blob: ba39ead518f8a26a19bdd76088c61a787ebd137d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.ui.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart;
* This class extends regular plugin action with the
* additional requirement that the delegate has
* to implement interface IViewActionDeelgate.
* This interface has one additional method (init)
* whose purpose is to initialize the delegate with
* the view part in which the action is intended to run.
public final class ViewPluginAction extends PartPluginAction {
private IViewPart viewPart;
private String actionID;
* This class adds the requirement that action delegates
* loaded on demand implement IViewActionDelegate
public ViewPluginAction() {
public void init(IConfigurationElement actionElement, String runAttribute, IViewPart part) {
viewPart = part;
actionID = actionElement.getAttribute("id");
init(actionElement, runAttribute);
* Creates an instance of the delegate class as defined on
* the configuration element. It will also initialize
* it with the view part.
protected IActionDelegate createDelegate() {
IActionDelegate delegate = super.createDelegate();
if (delegate == null) return null;
if (delegate instanceof IViewActionDelegate) {
if(delegate instanceof IPersistableAction) {
ViewSite site = (ViewSite)viewPart.getViewSite();
IPersistableAction persistable = (IPersistableAction)delegate;
IMemento mem = site.getMemento(actionID);
if(mem != null)
} else {
else {
WorkbenchPlugin.log("Action should implement IViewActionDelegate: "+getText());//$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
return delegate;
* Returns true if the view has been set
* The view may be null after the constructor is called and
* before the view is stored. We cannot create the delegate
* at that time.
public boolean isOkToCreateDelegate() {
if(viewPart == null)
return false;
return true;
ViewSite site = (ViewSite)viewPart.getViewSite();
return site.getMemento(actionID) != null;