not selected in project explorer<br>
<a href="">Bug 137693</a>. [Progress] Progress Dialog is huge and hides buttons during sync<br>
<a href="">Bug 137767</a>. [Progress] UISynchronizer must clear Interrupt Status of the UI thread<br>
<a href="">Bug 137784</a>. [Progress] progress colors not alternating correctly<br>
<a href="">Bug 137849</a>. Unable to set comparator in StructuredViewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 137913</a>. [key binding][content assist] Chinese content assist key bindings broken when moved down to org.eclipse.ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 137938</a>. [Progress] Actions lost on refresh of finished jobs<br>
<a href="">Bug 137977</a>. Missing view toolbars<br>
<a href="">Bug 138253</a>. [Trim] Extra space added by the Trim 'group' layout<br>
<a href="">Bug 138378</a>. [Trim] can't drag a trim bar at all<br>
<a href="">Bug 138400</a>. [Workbench] Problem deleting a perspective descriptor created from restore state<br>
<a href="">Bug 138645</a>. QuickFix dialog has no wizard graphic or menu icon<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 13, 2006, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 136316</a>. Animated messages do not work before workbench runs (WorkbenchControlAnimator not running)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 12, 2006, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 2101</a>. [Markers] Need indication of sort order in marker views (1GE6P7W)<br>
<a href="">Bug 58840</a>. [Markers] task list sort order not persisted across sessions<br>
<a href="">Bug 124655</a>. [Markers] can't easily sort Problems view by severity<br>
<a href="">Bug 136450</a>. [Progress] Widget disposed at end of update<br>
<a href="">Bug 136489</a>. [EditorMgmt] Prompt for saving when closing parts, but Saveable is still held onto by other part<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 12, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 90517</a>. Define a command for Editor &quot;Close Others&quot; option<br>
<a href="">Bug 116924</a>. [LinkedResources] Links can now be at arbitrary depth<br>
<a href="">Bug 134328</a>. [Wizards] Two error messages interact in two different wizards<br>
<a href="">Bug 134509</a>. [Intro] Need ability to override &quot;Welcome&quot; string<br>
<a href="">Bug 134648</a>. [Intro] IDEWorkbenchWindowAdvisor should not call Bundle#start<br>
<a href="">Bug 135058</a>. new error message popup in wizards is too &quot;distracting&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 135535</a>. [KeyBindings] Key bindings lost in the Java editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 136373</a>. [EFS] Can't browse for files when creating linked resources<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 12, 2006, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 90517</a>. Define a command for Editor &quot;Close Others&quot; option<br>
<a href="">Bug 112215</a>. [CommonNavigator] Allow extensions to participate in the save lifecycle<br>
<a href="">Bug 130440</a>. org.eclipse.ui.workbench does not ship a .options file<br>
<a href="">Bug 131139</a>. Animated errors in wizards are disturbing and incomplete<br>
<a href="">Bug 132798</a>. [Field Assist] - Pressing Backspace at offset 0 should not reload field assist popup<br>
<a href="">Bug 133536</a>. [Field Assist] - PageUp and PageDown in ContentAssistFields change combo contents<br>
<a href="">Bug 133599</a>. [FieldAssist] Left and right arrow keys should work with open proposals list<br>
<a href="">Bug 133615</a>. [FieldAssist] ContentAssistField: proposal popup and additional info should have different bg color<br>
<a href="">Bug 133620</a>. [FieldAssist] auto activation of proposal popup should be canceled on keystroke<br>
<a href="">Bug 133689</a>. Part of the third line of text shows up in sliding message area<br>
<a href="">Bug 135147</a>. ComboBox viewer population tests failing on windows<br>
<a href="">Bug 136178</a>. [Markers] Quick filter selection is not updating the view<br>
<a href="">Bug 136199</a>. Close Others should be disabled when only one editor open<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 12, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 26823</a>. [Markers] cannot reorder columns in task list<br>
<a href="">Bug 43523</a>. [MPE] getAdapter(IEditorStatusLine.class) not working for MultipageEditor<br>
<a href="">Bug 43581</a>. [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart has class cast error in pageChange<br>
<a href="">Bug 55817</a>. [Progress] Progress Information dialog appears on start bar, and shows up on wrong monitor<br>
<a href="">Bug 68076</a>. [Markers] Tasks view's &quot;Add Task&quot; pop-up item should end with ellipses<br>
<a href="">Bug 73612</a>. [Markers] &quot;Open All&quot; does not work with multi-select in the bookmarks view<br>
<a href="">Bug 77336</a>. [Markers] [Dialogs] TableSortDialog does not use dialog font<br>
<a href="">Bug 84226</a>. [RCP][PerspectiveBar] Option to preload perspective bar<br>
<a href="">Bug 104496</a>. [BIDI] Need to support Hebrew language code change to &quot;he&quot; from &quot;iw&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 105312</a>. [CommonNavigator] [arch] Support sorting and grouping for context-sensitive New(Import/Export) menu<br>
<a href="">Bug 108102</a>. [Viewers] Project expands in wrong working set<br>
<a href="">Bug 112215</a>. [CommonNavigator] Allow extensions to participate in the save lifecycle<br>
<a href="">Bug 115061</a>. [Progress] Progress entries should have a smaller minimum size<br>
<a href="">Bug 122819</a>. [Metadata] Some UI classes use CPL<br>
<a href="">Bug 123409</a>. [FastViews][DnD] Fastview bar is vertically oriented in status bar after switch from 3.1.2 to 3.2<br>
<a href="">Bug 124873</a>. [FieldAssist] API: How to deal with CellEditors, DecoratedFields and ContentProposalAdapters?<br>
<a href="">Bug 126155</a>. [Markers] Issues of multi quick fix dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 127040</a>. problems view quick fix: labels<br>
<a href="">Bug 127519</a>. [Markers] Disabling all filters gives empty list<br>
<a href="">Bug 127629</a>. [Markers] problems view: keep selection stable<br>
<a href="">Bug 128178</a>. [Workbench] earlyStartup does not work in runtime eclipse with binary-imported plugins<br>
<a href="">Bug 129342</a>. [CommonNavigator] [Resource] Support Project Open/Close and Refresh<br>
<a href="">Bug 129343</a>. [Workbench] NullPointerException in saveTrimState when there is no defaultlayout<br>
<a href="">Bug 130338</a>. Eclipse Core Expressions Property Testers not loaded on demand<br>
<a href="">Bug 132186</a>. [CommonNavigator] Javadoc errors in ui.navigator.ICommonMenuConstants<br>
<a href="">Bug 132257</a>. [CommonNavigator] When you scroll using up/down keys, is slow : Updating status bar image a cause<br>
<a href="">Bug 132427</a>. [Markers] TaskPropertiesDialog problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 133214</a>. [Field Assist] - required field color hard to see<br>
<a href="">Bug 133529</a>. [FieldAssist] Usability improvements for required field emphasis<br>
<a href="">Bug 133541</a>. [Import/Export] 'testImportArchiveMultiProject is failing<br>
<a href="">Bug 133867</a>. [EFS] Project wizard browse button not connected to file system contributor<br>
<a href="">Bug 133941</a>. [Properties] Can't contribute properties page for non IAdaptable<br>
<a href="">Bug 134044</a>. Required field inconsistency on New File wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 134238</a>. [Undo] TriggeredOperations should close open operation on RuntimeExceptions<br>
<a href="">Bug 134266</a>. [Wizard] Page description not set if page message already set<br>
<a href="">Bug 134401</a>. Bug in JFace Window JavaDoc<br>
<a href="">Bug 134588</a>. [Markers] Problems view not indicating pending update after deletion<br>
<a href="">Bug 134600</a>. [DataBinding] DefaultBindingSupport.isAssignableFromTo() creates new Booleans<br>
<a href="">Bug 134750</a>. [DataBinding] TextObservableValue throws NPE on change if the intial model value is null<br>
<a href="">Bug 134834</a>. [Commands] Ctrl+shift+r keybinding does not show up on menu<br>
<a href="">Bug 134868</a>. [DataBinding] API feedback from the newsgroup<br>
<a href="">Bug 134879</a>. [DataBinding] Provide toString implementations for implementations of IDiff<br>
<a href="">Bug 135023</a>. [Trim] Contributed trim 'fill' failures can prevent Workbench from opening<br>
<a href="">Bug 135071</a>. [Trim] Swtich to 'ragged' trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 135088</a>. [JFace] AbstractResourceManager.find() returns a RefCount instead of the created resource<br>
<a href="">Bug 135173</a>. [Markers] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 135266</a>. [Common Navigator] Need a story and example of how to deal with content de-activation<br>
<a href="">Bug 135284</a>. [Viewers] API: need to add methods to StructuredViewer to support ViewerComparator<br>
<a href="">Bug 135535</a>. [KeyBindings] Key bindings lost in the Java editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 135586</a>. [Markers] ClassCastException invoking help from ProblemsView<br>
<a href="">Bug 135624</a>. [Common Navigator] Navigator action service should call updateActionBars<br>
<a href="">Bug 135630</a>. [Import/Export] wrong message in Export Prefs wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 135641</a>. [CommonNavigator] NPE when closing common navigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 135648</a>. [Trim] Need API to lock all trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 135650</a>. [Trim] Contributed trim needs to know which workbench window it's in<br>
<a href="">Bug 135787</a>. need to adopt ICU4J APIs<br>
<a href="">Bug 135991</a>. [CommonNavigator] Allow Context Menu Wizards to be filtered by id<br>
<a href="">Bug 136101</a>. [Markers] ProblemsView constantly busy when empty<br>
<a href="">Bug 136121</a>. [Markers] &quot;Find similar problems&quot; should be capitalized in Quick fix wizard.<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 30, 2006, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 128888</a>. View Toolbars no longer wrap<br>
<a href="">Bug 133920</a>. [CommonNavigator] Need to expose methods on INavigatorPipelineService<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 30, 2006, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 112215</a>. [CommonNavigator] Allow extensions to participate in the save lifecycle<br>
<a href="">Bug 127209</a>. [CommonNavigator] Double decorators?<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 133946</a>. [DataBinding] New TableViewer Implementation Does Not Support Converters for Columns<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 29, 2006, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 112225</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Need consistent save lifecycle when multiple parts share the same model<br>
<a href="">Bug 127209</a>. [CommonNavigator] Double decorators?<br>
<a href="">Bug 132731</a>. Move deprecated API back to 'internal'<br>
<a href="">Bug 133533</a>. [JFace} Animated warning in new class wizard moves away but never reveals message text<br>
<a href="">Bug 133847</a>. Javadoc bug in StackPresentation.setState(int)<br>
<a href="">Bug 133896</a>. [DataBinding] TableModelDescription Needs Enhancement<br>
<a href="">Bug 133935</a>. [CommonNavigator] Export menu creation issue<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 29, 2006, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 129061</a>. [Common Navigator] Request to support programmatic binding of drag adapter<br>
<a href="">Bug 131884</a>. [Contributions] NPE in org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.actions.CopyToClipboardActionDelegate.initialize(<br>
<a href="">Bug 132706</a>. [Navigator] Programmatic content provider binding failing<br>
<a href="">Bug 133058</a>. [CommonNavigator] &#64;value tag reports unknown reference if javadoc 1.5 is used<br>
<a href="">Bug 133375</a>. [Viewers] Need access to the element comparer of a tree selection<br>
<a href="">Bug 133531</a>. Tests - OutOfMemoryError<br>
<a href="">Bug 133557</a>. [Trim] Opening and Closing a window leaks TrimAreas<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 27, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 111144</a>. WorkingCopyPreferences tries to flush removed pref nodes<br>
<a href="">Bug 128888</a>. View Toolbars no longer wrap<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 131771</a>. Match animated message behaviour in Preferences<br>
<a href="">Bug 133059</a>. [Markers] CCE when switching Problems view grouping<br>
<a href="">Bug 133342</a>. [Commands] handlers: Global keybindings don't work (Open Type, Search, ...)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 27, 2006, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 229</a>. Bug 229 - [Team API] Project meta information should be consolidated (1GIRW80)<br>
<a href="">Bug 240</a>. Bug 240 - API Issue: breadth vs. depth resource accessing (1GJL2O7)<br>
<a href="">Bug 242</a>. Bug 242 - [Progress] Rework: revisit cancel (1GJN42Y)<br>
<a href="">Bug 0321</a>. Bug 321 - Internal Error when adding an extension point (1GJP22U)<br>
<a href="">Bug 0800</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<a href="">Bug 1210</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<a href="">Bug 78722</a>. [Perspectives] First time perspective trigger doesn't explain what perspective is<br>
<a href="">Bug 95945</a>. [Navigator ] Opening compare editor switches to Java editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 99155</a>. [RCP] [Perspectives] Perspective extension with standalone=true and visible=false doesn't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 119517</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT229: Directory/path/file name fields must be LTR<br>
<a href="">Bug 119904</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT240: Wrong reading order of file type for editor association<br>
<a href="">Bug 119928</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT242: File types displayed incorrectly<br>
<a href="">Bug 120238</a>. [Dialogs] - should required field indicators be used in Eclipse?<br>
<a href="">Bug 126170</a>. [Progress] IndexOutOfBoundsException during progress view refresh<br>
<a href="">Bug 127451</a>. [Mapping] Model provider and working set mappings must be dynamic<br>
<a href="">Bug 127929</a>. [DnD] Change Preferences option for draggable trim should be removed in M5<br>
<a href="">Bug 128381</a>. [Markers] group should only show (10 of 10 items) if beyond the limit<br>
<a href="">Bug 128455</a>. [Presentation] [ViewBar] Outline view toolbar is visible above a maximized editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 129591</a>. [Contributions] Create a two-way proxy for the workbench window menu manager<br>
<a href="">Bug 129812</a>. [Markers] Enabling problem categorization per default<br>
<a href="">Bug 131022</a>. [Markers] Filters view shows duplicate marker when super different from problem marker<br>
<a href="">Bug 131517</a>. [BiDi] Bidi3.2: [HCG]Wrong display of title window in RTL layout<br>
<a href="">Bug 131559</a>. [Markers] Layout of marker filters dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 132003</a>. Animate warnings and info messages in same way as error messages<br>
<a href="">Bug 132158</a>. [Progress] Job, Operation, Task used interchangably<br>
<a href="">Bug 132678</a>. Contributed Trim is not sited correctly<br>
<a href="">Bug 132731</a>. Move deprecated API back to 'internal'<br>
<a href="">Bug 132763</a>. [Markers] Unused NLS messages reported on startup using I0321-1210<br>
<a href="">Bug 132996</a>. [IDE] IDE does not need to check for VM version<br>
<a href="">Bug 133020</a>. Info Properties page not available for files and folders<br>
<a href="">Bug 133044</a>. [JFace] - should we show error status when required fields are empty if they have required field emphasis<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 21, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 77332</a>. [Markers] Add task dialog improvements<br>
<a href="">Bug 106839</a>. [Workbench] Use core.expressions in properties extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 126901</a>. [Commands] handlers: ExpressionAuthority and HandlerAuthority cause huge performance degradation<br>
<a href="">Bug 127658</a>. [Dialogs] help icon beween status and buttons<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 129591</a>. [Contributions] Create a two-way proxy for the workbench window menu manager<br>
<a href="">Bug 130398</a>. [EFS] File copy not enabled if IResource#getLocation() == null<br>
<a href="">Bug 130638</a>. Cannot create a project with the zip example<br>
<a href="">Bug 131000</a>. [EFS] Drag and Drop of Folder with Spaces produces two folders in Navigator View (and other views that deal with resources)<br>
<a href="">Bug 131476</a>. freeze due to IO in the UI thread<br>
<a href="">Bug 131534</a>. [Common Navigator] Tabbed Properties View is not integrated with Common Navigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 131541</a>. [PropertiesView] PropertySheetPage: Typo in javadoc<br>
<a href="">Bug 131692</a>. [Contributions] ContributionManager.insertAfter throws unhelpful IllegalArgumentException<br>
<a href="">Bug 131847</a>. [Workbench] ui.workbench should check starting status of ui before starting it<br>
<a href="">Bug 131853</a>. [Progress] NPE in BlockedJobsDialog$<br>
<a href="">Bug 131884</a>. [Contributions] NPE in org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.actions.CopyToClipboardActionDelegate.initialize(<br>
<a href="">Bug 131927</a>. [CommonNavigator] actionProvider extension should support overrides<br>
<a href="">Bug 131978</a>. [Wizards] WizardDialog shell size keeps growing<br>
<a href="">Bug 132038</a>. [Field Assist] - ContentAssistCommandAdapter should have autoactivation delay<br>
<a href="">Bug 132039</a>. [Field Assist] - secondary popup should update on same delay as its invocation delay<br>
<a href="">Bug 132101</a>. [Field Assist] does not work for characters that need AltGr, Ctrl+Alt or Strg+Alt<br>
<a href="">Bug 132145</a>. [Markers] Filter dialog problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 132148</a>. [Markers] [Dialogs] Set Limits dialog problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 132156</a>. [Dialogs] Progress Preferences dialog problems<br>
<a href="">Bug 132158</a>. [Progress] Job, Operation, Task used interchangably<br>
<a href="">Bug 132172</a>. [Common Navigator] OutOfMemoryError when running navigator tests<br>
<a href="">Bug 132178</a>. [ActivityMgmt] UI Trigger Points are missing<br>
<a href="">Bug 132217</a>. [Markers] invalid thread access in Problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 132250</a>. [Decorators] DecoratoratingLabelProvider doesn't work with ITreePathLabelProvider<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 13, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 47098</a>. [ActivityMgmt] Empty Menu bar item (Run) when External tools filtered out<br>
<a href="">Bug 115360</a>. archive file not closed after importing project from archive<br>
<a href="">Bug 124061</a>. Exceptions occur opening the sync view<br>
<a href="">Bug 124281</a>. [MarkerView] &quot;Marker id: 1012046 not found&quot; in log<br>
<a href="">Bug 126170</a>. [Progress] IndexOutOfBoundsException during progress view refresh<br>
<a href="">Bug 126839</a>. [DataBinding] IObservable refactoring<br>
<a href="">Bug 127108</a>. [Field Assist] - KeyEvents and content proposal requests<br>
<a href="">Bug 128293</a>. [Contributions] visible/enabled: Object contributions contributed to submenus do not show up<br>
<a href="">Bug 129193</a>. [JFace] Setting the sorter on AbstractTreeViewer before input can cause NPE<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 129591</a>. [Contributions] Create a two-way proxy for the workbench window menu manager<br>
<a href="">Bug 129594</a>. [Commands] help: Read help context id from legacy extension points<br>
<a href="">Bug 130325</a>. [project explorer] Reuse the Project Explorer provided by Eclipse platform ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 130605</a>. CBanner needs to use both the left and right sides to compute its height<br>
<a href="">Bug 130630</a>. Fixed errors shown again when next is pressed<br>
<a href="">Bug 130631</a>. Sliding job should be a system job<br>
<a href="">Bug 130745</a>. [Markers] Progress message: Queueing viewer updates<br>
<a href="">Bug 130825</a>. [Properties] Error in log about invalid extension element<br>
<a href="">Bug 130976</a>. [Viewers] Error is calculation of parent path when calling TreePathViewerSorter<br>
<a href="">Bug 130993</a>. FilteredTree does not expand all elements<br>
<a href="">Bug 131164</a>. [Markers] Calculating a markers creation time takes 7.5 ms<br>
<a href="">Bug 131369</a>. [Import/Export] import project from zip cannot locate projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 131390</a>. IDE javadoc refers to IProposedResourceDeltaFactory instead of IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory<br>
<a href="">Bug 131398</a>. [Markers] Problems view doing a bundle lookup everytime it populates a table enty<br>
<a href="">Bug 1012046</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 7, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 75206</a>. [Import/Export] Export large file using Export filesystem wizard causes OutOfMemory<br>
<a href="">Bug 88098</a>. [Graphics] Some icons may be obsolete in the workbench<br>
<a href="">Bug 90971</a>. [KeyBindings] assist: popup not correctly sized with non-default dialog font<br>
<a href="">Bug 97428</a>. [Preferences] Add preference key word for 'line delimiter' and 'encoding'<br>
<a href="">Bug 106839</a>. [Workbench] Allow &lt;enablement&gt; tag in properties extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 113455</a>. [Markers] Some error markers do not appear<br>
<a href="">Bug 115360</a>. archive file not closed after importing project from archive<br>
<a href="">Bug 115791</a>. [RCP] Adaptable=true contributions to IResource depend on ui.ide<br>
<a href="">Bug 115873</a>. [Progress] User Jobs don't provide feedback on error unless run in background<br>
<a href="">Bug 117594</a>. Remove copies of Assert<br>
<a href="">Bug 124281</a>. [MarkerView] &quot;Marker id: 1012046 not found&quot; in log<br>
<a href="">Bug 125234</a>. [Help] Missing context help<br>
<a href="">Bug 125521</a>. [EFS] [Wizards] 's convertToResources() method doesn't consider ResourceMapping cases<br>
<a href="">Bug 125972</a>. [PerspectiveBar] Show text for perspective is set again when changing preferences<br>
<a href="">Bug 126138</a>. [Field Assist] - KeyEvent issues on Mac and Linux<br>
<a href="">Bug 127039</a>. problems view quick fix: dialog should check resource by default<br>
<a href="">Bug 127108</a>. [Field Assist] - KeyEvents and content proposal requests<br>
<a href="">Bug 127289</a>. [Markers] SystemFilter and group selection state not preserved<br>
<a href="">Bug 127523</a>. [TasksView] User-defined tasks lost in the masses of generated tasks<br>
<a href="">Bug 128117</a>. [Undo/Redo] Context not removed from TriggeredOperations<br>
<a href="">Bug 128233</a>. need to investigate scalability of FilteredTree<br>
<a href="">Bug 128425</a>. [Help] Help button should not show up in dialogs without help context ID<br>
<a href="">Bug 128472</a>. [Workbench] Need to consider restarting Eclipse when the workspace settings change<br>
<a href="">Bug 128953</a>. [Markers] Problems view loses focus<br>
<a href="">Bug 129184</a>. Progress view should be made more prominent<br>
<a href="">Bug 129246</a>. [JFace] - API - access to images and colors for standard field decorations<br>
<a href="">Bug 129318</a>. [Preferences] ScopedPreferenceStore forever disconnected after last call to removePropertyChangeListener<br>
<a href="">Bug 129320</a>. [IDE] Cannot move external project<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 129377</a>. [Viewers] IDecorationContext.getContextIds() comment says it should be removed before M5<br>
<a href="">Bug 129796</a>. [Markers] Problems view filter configuration dialog has duplicate mnemonic 'v'<br>
<a href="">Bug 129829</a>. Request for API for message animation<br>
<a href="">Bug 129887</a>. &quot;system settings have changed&quot; dialog - why<br>
<a href="">Bug 129942</a>. [Import/Export] Filtering the imported files don't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 130171</a>. [Markers] MarkerView tests should not have filters enabled by default<br>
<a href="">Bug 130248</a>. Scoped Preference Store: Set To Default -&gt; No Property Change Event<br>
<a href="">Bug 130325</a>. [project explorer] Reuse the Project Explorer provided by Eclipse platform ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 130378</a>. Extra separator in progress status item<br>
<a href="">Bug 1012046</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 28, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 92601</a>. [Properties] Can't contribute properties page for non IAdaptable<br>
<a href="">Bug 97859</a>. [DetachedViews] non-closeable view can be closed after detaching<br>
<a href="">Bug 99904</a>. [RCP] Layout not updated when visibility of coolbar, perspectivebar etc. toggled after startup<br>
<a href="">Bug 111761</a>. [CommonNavigator] Part activation listener not removed when Project Explorer is disposed.<br>
<a href="">Bug 115873</a>. [Progress] User Jobs don't provide feedback on error unless run in background<br>
<a href="">Bug 116260</a>. [Graphics] [Wizards] Improve the look of the wizard when non-default colours are used<br>
<a href="">Bug 117184</a>. [Viewers] Failure in VirtualLazyTreeViewerTest.testExpand<br>
<a href="">Bug 120587</a>. [Common Navigator] Manifest.MF appears twice in Java content<br>
<a href="">Bug 122627</a>. [RCP] (regression) Coolbar only shown when MainWindow-Resized<br>
<a href="">Bug 122808</a>. [Common Navigator] NavigatorActionService doesn't use ActionGroup#updateActionBars()<br>
<a href="">Bug 122910</a>. [CommonNavigator] API types should specify subclassing / implementation contract<br>
<a href="">Bug 124935</a>. [CommonNavigator] Resource extension is missing several actions<br>
<a href="">Bug 125575</a>. [Common Navigator] Label provider should support custom fonts and colors<br>
<a href="">Bug 125647</a>. [CommonNavigator] Refactor ActivationService to remove singleton pattern<br>
<a href="">Bug 125717</a>. [Common Navigator] CommonViewer should not override isExpandable<br>
<a href="">Bug 126459</a>. [Common Navigator] CommonViewer should use TreePathViewerSorter<br>
<a href="">Bug 126553</a>. [Field Assist] light bulb image looks ugly on white background<br>
<a href="">Bug 126658</a>. [CommonNavigator] [DND] Complete definition of DND API<br>
<a href="">Bug 126901</a>. [Commands] handlers: ExpressionAuthority and HandlerAuthority cause huge performance degradation<br>
<a href="">Bug 127165</a>. [CommonNavigator] Update init() signatures of user-implemented extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 127202</a>. [CommonNavigator] Provide default implementation for CommonActionProvider.init<br>
<a href="">Bug 127211</a>. [CommonNavigator] Double-click should either open or expand, not both<br>
<a href="">Bug 127261</a>. [Common Navigator] Add support for ITreePathContent/LabelProvider<br>
<a href="">Bug 127320</a>. [Wizards] NPE importing from zip file<br>
<a href="">Bug 128472</a>. [Workbench] Need to consider restarting Eclipse when the workspace settings change<br>
<a href="">Bug 128644</a>. [Markers] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while queuing viewer updates<br>
<a href="">Bug 128939</a>. [Wizards] NPE when checking option &quot;Link to folder in the file system&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 129027</a>. [Workbench] remove comment about experimental status from IProductConstants<br>
<a href="">Bug 129156</a>. [Wizards] NPE in IDESelectionConversionService.convertToResources<br>
<a href="">Bug 129214</a>. [Field Assist] - Decorated Field attachments not centering images horizontally<br>
<a href="">Bug 129359</a>. [Metadata] UI plugins - externalize strings and plugin cleanup<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 21, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 56490</a>. [Problems] Remove delete action from the Problem View<br>
<a href="">Bug 95507</a>. [Preferences] Colors and font defaults should differ in High Contrast Mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 127139</a>. Problem View Filters are exported in preferences but not imported<br>
<a href="">Bug 127745</a>. [Preferences] Encoding keyword goes to wrong page<br>
<a href="">Bug 128287</a>. [Contributions] being 'relativeTo' a non-existent group throws NPE<br>
<a href="">Bug 128298</a>. does not need to be overridden from superclass<br>
<a href="">Bug 128316</a>. [Themes] Themes not applied on restart<br>
<a href="">Bug 128707</a>. SchedulingRule problems importing a Team Project Set<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 16, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 127394</a>. [Commands] handlers: Ctrl+. and Ctrl+, key bindings constantly broken in PDE editor<br>
<a href="">Bug 128243</a>. [JFace] jface.util.ListenerList deprecation message should tell difference in ListenerList(int)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 15, 2006, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 127505</a>. [Dialogs] NPE from saveDialogBounds<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 14, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 107656</a>. [Viewers] DeferredTreeContentManager has API methods that take internal parameters<br>
<a href="">Bug 120150</a>. [Commands] Javadoc bugs in ParameterizedCommand and ExecutionEvent<br>
<a href="">Bug 122674</a>. [Contributions] errors: Eclipse stops startup silently when error in action set<br>
<a href="">Bug 127470</a>. [PerspectiveBar] Reseting perspective removes it from the perspective switcher<br>
<a href="">Bug 127531</a>. [Examples] Warnings/errors in UI samples<br>
<a href="">Bug 127549</a>. [Markers] Sometimes the Problems view goes blank<br>
<a href="">Bug 127607</a>. [Viewers] Remove deprecated DecoratingLabelProvider.UPDATE_LABEL<br>
<a href="">Bug 127762</a>. [Viewers] new ViewerComparator class not released in M5<br>
<a href="">Bug 127861</a>. [DataBinding] Mark API provisional<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 14, 2006, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 111631</a>. [Viewers] TreeViewer needs more TableViewer API<br>
<a href="">Bug 127172</a>. [JFace] New API elements missing &#64;since<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 13, 2006, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 107656</a>. [Viewers] DeferredTreeContentManager has API methods that take internal parameters<br>
<a href="">Bug 116924</a>. [LinkedResources] Links can now be at arbitrary depth<br>
<a href="">Bug 122457</a>. [Viewers] IllegalThreadStateException in BackgroundContentProvider<br>
<a href="">Bug 123653</a>. Ctrl-Shift-D does not work in dialogs<br>
<a href="">Bug 125386</a>. [PropertiesView] Properties view should delegate Save back to source part<br>
<a href="">Bug 127031</a>. [Commands] request: add command to show intro/welcome main page<br>
<a href="">Bug 127063</a>. [KeyBindings] doc: Javadoc references to IBindingService need to be cleaned up<br>
<a href="">Bug 127151</a>. [Contributions] Warnings for menus/actionSet elements in IDE's plugin.xml<br>
<a href="">Bug 127171</a>. [Commands] New API elements missing &#64;since<br>
<a href="">Bug 127172</a>. [JFace] New API elements missing &#64;since<br>
<a href="">Bug 127318</a>. [Contributions] Need to review docs for 'org.eclipse.ui.menus'<br>
<a href="">Bug 127344</a>. [IDE] Test failure in Bug99858Test.testDeleteClosedProject<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 13, 2006, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 109052</a>. Exposure of workbench part controls to clients<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 111959</a>. [Viewers] ColorAndFontCollector and getColorAndFontCollector() visibility conflict<br>
<a href="">Bug 120590</a>. [WorkingSets] API cleanup<br>
<a href="">Bug 122688</a>. [Workbench] Should cast to IStructuredSelection instead of StructuredSelection<br>
<a href="">Bug 126553</a>. [Field Assist] light bulb image looks ugly on white background<br>
<a href="">Bug 126638</a>. [Viewers] Remove GTK checks from StructuredViewerTest<br>
<a href="">Bug 127063</a>. [KeyBindings] doc: Javadoc references to IBindingService need to be cleaned up<br>
<a href="">Bug 127476</a>. [DND] Trim Drag handles don't show up; can't initiate a drag op<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 10, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 42643</a>. [Editor Mgmt] Need extension to intercept editor opening<br>
<a href="">Bug 71701</a>. [Workbench] Allow plugins to veto shutdown<br>
<a href="">Bug 84226</a>. [RCP][PerspectiveBar] Option to preload perspective bar<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 120460</a>. [Perspectives] Promote deletePerspective( ) from PerspectiveRegistry to IPerspectiveRegistry<br>
<a href="">Bug 123316</a>. [Undo] - API BEHAVIOR - should always place a successfully undone/redone op on the redo/undo history<br>
<a href="">Bug 126082</a>. Should ISaveableModel#doSave throw a CoreException?<br>
<a href="">Bug 126465</a>. [MPE] first page is blank upon creation<br>
<a href="">Bug 127139</a>. Problem View Filters are exported in preferences but not imported<br>
<a href="">Bug 127167</a>. [Workbench] Remove services extension point and references<br>
<a href="">Bug 127200</a>. [Tests] Performance test extensions still in org.eclipse.ui.tests<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 10, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 42643</a>. [Editor Mgmt] Need extension to intercept editor opening<br>
<a href="">Bug 74795</a>. [Viewers] Generic quick filter for large tree-based views<br>
<a href="">Bug 99155</a>. [RCP] [Perspectives] Perspective extension with standalone=true and visible=false doesn't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 115996</a>. [Commands] [RCP] Document available services in IWorkbench<br>
<a href="">Bug 120587</a>. [Common Navigator] Manifest.MF appears twice in Java content<br>
<a href="">Bug 122910</a>. [CommonNavigator] API types should specify subclassing / implementation contract<br>
<a href="">Bug 123257</a>. [RCP] [CoolBar] Need ability to provide a custom toolbar similar to the way we can supply a custom statusbar<br>
<a href="">Bug 123965</a>. [Preferences] Cancelling Compiler Error/Warning property page still puts them in effect<br>
<a href="">Bug 124281</a>. [MarkerView] &quot;Marker id: 1012046 not found&quot; in log<br>
<a href="">Bug 125011</a>. [Contributions] ActionContributionItem should use text for tooltip in toolitems<br>
<a href="">Bug 125521</a>. [EFS] [Wizards] 's convertToResources() method doesn't consider ResourceMapping cases<br>
<a href="">Bug 126341</a>. [Markers] problems view: rebuild collapses all groups<br>
<a href="">Bug 126414</a>. [Commands] handlers: Provide help context ids<br>
<a href="">Bug 126507</a>. [CommonNavigator] [Java] Proposed Java extension for Common Navigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 126508</a>. [CommonNavigator] Support overriding an existing extension<br>
<a href="">Bug 126555</a>. [Field Assist] assist not opened at caret location<br>
<a href="">Bug 126569</a>. [FieldAssist] Duplicate javadoc in DecoratedField<br>
<a href="">Bug 126573</a>. [Dialogs] StatusDialog should extend TrayDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 126651</a>. [Commands] request: enhance commands to open import/export/new wizards with parameter to indicate desired wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 126654</a>. [EFS] Eclipse 3.2M4's SelectionListenerAction's computeResources() method does not take ResourceMappings into consideration<br>
<a href="">Bug 126658</a>. [CommonNavigator] [DND] Cleanup DND API<br>
<a href="">Bug 126754</a>. [Progress] Infinit number of Building Workspace jobss<br>
<a href="">Bug 126779</a>. [IDE] Removed deprecated project capabilities API and implementation<br>
<a href="">Bug 126811</a>. Compile errors after updating to latest changes<br>
<a href="">Bug 126847</a>. [FieldAssist] API - Typo in FieldDecorationRegistry#geMaximumDecorationWidth()<br>
<a href="">Bug 127029</a>. [JFace] [DND] LocalSelectionTransfer should be supported on the JFace layer.<br>
<a href="">Bug 127063</a>. Javadoc references to IBindingService need to be cleaned up<br>
<a href="">Bug 127080</a>. [Field Assist] widget disposed error on proposal insertion<br>
<a href="">Bug 127165</a>. [CommonNavigator] Update init() signatures of user-implemented extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 1012046</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 7, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 29840</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Need API to get the zoomed state of a workbench page<br>
<a href="">Bug 40348</a>. [ViewMgmt] PageBook does not support IPostSelectionProvider (was: JavaDoc &amp; Declaration view and fast selection changes)<br>
<a href="">Bug 70117</a>. [Progress] Help Context<br>
<a href="">Bug 85350</a>. [Markers] [Progress] NoClassDefFoundError from job running during shutdown<br>
<a href="">Bug 102666</a>. [Commands] registry: ISourceProvider for selection and context change is not implemented<br>
<a href="">Bug 105928</a>. [Progress] Blocked jobs dialog showing empty message<br>
<a href="">Bug 108509</a>. [Dialogs] Help button support<br>
<a href="">Bug 112000</a>. [Viewers] TreeViewer SWT.VIRTUAL support.<br>
<a href="">Bug 113178</a>. [IDE] Open Dependant Projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 113455</a>. [Markers] Some error markers do not appear<br>
<a href="">Bug 115858</a>. [Model API] ResourceMapping#getModelProviderId() should be abstract<br>
<a href="">Bug 120379</a>. [CommonNavigator] Comparator vs. ViewerSorter<br>
<a href="">Bug 120392</a>. [CommonNavigator] CommonViewer doesn't use CommonSorter<br>
<a href="">Bug 120457</a>. [Field Assist] - popup shell not dismissing correctly<br>
<a href="">Bug 120587</a>. [Common Navigator] Manifest.MF appears twice in Java content<br>
<a href="">Bug 122749</a>. [Dialogs] Store size and position of ElementList/TreeSelectionDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 122756</a>. [Viewers] Support for TreePath based content providers<br>
<a href="">Bug 123789</a>. [WorkbenchParts] 'Maximize' state should be view, not folder-bound<br>
<a href="">Bug 123800</a>. [Progress] InterruptedExceptions being logged many times<br>
<a href="">Bug 124128</a>. [CommonNavigator] Internal navigator package names don't follow conventions<br>
<a href="">Bug 124200</a>. [WorkbenchParts] hideView does not work on perspective deactivate callback<br>
<a href="">Bug 124393</a>. Deprecate IKeyBindingService<br>
<a href="">Bug 124395</a>. Make sure all slave and nested services clean up all resources<br>
<a href="">Bug 124520</a>. [FieldAssist] API - Applications should be able to install a reserved decoration size and commonly used decorations<br>
<a href="">Bug 124883</a>. problems view: automatically disable marker limits when in group mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 125526</a>. [IDE]'s extractProjects() method does not consider ResourceMapping cases<br>
<a href="">Bug 125540</a>. Add IBindingService to all of the sites<br>
<a href="">Bug 125541</a>. Add ICommandService to all of the sites<br>
<a href="">Bug 125600</a>. [Field Assist] - popup shell should be resizable with size retained<br>
<a href="">Bug 125654</a>. Project &quot;expose&quot; would be cool for removing unrelated projects<br>
<a href="">Bug 125808</a>. [Field Assist] assist hint hover should use tool tip caption<br>
<a href="">Bug 125943</a>. [CommonNavigator] No need to include schema folder in binary build<br>
<a href="">Bug 125952</a>. [Field Assist] - cumulative filtering can be confusing<br>
<a href="">Bug 125955</a>. [Field Assist] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when backspacing out of a filter<br>
<a href="">Bug 126027</a>. [CommonNavigator] Support sorting based on different parents<br>
<a href="">Bug 126044</a>. [Contexts] Latest key binding changes break Quick view key bindings<br>
<a href="">Bug 126071</a>. [CommonNavigator][arch] Should common sorters be associated with a content extension?<br>
<a href="">Bug 126079</a>. [Commands] request: add commands to open/show resource with path parameter<br>
<a href="">Bug 126233</a>. [FieldAssist] DecoratedField should not automatically reserve space on field ends<br>
<a href="">Bug 126258</a>. [Commands] handlers: Inspect doesn't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 126264</a>. [Progress] ProgressMonitorJobsDialog and BlockedJobsDialog needs to migrate to new progress viewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 126404</a>. [Commands] handlers: Key binding availability dependant on view focus<br>
<a href="">Bug 126461</a>. [Common Navigator] Priority should default to normal<br>
<a href="">Bug 126462</a>. setBatch() not refreshing XML model.<br>
<a href="">Bug 126506</a>. [Viewers] TreePath based sorting<br>
<a href="">Bug 126508</a>. [CommonNavigator] Support overriding an existing extension<br>
<a href="">Bug 126527</a>. [Field Assist] - API - Field Decoration alignment issues are different for cell editors<br>
<a href="">Bug 126553</a>. [Field Assist] light bulb image looks ugly on white background<br>
<a href="">Bug 126555</a>. [Field Assist] assist not opened at caret location<br>
<a href="">Bug 126566</a>. [Workbench] test failure in StartupTest.testStartup<br>
<a href="">Bug 126570</a>. [Common Navigator] NavigatorContentService EXTENSION_COMPARATOR problem<br>
<a href="">Bug 126578</a>. [Commands] handlers: Each opened Text and Java editor is leaked due to ProxyKeyBindingService<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 31, 2006, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 112225</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Need consistent save lifecycle when multiple parts share the same model<br>
<a href="">Bug 125703</a>. [Commands] handlers: Some handlers are not being registered in the Java editor<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 31, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed (or worked on)</p>
<a href="">Bug 32553</a>. [Viewers] Closing a project does not remove [+] icon<br>
<a href="">Bug 56490</a>. [Problems] Remove delete action from the Problem View<br>
<a href="">Bug 74795</a>. [Viewers] Generic quick filter for large tree-based views<br>
<a href="">Bug 84407</a>. [ViewMgmt] Mark the title of a view as dirty<br>
<a href="">Bug 86389</a>. [CommonNavigator] Filters dialog should support embedded &quot;searching&quot; metaphor<br>
<a href="">Bug 90257</a>. [Preferences] Want to create an instanceof of a WorkingCopyManager<br>
<a href="">Bug 112225</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Need consistent save lifecycle when multiple parts share the same model<br>
<a href="">Bug 112237</a>. [Graphics] Exporting key preferences shows icon of different type of key<br>
<a href="">Bug 113290</a>. [CommonNavigator] NavigatorContentServiceLabelProvider does not support listeners<br>
<a href="">Bug 116904</a>. [DataBinding] Table elements aren't IUpdatable<br>
<a href="">Bug 118323</a>. [DataBinding] Need editing life cycle events on the data binding framework<br>
<a href="">Bug 119208</a>. [CommonNavigator]: Options for org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 120237</a>. [Field Assist] - adapt find/replace dialog to use field assist<br>
<a href="">Bug 120408</a>. [Field Assist] - API - Specification of invoking key stroke/sequence<br>
<a href="">Bug 121544</a>. [Presentations] (regression) Changing Tab Position from Top to Bottom doesn't work<br>
<a href="">Bug 121866</a>. [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart toolbar initially hidden<br>
<a href="">Bug 122773</a>. [CommonNavigator] Open action appears with empty selection<br>
<a href="">Bug 122861</a>. [Common Navigator] Support for programmatic control of visibility<br>
<a href="">Bug 123375</a>. [DataBinding] Enhancements to the data binding framework<br>
<a href="">Bug 123989</a>. Should ResourceChangeValidator#validateChange take a progress monitor<br>
<a href="">Bug 124141</a>. [Progress] ProgressView does not populate until first update occurs<br>
<a href="">Bug 124393</a>. Deprecate IKeyBindingService<br>
<a href="">Bug 124396</a>. Finish adding context services to the chain<br>
<a href="">Bug 124520</a>. [FieldAssist] API - Applications should be able to install a reserved decoration size and commonly used decorations<br>
<a href="">Bug 124564</a>. [Presentations] DetachedWindow should not use TabbedStackPresentation<br>
<a href="">Bug 124633</a>. [Common Navigator] navigatorContent name attribute should be marked as translatable<br>
<a href="">Bug 124812</a>. [CommonNavigator] Should NavigatorActionService support programmatic binding?<br>
<a href="">Bug 124874</a>. [CommonNavigator] Open and Open With should have their own enablement logic<br>
<a href="">Bug 124912</a>. [CommonNavigator] Remove ResourcePropertyTester<br>
<a href="">Bug 124953</a>. [Markers] AIOB when applying quick fix<br>
<a href="">Bug 125012</a>. [Field Assist] Clarify lifecycle of the ILabelProvider used by ContentProposalAdapter<br>
<a href="">Bug 125071</a>. [Commands] request: command-ify update actions in org.eclipse.ui.ide<br>
<a href="">Bug 125076</a>. [ActionSets] dynamicplugins.ActionSetTests.testActionSets sometimes fails on the Mac<br>
<a href="">Bug 125147</a>. [WorkingSets] Deadlock on startup<br>
<a href="">Bug 125155</a>. [Commands] handlers: ConcurrentModificationException from SlaveHandlerService closing workbench<br>
<a href="">Bug 125198</a>. Problem view: can't use diffenert marker types in same grouping<br>
<a href="">Bug 125200</a>. Problem view: NPE after access on non existing attribute<br>
<a href="">Bug 125202</a>. Problems view grouping: Show number of elements in a group<br>
<a href="">Bug 125205</a>. Problems view grouping: Rename 'Category' to 'Marker type'<br>
<a href="">Bug 125224</a>. Delete ProjectPersistentPropertyTester<br>
<a href="">Bug 125272</a>. [Viewers] AbstractTreeViewer needs remove(Object parentElement, Object[] childElements)<br>
<a href="">Bug 125346</a>. Delete IDE copy of CompositeResourceMapping<br>
<a href="">Bug 125386</a>. [PropertiesView] Properties view should delegate Save back to source part<br>
<a href="">Bug 125401</a>. Chkpii errors in ui.navigator extension points<br>
<a href="">Bug 125418</a>. [Field Assist] - API - Should ContentProposalPopup be public?<br>
<a href="">Bug 125420</a>. [Commands] parameters: allow commands to specify return type<br>
<a href="">Bug 125501</a>. [CommonNavigator] org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent/viewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 125516</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: API to return a KeySequence string for a command id<br>
<a href="">Bug 125567</a>. [MPE] Service activation should be done in a different method<br>
<a href="">Bug 125587</a>. [Field Assist] - need API access to the content assist cue image<br>
<a href="">Bug 125632</a>. [Commands] request: enhance command to show preferences dialog with parameter identifying which page to show<br>
<a href="">Bug 125652</a>. [CommonNavigator] Default filter activations causes failure in OpenTest<br>
<a href="">Bug 125654</a>. Project &quot;expose&quot; would be cool for removing unrelated projects<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 24, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 93955</a>. [Undo] [implementation] Rename Type/CompilationUnit flushes the editor undo stack<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 118323</a>. [DataBinding] Need editing life cycle events on the data binding framework<br>
<a href="">Bug 119634</a>. EFS UI Support in project wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 119890</a>. [ViewMgmt] Allow control of view tab compression<br>
<a href="">Bug 120023</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT244: Should Hebrew characters be added to valid mnemonics?<br>
<a href="">Bug 120921</a>. [PopupDialog] Keybindings lost after using PopupDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 121254</a>. [CommonNavigator] Comments on ICommonActionProvider<br>
<a href="">Bug 122814</a>. NPE in ResourceMappingMarkersTest.testResourceMappings<br>
<a href="">Bug 122861</a>. [Common Navigator] Support for programmatic control of visibility<br>
<a href="">Bug 123392</a>. [PopupDialog] Quick Outline stays up after opening &quot;view&quot; menu<br>
<a href="">Bug 123496</a>. [IDE] Use operation validation API for IDE actions<br>
<a href="">Bug 123758</a>. [DataBinding] CComboUpdatableValue Doesn't Handle Text That Isn't in The List of Selected Items<br>
<a href="">Bug 123972</a>. [Undo] Support approval of undoable operation execution<br>
<a href="">Bug 124124</a>. [Markers] Group sorting needs criterea other than lexical value<br>
<a href="">Bug 124138</a>. NPE in FieldCategory<br>
<a href="">Bug 124162</a>. [Contributions] Warnings in log about Next/Previous Annotation action contributions<br>
<a href="">Bug 124201</a>. [Viewers] Additional baheviour for TreeSelection<br>
<a href="">Bug 124202</a>. [Field Assist] - decorated fields should not size the created control<br>
<a href="">Bug 124376</a>. Widget is disposed exception in FilteredTree<br>
<a href="">Bug 124387</a>. Updating service model<br>
<a href="">Bug 124529</a>. [EFS] Need file system support in linked resources<br>
<a href="">Bug 124656</a>. Several ui plug-ins have references to plugin and fragment.xml in build properties<br>
<a href="">Bug 124673</a>. [Commands] handlers: TextActionHandler's text actions do not work as expected<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 17, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 116906</a>. [Dialogs] Can't restore original size of dialogs remembering size<br>
<a href="">Bug 118435</a>. [Markers] Trying to implement WorkbenchMarkerResolution<br>
<a href="">Bug 119054</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT223: variable value not set<br>
<a href="">Bug 119617</a>. [Wizards] Missing icon in New Class wizard<br>
<a href="">Bug 119864</a>. A more lightweight hierarchical problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 120023</a>. TVT3.1.x:TCT244: Should Hebrew characters be added to valid mnemonics?<br>
<a href="">Bug 120414</a>. [Viewers] Type-ahead filter in New wizard does not catch Ctrl+x<br>
<a href="">Bug 120458</a>. [Field Assist] - auto-activation should occur on a delay<br>
<a href="">Bug 120696</a>. [Viewers] Filtered Tree: could we be smarter with &quot;type filter text&quot;?<br>
<a href="">Bug 120925</a>. [Import/Export] wizards missing context help<br>
<a href="">Bug 120935</a>. ImportExistingTest.verifyProjectInWorkspace has timing issues<br>
<a href="">Bug 121949</a>. [Wizards] The width of the button in the dialog of &quot;Exitsting Projects into Workspace&quot; doesn't extend when the dialog font is changed<br>
<a href="">Bug 122029</a>. [Wizards] Change &quot;General&quot; back to &quot;Basic&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 122822</a>. [WorkbenchParts] error in EditorPart javadoc<br>
<a href="">Bug 122936</a>. IResource isLocal and setLocal should be deprecated<br>
<a href="">Bug 122957</a>. NPE in PatternFilter.match<br>
<a href="">Bug 123040</a>. [Commands] request: display help topic<br>
<a href="">Bug 123296</a>. [JFace] Memory leak in org.eclipse.jface.window.Window<br>
<a href="">Bug 123319</a>. [Markers] ClassCastException during marker update<br>
<a href="">Bug 123323</a>. [Markers] Problems view does not display anything (index out of bounds)<br>
<a href="">Bug 123415</a>. [Commands] handlers: action set handlers stop working when two workbench windows open<br>
<a href="">Bug 123442</a>. [Commands] handlers: Retarget action handlers aren't registered properly<br>
<a href="">Bug 123740</a>. Provide shorthand for creating GridLayouts<br>
<a href="">Bug 123761</a>. [Decorators] Add properties to decoration context<br>
<a href="">Bug 123952</a>. [Metadata] org.eclipse.ui.workbench broken<br>
<a href="">Bug 123977</a>. [Markers] NPE in ActionCopyMarker.setClipboard<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 10, 2006, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 111820</a>. [CommonNavigator] actionProvider extension should support dependencies<br>
<a href="">Bug 117505</a>. [Commands] handlers: Legacy actions are active even when they shouldn't be<br>
<a href="">Bug 118435</a>. [Markers] Trying to implement WorkbenchMarkerResolution<br>
<a href="">Bug 118934</a>. [Dialogs] Introduce dialog trays<br>
<a href="">Bug 119864</a>. A more lightweight hierarchical problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 119927</a>. [KeyBindings] TVT3.1.x:TCT241: Reading order in key sequences containing neutral chars<br>
<a href="">Bug 119960</a>. [CommonNavigator] Navigator plugins should be JARed<br>
<a href="">Bug 120142</a>. [DataBinding] DataBinding is static<br>
<a href="">Bug 120632</a>. [DnD] Drag indicators hard to see on OS X<br>
<a href="">Bug 120652</a>. [Commands] handlers: Cannot add evaluations to Display or Expressions View<br>
<a href="">Bug 120932</a>. [CommonNavigator] Provider for ui.navigator is different<br>
<a href="">Bug 120934</a>. [WorkbenchParts] NPE in PresentablePart.removePropertyListener(<br>
<a href="">Bug 121562</a>. [IDE] Need a way to disable forced GC done by IDEIdleHelper<br>
<a href="">Bug 121623</a>. [Decorators] Patch to support logical model decoration<br>
<a href="">Bug 121632</a>. [CommonNavigator] classes with template class commetn<br>
<a href="">Bug 121709</a>. [Commands] parameters: Add types<br>
<a href="">Bug 121883</a>. [Markers] org.eclipse.ui.tests plug-in makes lots of performance tests red<br>
<a href="">Bug 122053</a>. [KeyBindings] Shortcut Key Not Working In 3.2M4<br>
<a href="">Bug 122515</a>. [CommonNavigator] CommonActionProvider should be made an API-level abstract class<br>
<a href="">Bug 122517</a>. [CommonNavigator] CommonActionProvider should subclass ActionGroup<br>
<a href="">Bug 122518</a>. [CommonNavigator] Improve CommonActionProvider's init() method<br>
<a href="">Bug 122520</a>. [CommonNavigator] Open up INavigatorActionService as instantiatable API<br>
<a href="">Bug 122525</a>. [CommonNavigator] Allow menu insertion points to be extensible per viewer<br>
<a href="">Bug 122665</a>. [CommonNavigator] Move commonWizard ext pt to org.eclipse.ui.navigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 122674</a>. [Contributions] errors: Eclipse stops startup silently when error in action set<br>
<a href="">Bug 122683</a>. [CommonNavigator] The registry readers for consolidated ext pts should be refactored<br>
<a href="">Bug 122688</a>. [Workbench] Should cast to IStructuredSelection instead of StructuredSelection<br>
<a href="">Bug 122791</a>. [DnD] uncaught exceptions during trim dragging cause subsequent issues<br>
<a href="">Bug 122814</a>. NPE in ResourceMappingMarkersTest.testResourceMappings<br>
<a href="">Bug 122915</a>. DefaultScope.getNode not accessible in strict mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 122982</a>. [KeyBindings] errors: No warning when creating an invalid keybinding sequence<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 4, 2006, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 121939</a>. [Viewers] TreeSelection should subclass StructuredSelection<br>
<a href="">Bug 120934</a>. [WorkbenchParts] NPE in PresentablePart.removePropertyListener(<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 20, 2005, 08:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 102626</a>. [Commands] registry: org.eclipse.ui.handlers Extension point is being read incorrectly<br>
<a href="">Bug 112005</a>. [Graphics] Icon for groups of commands<br>
<a href="">Bug 115730</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: WorkbenchKeyboard circumnavigates IExecutionListener.notHandled(...)<br>
<a href="">Bug 120154</a>. [Commands] parameters: extension-point schema for org.eclipse.ui.commands requires commands to have exactly 1 commandParameter<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 14, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 120074</a>. [Graphics] Fast view target looks like fast view icon<br>
<a href="">Bug 120441</a>. [DnD] Cancelling the Drag places trim in the wrong place<br>
<a href="">Bug 120710</a>. [FastViews] SWT error when right-clicking in the fast view toolbar<br>
<a href="">Bug 120735</a>. [DnD] Disposing the TrimCommonUIHandle causes the 'capture' to fail<br>
<a href="">Bug 120736</a>. [Markers] NPE during: &quot;Fetching children of Problems&quot;.<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 14, 2005, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 112958</a>. [Perspectives] Access to perspective descriptor when creating initial layout<br>
<a href="">Bug 118025</a>. [Dialogs] PopupDialog should set a grid data to the control returned from createDialogArea<br>
<a href="">Bug 119494</a>. [Workbench] dangerous uses of &quot;new GC(Display)&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 119686</a>. [PopupDialog] - small info font should be managed by JFace<br>
<a href="">Bug 120532</a>. [Markers] SWTError in TaskView on shutdown<br>
<a href="">Bug 120565</a>. org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent extension point contains chkpii errors<br>
<a href="">Bug 120567</a>. [CommonNavigator] Javadoc warnings in 3.2 M4 Test Candidate<br>
<a href="">Bug 120656</a>. [Dialogs] SWTExeption: Widget is disposed when resizing quick outline<br>
<a href="">Bug 120695</a>. Need to swap new project png wizard banner file out for M4<br>
<a href="">Bug 120727</a>. Info text area does not appear in PopupDialog<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 12, 2005, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 118078</a>. [Commands] handlers: Debug keybindings not working<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 12, 2005, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<p>Integration Build (December 12, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Changes to the [CommonNavigator] component.</p>
<p>Integration Build (December 12, 2005, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 59476</a>. [ViewMgmt] [RCP] Should have an app-level preference for whether detached views are supported<br>
<a href="">Bug 89250</a>. [Viewers] - API Review - LazySortedCollection review comments<br>
<a href="">Bug 89773</a>. [Viewers] Search keeps showing selection while results still being added<br>
<a href="">Bug 103299</a>. [Markers] Can't copy multiple problems from the problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 106199</a>. [plan item] Improve task assistance in text fields<br>
<a href="">Bug 107271</a>. [Preferences] [RCP] FilteredPreferenceDialog should allow history and filtering to be turned off<br>
<a href="">Bug 109074</a>. [Progress] Widget is disposed Exception in ProgressMonitorDialog.updateForSetBlocked<br>
<a href="">Bug 109144</a>. [Import/Export] Use FilteredTree in wizard selection pages if possible<br>
<a href="">Bug 109281</a>. [Viewers] ContentViewer does not null out input on handleDisposed<br>
<a href="">Bug 109321</a>. [Preferences/Properties Dialogs] Using old version of disabled arrow icon<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 110186</a>. [IDE] Prompt when clearing executable attribute on folders<br>
<a href="">Bug 112251</a>. [Progress] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation needs to remove it's dependency on the UI Thread<br>
<a href="">Bug 112922</a>. [Markers] Problems view refreshes on add and remove<br>
<a href="">Bug 113661</a>. [Decorators] [DynamicUI] Exception in DecoratorManager caused by incorrect processing of bundle events<br>
<a href="">Bug 114302</a>. [EditorMgmt] improve API doc EditorInput#getName should never return null<br>
<a href="">Bug 116867</a>. [WorkingSets] Renamed working set appears with old name<br>
<a href="">Bug 118845</a>. [Import/Export] wizard lists not filtered according to capabilities<br>
<a href="">Bug 118934</a>. Introduce dialog trays<br>
<a href="">Bug 119076</a>. [Markers] ArrayStoreException when multiselection in Problems view includes category<br>
<a href="">Bug 119258</a>. [Markers] Marker filters should support activities.<br>
<a href="">Bug 119340</a>. [PopupDialog] - need constant for horizontal spacing<br>
<a href="">Bug 119456</a>. [Dialogs] Wrong class selected from Test Selection class chooser dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 119478</a>. ui.win32 and ui.carbon fragments need version updates<br>
<a href="">Bug 119506</a>. [CommonNavigator] Navigator schemas should reference, not copy, schemas from core.expressions<br>
<a href="">Bug 119599</a>. [Dialogs] Every PopupDialiog is leaked if PopupDialolg.HOVER_SHELLSTYLE or SWT.ON_TOP is set<br>
<a href="">Bug 119615</a>. [PropertiesDialog] Can no longer change read-only property<br>
<a href="">Bug 119686</a>. [PopupDialog] - small info font should be managed by JFace<br>
<a href="">Bug 119971</a>. [CommonNavigator] Reshape org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent for actions<br>
<a href="">Bug 120101</a>. [WorkingSets][Graphics] Aggregates should have an icon<br>
<a href="">Bug 120117</a>. [DataBinding] Need to support images in table cells<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 29, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 118414</a>. [WorkingSets] Deadlock on each startup caused by AbstractWorkingSetManager<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 29, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 42643</a>. [Editor Mgmt] Need extension to intercept editor opening<br>
<a href="">Bug 49497</a>. [RCP] JFace dependency on org.eclipse.core.runtime enlarges standalone JFace applications<br>
<a href="">Bug 88577</a>. [Viewers] Deferred viewers in JFace have a dependency on Job<br>
<a href="">Bug 107839</a>. [WorkbenchLauncher] Startup progress bar should announce loading, not loaded<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 112000</a>. [Viewers] TreeViewer SWT.VIRTUAL support.<br>
<a href="">Bug 112222</a>. [WorkbenchParts] ISaveablePart2's DEFAULT constant is respected only if a single part is being closed<br>
<a href="">Bug 112237</a>. [Graphics] Exporting key preferences shows icon of different type of key<br>
<a href="">Bug 113832</a>. [WorkingSets] No way to disable window working sets.<br>
<a href="">Bug 114527</a>. [DynamicUI] Race condition in Workbench leads to intermittent crashes (org.eclipse.ui.startup)<br>
<a href="">Bug 114813</a>. [DynamicUI] Incorrect synchronization will lead to JUnit failure (org.eclipse.ui.tests.dynamicplugins.DynamicPluginsTestSuite)<br>
<a href="">Bug 114931</a>. [CommonNavigator] Filtering by types of content shws all content types<br>
<a href="">Bug 114940</a>. [CommonNavigator] [Discussion] Navigator extensions only operate at one level<br>
<a href="">Bug 114993</a>. [CommonNavigator] Missing NLS message<br>
<a href="">Bug 115123</a>. [CommonNavigator] [API] Update extension point schema doc for navigatorContent<br>
<a href="">Bug 115130</a>. [CommonNavigator] Port the ActionExpression enablement classes to org.eclipse.core.expressions<br>
<a href="">Bug 115486</a>. [CommonNavigator] [arch] Navigator viewers should be more configurable<br>
<a href="">Bug 115785</a>. Quick dialogs don't appear after having used the menu<br>
<a href="">Bug 116460</a>. [CommonNavigator] Code review comments<br>
<a href="">Bug 116685</a>. [CommonNavigator] ClassCastException trying to execute action<br>
<a href="">Bug 116690</a>. [CommonNavigator] View title is blank<br>
<a href="">Bug 117043</a>. [MPE] Allow MultiPageEditors to customize layout<br>
<a href="">Bug 117065</a>. [CommonNavigator] Should support better filtering of duplicate content<br>
<a href="">Bug 117358</a>. [IDE] CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation needs to remove the reference to<br>
<a href="">Bug 117360</a>. [IDE] RefreshAction needs to remove reference to<br>
<a href="">Bug 117362</a>. [IDE] Remove references to in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs<br>
<a href="">Bug 117363</a>. PathVariableSelectionDialog has references to<br>
<a href="">Bug 117364</a>. [IDE] org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.dialogs has references to<br>
<a href="">Bug 117519</a>. Provide clear() method on ListenerList<br>
<a href="">Bug 117539</a>. Intermittent failures in ImportExistingTest<br>
<a href="">Bug 117543</a>. [Dialogs] Make long PopupDialog titles readable<br>
<a href="">Bug 117554</a>. [WorkingSets] UI usage of getName() should be migrated to getLabel()<br>
<a href="">Bug 117559</a>. [WorkingSets] WorkingSetComparator logic is backwards<br>
<a href="">Bug 117576</a>. [WorkingSets] label changes dont cause event firings<br>
<a href="">Bug 117591</a>. [CommonNavigator] References to the AWT and Swing libraries should be removed<br>
<a href="">Bug 117601</a>. [Undo] - update org.eclipse.core.commands.operations to use new equinox common utils<br>
<a href="">Bug 117707</a>. Cannot launch UiTestSuite<br>
<a href="">Bug 117816</a>. Crash while running JFace test suite<br>
<a href="">Bug 117899</a>. [WorkingSets] document new empty-aggregate strategy<br>
<a href="">Bug 118025</a>. [Dialogs] PopupDialog should set a grid data to the control returned from createDialogArea<br>
<a href="">Bug 118043</a>. [Commands] parameters: Element 'commandParameter' is not legal as a child of element 'command'<br>
<a href="">Bug 118057</a>. [CommonNavigator] ICommonContentProvider should be API<br>
<a href="">Bug 118081</a>. [CommonNavigator] Failure in OpenTest.testNavigatorExtensionEnablement<br>
<a href="">Bug 118112</a>. [CommonNavigator] Add API to programmatically enable/disable extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 118163</a>. [Dialogs] - PopupDialog should define constants for zero margins<br>
<a href="">Bug 118170</a>. [CommonNavigator] [Resource] Support Open/Open With menu extensions<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 22, 2005, 1:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 117496</a>. [Commands] handlers: Stack overflow in commands<br>
<a href="">Bug 117526</a>. [Contributions] [Commands] Javadoc warnings in N20051122-0010<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 22, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 23889</a>. [Markers] Multi-select on Task doesn't allow quickfix<br>
<a href="">Bug 83992</a>. [Markers] Error description column in Problems is empty<br>
<a href="">Bug 91899</a>. [Markers] IMarker.setAttribute fails when attributeName = IMarker.LOCATION<br>
<a href="">Bug 96891</a>. Strange editorActions extensions<br>
<a href="">Bug 108097</a>. [Navigator] AIOOBE when cancelling paste action override question<br>
<a href="">Bug 109248</a>. [IDE][Dialogs] Overwrite File Dialog should display file attributes<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 109702</a>. [IDE] [Progress] startup workspace refresh blocks ui<br>
<a href="">Bug 110387</a>. [WorkbenchParts] EditorPart#isDirty() method called 5 times upon opening.<br>
<a href="">Bug 112000</a>. [Viewers] TreeViewer SWT.VIRTUAL support.<br>
<a href="">Bug 112146</a>. [Dialogs] Eclipse changes selection after user makes a selection.<br>
<a href="">Bug 112237</a>. [Graphics] Exporting key preferences shows icon of different type of key<br>
<a href="">Bug 113643</a>. [Dialogs] InputDialog NPE in setErrorMessage(...) when OK Button is created in createButtonsForButtonBar(...)<br>
<a href="">Bug 113788</a>. [Markers] Multi-QuickFix dialog needs a select/deselect all button<br>
<a href="">Bug 113832</a>. [WorkingSets] No way to disable window working sets.<br>
<a href="">Bug 114295</a>. [CommonNavigator] Verify copyright notices<br>
<a href="">Bug 114565</a>. [Markers] Quick fix computation done in UI thread with no progress<br>
<a href="">Bug 114648</a>. export file system/archive wizard initally has error when no selection seeded<br>
<a href="">Bug 114754</a>. [Markers] QuickFix needs API to update resolutions<br>
<a href="">Bug 114801</a>. Updates to resource info property page<br>
<a href="">Bug 115630</a>. [Markers] New markerSupport features are not dynamic<br>
<a href="">Bug 115694</a>. [Import/Export] General node in new wizards should appear first<br>
<a href="">Bug 115800</a>. [import/export] Stack overflow during import zip<br>
<a href="">Bug 116095</a>. [Preferences] ScopedPreferenceStore causing memory leak and performance degradation<br>
<a href="">Bug 116136</a>. [Dialogs] ElementListSelectionDialog.setInitialSelections() does not work<br>
<a href="">Bug 116230</a>. Failures in Session Tests (N20051113-0010)<br>
<a href="">Bug 116673</a>. [Undo] Workbench still running after NullPointerException in OperationHistoryActionHandler<br>
<a href="">Bug 116685</a>. [CommonNavigator] ClassCastException trying to execute action<br>
<a href="">Bug 116770</a>. [Viewers] Memory leak in TreeViewerTest, or TreeViewer, or Tree<br>
<a href="">Bug 116911</a>. [Markers] Unused NLS messages reported in log<br>
<a href="">Bug 117065</a>. [CommonNavigator] Should support better filtering of duplicate content<br>
<a href="">Bug 117079</a>. [KeyBindings] registry: BindingPersistance should clean up its preference store listener<br>
<a href="">Bug 117087</a>. [Perspectives] PerspectiveRegistry leaking a preference store listener<br>
<a href="">Bug 117314</a>. [Commands] handlers: Failure in testSelectAllHandlerSendsSelectionEvent<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 15, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Version numbers have been changed to include the qualifier. This should
mean that every build from now on will have a unique version for our
plug-ins. The version number for all plug-ins for this release will be
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 69076</a>. [Viewers] Bugs in jface ListViewer &quot;reveal&quot; method<br>
<a href="">Bug 96704</a>. [Import/Export] Import doesn't import empty directories<br>
<a href="">Bug 103501</a>. Import and Export menu options should be merged.<br>
<a href="">Bug 108033</a>. [WorkbenchParts] regression: View Tab Orders lost after restart<br>
<a href="">Bug 109661</a>. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim<br>
<a href="">Bug 113576</a>. [Dialogs] PopupDialog's separator is too thin<br>
<a href="">Bug 114591</a>. [Import/Export] &quot;Copy projects into workspace&quot; remains checked after switching from archive to directory<br>
<a href="">Bug 114658</a>. [Import/Export] Import Existing Projects into Workspace - misleading wizard description<br>
<a href="">Bug 114760</a>. [Markers] Heirarchy in problems view should not be based on sort order<br>
<a href="">Bug 115123</a>. [CommonNavigator] Update extension point schema doc for navigatorContent<br>
<a href="">Bug 115205</a>. [Dialogs] Show View windows contents not resized correctly<br>
<a href="">Bug 115218</a>. [CommonNavigator] Bring back the memory mechanism removed during the port to WTP<br>
<a href="">Bug 115283</a>. [MPE] NPE in MultiPageEditorPart#pageChange(int)<br>
<a href="">Bug 115399</a>. System.out stuff in MultiEditorTest<br>
<a href="">Bug 115557</a>. [WorkingSets] Select all / Deselect all for 'Select working set' dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 115575</a>. [JFace] Window documentation referring to nonexistent method<br>
<a href="">Bug 115600</a>. [CommonNav] Navigator fills .log with missing NLS messages<br>
<a href="">Bug 115672</a>. [Import/Export] Spaces in a tar file checksum confuse the tar importer<br>
<a href="">Bug 115681</a>. [Viewers] NPE in show view filter<br>
<a href="">Bug 115730</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: WorkbenchKeyboard circumnavigates IExecutionListener.notHandled(...)<br>
<a href="">Bug 115731</a>. WorkingCopyPreferences.removeNode is broken<br>
<a href="">Bug 115761</a>. [Undo] NPE in OperationHistoryActionHandler<br>
<a href="">Bug 115800</a>. [import/export] Stack overflow during import zip<br>
<a href="">Bug 115891</a>. [WorkingSets] Selection dialog should use radio buttons, not a combo<br>
<a href="">Bug 115898</a>. [CommonNavigator] component.xml required<br>
<a href="">Bug 116061</a>. General &gt; Appearance pref page. Restore Defaults does not change &quot;Current Theme&quot; combo<br>
<a href="">Bug 116105</a>. Bug in on the Mac regarding showSelection<br>
<a href="">Bug 116234</a>. Failure in testImportSingleDirectoryWithCopyDeleteProjectKeepContents<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 08, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 19835</a>. [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart.removePage() does not dispose controls<br>
<a href="">Bug 62380</a>. [FastViews] View menu keyboard shortcut not working in fast views<br>
<a href="">Bug 72297</a>. [DnD] ViewerDropAdapter impossible to set DND.FEEDBACK_NONE<br>
<a href="">Bug 72498</a>. [DetachedView] Detached windows have no minimum size<br>
<a href="">Bug 75422</a>. [Presentations] Switching presentation to R21 switches immediately, but only partially<br>
<a href="">Bug 80644</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: Wrong shortcut displayed in menu for copy using Emacs<br>
<a href="">Bug 80833</a>. [Import/Export] Import exisiting should pre-check for project already in workspace<br>
<a href="">Bug 86999</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: Ctrl+Insert shown as primary binding<br>
<a href="">Bug 96704</a>. [Import/Export] Import doesn't import empty directories<br>
<a href="">Bug 100916</a>. [Markers] MarkerImageProviderTest is using a missing image<br>
<a href="">Bug 108016</a>. [Markers] Need to be able to categorize marker types<br>
<a href="">Bug 109544</a>. [Themes] Make org.eclipse.ui.internal.themes.ColorUtils public API<br>
<a href="">Bug 109977</a>. [Import/Export] wizard: Order of group nodes<br>
<a href="">Bug 111839</a>. [ActivityMgmt] e.printStackTrace() in ActivityCategoryPreferencePage<br>
<a href="">Bug 114488</a>. [WorkingSets] select working set dialog should be resizable<br>
<a href="">Bug 114514</a>. [WorkingSets] Need API to detect whether a working set provide an updater or not<br>
<a href="">Bug 114615</a>. [Markers] No feedback for 'Completed' tasks<br>
<a href="">Bug 114637</a>. [Preferences] PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore() != WorkbenchPlugin.getPreferenceStore()<br>
<a href="">Bug 114658</a>. [Import/Export] Import Existing Projects into Workspace - misleading wizard description<br>
<a href="">Bug 114665</a>. [Import/Export] - Import existing projects into workspace - didn't copy files<br>
<a href="">Bug 114784</a>. [Markers][WorkingSets] Strange working set name &quot;Aggregate for window 1130948898218&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 114819</a>. [Progress] Groups show up twice in the progress view<br>
<a href="">Bug 114899</a>. [KeyBindings] misc: Shift+Ctrl+C does not work unless explicitly redefined<br>
<a href="">Bug 114962</a>. [Decorators] Remove DecoratorUpdateListener class from IDE plug-in<br>
<a href="">Bug 115304</a>. [Progress] Color and Cursor leaks in ProgressInfoItem<br>
<a href="">Bug 1130948898218</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 2, 2005, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 114240</a>. [Themes] New Dialog fonts don't take<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 02, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 114742</a>. Please disable Multi Quick fix support in the problems view for M3<br>
<a href="">Bug 114773</a>. [Markers] Redundant information in the Problems view when Flat<br>
<p>Integration Build (November 02, 2005, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 114541</a>. [Markers] ClassCastException selecting element in problems tree<br>
<a href="">Bug 114542</a>. [Markers] Possible to get empty path nodes in problems view hierarcahl mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 114550</a>. IndexOutOfBoundsException in Problems Hierarchal Mode<br>
<a href="">Bug 114598</a>. ClassCastException when menu popped up on Pending.<br>
<p>Integration Build (October 31, 2005, 8:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 77345</a>. [KeyBindings] assist: Look of Key Assist dialog is not consistent with other info dialogs<br>
<a href="">Bug 114390</a>. [Markers] Show In menu item enabled for categories<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 25, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 70597</a>. [DnD] Drag and Drop PluginTransferData confusion<br>
<a href="">Bug 71600</a>. [DetachedView] Cannot get Focus on main window title/menus after dialog box closes<br>
<a href="">Bug 72374</a>. [Dialogs] Provide a generic info pop dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 86307</a>. [WorkbenchParts] IWorkbenchPage.openEditor() called with the activate==false, unmaximizes the current view.<br>
<a href="">Bug 96491</a>. [Presentations] Floating toolbar buttons over maximized view<br>
<a href="">Bug 102081</a>. Abandon the combo box of preferenceDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 102893</a>. [WorkingSets] Nested WorkingSets<br>
<a href="">Bug 105351</a>. [Presentations] Exception AbstractTabFolder.getItem<br>
<a href="">Bug 105874</a>. [DnD] [RCP] Unable to perform DROP_LINK operations in the editor area<br>
<a href="">Bug 106346</a>. Move ResourceMapping back to API package<br>
<a href="">Bug 108162</a>. [Progress] [IDE] Deadlock using MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation from a refactoring participant<br>
<a href="">Bug 109174</a>. [WorkingSets] compatibility working set to bridge new page-level functionality<br>
<a href="">Bug 111054</a>. [Markers] Filtering in problems view should consider resource mappings<br>
<a href="">Bug 111425</a>. [Markers] Problems View needs to support a category attribute for markers<br>
<a href="">Bug 112922</a>. Problems view refreshes on add and remove<br>
<a href="">Bug 112941</a>. [Markers] Need a hierarchal mode for the problems view<br>
<a href="">Bug 113085</a>. [Perspectives] perspectiveExtension: required attribute &quot;relative&quot;?<br>
<a href="">Bug 113231</a>. [Markers] Problem view does not remove old elements when refreshed<br>
<a href="">Bug 113255</a>. Double click should expand import/export trees<br>
<a href="">Bug 113276</a>. ModelProvider patch to support logical models<br>
<a href="">Bug 113582</a>. Deadlock updating marker list during builds.<br>
<p>Integration Build (October 18, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 11428</a>. Wildcard search does not work<br>
<a href="">Bug 11983</a>. Run time workbench wizard has title cut off for large fonts.<br>
<a href="">Bug 83711</a>. [JFace] NPE in DeviceResourceManager.allocate()<br>
<a href="">Bug 104047</a>. [Dialogs] Incorrect Output from<br>
<a href="">Bug 106346</a>. Move ResourceMapping back to API package<br>
<a href="">Bug 110076</a>. [Undo] Undo/RedoActionHandler nits<br>
<a href="">Bug 111054</a>. [Markers] Filtering in problems view should consider resource mappings<br>
<a href="">Bug 111425</a>. [Markers] Problems View needs to support a category attribute for markers<br>
<a href="">Bug 111429</a>. [Markers] Multi-select quickfix does not batch confirmation and stops on first failure<br>
<a href="">Bug 111571</a>. [Markers] Applying multiple quick fixes should allow single application<br>
<a href="">Bug 111757</a>. Fix compile errors in MANIFEST.MF<br>
<a href="">Bug 112106</a>. [KeyBindings] Changed shortcut keys don't take effect<br>
<a href="">Bug 112136</a>. ImportTestSource directory left in home directory after running tests<br>
<a href="">Bug 112240</a>. [Viewers] TableLayout should also support trees.<br>
<a href="">Bug 112247</a>. [Preferences] [RCP] Should remove unused prefs for showing action bars<br>
<a href="">Bug 112490</a>. Patch to fix the mess I made<br>
<p>Integration Build (October 04, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 2389</a>. [MPE] Take out workaround in MultiPageEditorPart.pageChange(int) (1GEV94I)<br>
<a href="">Bug 19835</a>. [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart.removePage() does not dispose controls<br>
<a href="">Bug 20831</a>. [MPE] MultiPageEditorPart.setActivePage() doesn't send pageChange()<br>
<a href="">Bug 23889</a>. [Markers] Multi-select on Task doesn't allow quickfix<br>
<a href="">Bug 38642</a>. [MPE] MultiEditor does not signal inner editors closing events<br>
<a href="">Bug 96284</a>. [Properties] Clicking OK on Properties page of plugin.xml gives unexpected &quot;Conflict in Encoding&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 99858</a>. [IDE] Error upon deleting a project.<br>
<a href="">Bug 100693</a>. [Import/Export] junit tests for WizardProjectsImportPage<br>
<a href="">Bug 107377</a>. [GlobalActions] NPE deleting a file<br>
<a href="">Bug 107978</a>. [Markers] New filter is not selected in problems filters dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 108314</a>. [Contributions] PopupMenuExtender does not update list of static actions when new menu ids are added<br>
<a href="">Bug 108556</a>. [Progress} ProgressView: width of entries no longer fixed, results in hor. scrollbars and lots of flicker<br>
<a href="">Bug 108705</a>. [Contributions] errors: ObjectActionContributor should safeguard against misbehaving plugins<br>
<a href="">Bug 108709</a>. [Contributions] Every single Java editor is leaked<br>
<a href="">Bug 109052</a>. Exposure of workbench part controls to clients<br>
<a href="">Bug 109329</a>. [Progress] Tooltip in progress dialog is shortened<br>
<a href="">Bug 109474</a>. [EditorMgmt] Multiple Editors closing at once<br>
<a href="">Bug 109846</a>. [KeyBindings] Emacs C-x C-f binding<br>
<a href="">Bug 110331</a>. add tests for import/export<br>
<a href="">Bug 110793</a>. Need test suites for declarative filters<br>
<a href="">Bug 111057</a>. [Markers] Show In Support needs to be pluggable<br>
<p>Integration Build (September 27, 2005, 12:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 110354</a>. [WorkbenchParts] NPE dragging view from fast view bar.<br>
<p>Integration Build (September 27, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 107121</a>. [EditorMgmt] not responding when opening a folder with a lot of files<br>
<a href="">Bug 108015</a>. [Markers] Filters need to be created, enabled and disabled declaratively<br>
<a href="">Bug 109639</a>. [KeyBindings] keybinding service is deactivated but not reactivated when unregister action<br>
<p>Integration Build (September 22, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 110243</a>. heap monitor causes errors during tests<br>
<p>Integration Build (September 21, 2005, 4:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 109011</a>. [KeyBindings] AIOOBE on startup<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 30, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 76092</a>. [Themes] Fonts preference page shows always &quot;defaults to ... font&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 96600</a>. [DynamicUI] [Commands] [Contexts] [KeyBindings] Commands architecture isn't dynamic<br>
<a href="">Bug 98621</a>. [refactoring] [rename] Rename Type hangs<br>
<a href="">Bug 102485</a>. [Import/Export] Export to filesystem loses current selection in Package Explorer<br>
<a href="">Bug 106959</a>. [Contributions] missing mnemonics in the main menu bar<br>
<a href="">Bug 107854</a>. [Contributions] errors: Context menu missing<br>
<a href="">Bug 107977</a>. MutliEditorTests are failing on N20050825<br>
<a href="">Bug 108012</a>. [Markers] Multi filters do not update when filter is disabled<br>
<a href="">Bug 108013</a>. [Markers] Filters need to be enabled faster than opening the dialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 108017</a>. [Markers] Disabling a marker type disables the whole filter<br>
<a href="">Bug 108143</a>. [Import/Export] error message does not go away when resources are selected for import<br>
<a href="">Bug 108144</a>. [Undo] - action handlers should refer adapter requests to their part<br>
<a href="">Bug 20050825</a>. Invalid Bug ID<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 23, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 64874</a>. [Themes] [Preferences] Colors and Fonts preference page: Doubleclick should edit<br>
<a href="">Bug 66526</a>. [Dialogs] Review the design of MessageDialogWithToggle.createButtonsForButtonBar<br>
<a href="">Bug 67375</a>. [Themes] Description area in the &quot;colors and font preferences&quot; is not big enough<br>
<a href="">Bug 68787</a>. [Markers] Messages need to be converted to the new format<br>
<a href="">Bug 70321</a>. [Preferences] TVT 3.0: Project reference properties page clipped in Italian language pack<br>
<a href="">Bug 76978</a>. [ErrorHandling] WorkbenchPlugin logs to System.err<br>
<a href="">Bug 78777</a>. [DynamicUI] Uncategorized views don't show up when added<br>
<a href="">Bug 82502</a>. [Markers] tasklist entries not showing up consistently<br>
<a href="">Bug 82743</a>. [Markers] improved problem filter needed (OR clauses)<br>
<a href="">Bug 90646</a>. [Viewers] SWTException from DeferredContentProvider<br>
<a href="">Bug 97308</a>. [Preferences] &quot;New text file encoding / line delimiter&quot; preferences should be on General &gt; Workspace<br>
<a href="">Bug 98800</a>. [Workbench] Ant buildfile removed from fast view Ant View after restart<br>
<a href="">Bug 98943</a>. [Doc] [WorkingSets] Nitpicking extension point doc<br>
<a href="">Bug 101180</a>. [Import/Export] Import Existing Project into Workspace default widget is back button , should be text field<br>
<a href="">Bug 101683</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Views opened by context enablement are covered up by buttons from Breakpoints View<br>
<a href="">Bug 102102</a>. [Import/Export] build running after each imported project<br>
<a href="">Bug 105649</a>. [Undo] - NPE in ObjectUndoContext#getLabel() if object is null<br>
<a href="">Bug 106532</a>. [Import/Export] preference page has extra border<br>
<a href="">Bug 106890</a>. [Import/Export] Import wizard may display unexpected second page if you just press Next<br>
<a href="">Bug 107121</a>. [EditorMgmt] not responding when opening a folder with a lot of files<br>
<a href="">Bug 107369</a>. [Tests] RCP test suite hangs on GTK<br>
<a href="">Bug 107376</a>. VirtualTableViewerTest needs to force item creation<br>
<a href="">Bug 107471</a>. [Progress] Reusing indeterminate progress makes for strange selection<br>
<a href="">Bug 107660</a>. [Themes] Busy cursor on Font Editing doesn't go away<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 10, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 84881</a>. [WorkbenchLauncher] Splash screen receives focus after task switch (instead of workspace launcher dialog) [revert]<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 10, 2005, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 84881</a>. [WorkbenchLauncher] Splash screen receives focus after task switch (instead of workspace launcher dialog)<br>
<a href="">Bug 85608</a>. [ViewMgmt] [EditorMgmt] Create option to disable views that open automatically<br>
<a href="">Bug 104987</a>. view contents missing when switching perspectives<br>
<a href="">Bug 105949</a>. [ActionSets] Problem with ActionSets<br>
<a href="">Bug 106360</a>. NPE when defining a decorator with no enablement<br>
<a href="">Bug 106363</a>. [Decorators] Decorator schema inconsistent with extension point<br>
<a href="">Bug 106388</a>. Directory dialog is unusably slow<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 08, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 102081</a>. Abandon the combo box of preferenceDialog<br/>
<p>Integration Build (August 08, 2005, 12:10 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 7022</a>. [Workbench] Splash screen with progress bar<br>
<a href="">Bug 17826</a>. [Wizards] New folder wizard is very large if you are creating the folder in a container with a very long path<br>
<a href="">Bug 29398</a>. [MPE] Allow bookmarks and tasks in plugin.xml source<br>
<a href="">Bug 66666</a>. [DetachedView] Cannot copy from a detached view if a selection is made in the main window<br>
<a href="">Bug 76496</a>. [Dialogs] &quot;Open Resource&quot; folder sorting gets reversed<br>
<a href="">Bug 84824</a>. [Preferences] Workbench Preference Dialog only saves Workbench preference store<br>
<a href="">Bug 85608</a>. [ViewMgmt] [EditorMgmt] Create option to disable views that open automatically<br>
<a href="">Bug 86159</a>. [Decorators] Make lightweight decorators work for ResourceMapping<br>
<a href="">Bug 90355</a>. [Contributions] [Coolbars] Investigate the performance of subactionbars<br>
<a href="">Bug 93998</a>. [Editor Mgmt] [MPE] MultiPageEditorSite.registerContextMenu methods are inconsistent in whether they delegate<br>
<a href="">Bug 94547</a>. [Decorators] [Navigator] (leak) Dangling references to ResourceNavigator<br>
<a href="">Bug 95815</a>. [Progress] Canceling a job re-enters JobManager.cancel<br>
<a href="">Bug 97882</a>. [Viewers] Virtual Table Viewer test's Reset Input does not restore items at end<br>
<a href="">Bug 99858</a>. [IDE] Error upon deleting a project.<br>
<a href="">Bug 99864</a>. [Viewers] NPE in DeferredTreeContentManager$1.isParent<br>
<a href="">Bug 101065</a>. [Markers] Marker image lookup not nl enabled<br>
<a href="">Bug 102081</a>. Abandon the combo box of preferenceDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 105576</a>. TVT 3.1 - TCT 467 - Disable All and Enable All strings not externalized for translation<br>
<a href="">Bug 105665</a>. [Dialogs] &quot;Open resource&quot; dialog doesnt remember it position and size<br>
<a href="">Bug 105731</a>. TVT 3.1 - TCT 528 - Duplicated Mneumonic in Problem -&gt; Filters<br>
<a href="">Bug 105776</a>. [Progress] Clients of ProgressMonitorFocusJobDialog.runAsync can can cause widget disposed error<br>
<a href="">Bug 105809</a>. Mnemonics are programmatically changed, should not be<br>
<a href="">Bug 105816</a>. Extraneous NLS tag incorrectly found in comments<br>
<a href="">Bug 105837</a>. [Markers] Mnemonic conflicts in Marker views<br>
<a href="">Bug 105913</a>. Deprecations in ReadOnlyStateChecker<br>
<a href="">Bug 105936</a>. [Contributions] interactions: No submenu for &quot;Run As&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 106157</a>. [Progress] [Dialogs] Can't close error dialog<br>
<p>Integration Build (August 02, 2005, 8:00 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 61950</a>. [Markers] Images being created twice potentially<br>
<a href="">Bug 101215</a>. [Undo] Undo affecting outside files should allow &quot;Cancel action&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 103501</a>. Import and Export menu options should be merged.<br>
<a href="">Bug 104558</a>. [Workbench] [RCP] Default values for WorkbenchWindow.getPerspectiveBarVisible/CoolBarVisible do not match the values provided by the configurer<br>
<a href="">Bug 104987</a>. view contents missing when switching perspectives<br>
<a href="">Bug 105222</a>. [BIDI] need to nl %Views.ResourceNavigator and Views - %Views.ContentOutline<br>
<a href="">Bug 105503</a>. [ViewMgmt] Outline view loses toolbars on restart<br>
<a href="">Bug 105648</a>. [Undo] - ObjectUndoContext should match if objects are equal<br>
<a href="">Bug 105649</a>. [Undo] - NPE in ObjectUndoContext#getLabel() if object is null<br>
<a href="">Bug 105697</a>. [Undo] - OperationHistoryEvent - cannot distinguish between canceled event or failed event<br>
<p>Integration Build (July 26, 2005, 12:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports fixed</p>
<a href="">Bug 50323</a>. [Workbench] Add a -showlabel &quot;Workspace Label&quot; startup option<br>
<a href="">Bug 66616</a>. [PropertiesView] ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor doesn't work in PropertySheetView<br>
<a href="">Bug 69892</a>. [Tests] Investigate UI test suites on Mac OS X<br>
<a href="">Bug 71946</a>. 4 detached windows tests fail on Mac OS 10.3.3<br>
<a href="">Bug 76714</a>. [Dialogs] ContainerSelectDialog: Double clicking node in tree causes AssertionException<br>
<a href="">Bug 88791</a>. [Wizards] TVT3.1 #93 - Variables button is truncated in New File advanced options in RUS<br>
<a href="">Bug 90353</a>. [PresentationAPI] Cache widgets for recently opened perspectives<br>
<a href="">Bug 90355</a>. [JFace] [Coolbars] Investigate the performance of subactionbars<br>
<a href="">Bug 92286</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Request new API for EditorPart<br>
<a href="">Bug 93674</a>. [Dialogs] ProgressMonitorDialog not cancellable when fork is set to false<br>
<a href="">Bug 96129</a>. [MPE] (regression) MultiEditor.getInnerEditors() returns null.<br>
<a href="">Bug 100156</a>. [IDE] RenameResourceAction should use IAdaptable for IResource lookuop<br>
<a href="">Bug 100325</a>. [CellEditors] Table cell editor does not get deactivated on lost focus<br>
<a href="">Bug 100889</a>. [Undo] - AbstractOperation toString() appends bogus comma<br>
<a href="">Bug 101346</a>. [FastViews][WorkbenchParts] Problems with views drawing when they shouldn't<br>
<a href="">Bug 101434</a>. [Contexts] performance: Slow cursor navigation in Text fields<br>
<a href="">Bug 101584</a>. [Examples] - Build problem with new undo example<br>
<a href="">Bug 101950</a>. About menu item in PDE-generated product says &quot;About Eclipse Platform&quot;<br>
<a href="">Bug 102033</a>. [Performance] TableViewerTests too fast on windows<br>
<a href="">Bug 102081</a>. Abandon the combo box of preferenceDialog<br>
<a href="">Bug 102127</a>. [DetachedViews] attaching an editor to detached view cause ClassCastException<br>
<a href="">Bug 102439</a>. [PropertiesView] PropertySheetEntry should format error message when calling setErrorText<br>
<a href="">Bug 102911</a>. [KeyBindings] assist: Not correctly sized when window is narrow or short<br>
<a href="">Bug 103379</a>. [MPE] [EditorMgmt] An editor instance is being leaked each time an editor is open and closed<br>
<a href="">Bug 104280</a>. Support the 'toolbar' button on OS X<br>
<a href="">Bug 104657</a>. [Undo] NPE in OperationHistoryActionHandler<br>
<a href="">Bug 104991</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Cannot reopen closed views<br>