blob: c9a90179b9f98d2373a692965e9788208cf103f6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
* An <code>IContentAssistant</code> provides support on interactive content completion.
* The content assistant is a <code>ITextViewer</code> add-on. Its
* purpose is to propose, display, and insert completions of the content
* of the text viewer's document at the viewer's cursor position. In addition
* to handle completions, a content assistant can also be requested to provide
* context information. Context information is shown in a tooltip like popup.
* As it is not always possible to determine the exact context at a given
* document offset, a content assistant displays the possible contexts and requests
* the user to choose the one whose information should be displayed.<p>
* A content assistant has a list of <code>IContentAssistProcessor</code>
* objects each of which is registered for a particular document content
* type. The content assistant uses the processors to react on the request
* of completing documents or presenting context information.<p>
* The interface can be implemented by clients. By default, clients use
* <code>ContentAssistant</code> as the standard implementer of this interface.
* @see ITextViewer
* @see IContentAssistProcessor
public interface IContentAssistant {
//------ proposal popup orientation styles ------------
/** The context info list will overlay the list of completion proposals. */
public final static int PROPOSAL_OVERLAY= 10;
/** The completion proposal list will be removed before the context info list will be shown. */
public final static int PROPOSAL_REMOVE= 11;
/** The context info list will be presented without hiding or overlapping the completion proposal list. */
public final static int PROPOSAL_STACKED= 12;
//------ context info box orientation styles ----------
/** Context info will be shown above the location it has been requested for without hiding the location. */
public final static int CONTEXT_INFO_ABOVE= 20;
/** Context info will be shown below the location it has been requested for without hiding the location. */
public final static int CONTEXT_INFO_BELOW= 21;
* Returns the content assist processor to be used for the given content type.
* @param contentType the type of the content for which this
* content assistant is to be requested
* @return an instance content assist processor or
* <code>null</code> if none exists for the specified content type
IContentAssistProcessor getContentAssistProcessor(String contentType);
* Installs content assist support on the given text viewer.
* @param textViewer the text viewer on which content assist will work
void install(ITextViewer textViewer);
* Shows context information for the content at the viewer's cursor position.
* @return an optional error message if no context information can be computed
String showContextInformation();
* Shows all possible completions of the content at the viewer's cursor position.
* @return an optional error message if no proposals can be computed
String showPossibleCompletions();
* Uninstalls content assist support from the text viewer it has
* previously be installed on.
void uninstall();