blob: 771277413d986fbf57ac3eb1de65ef003e5e2863 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPersistableEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.IElementFactory;
import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPersistableElement;
import org.eclipse.ui.IReusableEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart2;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart3;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.editorsupport.ComponentSupport;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.StatusUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.UIStats;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.part.NullEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.EditorDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.EditorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.tweaklets.TabBehaviour;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.tweaklets.Tweaklets;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.util.Util;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.IWorkbenchPartOrientation;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager;
public class EditorReference extends WorkbenchPartReference implements
IEditorReference {
private final EditorManager manager;
private IMemento editorMemento;
private IMemento editorState = null;
* Flag that lets us detect malfunctioning editors that don't fire PROP_INPUT events.
* It is never needed for a correctly-functioning
private boolean expectingInputChange = false;
* Flag that determines whether we've already reported that this editor is malfunctioning.
* This prevents us from spamming the event log if we repeatedly detect the same error in
* a particular editor. If we ever detect an editor is violating its public contract in
* a way we can recover from (such as a missing property change event), we report the error
* once and then silently ignore errors from the same editor.
private boolean reportedMalfunctioningEditor = false;
* User-readable name of the editor's input
String name;
String factoryId;
IEditorInput restoredInput;
* If the reference is instantiated as a MultiEditor, we need to dispose the
* inner references correctly.
private IEditorReference[] multiEditorChildren = null;
* @param manager
* The editor manager for this reference
* @param input
* our input
* @param desc
* the descriptor from the declaration
public EditorReference(EditorManager manager, IEditorInput input,
EditorDescriptor desc) {
this(manager, input, desc, null);
* @param manager
* The editor manager for this reference
* @param input
* our input
* @param desc
* the descriptor from the declaration
* @param editorState
* propogate state from another editor. Can be <code>null</code>.
public EditorReference(EditorManager manager, IEditorInput input,
EditorDescriptor desc, IMemento editorState) {
this.manager = manager;
restoredInput = input;
this.editorState = editorState;
init(desc.getId(), desc.getLabel(),
"", desc.getImageDescriptor(), desc.getLabel(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
* Constructs a new editor reference for use by editors being restored from
* a memento.
EditorReference(EditorManager manager, IMemento memento) {
this.manager = manager;
this.editorMemento = memento;
if (EditorManager.useIPersistableEditor()) {
editorState = editorMemento.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_EDITOR_STATE);
} else {
editorState = null;
String id = memento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID);
String title = memento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TITLE);
String tooltip = Util.safeString(memento
String partName = memento
IMemento propBag = memento.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PROPERTIES);
if (propBag != null) {
IMemento[] props = propBag
for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
propertyCache.put(props[i].getID(), props[i].getTextData());
// For compatibility set the part name to the title if not found
if (partName == null) {
partName = title;
// Get the editor descriptor.
EditorDescriptor desc = null;
if (id != null) {
desc = getDescriptor(id);
// desc may be null if id is null or desc is not found, but findImage below handles this
String location = memento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PATH);
IPath path = location == null ? null : new Path(location);
ImageDescriptor iDesc = this.manager.findImage(desc, path); = memento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_NAME);
if ( == null) { = title;
setPinned("true".equals(memento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PINNED))); //$NON-NLS-1$
IMemento inputMem = memento.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_INPUT);
if (inputMem != null) {
this.factoryId = inputMem
init(id, title, tooltip, iDesc, partName, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
public EditorDescriptor getDescriptor() {
return getDescriptor(getId());
* @since 3.1
* @param id
* @return
private EditorDescriptor getDescriptor(String id) {
EditorDescriptor desc;
IEditorRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()
desc = (EditorDescriptor) reg.findEditor(id);
return desc;
* Initializes the necessary editor listeners and handlers
private void initListenersAndHandlers() {
// Create a property change listener to track the "close editors automatically"
// preference and show/remove the pin icon on editors
// Only 1 listener will be created in the EditorManager when necessary
// Create a keyboard shortcut handler for pinning editors
// Only 1 handler will be created in the EditorManager when necessary
protected PartPane createPane() {
return new EditorPane(this,, this.manager.editorPresentation.getActiveWorkbook());
* This method is called when there should be a change in the editor pin
* status (added or removed) so that it will ask its presentable part
* to fire a PROP_TITLE event in order for the presentation to request
* the new icon for this editor
public void pinStatusUpdated() {
public String getFactoryId() {
IEditorPart editor = getEditor(false);
if (editor != null) {
IPersistableElement persistable = editor.getEditorInput()
if (persistable != null) {
return persistable.getFactoryId();
return null;
return factoryId;
protected String computePartName() {
if (part instanceof IWorkbenchPart2) {
return super.computePartName();
} else {
return getRawTitle();
public String getName() {
if (part != null) {
return getEditor(false).getEditorInput().getName();
return name;
public IEditorPart getEditor(boolean restore) {
return (IEditorPart)getPart(restore);
protected void releaseReferences() {
editorMemento = null;
editorState = null;
name = null;
factoryId = null;
restoredInput = null;
void setName(String name) { = name;
public IMemento getMemento() {
return editorMemento;
public IWorkbenchPage getPage() {
protected void doDisposePart() {
if (multiEditorChildren!=null) {
for (int i=0; i<multiEditorChildren.length; ++i) {
EditorReference ref = (EditorReference)multiEditorChildren[i];
if (ref!=null) {
multiEditorChildren = null;
if (part != null) {
EditorSite site = (EditorSite) ((IEditorPart)part).getEditorSite();
manager.disposeEditorActionBars((EditorActionBars) site.getActionBars());
editorMemento = null;
editorState = null;
restoredInput = new NullEditorInput();
public IEditorInput getEditorInput() throws PartInitException {
if (isDisposed()) {
if (!(restoredInput instanceof NullEditorInput)) {
restoredInput = new NullEditorInput();
return restoredInput;
IEditorPart part = getEditor(false);
if (part != null) {
return part.getEditorInput();
return getRestoredInput();
private IEditorInput getRestoredInput() throws PartInitException {
if (restoredInput != null) {
return restoredInput;
// Get the input factory.
IMemento editorMem = getMemento();
if (editorMem == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_no_persisted_state, getId(), getName()));
IMemento inputMem = editorMem
String factoryID = null;
if (inputMem != null) {
factoryID = inputMem
if (factoryID == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_no_input_factory_ID, getId(), getName()));
IAdaptable input = null;
String label = null; // debugging only
if (UIStats.isDebugging(UIStats.CREATE_PART_INPUT)) {
label = getName() != null ? getName() : factoryID;
try {
UIStats.start(UIStats.CREATE_PART_INPUT, label);
IElementFactory factory = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
if (factory == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_bad_element_factory, new Object[] { factoryID, getId(), getName() }));
// Get the input element.
input = factory.createElement(inputMem);
if (input == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_create_element_returned_null, new Object[] { factoryID, getId(), getName() }));
} finally {
UIStats.end(UIStats.CREATE_PART_INPUT, input, label);
if (!(input instanceof IEditorInput)) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_wrong_createElement_result, new Object[] { factoryID, getId(), getName() }));
restoredInput = (IEditorInput) input;
return restoredInput;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartReference#getTitleImage()
* This method will append a pin to the icon of the editor
* if the "automatically close editors" option in the
* preferences is enabled and the editor has been pinned.
public ImageDescriptor computeImageDescriptor() {
ImageDescriptor descriptor = super.computeImageDescriptor();
if (!isPinned()) {
return descriptor;
// Check if the pinned preference is set
IPreferenceStore prefStore = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()
boolean bUsePin = prefStore
|| ((TabBehaviour)Tweaklets.get(TabBehaviour.KEY)).alwaysShowPinAction();
if (!bUsePin) {
return descriptor;
ImageDescriptor pinDesc = this.manager.getEditorPinImageDesc();
if (pinDesc == null) {
return descriptor;
return new OverlayIcon(descriptor, pinDesc, new Point(16, 16));
* Wrapper for restoring the editor. First, this delegates to busyRestoreEditorHelper
* to do the real work of restoring the view. If unable to restore the editor, this
* method tries to substitute an error part and return success.
* @param ref_
* @param manager TODO
* @return
protected IWorkbenchPart createPart() {
if (EditorRegistry.EMPTY_EDITOR_ID.equals(getId())) {
return getEmptyEditor(getDescriptor());
PartInitException exception = null;
IWorkbenchPart result = null;
// Try to restore the editor -- this does the real work of restoring the editor
try {
result = createPartHelper();
} catch (PartInitException e) {
exception = e;
// If unable to create the part, create an error part instead
// and pass the error to the status handling facility
if (exception != null) {
IStatus originalStatus = exception.getStatus();
IStatus logStatus = StatusUtil.newStatus(originalStatus,
NLS.bind("Unable to create editor ID {0}: {1}", //$NON-NLS-1$
getId(), originalStatus.getMessage()));
IStatus displayStatus = StatusUtil.newStatus(originalStatus,
// Pass the error to the status handling facility
ErrorEditorPart part = new ErrorEditorPart(displayStatus);
IEditorInput input;
try {
input = getEditorInput();
} catch (PartInitException e1) {
input = new NullEditorInput();
EditorPane pane = (EditorPane)getPane();
EditorDescriptor descr = getDescriptor();
EditorSite site = new EditorSite(this, part,, descr);
site.setActionBars(new EditorActionBars(, site.getWorkbenchWindow(), getId()));
part.init(site, input);
Composite parent = (Composite)pane.getControl();
Composite content = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
content.setLayout(new FillLayout());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
StatusUtil.handleStatus(e, StatusManager.SHOW
| StatusManager.LOG);
return null;
result = part;
return result;
protected void partPropertyChanged(Object source, int propId) {
// Detect badly behaved editors that don't fire PROP_INPUT events
// when they're supposed to. This branch is only needed to handle
// malfunctioning editors.
if (propId == IWorkbenchPartConstants.PROP_INPUT) {
expectingInputChange = false;
super.partPropertyChanged(source, propId);
* Attempts to set the input of the editor to the given input. Note that the input
* can't always be changed for an editor. Editors that don't implement IReusableEditor
* can't have their input changed once they've been materialized.
* @since 3.1
* @param input new input
* @return true iff the input was actually changed
public boolean setInput(IEditorInput input) {
if (part != null) {
if (part instanceof IReusableEditor) {
IReusableEditor editor = (IReusableEditor) part;
expectingInputChange = true;
// If the editor never fired a PROP_INPUT event, log the fact that we've discovered
// a buggy editor and fire the event for free. Firing the event for free isn't required
// and cannot be relied on (it only works if the input change was triggered by this
// method, and there are definitely other cases where events will still be lost),
// but older versions of the workbench did this so we fire it here in the spirit
// of playing nice.
if (expectingInputChange) {
// Log the fact that this editor is broken
reportMalfunction("Editor is not firing a PROP_INPUT event in response to IReusableEditor.setInput(...)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Fire the property for free (can't be relied on since there are other ways the input
// can change, but we do it here to be consistent with older versions of the workbench)
return editor.getEditorInput() == input;
} else {
// Can't change the input if the editor already exists and isn't an IReusableEditor
return false;
} else {
// Changing the input is trivial and always succeeds if the editor doesn't exist yet
if (input != restoredInput) {
restoredInput = input;
return true;
* Reports a recoverable malfunction in the system log. A recoverable malfunction would be
* something like failure to fire an expected property change. Only the first malfunction is
* recorded to avoid spamming the system log with repeated failures in the same editor.
* @since 3.1
* @param string
private void reportMalfunction(String string) {
if (!reportedMalfunctioningEditor) {
reportedMalfunctioningEditor = true;
String errorMessage = "Problem detected with part " + getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (part != null) {
errorMessage += " (class = " + part.getClass().getName() + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
errorMessage += ": " + string; //$NON-NLS-1$
errorMessage, null));
private IEditorPart createPartHelper() throws PartInitException {
// Things that will need to be disposed if an exception occurs (listed
// in the order they
// need to be disposed, and set to null if they haven't been created yet)
Composite content = null;
IEditorPart part = null;
EditorActionBars actionBars = null;
EditorSite site = null;
try {
IEditorInput editorInput = getEditorInput();
// Get the editor descriptor.
String editorID = getId();
EditorDescriptor desc = getDescriptor();
if (desc == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_missing_editor_descriptor, editorID));
if (desc.isInternal()) {
// Create an editor instance.
try {
UIStats.start(UIStats.CREATE_PART, editorID);
part = manager.createPart(desc);
if (part != null && part instanceof MultiEditor) {
multiEditorChildren = manager.openMultiEditor(this,
(MultiEditor) part, (MultiEditorInput) editorInput);
if (part instanceof IWorkbenchPart3) {
} finally {
UIStats.end(UIStats.CREATE_PART, this, editorID);
} else if (desc.getId().equals(
part = ComponentSupport.getSystemInPlaceEditor();
if (part == null) {
throw new PartInitException(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_no_in_place_support);
} else {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_invalid_editor_descriptor, editorID));
// Create a pane for this part
PartPane pane = getPane();
// Create controls
int style = SWT.NONE;
if(part instanceof IWorkbenchPartOrientation){
style = ((IWorkbenchPartOrientation) part).getOrientation();
// Link everything up to the part reference (the part reference itself should not have
// been modified until this point)
site = manager.createSite(this, part, desc, editorInput);
// if there is saved state that's appropriate, pass it on
if (part instanceof IPersistableEditor && editorState != null) {
((IPersistableEditor) part).restoreState(editorState);
// Remember the site and the action bars (now that we've created them, we'll need to dispose
// them if an exception occurs)
actionBars = (EditorActionBars) site.getActionBars();
Composite parent = (Composite)pane.getControl();
content = new Composite(parent, style);
content.setLayout(new FillLayout());
try {
UIStats.start(UIStats.CREATE_PART_CONTROL, editorID);
} finally {
UIStats.end(UIStats.CREATE_PART_CONTROL, part, editorID);
// The editor should now be fully created. Exercise its public interface, and sanity-check
// it wherever possible. If it's going to throw exceptions or behave badly, it's much better
// that it does so now while we can still cancel creation of the part.
return part;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Dispose anything which we allocated in the try block
if (content != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
if (part != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
if (actionBars != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
if (site != null) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw new PartInitException(StatusUtil.getLocalizedMessage(e), StatusUtil.getCause(e));
* A quick way of finding out if this reference points to a MultiEditor.
* It depends on the fact that a MultiEditor does not lazily
* instantiate it's child editors.
* @return true if it has inner editor reference or the input is
* MultiEditorInput.
public boolean isMultiReference() {
return multiEditorChildren!=null || restoredInput instanceof MultiEditorInput;
* @param b
* @return
public IEditorPart getEmptyEditor(EditorDescriptor descr) {
ErrorEditorPart part = new ErrorEditorPart();
IEditorInput input;
try {
input = getEditorInput();
} catch (PartInitException e1) {
input = new NullEditorInput();
EditorPane pane = (EditorPane)getPane();
EditorSite site = new EditorSite(this, part,, descr);
site.setActionBars(new EditorActionBars(, site.getWorkbenchWindow(), getId()));
part.init(site, input);
Composite parent = (Composite)pane.getControl();
Composite content = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
content.setLayout(new FillLayout());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
StatusUtil.newStatus(WorkbenchPlugin.PI_WORKBENCH, e));
return null;
this.part = part;
// Add a dispose listener to the part. This dispose listener does nothing but log an exception
// if the part's widgets get disposed unexpectedly. The workbench part reference is the only
// object that should dispose this control, and it will remove the listener before it does so.
part.setPartName("(Empty)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (((WorkbenchPage)getPage()).getActiveEditorReference()!=this) {
return part;