blob: 81bb0101a4a47927ee989d8f21996b0ff5e24278 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Christian Janz - <> Fix for Bug 385592
* Marc-Andre Laperle (Ericsson) - Fix for Bug 413590
* Lars Vogel <> - Bug 431340, 431348, 426535, 433234, 431868, 472654
* Cornel Izbasa <> - Bug 442214
* Andrey Loskutov <> - Bug 411639, 372799, 466230
* Dirk Fauth <> - Bug 473063
* Stefan Prieschl <> - Bug 374132
* Paul Pazderski <> - Bug 549361
* Christoph Läubrich - Bug 538151
package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Adapters;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.dynamichelpers.IExtensionTracker;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.annotations.Optional;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.di.UIEventTopic;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.ModelServiceImpl;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.PartServiceImpl;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.MApplication;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.MPartDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.MElementContainer;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.MGenericStack;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.MUIElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.MArea;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.MPerspective;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.MPerspectiveStack;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.MPlaceholder;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPart;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPartSashContainer;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPartSashContainerElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPartStack;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MStackElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MTrimElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MTrimmedWindow;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MWindow;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MWindowElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.IPresentationEngine;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.EventTags;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.EModelService;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.EPartService;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.EPartService.PartState;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogSettings;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangeProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.internal.provisional.action.ICoolBarManager2;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.IActionBars;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorLauncher;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorMatchingStrategy;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento;
import org.eclipse.ui.INavigationHistory;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPartListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPartListener2;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPathEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPersistableEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPersistableElement;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveFactory;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.IReusableEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablePart;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablePart2;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesLifecycleListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesSource;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService;
import org.eclipse.ui.IShowEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISources;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSet;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetManager;
import org.eclipse.ui.MultiPartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.Saveable;
import org.eclipse.ui.WorkbenchException;
import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
import org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService;
import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.EditorSelectionDialog;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.cpd.CustomizePerspectiveDialog;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.CompatibilityEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.CompatibilityPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.CompatibilityView;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.ModeledPageLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.SelectionService;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.menus.MenuHelper;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.ExternalEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.StatusUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.UIListenerLogging;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.progress.ProgressManagerUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ActionSetRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.EditorDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.IActionSetDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.IWorkbenchRegistryConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.PerspectiveDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.PerspectiveRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.UIExtensionTracker;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ViewDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.tweaklets.TabBehaviour;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.tweaklets.Tweaklets;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.util.PrefUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.model.IWorkbenchAdapter;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.IShowInSource;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.ShowInContext;
import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager;
import org.eclipse.ui.views.IStickyViewDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.views.IViewDescriptor;
import org.osgi.service.event.Event;
import org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler;
* A collection of views and editors in a workbench.
public class WorkbenchPage implements IWorkbenchPage {
private static final String ATT_AGGREGATE_WORKING_SET_ID = "aggregateWorkingSetId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final int WINDOW_SCOPE = EModelService.OUTSIDE_PERSPECTIVE | EModelService.IN_ANY_PERSPECTIVE
| EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA;
class E4PartListener implements org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.IPartListener {
public void partActivated(MPart part) {
// update the workbench window's current selection with the active
// part's selection
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWorkbenchPart(part);
public void partBroughtToTop(MPart part) {
public void partDeactivated(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
IWorkbenchPartSite site = workbenchPart.getSite();
// if it's an editor, we only want to disable the actions
((PartSite) site).deactivateActionBars(site instanceof ViewSite);
WorkbenchWindow wwindow = (WorkbenchWindow) getWorkbenchWindow();
if (!wwindow.isClosing()) {
public void partHidden(MPart part) {
public void partVisible(MPart part) {
ArrayList<MPart> activationList = new ArrayList<>();
* Cached perspective stack for this workbench page.
private MPerspectiveStack _perspectiveStack;
/** Ids of parts used as Show In targets, maintained in MRU order */
private List<String> mruShowInPartIds = new ArrayList<>();
* Deactivate the last editor's action bars if another type of editor has // *
* been activated.
* @param part the part that is being activated
private void deactivateLastEditor(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
// we only care if the currently activated part is an editor
if (client instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
IWorkbenchPart activePart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityEditor) client);
if (activePart == null) {
String activeId = activePart.getSite().getId();
// find another editor that was last activated
for (MPart previouslyActive : activationList) {
if (previouslyActive != part) {
Object object = previouslyActive.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityEditor) object);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
EditorSite site = (EditorSite) workbenchPart.getSite();
String lastId = site.getId();
// if not the same, hide the other editor's action bars
if (lastId != null && !lastId.equals(activeId)) {
private void updateActivations(MPart part) {
if (activationList.size() > 1) {
activationList.add(0, part);
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart != null) {
PartSite site = (PartSite) workbenchPart.getSite();
IActionBars actionBars = site.getActionBars();
if (actionBars instanceof EditorActionBars) {
((EditorActionBars) actionBars).partChanged(workbenchPart);
((WorkbenchWindow) getWorkbenchWindow()).getStatusLineManager().update(false);
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWorkbenchPart(part);
private void updateActivePartSources(MPart part) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWorkbenchPart(part);
IContextService cs = legacyWindow.getService(IContextService.class);
try {
if (workbenchPart == null) {
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_PART_NAME, null);
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_PART_ID_NAME, null);
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_SITE_NAME, null);
} else {
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_PART_NAME, workbenchPart);
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_PART_ID_NAME, workbenchPart.getSite().getId());
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_SITE_NAME, workbenchPart.getSite());
} finally {
private void updateActionSets(Perspective oldPersp, Perspective newPersp) {
// Update action sets
IContextService service = legacyWindow.getService(IContextService.class);
try {
if (newPersp != null) {
for (IActionSetDescriptor descriptor : newPersp.getAlwaysOnActionSets()) {
for (IActionSetDescriptor descriptor : newPersp.getAlwaysOffActionSets()) {
if (oldPersp != null) {
for (IActionSetDescriptor descriptor : oldPersp.getAlwaysOnActionSets()) {
for (IActionSetDescriptor descriptor : oldPersp.getAlwaysOffActionSets()) {
} finally {
private IWorkbenchPart getWorkbenchPart(MPart part) {
if (part != null) {
Object clientObject = part.getObject();
if (clientObject instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
return ((CompatibilityPart) clientObject).getPart();
} else if (clientObject != null) {
if (part.getTransientData().get(E4PartWrapper.E4_WRAPPER_KEY) instanceof E4PartWrapper) {
return (IWorkbenchPart) part.getTransientData().get(E4PartWrapper.E4_WRAPPER_KEY);
ViewReference viewReference = getViewReference(part);
if (viewReference != null) {
E4PartWrapper legacyPart = E4PartWrapper.getE4PartWrapper(part);
try {
} catch (PartInitException e) {
part.getTransientData().put(E4PartWrapper.E4_WRAPPER_KEY, legacyPart);
return legacyPart;
return null;
private void updateActiveEditorSources(MPart part) {
IEditorPart editor = getEditor(part);
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_EDITOR_ID_NAME, editor == null ? null : editor.getSite().getId());
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_EDITOR_NAME, editor);
window.getContext().set(ISources.ACTIVE_EDITOR_INPUT_NAME, editor == null ? null : editor.getEditorInput());
if (editor != null) {
public void updateShowInSources(MPart part) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWorkbenchPart(part);
ShowInContext context = getContext(workbenchPart);
if (context != null) {
window.getContext().set(ISources.SHOW_IN_INPUT, context.getInput());
window.getContext().set(ISources.SHOW_IN_SELECTION, context.getSelection());
private IShowInSource getShowInSource(IWorkbenchPart sourcePart) {
return Adapters.adapt(sourcePart, IShowInSource.class);
private ShowInContext getContext(IWorkbenchPart sourcePart) {
IShowInSource source = getShowInSource(sourcePart);
if (source != null) {
ShowInContext context = source.getShowInContext();
if (context != null) {
return context;
} else if (sourcePart instanceof IEditorPart) {
Object input = ((IEditorPart) sourcePart).getEditorInput();
ISelectionProvider sp = sourcePart.getSite().getSelectionProvider();
ISelection sel = sp == null ? null : sp.getSelection();
return new ShowInContext(input, sel);
return null;
private IEditorPart getEditor(MPart part) {
if (part != null) {
Object clientObject = part.getObject();
if (clientObject instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
return ((CompatibilityEditor) clientObject).getEditor();
return getActiveEditor();
private void updateBroughtToTop(MPart part) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWorkbenchPart(part);
if (workbenchPart instanceof IEditorPart) {
navigationHistory.markEditor((IEditorPart) workbenchPart);
MElementContainer<?> parent = part.getParent();
if (parent == null) {
MPlaceholder placeholder = part.getCurSharedRef();
if (placeholder == null) {
parent = placeholder.getParent();
if (parent instanceof MPartStack) {
int newIndex = lastIndexOfContainer(parent);
// New index can be -1 if there is no last index
if (newIndex >= 0 && part == activationList.get(newIndex)) {
if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < activationList.size() - 1) {
activationList.add(newIndex, part);
} else {
private int lastIndexOfContainer(MElementContainer<?> parent) {
for (int i = 0; i < activationList.size(); i++) {
MPart mPart = activationList.get(i);
MElementContainer<MUIElement> container = mPart.getParent();
if (container == parent) {
return i;
} else if (container == null) {
MPlaceholder placeholder = mPart.getCurSharedRef();
if (placeholder != null && placeholder.getParent() == parent) {
return i;
return -1;
private List<ViewReference> viewReferences = new ArrayList<>();
private List<EditorReference> editorReferences = new ArrayList<>();
private List<IPerspectiveDescriptor> sortedPerspectives = new ArrayList<>();
private ListenerList<IPartListener> partListenerList = new ListenerList<>();
private ListenerList<IPartListener2> partListener2List = new ListenerList<>();
* A listener that forwards page change events to our part listeners.
private IPageChangedListener pageChangedListener = event -> {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) {
if (listener instanceof IPageChangedListener) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
((IPageChangedListener) listener).pageChanged(event);
private E4PartListener e4PartListener = new E4PartListener();
protected WorkbenchWindow legacyWindow;
private IAdaptable input;
private IWorkingSet workingSet;
private AggregateWorkingSet aggregateWorkingSet;
private Composite composite;
private ListenerList<IPropertyChangeListener> propertyChangeListeners = new ListenerList<>();
private IActionBars actionBars;
private ActionSetManager actionSets;
private NavigationHistory navigationHistory = new NavigationHistory(this);
* If we're in the process of activating a part, this points to the new part.
* Otherwise, this is null.
private IWorkbenchPartReference partBeingActivated = null;
private IWorkingSet[] workingSets = new IWorkingSet[0];
private IPropertyChangeListener workingSetPropertyChangeListener = event -> {
String property = event.getProperty();
if (IWorkingSetManager.CHANGE_WORKING_SET_REMOVE.equals(property)) {
if (event.getOldValue().equals(workingSet)) {
// room for optimization here
List<IWorkingSet> newList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(workingSets));
if (newList.remove(event.getOldValue())) {
setWorkingSets(newList.toArray(new IWorkingSet[newList.size()]));
private ActionSwitcher actionSwitcher = new ActionSwitcher();
private IExtensionTracker tracker;
// Deferral count... delays disposing parts and sending certain events if
// nonzero
private int deferCount = 0;
private String aggregateWorkingSetId;
// determines if a prompt is shown when opening large files
private long maxFileSize = 0;
private boolean checkDocumentSize;
* Manages editor contributions and action set part associations.
private class ActionSwitcher {
private IWorkbenchPart activePart;
private IEditorPart topEditor;
private List<IActionSetDescriptor> oldActionSets = new ArrayList<>();
* Updates the contributions given the new part as the active part.
* @param newPart the new active part, may be <code>null</code>
public void updateActivePart(IWorkbenchPart newPart) {
if (activePart == newPart) {
boolean isNewPartAnEditor = newPart instanceof IEditorPart;
if (isNewPartAnEditor) {
String oldId = null;
if (topEditor != null) {
oldId = topEditor.getSite().getId();
String newId = newPart.getSite().getId();
// if the active part is an editor and the new editor
// is the same kind of editor, then we don't have to do
// anything
if (activePart == topEditor && newId.equals(oldId)) {
activePart = newPart;
topEditor = (IEditorPart) newPart;
// remove the contributions of the old editor
// if it is a different kind of editor
if (oldId != null && !oldId.equals(newId)) {
deactivateContributions(topEditor, true);
// if a view was the active part, disable its contributions
if (activePart != null && activePart != topEditor) {
deactivateContributions(activePart, true);
// show (and enable) the contributions of the new editor
// if it is a different kind of editor or if the
// old active part was a view
if (!newId.equals(oldId) || activePart != topEditor) {
activateContributions(newPart, true);
} else if (newPart == null) {
if (activePart != null) {
// remove all contributions
deactivateContributions(activePart, true);
} else {
// new part is a view
// if old active part is a view, remove all contributions,
// but if old part is an editor only disable
if (activePart != null) {
deactivateContributions(activePart, activePart instanceof IViewPart);
activateContributions(newPart, true);
List<IActionSetDescriptor> newActionSets = null;
if (isNewPartAnEditor || (activePart == topEditor && newPart == null)) {
newActionSets = calculateActionSets(newPart, null);
} else {
newActionSets = calculateActionSets(newPart, topEditor);
if (!updateActionSets(newActionSets)) {
if (isNewPartAnEditor) {
topEditor = (IEditorPart) newPart;
} else if (activePart == topEditor && newPart == null) {
// since we removed all the contributions, we clear the top
// editor
topEditor = null;
activePart = newPart;
* Updates the contributions given the new part as the topEditor.
* @param newEditor the new top editor, may be <code>null</code>
public void updateTopEditor(IEditorPart newEditor) {
if (topEditor == newEditor) {
if (activePart == topEditor) {
String oldId = null;
if (topEditor != null) {
oldId = topEditor.getSite().getId();
String newId = null;
if (newEditor != null) {
newId = newEditor.getSite().getId();
if (oldId == null ? newId == null : oldId.equals(newId)) {
// we don't have to change anything
topEditor = newEditor;
// Remove the contributions of the old editor
if (topEditor != null) {
deactivateContributions(topEditor, true);
// Show (disabled) the contributions of the new editor
if (newEditor != null) {
activateContributions(newEditor, false);
List<IActionSetDescriptor> newActionSets = calculateActionSets(activePart, newEditor);
if (!updateActionSets(newActionSets)) {
topEditor = newEditor;
* Activates the contributions of the given part. If <code>enable</code> is
* <code>true</code> the contributions are visible and enabled, otherwise they
* are disabled.
* @param part the part whose contributions are to be activated
* @param enable <code>true</code> the contributions are to be enabled, not just
* visible.
private void activateContributions(IWorkbenchPart part, boolean enable) {
PartSite site = (PartSite) part.getSite();
* Deactivates the contributions of the given part. If <code>remove</code> is
* <code>true</code> the contributions are removed, otherwise they are disabled.
* @param part the part whose contributions are to be deactivated
* @param remove <code>true</code> the contributions are to be removed, not just
* disabled.
private void deactivateContributions(IWorkbenchPart part, boolean remove) {
PartSite site = (PartSite) part.getSite();
if (site != null) {
* Calculates the action sets to show for the given part and editor
* @param part the active part, may be <code>null</code>
* @param editor the current editor, may be <code>null</code>, may be the active
* part
* @return the new action sets
private List<IActionSetDescriptor> calculateActionSets(IWorkbenchPart part, IEditorPart editor) {
List<IActionSetDescriptor> newActionSets = new ArrayList<>();
if (part != null) {
IActionSetDescriptor[] partActionSets = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry()
if (editor != null && editor != part) {
IActionSetDescriptor[] editorActionSets = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry()
return newActionSets;
* Updates the actions we are showing for the active part and current editor.
* @param newActionSets the action sets to show
* @return <code>true</code> if the action sets changed
private boolean updateActionSets(List<IActionSetDescriptor> newActionSets) {
if (oldActionSets.equals(newActionSets)) {
return false;
IContextService service = legacyWindow.getService(IContextService.class);
try {
// show the new
for (IActionSetDescriptor newActionSet : newActionSets) {
// hide the old
for (IActionSetDescriptor oldActionSet : oldActionSets) {
oldActionSets = newActionSets;
} finally {
Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
if (persp == null) {
return false;
legacyWindow.updateActionSets(); // this calls updateActionBars
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(WorkbenchPage.this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_ACTION_SET_SHOW);
return true;
private EPartService partService;
private SelectionService selectionService;
private MApplication application;
private MWindow window;
private EModelService modelService;
private IEventBroker broker;
* An event handler that listens for an MArea's widget being set so that we can
* install DND support into its control.
private EventHandler widgetHandler = event -> {
Object element = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
Object newValue = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE);
if (element instanceof MArea) {
// If it's an MArea in this window install the DND handling
if (modelService.findElements(window, null, MArea.class).contains(element)) {
if (newValue instanceof Control) {
installAreaDropSupport((Control) newValue);
} else if (element instanceof MPart && newValue == null) {
// If it's a 'e4' part then remove the reference for it
MPart changedPart = (MPart) element;
Object impl = changedPart.getObject();
if (impl != null && !(impl instanceof CompatibilityPart)) {
EditorReference eRef = getEditorReference(changedPart);
if (eRef != null)
ViewReference vRef = getViewReference(changedPart);
if (vRef != null)
private void handleMinimizedStacks(@UIEventTopic(UIEvents.ApplicationElement.TOPIC_TAGS) Event event) {
Object changedObj = event.getProperty(EventTags.ELEMENT);
if (!(changedObj instanceof MToolControl))
final MToolControl minimizedStack = (MToolControl) changedObj;
// Note: The non-API type TrimStack is not imported to avoid
if (!(minimizedStack.getObject() instanceof org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.minmax.TrimStack))
org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.minmax.TrimStack ts = (org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.minmax.TrimStack) minimizedStack
if (!(ts.getMinimizedElement() instanceof MPartStack))
MPartStack stack = (MPartStack) ts.getMinimizedElement();
MUIElement stackSel = stack.getSelectedElement();
MPart thePart = null;
if (stackSel instanceof MPart) {
thePart = (MPart) stackSel;
} else if (stackSel instanceof MPlaceholder) {
MPlaceholder ph = (MPlaceholder) stackSel;
if (ph.getRef() instanceof MPart) {
thePart = (MPart) ph.getRef();
if (thePart == null)
if (UIEvents.isADD(event)) {
if (UIEvents.contains(event, UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE,
org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.minmax.TrimStack.MINIMIZED_AND_SHOWING)) {
} else if (UIEvents.isREMOVE(event)) {
if (UIEvents.contains(event, UIEvents.EventTags.OLD_VALUE,
org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.minmax.TrimStack.MINIMIZED_AND_SHOWING)) {
* Boolean field to determine whether DND support has been added to the shared
* area yet.
* @see #installAreaDropSupport(Control)
private boolean dndSupportInstalled = false;
* Constructs a page. <code>restoreState(IMemento)</code> should be called to
* restore this page from data stored in a persistance file.
* @param w the parent window
* @param input the page input
* @throws WorkbenchException
public WorkbenchPage(WorkbenchWindow w, IAdaptable input) throws WorkbenchException {
init(w, null, input, false);
* Allow access to the UI model that this page is managing
* @return the MWindow element for this page
public MWindow getWindowModel() {
return window;
* Activates a part. The part will be brought to the front and given focus.
* @param part the part to activate
public void activate(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part == null || !certifyPart(part) || legacyWindow.isClosing()) {
MPart mpart = findPart(part);
if (mpart != null) {
* Adds an IPartListener to the part service.
public void addPartListener(IPartListener l) {
* Adds an IPartListener to the part service.
public void addPartListener(IPartListener2 l) {
* Implements IWorkbenchPage
* @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage#addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener)
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated individual views should store a working set if needed and
* register a property change listener directly with the working set
* manager to receive notification when the view working set is
* removed.
public void addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) {
public void addSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) {
public void addSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) {
selectionService.addSelectionListener(partId, listener);
public void addPostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) {
public void addPostSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) {
selectionService.addPostSelectionListener(partId, listener);
* Moves a part forward in the Z order of a perspective so it is visible. If the
* part is in the same stack as the active part, the new part is activated.
* @param part the part to bring to move forward
public void bringToTop(IWorkbenchPart part) {
// Sanity check.
MPart mpart = findPart(part);
if (mpart != null) {
public MPart findPart(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part == null) {
return null;
for (IViewReference reference : viewReferences) {
if (part == reference.getPart(false)) {
return ((WorkbenchPartReference) reference).getModel();
for (IEditorReference reference : editorReferences) {
if (part == reference.getPart(false)) {
return ((WorkbenchPartReference) reference).getModel();
return null;
public EditorReference createEditorReferenceForPart(final MPart part, IEditorInput input, String editorId,
IMemento memento) {
IEditorRegistry registry = legacyWindow.getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
EditorDescriptor descriptor = (EditorDescriptor) registry.findEditor(editorId);
final EditorReference ref = new EditorReference(window.getContext(), this, part, input, descriptor, memento);
return ref;
private List<EditorReference> getOrderedEditorReferences() {
List<EditorReference> editorRefs = new ArrayList<>();
List<MPart> visibleEditors = modelService.findElements(window, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID,
for (MPart editor : visibleEditors) {
if (editor.isToBeRendered()) {
EditorReference ref = getEditorReference(editor);
if (ref != null && !editorRefs.contains(ref)) {
return editorRefs;
List<EditorReference> getSortedEditorReferences() {
return getSortedEditorReferences(false);
private List<EditorReference> getSortedEditorReferences(boolean allPerspectives) {
List<EditorReference> sortedReferences = new ArrayList<>();
for (MPart part : activationList) {
for (EditorReference ref : editorReferences) {
if (ref.getModel() == part) {
for (EditorReference ref : editorReferences) {
if (!sortedReferences.contains(ref)) {
MPerspective currentPerspective = getCurrentPerspective();
if (currentPerspective != null) {
int scope = allPerspectives ? WINDOW_SCOPE : EModelService.PRESENTATION;
List<MPart> placeholders = modelService.findElements(window, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID,
MPart.class, null, scope);
List<EditorReference> visibleReferences = new ArrayList<>();
for (EditorReference reference : sortedReferences) {
for (MPart placeholder : placeholders) {
if (reference.getModel() == placeholder && placeholder.isToBeRendered()) {
// only rendered placeholders are valid references
return visibleReferences;
return sortedReferences;
public List<EditorReference> getInternalEditorReferences() {
return editorReferences;
public EditorReference getEditorReference(MPart part) {
for (EditorReference ref : editorReferences) {
if (ref.getModel() == part) {
return ref;
return null;
public ViewReference getViewReference(MPart part) {
for (ViewReference ref : viewReferences) {
if (ref.getModel() == part) {
return ref;
return null;
private boolean contains(ViewReference reference) {
for (ViewReference viewReference : viewReferences) {
if (reference.getModel().getElementId().equals(viewReference.getModel().getElementId())) {
return true;
return false;
public void addViewReference(ViewReference reference) {
if (!contains(reference)) {
public void addEditorReference(EditorReference editorReference) {
WorkbenchPage curPage = (WorkbenchPage) editorReference.getPage();
// Ensure that the page is up-to-date
if (curPage != this) {
// Avoid dups
if (!editorReferences.contains(editorReference)) {
MPartDescriptor findDescriptor(String id) {
return modelService.getPartDescriptor(id);
* Searches the workbench window for a part with the given view id and secondary
* id (if desired) given the specified search rules.
* @param viewId the id of the view
* @param secondaryId the secondary id of the view, or <code>null</code> if the
* view to search for should be one without a secondary id
* defined
* @param searchFlags the desired search locations
* @return the part with the specified view id and secondary id, or
* <code>null</code> if it could not be found in this page's parent
* workbench window
* @see EModelService#findElements(MUIElement, String, Class, List, int)
private MPart findPart(String viewId, int searchFlags) {
List<MPart> parts = modelService.findElements(getWindowModel(), viewId, MPart.class, null, searchFlags);
if (parts.size() > 0)
return parts.get(0);
return null;
PartState convert(int mode) {
switch (mode) {
return PartState.ACTIVATE;
return PartState.VISIBLE;
return PartState.CREATE;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_IllegalViewMode);
* Shows a view.
* Assumes that a busy cursor is active.
protected IViewPart busyShowView(String viewId, int mode) throws PartInitException {
switch (mode) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_IllegalViewMode);
MPart part = findPart(viewId, EModelService.ANYWHERE);
if (part == null) {
MPlaceholder ph = partService.createSharedPart(viewId, false);
if (ph == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.ViewFactory_couldNotCreate, viewId));
part = (MPart) ph.getRef();
part = showPart(mode, part);
ViewReference ref = getViewReference(part);
if (ref == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.ViewFactory_initException, viewId));
return (IViewPart) ref.getPart(true);
private MPart showPart(int mode, MPart part) {
switch (mode) {
partService.showPart(part, PartState.ACTIVATE);
if (part.getObject() instanceof CompatibilityView) {
CompatibilityView compatibilityView = (CompatibilityView) part.getObject();
MPart activePart = partService.getActivePart();
if (activePart == null) {
partService.showPart(part, PartState.ACTIVATE);
if (part.getObject() instanceof CompatibilityView) {
CompatibilityView compatibilityView = (CompatibilityView) part.getObject();
} else {
part = ((PartServiceImpl) partService).addPart(part);
MPlaceholder activePlaceholder = activePart.getCurSharedRef();
MUIElement activePartParent = activePlaceholder == null ? activePart.getParent()
: activePlaceholder.getParent();
partService.showPart(part, PartState.CREATE);
if (part.getCurSharedRef() == null || part.getCurSharedRef().getParent() != activePartParent) {
partService.showPart(part, PartState.CREATE);
// Report the visibility of the created part
MStackElement sElement = part;
if (part.getCurSharedRef() != null)
sElement = part.getCurSharedRef();
MUIElement parentElement = sElement.getParent();
if (parentElement instanceof MPartStack) {
MPartStack partStack = (MPartStack) parentElement;
if (partStack.getSelectedElement() == sElement
&& !partStack.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED)) {
} else {
} else {
firePartVisible(part); // Stand-alone part
return part;
* Returns whether a part exists in the current page.
private boolean certifyPart(IWorkbenchPart part) {
// Workaround for bug 22325
if (part != null && !(part.getSite() instanceof PartSite)) {
return false;
return true;
* Closes this page.
public boolean close() {
final boolean[] ret = new boolean[1];
BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, () -> ret[0] = close(true, true));
return ret[0];
public boolean closeAllSavedEditors() {
// get the Saved editors
IEditorReference editors[] = getEditorReferences();
IEditorReference savedEditors[] = new IEditorReference[editors.length];
int j = 0;
for (IEditorReference editor : editors) {
if (!editor.isDirty()) {
savedEditors[j++] = editor;
// there are no unsaved editors
if (j == 0) {
return true;
IEditorReference[] newSaved = new IEditorReference[j];
System.arraycopy(savedEditors, 0, newSaved, 0, j);
return closeEditors(newSaved, false);
* See IWorkbenchPage
public boolean closeAllEditors(boolean save) {
return closeEditors(getEditorReferences(), save);
* See IWorkbenchPage
public boolean closeEditors(IEditorReference[] refArray, boolean save) {
if (refArray.length == 0) {
return true;
// Check if we're being asked to close any parts that are already closed
// or cannot
// be closed at this time
ArrayList<IEditorReference> editorRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (IEditorReference reference : refArray) {
// If we're in the middle of creating this part, this is a
// programming error. Abort the entire
// close operation. This usually occurs if someone tries to open a
// dialog in a method that
// isn't allowed to do so, and a *syncExec tries to close the part.
// If this shows up in a log
// file with a dialog's event loop on the stack, then the code that
// opened the dialog is usually
// at fault.
if (reference == partBeingActivated) {
WorkbenchPlugin.log(new RuntimeException("WARNING: Blocked recursive attempt to close part " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ partBeingActivated.getId() + " while still in the middle of activating it")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (reference instanceof WorkbenchPartReference) {
WorkbenchPartReference ref = (WorkbenchPartReference) reference;
// If we're being asked to close a part that is disposed (ie:
// already closed),
// skip it and proceed with closing the remaining parts.
if (ref.isDisposed()) {
// if active navigation position belongs to an editor being closed,
// update it
// (The navigation position for an editor N was updated as an editor N +
// 1
// was activated. As a result, all but the last editor have up-to-date
// navigation positions.)
for (IEditorReference ref : editorRefs) {
IEditorPart oldPart = ref.getEditor(false);
if (oldPart == null)
if (navigationHistory.updateActive(oldPart))
break; // updated - skip the rest
// notify the model manager before the close
List<IWorkbenchPart> partsToClose = new ArrayList<>();
for (IEditorReference ref : editorRefs) {
IEditorPart refPart = ref.getEditor(false);
if (refPart != null) {
boolean confirm = true;
SaveablesList modelManager = null;
Object postCloseInfo = null;
if (partsToClose.size() > 0) {
modelManager = (SaveablesList) getWorkbenchWindow().getService(ISaveablesLifecycleListener.class);
// this may prompt for saving and return null if the user canceled:
postCloseInfo = modelManager.preCloseParts(partsToClose, save, getWorkbenchWindow());
if (postCloseInfo == null) {
return false;
confirm = false;
// Fire pre-removal changes
for (IEditorReference ref : editorRefs) {
// Notify interested listeners before the close
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), ref, CHANGE_EDITOR_CLOSE);
try {
if (modelManager != null) {
// Close all editors.
for (Iterator<IEditorReference> it = editorRefs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IEditorReference ref =;
// hide editors that haven't been instantiated first
if (ref.getPart(false) == null) {
if (!(hidePart(((EditorReference) ref).getModel(), false, confirm, false, false))) {
return false;
// hidden successfully, remove it from the list
MPart activePart = findPart(getActiveEditor());
boolean closeActivePart = false;
// now hide all instantiated editors
for (IEditorReference editorRef : editorRefs) {
MPart model = ((EditorReference) editorRef).getModel();
if (activePart == model) {
closeActivePart = true;
} else if (!(hidePart(model, false, confirm, false, false))) {
// saving should've been handled earlier above
return false;
// close the active part last to minimize activation churn
if (closeActivePart) {
if (!(hidePart(activePart, false, confirm, false))) {
return false;
} finally {
// Notify interested listeners after the close
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_EDITOR_CLOSE);
// Return true on success.
return true;
public boolean closeEditor(IEditorReference editor) {
if (getInternalEditorReferences().contains(editor)) {
MPart part = ((EditorReference) editor).getModel();
hidePart(part, false, false, false, false);
MElementContainer<MUIElement> parent = part.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hidePart(MPart part, boolean save, boolean confirm, boolean force) {
return hidePart(part, save, confirm, force, true);
private boolean hidePart(MPart part, boolean save, boolean confirm, boolean force, boolean local) {
if (!partService.getParts().contains(part)) {
if (local) {
return false;
return true;
Object clientObject = part.getObject();
if (!(clientObject instanceof CompatibilityPart)) {
// either not a 3.x part or it's an e4 part, should still hide it
if (save) {
// save as necessary
if (partService.savePart(part, confirm)) {
partService.hidePart(part, force);
return true;
return false;
partService.hidePart(part, force);
return true;
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) clientObject);
if (save && workbenchPart != null) {
ISaveablePart saveablePart = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(workbenchPart);
if (saveablePart != null) {
if (saveablePart.isSaveOnCloseNeeded()) {
if (!saveSaveable(saveablePart, workbenchPart, confirm, true)) {
return false;
for (IViewReference viewRef : viewReferences) {
if (workbenchPart == viewRef.getPart(false)) {
partService.hidePart(part, force);
return true;
for (IEditorReference viewRef : editorReferences) {
if (workbenchPart == viewRef.getPart(false)) {
partService.hidePart(part, force);
return true;
return false;
* Enables or disables listener notifications. This is used to delay listener
* notifications until the end of a public method.
* @param shouldDefer
private void deferUpdates(boolean shouldDefer) {
if (shouldDefer) {
if (deferCount == 0) {
} else {
if (deferCount == 0) {
private void startDeferring() {
// TODO compat: do we defer events
private void handleDeferredEvents() {
// TODO compat: do we handler defered events
public boolean closeEditor(IEditorReference editorRef, boolean save) {
return closeEditors(new IEditorReference[] { editorRef }, save);
* See IWorkbenchPage#closeEditor
public boolean closeEditor(IEditorPart editor, boolean save) {
IWorkbenchPartReference ref = getReference(editor);
if (ref instanceof IEditorReference) {
return closeEditors(new IEditorReference[] { (IEditorReference) ref }, save);
return false;
* Closes the specified perspective.
* @param desc the perspective to close
* @param perspectiveId the id of the perspective being closed
* @param saveParts <code>true</code> if dirty parts should be prompted for
* its contents to be saved, <code>false</code> otherwise
private void closePerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor desc, String perspectiveId, boolean saveParts) {
MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) modelService.find(perspectiveId, window);
// check to ensure this perspective actually exists in this window
if (persp != null) {
if (saveParts) {
List<IWorkbenchPart> partsToSave = new ArrayList<>();
// retrieve all parts under the specified perspective
List<MPart> parts = modelService.findElements(persp, null, MPart.class);
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
// filter out any parts that are visible in any other
// perspectives
for (MPerspective perspective : getPerspectiveStack().getChildren()) {
if (perspective != persp) {
parts.removeAll(modelService.findElements(perspective, null, MPart.class));
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator<MPart> it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
MPart part =;
if (part.isDirty()) {
Object object = part.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) object);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
ISaveablePart saveablePart = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(workbenchPart);
if (saveablePart != null) {
if (!saveablePart.isSaveOnCloseNeeded()) {
} else {
} else {
if (!partsToSave.isEmpty()) {
if (!saveAll(partsToSave, true, true, false, legacyWindow, legacyWindow)) {
// user cancel
// Remove from caches
// check if we're closing the currently active perspective
if (getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement() == persp && !sortedPerspectives.isEmpty()) {
// get the perspective that was last active and set it
IPerspectiveDescriptor lastActive = sortedPerspectives.get(sortedPerspectives.size() - 1);
if (lastActive != null) {
modelService.removePerspectiveModel(persp, window);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveClosed(this, desc);
public void closePerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor desc, boolean saveParts, boolean closePage) {
closePerspective(desc, desc.getId(), saveParts, closePage);
public void closePerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor desc, String perspectiveId, boolean saveParts,
boolean closePage) {
MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) modelService.find(perspectiveId, window);
// check to ensure this perspective actually exists in this window
if (persp != null) {
persp.getTags().add("PerspClosing"); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPerspectiveStack.class)
if (perspectiveStack.getChildren().size() == 1) {
closeAllPerspectives(saveParts, closePage);
} else {
closePerspective(desc, perspectiveId, saveParts);
} finally {
persp.getTags().remove("PerspClosing"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void closeAllPerspectives(boolean saveEditors, boolean closePage) {
boolean okToProceed = closeAllEditors(true);
if (okToProceed) {
List<MPerspective> kids = new ArrayList<>(_perspectiveStack.getChildren());
MPerspective curPersp = _perspectiveStack.getSelectedElement();
for (MPerspective persp : kids) {
if (persp != curPersp) {
closePerspective(getPerspectiveDesc(persp.getElementId()), persp.getElementId(), false);
if (curPersp != null) {
closePerspective(getPerspectiveDesc(curPersp.getElementId()), curPersp.getElementId(), false);
if (closePage) {
private boolean close(boolean save, boolean unsetPage) {
if (save && !saveAllEditors(true, true, true)) {
return false;
if (!legacyWindow.isClosing()) {
Collection<MPart> partsToHide = partService.getParts();
// workaround for bug 455281
List<MPart> partsOutsidePersp = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPart.class, null,
for (MPart part : partsToHide) {
// no save, no confirm, force
hidePart(part, false, true, true);
MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPerspectiveStack.class)
MPerspective current = perspectiveStack.getSelectedElement();
for (Object perspective : perspectiveStack.getChildren().toArray()) {
if (perspective != current) {
modelService.removePerspectiveModel((MPerspective) perspective, window);
if (current != null) {
modelService.removePerspectiveModel(current, window);
for (ViewReference vr : viewReferences) {
for (EditorReference er : editorReferences) {
if (unsetPage) {
if (!legacyWindow.isClosing()) {
if (!legacyWindow.isClosing()) {
ContextInjectionFactory.uninject(this, window.getContext());
if (workingSetPropertyChangeListener != null) {
workingSetPropertyChangeListener = null;
_perspectiveStack = null;
actionBars = null;
actionSets = null;
actionSwitcher.activePart = null;
actionSwitcher.topEditor = null;
aggregateWorkingSet = null;
application = null;
broker = null;
childrenHandler = null;
composite = null;
firingHandler = null;
input = null;
legacyWindow = null;
// modelService = null;
navigationHistory = null;
pageChangedListener = null;
partBeingActivated = null;
partService = null;
referenceRemovalEventHandler = null;
selectionHandler = null;
selectionService = null;
tracker = null;
widgetHandler = null;
// window = null;
workingSet = null;
return true;
* Forces all perspectives on the page to zoom out.
public void unzoomAllPerspectives() {
// TODO compat: we have no min/max behaviour
* Cleanup.
public void dispose() {
legacyWindow = null;
// // Always unzoom
// if (isZoomed()) {
// zoomOut();
// }
// // makeActiveEditor(null);
// // makeActive(null);
// // Close and dispose the editors.
// closeAllEditors(false);
// // Need to make sure model data is cleaned up when the page is
// // disposed. Collect all the views on the page and notify the
// // saveable list of a pre/post close. This will free model data.
// IWorkbenchPartReference[] partsToClose = getOpenParts();
// List dirtyParts = new ArrayList(partsToClose.length);
// for (int i = 0; i < partsToClose.length; i++) {
// IWorkbenchPart part = partsToClose[i].getPart(false);
// if (part != null && part instanceof IViewPart) {
// dirtyParts.add(part);
// }
// }
// SaveablesList saveablesList = (SaveablesList)
// getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getService(ISaveablesLifecycleListener.class);
// Object postCloseInfo = saveablesList.preCloseParts(dirtyParts,
// false,getWorkbenchWindow());
// saveablesList.postClose(postCloseInfo);
// // Get rid of perspectives. This will close the views.
// Iterator itr = perspList.iterator();
// while (itr.hasNext()) {
// Perspective perspective = (Perspective);
// legacyWindow.firePerspectiveClosed(this, perspective.getDesc());
// perspective.dispose();
// }
// perspList = new PerspectiveList();
// // Capture views.
// IViewReference refs[] = viewFactory.getViews();
// if (refs.length > 0) {
// // Dispose views.
// for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
// final WorkbenchPartReference ref = (WorkbenchPartReference) refs[i];
// //partList.removePart(ref);
// //firePartClosed(refs[i]);
// SafeRunnable() {
// public void run() {
// // WorkbenchPlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING,
// WorkbenchPlugin.PI_WORKBENCH,
//// Status.OK, "WorkbenchPage leaked a refcount for view " + ref.getId(),
// null)); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
// ref.dispose();
// }
// public void handleException(Throwable e) {
// }
// });
// }
// }
// activationList = new ActivationList();
// // Get rid of editor presentation.
// editorPresentation.dispose();
// // Get rid of composite.
// composite.dispose();
// navigationHistory.dispose();
// stickyViewMan.clear();
// if (tracker != null) {
// tracker.close();
// }
// // if we're destroying a window in a non-shutdown situation then we
// should
// // clean up the working set we made.
// if (!legacyWindow.getWorkbench().isClosing()) {
// if (aggregateWorkingSet != null) {
// PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager().removeWorkingSet(aggregateWorkingSet);
// }
// }
* @return NavigationHistory
public INavigationHistory getNavigationHistory() {
return navigationHistory;
public boolean editActionSets() {
Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
if (persp == null) {
return false;
// Create list dialog.
CustomizePerspectiveDialog dlg = legacyWindow.createCustomizePerspectiveDialog(persp, window.getContext());
// Open.
boolean ret = ( == Window.OK);
if (ret) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_RESET);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE);
return ret;
* See IWorkbenchPage@findView.
public IViewPart findView(String id) {
IViewReference ref = findViewReference(id);
if (ref == null) {
return null;
return ref.getView(true);
public IViewReference findViewReference(String viewId) {
for (IViewReference reference : getViewReferences()) {
ViewReference ref = (ViewReference) reference;
if (viewId.equals(ref.getModel().getElementId())) {
return reference;
return null;
public IViewReference findViewReference(String viewId, String secondaryId) {
String compoundId = viewId;
if (secondaryId != null && secondaryId.length() > 0)
compoundId += ":" + secondaryId; //$NON-NLS-1$
return findViewReference(compoundId);
public void createViewReferenceForPart(final MPart part, String viewId) {
// If the id contains a ':' use the part before it as the descriptor id
int colonIndex = viewId.indexOf(':');
String descId = colonIndex == -1 ? viewId : viewId.substring(0, colonIndex);
IViewDescriptor desc = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getViewRegistry().find(descId);
final ViewReference ref = new ViewReference(window.getContext(), this, part, (ViewDescriptor) desc);
if (contains(ref)) {
IEclipseContext partContext = part.getContext();
if (partContext == null) {
} else {
partContext.set(ViewReference.class.getName(), ref);
* Notify property change listeners about a property change.
* @param changeId the change id
* @param oldValue old property value
* @param newValue new property value
private void firePropertyChange(String changeId, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
UIListenerLogging.logPagePropertyChanged(this, changeId, oldValue, newValue);
PropertyChangeEvent event = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, changeId, oldValue, newValue);
for (IPropertyChangeListener listener : propertyChangeListeners) {
* Returns the action bars.
public IActionBars getActionBars() {
if (actionBars == null) {
actionBars = new WWinActionBars(legacyWindow);
return actionBars;
* Returns an array of the visible action sets.
* @return an array of the currently visible action sets
public IActionSetDescriptor[] getActionSets() {
Collection<?> collection = actionSets.getVisibleItems();
return collection.toArray(new IActionSetDescriptor[collection.size()]);
* @see IWorkbenchPage
public IEditorPart getActiveEditor() {
IWorkbenchPart activePart = getActivePart();
if (activePart instanceof IEditorPart) {
// if the currently active part is an editor, return it
return (IEditorPart) activePart;
if (!activationList.isEmpty()) {
IEditorPart editor = findActiveEditor();
if (editor != null) {
return editor;
MUIElement area = findSharedArea();
if (area instanceof MPlaceholder) {
area = ((MPlaceholder) area).getRef();
if (area != null && area.isVisible() && area.isToBeRendered()) {
// we have a shared area, try iterating over its editors first
List<MPart> editors = modelService.findElements(area, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID, MPart.class);
for (MPart model : editors) {
Object object = model.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
CompatibilityEditor editor = (CompatibilityEditor) object;
// see bug 308492
if (!editor.isBeingDisposed() && isInArea(area, model)) {
return ((CompatibilityEditor) object).getEditor();
MPerspective perspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
if (perspective == null) {
return null;
List<MPart> parts = modelService.findElements(perspective, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID, MPart.class,
for (MPart part : parts) {
Object object = part.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
CompatibilityEditor editor = (CompatibilityEditor) object;
// see bug 308492
if (!editor.isBeingDisposed()) {
if (isValid(perspective, part) || isValid(window, part)) {
return ((CompatibilityEditor) object).getEditor();
return null;
* Searches and returns an editor from the activation list that is being
* displayed in the current presentation. If an editor is in the presentation
* but is behind another part it will not be returned.
* @return an editor that is being shown in the current presentation and was
* previously activated, editors that are behind another part in a stack
* will not be returned
private IEditorPart findActiveEditor() {
List<MPart> candidates = new ArrayList<>(activationList);
MUIElement area = findSharedArea();
if (area instanceof MPlaceholder) {
area = ((MPlaceholder) area).getRef();
if (area != null && area.isVisible() && area.isToBeRendered()) {
// we have a shared area, try iterating over its editors first
List<MPart> editors = modelService.findElements(area, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID, MPart.class);
for (Iterator<MPart> it = candidates.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
MPart model =;
if (!editors.contains(model)) {
Object object = model.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
CompatibilityEditor editor = (CompatibilityEditor) object;
// see bug 308492
if (!editor.isBeingDisposed() && isInArea(area, model)) {
return ((CompatibilityEditor) object).getEditor();
MPerspective perspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
for (MPart model : activationList) {
Object object = model.getObject();
if (object instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
CompatibilityEditor editor = (CompatibilityEditor) object;
// see bug 308492
if (!editor.isBeingDisposed()) {
if (isValid(perspective, model) || isValid(window, model)) {
return ((CompatibilityEditor) object).getEditor();
return null;
private boolean isInArea(MUIElement area, MUIElement element) {
if (!element.isToBeRendered() || !element.isVisible()) {
return false;
if (element == area) {
return true;
MElementContainer<?> parent = element.getParent();
if (parent == null || parent instanceof MPerspective || parent instanceof MWindow) {
return false;
} else if (parent instanceof MGenericStack) {
return parent.getSelectedElement() == element ? isValid(area, parent) : false;
return isValid(area, parent);
private boolean isValid(MUIElement ancestor, MUIElement element) {
if (!element.isToBeRendered() || !element.isVisible()) {
return false;
if (element == ancestor) {
return true;
MElementContainer<?> parent = element.getParent();
if (parent == null) {
// might be a detached window
if (element instanceof MWindow) {
parent = (MElementContainer<?>) ((EObject) element).eContainer();
if (parent == null) {
return false;
if (parent instanceof MGenericStack) {
return parent.getSelectedElement() == element ? isValid(ancestor, parent) : false;
return isValid(ancestor, parent);
public IWorkbenchPart getActivePart() {
if (partService == null) {
return null;
MPart part = partService.getActivePart();
return getWorkbenchPart(part);
public IWorkbenchPartReference getActivePartReference() {
IWorkbenchPart part = getActivePart();
return part == null ? null : getReference(part);
public Composite getClientComposite() {
return composite;
public IEditorPart[] getDirtyEditors() {
List<IEditorPart> dirtyEditors = new ArrayList<>();
for (IEditorReference editorRef : editorReferences) {
IEditorPart editor = editorRef.getEditor(false);
if (editor != null && editor.isDirty()) {
return dirtyEditors.toArray(new IEditorPart[dirtyEditors.size()]);
public IEditorPart findEditor(IEditorInput input) {
IEditorReference[] references = findEditors(input, null, MATCH_INPUT);
return references.length == 0 ? null : references[0].getEditor(true);
public IEditorReference[] findEditors(IEditorInput input, String editorId, int matchFlags) {
List<EditorReference> filteredReferences = getSortedEditorReferences();
switch (matchFlags) {
List<IEditorReference> editorRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (EditorReference editorRef : filteredReferences) {
checkEditor(input, editorRefs, editorRef);
return editorRefs.toArray(new IEditorReference[editorRefs.size()]);
case MATCH_ID:
editorRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (IEditorReference editorRef : filteredReferences) {
if (editorId.equals(editorRef.getId())) {
return editorRefs.toArray(new IEditorReference[editorRefs.size()]);
if ((matchFlags & IWorkbenchPage.MATCH_ID) != 0 && (matchFlags & IWorkbenchPage.MATCH_INPUT) != 0) {
editorRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (EditorReference editorRef : filteredReferences) {
if (editorRef.getId().equals(editorId)) {
checkEditor(input, editorRefs, editorRef);
return editorRefs.toArray(new IEditorReference[editorRefs.size()]);
return new IEditorReference[0];
private void checkEditor(IEditorInput input, List<IEditorReference> editorRefs, EditorReference editorRef) {
EditorDescriptor descriptor = editorRef.getDescriptor();
if (descriptor != null) {
IEditorMatchingStrategy strategy = descriptor.getEditorMatchingStrategy();
if (strategy != null && strategy.matches(editorRef, input)) {
IEditorPart editor = editorRef.getEditor(false);
if (editor == null) {
try {
String name = input.getName();
IPersistableElement persistable = input.getPersistable();
if (name == null || persistable == null) {
String id = persistable.getFactoryId();
if (id != null && id.equals(editorRef.getFactoryId()) && name.equals(editorRef.getName())
&& input.equals(editorRef.getEditorInput())) {
} catch (PartInitException e) {
} else if (editor.getEditorInput().equals(input)) {
public IEditorPart[] getEditors() {
final IEditorReference[] editorReferences = getEditorReferences();
int length = editorReferences.length;
IEditorPart[] editors = new IEditorPart[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
editors[i] = editorReferences[i].getEditor(true);
return editors;
public IEditorReference[] getEditorReferences() {
List<EditorReference> references = getOrderedEditorReferences();
return references.toArray(new IEditorReference[references.size()]);
public IEditorReference[] getSortedEditors() {
IWorkbenchPartReference[] parts = getSortedParts(true, false, false);
IEditorReference[] editors = new IEditorReference[parts.length];
System.arraycopy(parts, 0, editors, 0, parts.length);
return editors;
public IWorkbenchPartReference[] getSortedParts() {
return getSortedParts(true, true, false);
* Returns a sorted array of references to editors and/or views from this page.
* @param editors include editors
* @param views include views
* @param allPerspectives if {@code false}, does not include parts from inactive
* perspectives
* @return a sorted array of references to editors and/or views
private IWorkbenchPartReference[] getSortedParts(boolean editors, boolean views, boolean allPerspectives) {
if (!editors && !views) {
return new IWorkbenchPartReference[0];
List<IWorkbenchPartReference> sortedReferences = new ArrayList<>();
IViewReference[] viewReferences = getViewReferences(allPerspectives);
List<EditorReference> editorReferences = getSortedEditorReferences(allPerspectives);
activationLoop: for (MPart part : activationList) {
if (views) {
for (IViewReference ref : viewReferences) {
if (((ViewReference) ref).getModel() == part) {
continue activationLoop;
if (editors) {
for (EditorReference ref : editorReferences) {
if (ref.getModel() == part) {
if (views) {
for (IViewReference ref : viewReferences) {
if (!sortedReferences.contains(ref)) {
if (editors) {
for (EditorReference ref : editorReferences) {
if (!sortedReferences.contains(ref)) {
return sortedReferences.toArray(new IWorkbenchPartReference[sortedReferences.size()]);
* @see IWorkbenchPage
public IAdaptable getInput() {
return input;
* Returns the page label. This is a combination of the page input and active
* perspective.
public String getLabel() {
String label = WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_UnknownLabel;
IWorkbenchAdapter adapter = Adapters.adapt(input, IWorkbenchAdapter.class);
if (adapter != null) {
label = adapter.getLabel(input);
// Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
// if (persp != null) {
// label = NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_PerspectiveFormat,
// label, persp.getDesc().getLabel());
// } else if (deferredActivePersp != null) {
// label =
// NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_PerspectiveFormat,label,
// deferredActivePersp.getLabel());
// }
return label;
* Returns the perspective.
public IPerspectiveDescriptor getPerspective() {
MPerspectiveStack ps = getPerspectiveStack();
MPerspective curPersp = ps.getSelectedElement();
if (curPersp == null)
return null;
return getPerspectiveDesc(curPersp.getElementId());
public IPerspectiveDescriptor getPerspectiveDesc(String id) {
IPerspectiveRegistry perspectiveRegistry = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
// registry may be null on shutdown
if (perspectiveRegistry == null) {
return null;
return perspectiveRegistry.findPerspectiveWithId(id);
public ISelection getSelection() {
return selectionService.getSelection();
public ISelection getSelection(String partId) {
return selectionService.getSelection(partId);
* Returns the ids of the parts to list in the Show In... prompter. This is a
* List of Strings.
* @return the ids of the parts that should be available in the 'Show In...'
* prompt
public ArrayList<?> getShowInPartIds() {
MPerspective perspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
return new ArrayList<>(ModeledPageLayout.getIds(perspective, ModeledPageLayout.SHOW_IN_PART_TAG));
* The user successfully performed a Show In... action on the specified part.
* Update the list of Show In items accordingly.
* @param partId the id of the part that the action was performed on
public void performedShowIn(String partId) {
mruShowInPartIds.add(0, partId);
* Sorts the given collection of show in target part ids in MRU order.
* @param partIds the collection of part ids to rearrange
public void sortShowInPartIds(ArrayList<?> partIds) {
partIds.sort((ob1, ob2) -> {
int index1 = mruShowInPartIds.indexOf(ob1);
int index2 = mruShowInPartIds.indexOf(ob2);
if (index1 != -1 && index2 == -1)
return -1;
if (index1 == -1 && index2 != -1)
return 1;
return index1 - index2;
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IViewReference[] getViewReferences() {
return getViewReferences(false);
private IViewReference[] getViewReferences(boolean allPerspectives) {
MPerspective perspective = getCurrentPerspective();
if (perspective != null) {
int scope = allPerspectives ? WINDOW_SCOPE : EModelService.PRESENTATION;
Set<MUIElement> parts = new HashSet<>();
List<MPlaceholder> placeholders = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPlaceholder.class, null, scope);
parts.addAll(modelService.findElements(window, null, MPart.class, null, scope));
List<IViewReference> visibleReferences = new ArrayList<>();
for (ViewReference reference : viewReferences) {
MPart model = reference.getModel();
// The part may be linked in either directly or via a
// placeholder. In the latter case we can look
// at the part's curSharedRef since we're only considering
// parts visible in the current perspective
if (parts.contains(model) && !shouldNotRenderPart(model)) {
// only rendered placeholders are valid view references
return visibleReferences.toArray(new IViewReference[visibleReferences.size()]);
return new IViewReference[0];
* @return {@code true} if the part should not be rendered or it has a current
* shared reference that is not to be rendered <b>or</b> if a
* placeholder for the part (in the current perspective) exists and is
* not to be rendered. {@code false} otherwise, i.e. if the placeholders
* of the part are to be rendered.
private boolean shouldNotRenderPart(MPart part) {
if (!part.isToBeRendered()) {
return true;
MPlaceholder curSharedRef = part.getCurSharedRef();
if (curSharedRef != null && !curSharedRef.isToBeRendered()) {
return true;
MPlaceholder mPlaceholder = modelService.findPlaceholderFor(window, part);
if (mPlaceholder != null && !mPlaceholder.isToBeRendered()) {
return true;
return false;
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IViewPart[] getViews() {
IViewReference[] viewReferences = getViewReferences();
int length = viewReferences.length;
IViewPart[] views = new IViewPart[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
views[i] = viewReferences[i].getView(true);
return views;
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IWorkbenchWindow getWorkbenchWindow() {
return legacyWindow;
* Implements IWorkbenchPage
* @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage#getWorkingSet()
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated individual views should store a working set if needed
public IWorkingSet getWorkingSet() {
return workingSet;
* @see IWorkbenchPage
public void hideActionSet(String actionSetID) {
MPerspective mpersp = getCurrentPerspective();
if (mpersp == null)
Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
if (persp != null) {
ActionSetRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry();
IActionSetDescriptor desc = reg.findActionSet(actionSetID);
if (desc != null) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_ACTION_SET_HIDE);
String tag = ModeledPageLayout.ACTION_SET_TAG + actionSetID;
public void hideView(IViewReference view) {
if (view != null) {
for (IViewReference reference : getViewReferences()) {
if (reference == view) {
hidePart(((ViewReference) view).getModel(), true, true, false);
public void hideView(IViewPart view) {
if (view != null) {
MPart part = findPart(view);
if (part != null) {
hidePart(part, true, true, false);
* Initialize the page.
* @param w the parent window
* @param layoutID may be <code>null</code> if restoring from file
* @param input the page input
* @param openExtras whether to process the perspective extras preference
private void init(WorkbenchWindow w, String layoutID, IAdaptable input, boolean openExtras) {
// Save args.
this.legacyWindow = w;
this.input = input;
actionSets = new ActionSetManager(w);
private void initMaxFileSize() {
IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = PrefUtil.getInternalPreferenceStore();
maxFileSize = preferenceStore.getLong(IPreferenceConstants.LARGE_DOC_SIZE_FOR_EDITORS);
checkDocumentSize = maxFileSize != 0;
public void setup(MApplication application, EModelService modelService, IEventBroker broker, MWindow window,
EPartService partService) {
this.application = application;
this.modelService = modelService; = broker;
this.window = window;
this.partService = partService;
selectionService = ContextInjectionFactory.make(SelectionService.class, window.getContext());
// create editor references for all editors
List<MPart> editors = modelService.findElements(window, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID, MPart.class, null,
for (MPart editor : editors) {
createEditorReferenceForPart(editor, null, editor.getElementId(), null);
// create view references for rendered view placeholders
List<MPlaceholder> placeholders = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPlaceholder.class, null,
for (MPlaceholder placeholder : placeholders) {
if (placeholder.isToBeRendered()) {
MUIElement ref = placeholder.getRef();
if (ref instanceof MPart) {
MPart part = (MPart) ref;
String uri = part.getContributionURI();
if (CompatibilityPart.COMPATIBILITY_VIEW_URI.equals(uri)) {
createViewReferenceForPart(part, part.getElementId());
broker.subscribe(UIEvents.ElementContainer.TOPIC_SELECTEDELEMENT, selectionHandler);
broker.subscribe(UIEvents.UIElement.TOPIC_WIDGET, widgetHandler);
broker.subscribe(UIEvents.UIElement.TOPIC_TOBERENDERED, referenceRemovalEventHandler);
broker.subscribe(UIEvents.Contribution.TOPIC_OBJECT, firingHandler);
broker.subscribe(UIEvents.ElementContainer.TOPIC_CHILDREN, childrenHandler);
// Bug 479126 PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS setting not taken into account
MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = getPerspectiveStack();
if (perspectiveStack != null) {
IPerspectiveRegistry registry = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
for (MPerspective perspective : perspectiveStack.getChildren()) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = registry.findPerspectiveWithId(perspective.getElementId());
if (desc != null) {
MPerspective selectedPerspective = perspectiveStack.getSelectedElement();
if (selectedPerspective != null) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = registry.findPerspectiveWithId(selectedPerspective.getElementId());
if (desc != null) {
* Perform any configuration required for an existing MWindow. The association
* of an MWindow to the WorkbenchWindow/WorkbenchPage can occur at different
* times (see Bug 454056 for details).
private void configureExistingWindows() {
List<MArea> elements = modelService.findElements(window, null, MArea.class);
for (MArea area : elements) {
Object widget = area.getWidget();
if (widget instanceof Control) {
installAreaDropSupport((Control) widget);
public void restoreWorkingSets() {
String workingSetName = getWindowModel().getPersistedState().get(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SET);
if (workingSetName != null) {
AbstractWorkingSetManager workingSetManager = (AbstractWorkingSetManager) getWorkbenchWindow()
String workingSetMemString = getWindowModel().getPersistedState().get(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SETS);
if (workingSetMemString != null) {
IMemento workingSetMem;
try {
workingSetMem = XMLMemento.createReadRoot(new StringReader(workingSetMemString));
IMemento[] workingSetChildren = workingSetMem.getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SET);
List<IWorkingSet> workingSetList = new ArrayList<>(workingSetChildren.length);
for (IMemento memento : workingSetChildren) {
IWorkingSet set = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager()
if (set != null) {
workingSets = workingSetList.toArray(new IWorkingSet[workingSetList.size()]);
} catch (WorkbenchException e) {
StatusManager.getManager().handle(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_problemRestoringTitle, e));
aggregateWorkingSetId = getWindowModel().getPersistedState().get(ATT_AGGREGATE_WORKING_SET_ID);
private void restoreShowInMruPartIdsList() {
String mruList = getWindowModel().getPersistedState().get(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_SHOW_IN_TIME);
if (mruList != null) {
try {
IMemento memento = XMLMemento.createReadRoot(new StringReader(mruList));
IMemento[] mementoChildren = memento.getChildren();
for (IMemento child : mementoChildren) {
} catch (WorkbenchException e) {
StatusManager.getManager().handle(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_problemRestoringTitle, e));
public void saveWorkingSets() {
// Save working set if set
if (workingSet != null) {
getWindowModel().getPersistedState().put(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SET, workingSet.getName());
} else {
List<String> workingSetNames = new ArrayList<>(workingSets.length);
for (IWorkingSet workingSet : workingSets) {
saveMemento(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SETS, IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WORKING_SET, workingSetNames);
getWindowModel().getPersistedState().put(ATT_AGGREGATE_WORKING_SET_ID, aggregateWorkingSetId);
public void saveShowInMruPartIdsList() {
saveMemento(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_SHOW_IN_TIME, IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID, mruShowInPartIds);
private void saveMemento(String rootType, String childType, Collection<String> ids) {
XMLMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot(rootType);
for (String id : ids) {
memento.createChild(childType, id);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {;
getWindowModel().getPersistedState().put(rootType, writer.getBuffer().toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
// Simply don't store the settings
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR, WorkbenchMessages.SavingProblem, e));
* Extends the perspectives within the given stack with action set contributions
* from the <code>perspectiveExtensions</code> extension point.
* @param perspectiveStack the stack that contain the perspectives to be
* extended
private void extendPerspectives(MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack) {
for (MPerspective perspective : perspectiveStack.getChildren()) {
String id = perspective.getElementId();
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry()
if (desc != null) {
MPerspective temporary = modelService.createModelElement(MPerspective.class);
ModeledPageLayout modelLayout = new ModeledPageLayout(window, modelService, partService, temporary,
desc, this, true);
PerspectiveExtensionReader reader = new PerspectiveExtensionReader();
reader.setIncludeOnlyTags(new String[] { IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.TAG_ACTION_SET });
reader.extendLayout(null, id, modelLayout);
addActionSet(perspective, temporary);
ArrayList<String> getPerspectiveExtensionActionSets(String id) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry()
if (desc != null) {
MPerspective temporary = modelService.createModelElement(MPerspective.class);
ModeledPageLayout modelLayout = new ModeledPageLayout(window, modelService, partService, temporary, desc,
this, true);
PerspectiveExtensionReader reader = new PerspectiveExtensionReader();
reader.setIncludeOnlyTags(new String[] { IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.TAG_ACTION_SET });
reader.extendLayout(null, id, modelLayout);
return new ArrayList<>(ModeledPageLayout.getIds(temporary, ModeledPageLayout.ACTION_SET_TAG));
return null;
* Copies action set extensions from the temporary perspective to the other one.
* @param perspective the perspective to copy action set contributions to
* @param temporary the perspective to copy action set contributions from
private void addActionSet(MPerspective perspective, MPerspective temporary) {
List<String> tags = perspective.getTags();
List<String> extendedTags = temporary.getTags();
for (String extendedTag : extendedTags) {
if (!tags.contains(extendedTag)) {
* Installs drop support into the shared area so that editors can be opened by
* dragging and dropping files into it.
* @param control the control to attach the drop support to
private void installAreaDropSupport(Control control) {
if (!dndSupportInstalled) {
WorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer = legacyWindow.getWindowConfigurer();
DropTargetListener dropTargetListener = configurer.getDropTargetListener();
if (dropTargetListener != null) {
DropTarget dropTarget = new DropTarget(control, DND.DROP_DEFAULT | DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_LINK);
dndSupportInstalled = true;
private List<MPartStack> getPartStacks(MPerspective perspective) {
if (perspective == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return modelService.findElements(perspective, null, MPartStack.class);
private EventHandler selectionHandler = event -> {
Object changedElement = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
if (!(changedElement instanceof MPerspectiveStack)) {
List<MPerspectiveStack> theStack = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPerspectiveStack.class, null);
if (theStack.isEmpty()) {
} else if (!theStack.isEmpty() && changedElement != theStack.get(0)) {
MPerspective oldPersp = (MPerspective) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.OLD_VALUE);
MPerspective newPersp = (MPerspective) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE);
// updatePerspectiveActionSets(oldPersp, newPersp);
// ((CoolBarToTrimManager)
// legacyWindow.getCoolBarManager2()).updateAll(true);
// legacyWindow.menuManager.updateAll(true);
List<MPart> hiddenParts = new ArrayList<>();
List<MPart> visibleParts = new ArrayList<>();
List<MPartStack> oldStacks = getPartStacks(oldPersp);
List<MPartStack> newStacks = getPartStacks(newPersp);
for (MPartStack oldStack : oldStacks) {
MStackElement element1 = oldStack.getSelectedElement();
if (element1 instanceof MPlaceholder) {
hiddenParts.add((MPart) ((MPlaceholder) element1).getRef());
} else if (element1 instanceof MPart) {
hiddenParts.add((MPart) element1);
for (MPartStack newStack : newStacks) {
MStackElement element2 = newStack.getSelectedElement();
if (element2 instanceof MPlaceholder) {
visibleParts.add((MPart) ((MPlaceholder) element2).getRef());
} else if (element2 instanceof MPart) {
visibleParts.add((MPart) element2);
List<MPart> ignoredParts = new ArrayList<>();
for (MPart hiddenPart1 : hiddenParts) {
if (visibleParts.contains(hiddenPart1)) {
for (MPart hiddenPart2 : hiddenParts) {
for (MPart visiblePart : visibleParts) {
updateActionSets(getPerspective(oldPersp), getPerspective(newPersp));
// might've been set to null if we were closing the perspective
if (newPersp != null) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective = getPerspectiveDesc(newPersp.getElementId());
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveActivated(WorkbenchPage.this, perspective);
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public boolean isPartVisible(IWorkbenchPart part) {
MPart mpart = findPart(part);
return mpart == null ? false : partService.isPartVisible(mpart);
public MUIElement findSharedArea() {
MPerspective perspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
return perspective == null ? null : modelService.find(IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA, perspective);
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public boolean isEditorAreaVisible() {
MUIElement find = findSharedArea();
return find == null ? false : find.isVisible() && find.isToBeRendered();
public boolean isPageZoomed() {
List<Object> maxElements = modelService.findElements(window, null, null,
return maxElements.size() > 0;
// /**
// * This method is called when the page is activated.
// */
// protected void onActivate() {
// composite.setVisible(true);
// Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
// if (persp != null) {
// persp.onActivate();
// updateVisibility(null, persp);
// }
// }
// /**
// * This method is called when the page is deactivated.
// */
// protected void onDeactivate() {
// makeActiveEditor(null);
// makeActive(null);
// if (getActivePerspective() != null) {
// getActivePerspective().onDeactivate();
// }
// composite.setVisible(false);
// }
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public void reuseEditor(IReusableEditor editor, IEditorInput input) {
// Rather than calling editor.setInput on the editor directly, we do it through
// the part reference.
// This case lets us detect badly behaved editors that are not firing a
// PROP_INPUT event in response
// to the input change... but if all editors obeyed their API contract, the
// "else" branch would be
// sufficient.
// TODO compat: should we be talking to the editor reference here
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IEditorPart openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorID) throws PartInitException {
return openEditor(input, editorID, true, MATCH_INPUT);
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IEditorPart openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorID, boolean activate) throws PartInitException {
return openEditor(input, editorID, activate, MATCH_INPUT);
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IEditorPart openEditor(final IEditorInput input, final String editorID, final boolean activate,
final int matchFlags) throws PartInitException {
return openEditor(input, editorID, activate, matchFlags, null, true);
* This is not public API but for use internally. editorState can be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param input the input to open the editor with
* @param editorID the id of the editor to open
* @param activate <code>true</code> if the editor should be activated,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param matchFlags a bit mask consisting of zero or more of the MATCH_*
* constants OR-ed together
* @param editorState the previously saved state of the editor as a memento,
* this may be <code>null</code>
* @param notify <code>true</code> if the perspective should fire off
* events about the editors being opened, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
* @return the opened editor
* @exception PartInitException if the editor could not be created or
* initialized
public IEditorPart openEditor(final IEditorInput input, final String editorID, final boolean activate,
final int matchFlags, final IMemento editorState, final boolean notify) throws PartInitException {
if (input == null || editorID == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final IEditorPart result[] = new IEditorPart[1];
final PartInitException ex[] = new PartInitException[1];
BusyIndicator.showWhile(legacyWindow.getWorkbench().getDisplay(), () -> {
try {
result[0] = busyOpenEditor(input, editorID, activate, matchFlags, editorState, notify);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
ex[0] = e;
if (ex[0] != null) {
throw ex[0];
return result[0];
* @see #openEditor(IEditorInput, String, boolean, int)
private IEditorPart busyOpenEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId, boolean activate, int matchFlags,
IMemento editorState, boolean notify) throws PartInitException {
if (input == null || editorId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Special handling for external editors (they have no tabs...)
if (IEditorRegistry.SYSTEM_EXTERNAL_EDITOR_ID.equals(editorId)) {
IPathEditorInput fileInput = getPathEditorInput(input);
if (fileInput == null) {
throw new PartInitException(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_systemEditorError);
String fullPath = fileInput.getPath().toOSString();
return null;
IEditorDescriptor desc = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry().findEditor(editorId);
if (desc != null && !desc.isOpenExternal() && isLargeDocument(input)) {
desc = getAlternateEditor();
if (desc == null) {
// the user pressed cancel in the editor selection dialog
return null;
if (desc == null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_unknownEditorIDMessage, editorId));
IEditorReference[] editorReferences = findEditors(input, editorId, matchFlags);
if (editorReferences.length != 0) {
IEditorPart editor = editorReferences[0].getEditor(true);
if (editor instanceof IShowEditorInput) {
((IShowEditorInput) editor).showEditorInput(input);
partService.showPart(((EditorReference) editorReferences[0]).getModel(), PartState.VISIBLE);
if (activate) {
recordEditor(input, desc);
return editor;
} else if (desc.isInternal()) {
// look for an editor to reuse
EditorReference reusableEditorRef = (EditorReference) ((TabBehaviour) Tweaklets.get(TabBehaviour.KEY))
if (reusableEditorRef != null) {
IEditorPart reusableEditor = reusableEditorRef.getEditor(false);
if (editorId.equals(reusableEditorRef.getId()) && reusableEditor instanceof IReusableEditor) {
// reusable editors that share the same id are okay
recordEditor(input, desc);
reuseEditor((IReusableEditor) reusableEditor, input);
MPart editor = reusableEditorRef.getModel();
partService.showPart(editor, PartState.VISIBLE);
if (activate) {
} else {
return reusableEditor;
// should have saved already if necessary, close this editor, a
// new one will be opened
closeEditor(reusableEditorRef, false);
} else if (desc.isOpenExternal()) {
openExternalEditor((EditorDescriptor) desc, input);
// no editor parts for external editors, return null
return null;
MPart editor = partService.createPart(CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID);
EditorReference ref = createEditorReferenceForPart(editor, input, editorId, editorState);
partService.showPart(editor, PartState.VISIBLE);
CompatibilityEditor compatibilityEditor = (CompatibilityEditor) editor.getObject();
if (compatibilityEditor == null) {
return null;
if (activate) {
} else {
if (notify) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), ref, CHANGE_EDITOR_OPEN);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_EDITOR_OPEN);
recordEditor(input, desc);
return compatibilityEditor.getEditor();
private void recordEditor(IEditorInput input, IEditorDescriptor descriptor) {
EditorHistory history = ((Workbench) legacyWindow.getWorkbench()).getEditorHistory();
history.add(input, descriptor);
private static IEditorDescriptor getAlternateEditor() {
Shell shell = ProgressManagerUtil.getDefaultParent();
EditorSelectionDialog dialog = new EditorSelectionDialog(shell) {
protected IDialogSettings getDialogSettings() {
IDialogSettings result = new DialogSettings("EditorSelectionDialog"); //$NON-NLS-1$
result.put(EditorSelectionDialog.STORE_ID_INTERNAL_EXTERNAL, true);
return result;
if ( == Window.OK)
return dialog.getSelectedEditor();
return null;
boolean isLargeDocument(IEditorInput editorInput) {
if (!checkDocumentSize)
return false;
if (!(editorInput instanceof IPathEditorInput))
return false; // we know nothing about it
try {
IPath path = ((IPathEditorInput) editorInput).getPath();
File file = new File(path.toOSString());
return file.length() > maxFileSize;
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore exceptions
return false;
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public boolean isEditorPinned(IEditorPart editor) {
WorkbenchPartReference ref = (WorkbenchPartReference) getReference(editor);
return ref != null && ref.isPinned();
* Removes an IPartListener from the part service.
public void removePartListener(IPartListener l) {
* Removes an IPartListener from the part service.
public void removePartListener(IPartListener2 l) {
* Implements IWorkbenchPage
* @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage#removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener)
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated individual views should store a working set if needed and
* register a property change listener directly with the working set
* manager to receive notification when the view working set is
* removed.
public void removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) {
public void removeSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) {
public void removeSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) {
selectionService.removeSelectionListener(partId, listener);
public void removePostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) {
public void removePostSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) {
selectionService.removePostSelectionListener(partId, listener);
* Resets the layout for the perspective. The active part in the old layout is
* activated in the new layout for consistent user context.
public void resetPerspective() {
MPerspectiveStack perspStack = getPerspectiveStack();
MPerspective persp = perspStack.getSelectedElement();
if (persp == null)
// HACK!! the 'perspective' field doesn't match reality...
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry()
if (desc == null)
// send out reset notification
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, desc, CHANGE_RESET);
// collect all the parts under the current perspective
List<MPart> perspectiveParts = modelService.findElements(persp, null, MPart.class, null);
// find the shared area
MUIElement area = findSharedArea();
if (area != null) {
// remove all editors in the shared area from the list of parts
modelService.findElements(area, CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID, MPart.class, null));
List<MPart> dirtyParts = new ArrayList<>();
List<IWorkbenchPart> partsToSave = new ArrayList<>();
// iterate over the list of parts to find dirty parts
for (MPart currentPart : perspectiveParts) {
if (currentPart.isDirty()) {
Object object = currentPart.getObject();
if (object == null) {
} else if (object instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) object);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
ISaveablePart saveable = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(workbenchPart);
if (saveable == null || !saveable.isSaveOnCloseNeeded()) {
SaveablesList saveablesList = null;
Object postCloseInfo = null;
if (partsToSave.size() > 0) {
saveablesList = (SaveablesList) getWorkbenchWindow().getService(ISaveablesLifecycleListener.class);
postCloseInfo = saveablesList.preCloseParts(partsToSave, true, this.getWorkbenchWindow());
if (postCloseInfo == null) {
// cancel
// We're not going through with the reset, so it is
// complete.
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, desc, CHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE);
modelService.resetPerspectiveModel(persp, window);
if (saveablesList != null) {
boolean revert = false;
if (desc instanceof PerspectiveDescriptor) {
PerspectiveDescriptor perspectiveDescriptor = (PerspectiveDescriptor) desc;
revert = perspectiveDescriptor.isPredefined() && !perspectiveDescriptor.hasCustomDefinition();
MPerspective dummyPerspective = null;
if (!revert) {
dummyPerspective = (MPerspective) modelService.cloneSnippet(application, desc.getId(), window);
if (dummyPerspective != null) {
handleNullRefPlaceHolders(dummyPerspective, window);
if (dummyPerspective == null) {
// instantiate a dummy perspective perspective
dummyPerspective = modelService.createModelElement(MPerspective.class);
IPerspectiveFactory factory = ((PerspectiveDescriptor) desc).createFactory();
ModeledPageLayout modelLayout = new ModeledPageLayout(window, modelService, partService, dummyPerspective,
desc, this, true);
PerspectiveTagger.tagPerspective(dummyPerspective, modelService);
PerspectiveExtensionReader reader = new PerspectiveExtensionReader();
reader.extendLayout(getExtensionTracker(), desc.getId(), modelLayout);
String hiddenItems = dummyPerspective.getPersistedState().get(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY);
persp.getPersistedState().put(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY, hiddenItems);
// ((ICoolBarManager2) ((WorkbenchWindow)
// getWorkbenchWindow()).getCoolBarManager2())
// .resetItemOrder();
// Hide placeholders for parts that exist in the 'global' areas
modelService.hideLocalPlaceholders(window, dummyPerspective);
int dCount = dummyPerspective.getChildren().size();
while (dummyPerspective.getChildren().size() > 0) {
MPartSashContainerElement dChild = dummyPerspective.getChildren().remove(0);
while (persp.getChildren().size() > dCount) {
MUIElement child = persp.getChildren().get(0);
List<MWindow> existingDetachedWindows = new ArrayList<>();
// Move any detached windows from template to perspective
while (dummyPerspective.getWindows().size() > 0) {
MWindow detachedWindow = dummyPerspective.getWindows().remove(0);
// Remove original windows. Can't remove them first or the MParts will be
// disposed
for (MWindow detachedWindow : existingDetachedWindows) {
// deactivate and activate other action sets as
Perspective oldPersp = getPerspective(persp);
Perspective dummyPersp = getPerspective(dummyPerspective);
updateActionSets(oldPersp, dummyPersp);
// partly fixing toolbar refresh issue, see bug 383569 comment 10
// migrate the tags
List<String> tags = persp.getTags();
// remove HIDDEN_EXPLICITLY tag from trim elements
List<MTrimElement> trimElements = modelService.findElements(window, null, MTrimElement.class, null);
for (MTrimElement mTrimElement : trimElements) {
// reset complete
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, desc, CHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE);
UIEvents.publishEvent(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.PERSPECTIVE_RESET, persp);
private void initActionSetListener() {
// actionSets.addListener(new IPropertyListener() {
// public void propertyChanged(Object source, int propId) {
// if (source instanceof IActionSetDescriptor) {
// final IActionSetDescriptor desc = (IActionSetDescriptor) source;
// final String actionSetId = ModeledPageLayout.ACTION_SET_TAG +
// desc.getId();
// final MPerspective currentPerspective = getCurrentPerspective();
// if (currentPerspective != null) {
// final List<String> tags = currentPerspective.getTags();
// if (propId == ActionSetManager.PROP_VISIBLE) {
// if (!tags.contains(actionSetId)) {
// tags.add(actionSetId);
// }
// } else if (propId == ActionSetManager.PROP_HIDDEN) {
// tags.remove(actionSetId);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// });
* See IWorkbenchPage
public boolean saveAllEditors(boolean confirm) {
return saveAllEditors(confirm, false, false);
* @return {@link ISaveablePart} objects derived from {@link IWorkbenchPart} 's
* on this page
public ISaveablePart[] getDirtyParts() {
List<ISaveablePart> result = new ArrayList<>(3);
IWorkbenchPartReference[] allParts = getSortedParts(true, true, true);
for (IWorkbenchPartReference reference : allParts) {
IWorkbenchPart part = reference.getPart(false);
ISaveablePart saveable = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(part);
if (saveable != null && !result.contains(saveable)) {
if (saveable.isDirty()) {
return result.toArray(new ISaveablePart[result.size()]);
* @return workbench parts which are dirty (implement or adapt to
* {@link ISaveablePart}). Only parts matching different saveables are
* returned.
public IWorkbenchPart[] getDirtyWorkbenchParts() {
List<IWorkbenchPart> result = new ArrayList<>(3);
Map<ISaveablePart, IWorkbenchPart> saveables = new LinkedHashMap<>(3);
IWorkbenchPartReference[] allParts = getSortedParts(true, true, true);
for (IWorkbenchPartReference reference : allParts) {
IWorkbenchPart part = reference.getPart(false);
ISaveablePart saveable = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(part);
if (saveable == null || !saveable.isDirty()) {
IWorkbenchPart previousPart = saveables.get(saveable);
if (previousPart != null) {
// We have already a part claiming to handle this saveable.
// See bug 470076 where a property view might return
// saveable which is in turn just editor part
if (previousPart == saveable) {
// if the previous part matches saveable, we have a
// perfect match already
// if parts provide adapters to same saveable but
// saveable itself is not a part, we can try to keep
// editors and skip views
if (part != saveable && previousPart instanceof IEditorPart) {
// last part wins, since we don't want to return multiple parts
// representing same saveables
saveables.put(saveable, part);
return result.toArray(new IWorkbenchPart[result.size()]);
public boolean saveAllEditors(boolean confirm, boolean closing, boolean addNonPartSources) {
IWorkbenchPart[] parts = getDirtyWorkbenchParts();
if (parts.length == 0) {
return true;
// saveAll below expects a mutable list
List<IWorkbenchPart> dirtyParts = new ArrayList<>(parts.length);
// If confirmation is required ..
return saveAll(dirtyParts, confirm, closing, addNonPartSources, legacyWindow, legacyWindow);
public static boolean saveAll(List<IWorkbenchPart> dirtyParts, final boolean confirm, final boolean closing,
boolean addNonPartSources, final IRunnableContext runnableContext, final IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow) {
// clone the input list
dirtyParts = new ArrayList<>(dirtyParts);
if (closing) {
// if the parts are going to be closed, then we only save those that
// need to be saved when closed, see bug 272070
SaveablesList saveablesList = (SaveablesList) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
if (confirm) {
return processSaveable2(dirtyParts) ? false
: saveablesList.preCloseParts(dirtyParts, true, true, workbenchWindow, workbenchWindow) != null;
List<Saveable> modelsToSave = convertToSaveables(dirtyParts, closing, addNonPartSources);
return modelsToSave.isEmpty() ? true
: !saveablesList.saveModels(modelsToSave, workbenchWindow, runnableContext, closing);
* Removes from the provided list parts that don't need to be saved on close.
* @param parts the list of the parts (ISaveablePart)
private static void removeSaveOnCloseNotNeededParts(List<IWorkbenchPart> parts) {
for (Iterator<IWorkbenchPart> it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IWorkbenchPart part =;
ISaveablePart saveable = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(part);
if (saveable == null || !saveable.isSaveOnCloseNeeded()) {
* Processes all parts that implement ISaveablePart2 and removes them from the
* list.
* @param dirtyParts the list of the parts
* @return true if cancelled
private static boolean processSaveable2(List<IWorkbenchPart> dirtyParts) {
boolean saveable2Processed = false;
// Process all parts that implement ISaveablePart2.
// These parts are removed from the list after saving
// them. We then need to restore the workbench to
// its previous state, for now this is just last
// active perspective.
// Note that the given parts may come from multiple
// windows, pages and perspectives.
ListIterator<IWorkbenchPart> listIterator = dirtyParts.listIterator();
WorkbenchPage currentPage = null;
Perspective currentPageOriginalPerspective = null;
while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
IWorkbenchPart part =;
ISaveablePart2 saveable2 = SaveableHelper.getSaveable2(part);
if (saveable2 != null) {
WorkbenchPage page = (WorkbenchPage) part.getSite().getPage();
if (!Objects.equals(currentPage, page)) {
if (currentPage != null && currentPageOriginalPerspective != null) {
if (!currentPageOriginalPerspective.equals(currentPage.getActivePerspective())) {
currentPage = page;
currentPageOriginalPerspective = page.getActivePerspective();
// try to save the part
int choice = SaveableHelper.savePart(saveable2, page.getWorkbenchWindow(), true);
if (choice == ISaveablePart2.CANCEL) {
// If the user cancels, don't restore the previous
// workbench state, as that will
// be an unexpected switch from the current state.
return true;
} else if (choice != ISaveablePart2.DEFAULT) {
saveable2Processed = true;
// try to restore the workbench to its previous state
if (currentPage != null && currentPageOriginalPerspective != null) {
if (!currentPageOriginalPerspective.equals(currentPage.getActivePerspective())) {
// if processing a ISaveablePart2 caused other parts to be
// saved, remove them from the list presented to the user.
if (saveable2Processed) {
return false;
private static void removeNonDirtyParts(List<IWorkbenchPart> parts) {
ListIterator<IWorkbenchPart> listIterator;
listIterator = parts.listIterator();
while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
ISaveablePart part = SaveableHelper.getSaveable(;
if (part == null || !part.isDirty()) {
* For each part (view or editor) in the given list, attempts to convert it to
* one or more saveable models. Duplicate models are removed. If closing is
* true, then models that will remain open in parts other than the given parts
* are removed.
* @param parts the parts (list of IViewPart or IEditorPart)
* @param closing whether the parts are being closed
* @param addNonPartSources whether non-part sources should be added (true for
* the Save All action, see bug 139004)
* @return the dirty models
private static List<Saveable> convertToSaveables(List<IWorkbenchPart> parts, boolean closing,
boolean addNonPartSources) {
ArrayList<Saveable> result = new ArrayList<>();
HashSet<Saveable> seen = new HashSet<>();
for (IWorkbenchPart part : parts) {
for (Saveable saveable : getSaveables(part)) {
if (saveable.isDirty() && !seen.contains(saveable)) {
if (!closing || closingLastPartShowingModel(saveable, parts, part.getSite().getPage())) {
if (addNonPartSources) {
SaveablesList saveablesList = (SaveablesList) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
ISaveablesSource[] nonPartSources = saveablesList.getNonPartSources();
for (ISaveablesSource nonPartSource : nonPartSources) {
for (Saveable saveable : nonPartSource.getSaveables()) {
if (saveable.isDirty() && !seen.contains(saveable)) {
return result;
* Returns the saveable models provided by the given part. If the part does not
* provide any models, a default model is returned representing the part.
* @param part the workbench part
* @return the saveable models
private static Saveable[] getSaveables(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part instanceof ISaveablesSource) {
ISaveablesSource source = (ISaveablesSource) part;
return source.getSaveables();
return new Saveable[] { new DefaultSaveable(part) };
* Returns true if, in the given page, no more parts will reference the given
* model if the given parts are closed.
* @param model the model
* @param closingParts the parts being closed (list of IViewPart or IEditorPart)
* @param page the page
* @return <code>true</code> if no more parts in the page will reference the
* given model, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean closingLastPartShowingModel(Saveable model, List<IWorkbenchPart> closingParts,
IWorkbenchPage page) {
HashSet<IWorkbenchPart> closingPartsWithSameModel = new HashSet<>();
for (IWorkbenchPart part : closingParts) {
Saveable[] models = getSaveables(part);
if (Arrays.asList(models).contains(model)) {
IWorkbenchPartReference[] pagePartRefs = ((WorkbenchPage) page).getSortedParts();
HashSet<IWorkbenchPart> pagePartsWithSameModels = new HashSet<>();
for (IWorkbenchPartReference partRef : pagePartRefs) {
IWorkbenchPart part = partRef.getPart(false);
if (part != null) {
Saveable[] models = getSaveables(part);
if (Arrays.asList(models).contains(model)) {
return pagePartsWithSameModels.isEmpty();
* Saves the contents of the provided saveable and returns whether the operation
* succeeded or not.
* @param saveable the saveable part to save
* @param part
* @param confirm whether the user should be prompted for confirmation of the
* save request
* @param closing whether the part will be closed after the save operation has
* completed, this may determine whether whether the save
* operation will actually be invoked or not
* @return <code>true</code> if the saveable's contents has been persisted,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @see ISaveablePart#isSaveOnCloseNeeded()
public boolean saveSaveable(ISaveablePart saveable, IWorkbenchPart part, boolean confirm, boolean closing) {
if (closing && !saveable.isSaveOnCloseNeeded()) {
return true;
return SaveableHelper.savePart(saveable, part, legacyWindow, confirm);
* Saves an editors in the workbench. If <code>confirm</code> is
* <code>true</code> the user is prompted to confirm the command.
* @param confirm if user confirmation should be sought
* @return <code>true</code> if the command succeeded, or <code>false</code> if
* the user cancels the command
public boolean saveEditor(IEditorPart editor, boolean confirm) {
return saveSaveable(editor, editor, confirm, false);
public void savePerspective() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void savePerspectiveAs(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) {
MPerspective visiblePerspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
// get the original perspective
String originalPerspectiveId = visiblePerspective.getElementId();
IPerspectiveDescriptor originalPerspective = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry()
// remove it from our collection of previously opened perspectives
// append the saved perspective
MPerspective copy = (MPerspective) EcoreUtil.copy((EObject) visiblePerspective);
List<MPlaceholder> elementsToHide = modelService.findElements(copy, null, MPlaceholder.class, null);
for (MPlaceholder elementToHide : elementsToHide) {
if (elementToHide.isToBeRendered()
&& elementToHide.getRef().getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.NO_RESTORE)) {
// remove placeholder refs and save as snippet
modelService.cloneElement(copy, application);
if (perspective instanceof PerspectiveDescriptor) {
((PerspectiveDescriptor) perspective).setHasCustomDefinition(true);
UIEvents.publishEvent(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.PERSPECTIVE_SAVED, visiblePerspective);
private void updateSelectionAndParentVisibility(MUIElement element) {
MElementContainer<MUIElement> parent = element.getParent();
if (parent.getSelectedElement() == element) {
int renderableChildren = modelService.countRenderableChildren(parent);
if (renderableChildren == 0 && !modelService.isLastEditorStack(parent)) {
public void setEditorAreaVisible(boolean showEditorArea) {
MUIElement find = findSharedArea();
if (find != null) {
if (showEditorArea) {
// make sure it's been rendered if it hasn't been
// If the EA is minimized, restore it...
if (showEditorArea) {
private HashMap<MPerspective, Perspective> modelToPerspectiveMapping = new HashMap<>();
private Perspective getPerspective(MPerspective mperspective) {
if (mperspective == null) {
return null;
if (!modelToPerspectiveMapping.containsKey(mperspective)) {
boolean fixedPerspective = false;
PerspectiveDescriptor perspectiveDesc = (PerspectiveDescriptor) getPerspectiveDesc(
if (perspectiveDesc == null) {
fixedPerspective = true;
perspectiveDesc = fixOrphanPerspective(mperspective);
Perspective p = new Perspective(perspectiveDesc, mperspective, this);
modelToPerspectiveMapping.put(mperspective, p);
if (fixedPerspective) {
UIEvents.publishEvent(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.PERSPECTIVE_SAVED, mperspective);
return modelToPerspectiveMapping.get(mperspective);
* An 'orphan' perspective is one that was originally created through a
* contribution but whose contributing bundle is no longer available. In order
* to allow it to behave correctly within the environment (for Close, Reset...)
* we turn it into a 'custom' perspective on its first activation.
* @return
private PerspectiveDescriptor fixOrphanPerspective(MPerspective mperspective) {
PerspectiveRegistry reg = (PerspectiveRegistry) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
String perspId = mperspective.getElementId();
String label = mperspective.getLabel();
String msg = "Perspective with name '" + label + "' and id '" + perspId + "' has been made into a local copy"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
IStatus status = StatusUtil.newStatus(IStatus.WARNING, msg, null);
StatusManager.getManager().handle(status, StatusManager.LOG);
String newDescId = NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_localCopyLabel, label);
while (reg.findPerspectiveWithId(newDescId) != null) {
newDescId = NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_localCopyLabel, newDescId);
PerspectiveDescriptor pd = new PerspectiveDescriptor(perspId, label, null);
PerspectiveDescriptor newDesc = reg.createPerspective(newDescId, pd);
if (mperspective.getIconURI() != null) {
try {
ImageDescriptor img = ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(new URI(mperspective.getIconURI()).toURL());
} catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) {
WorkbenchPlugin.log(MessageFormat.format("Error on applying configured perspective icon: {0}", //$NON-NLS-1$
mperspective.getIconURI(), e));
modelService.cloneElement(mperspective, application);
return newDesc;
public void setPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) {
BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, () -> busySetPerspective(perspective));
private void busySetPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) {
if (perspective == null) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor lastPerspective = getPerspective();
if (lastPerspective != null && lastPerspective.getId().equals(perspective.getId())) {
// no change
MPerspectiveStack perspectives = getPerspectiveStack();
for (MPerspective mperspective : perspectives.getChildren()) {
if (mperspective.getElementId().equals(perspective.getId())) {
handleNullRefPlaceHolders(mperspective, window);
MPerspectiveStack perspectives = getPerspectiveStack();
for (MPerspective mperspective : perspectives.getChildren()) {
if (mperspective.getElementId().equals(perspective.getId())) {
if (lastPerspective != null) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveDeactivated(this, lastPerspective);
// this perspective already exists, switch to this one
handleNullRefPlaceHolders(mperspective, window);
MPerspective modelPerspective = (MPerspective) modelService.cloneSnippet(application, perspective.getId(),
if (modelPerspective == null) {
// couldn't find the perspective, create a new one
modelPerspective = createPerspective(perspective);
handleNullRefPlaceHolders(modelPerspective, window);
ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = perspective.getImageDescriptor();
if (imageDescriptor != null) {
String imageURL = MenuHelper.getImageUrl(imageDescriptor);
if (lastPerspective != null) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveDeactivated(this, lastPerspective);
// Hide placeholders for parts that exist in the 'global' areas
modelService.hideLocalPlaceholders(window, modelPerspective);
// add it to the stack
// activate it
modelPerspective.getContext().set(ISelectionService.class, selectionService);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveOpened(this, perspective);
UIEvents.publishEvent(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.PERSPECTIVE_OPENED, modelPerspective);
private void handleNullRefPlaceHolders(MUIElement element, MWindow refWin) {
List<MPlaceholder> nullRefList = ((ModelServiceImpl) modelService).getNullRefPlaceHolders(element, refWin);
List<MPart> partList = modelService.findElements(element, null, MPart.class);
for (MPart part : partList) {
if (CompatibilityPart.COMPATIBILITY_VIEW_URI.equals(part.getContributionURI())
&& part.getIconURI() == null) {
if (nullRefList != null && nullRefList.size() > 0) {
for (MPlaceholder ph : nullRefList) {
if (ph.isToBeRendered()) {
private void replacePlaceholder(MPlaceholder ph) {
MPart part = modelService.createModelElement(MPart.class);
String label = (String) ph.getTransientData().get(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_LABEL);
if (label != null) {
} else {
MElementContainer<MUIElement> curParent = ph.getParent();
int curIndex = curParent.getChildren().indexOf(ph);
curParent.getChildren().add(curIndex, part);
if (curParent.getSelectedElement() == ph) {
private String getLabel(String str) {
int index = str.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index == -1)
return str;
return str.substring(index + 1);
* @param perspective
* @return never null
private MPerspective createPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) {
MPerspective modelPerspective = modelService.createModelElement(MPerspective.class);
// tag it with the same id
// instantiate the perspective
IPerspectiveFactory factory = ((PerspectiveDescriptor) perspective).createFactory();
ModeledPageLayout modelLayout = new ModeledPageLayout(window, modelService, partService, modelPerspective,
perspective, this, true);
PerspectiveTagger.tagPerspective(modelPerspective, modelService);
PerspectiveExtensionReader reader = new PerspectiveExtensionReader();
reader.extendLayout(getExtensionTracker(), perspective.getId(), modelLayout);
return modelPerspective;
void perspectiveActionSetChanged(Perspective perspective, IActionSetDescriptor descriptor, int changeType) {
if (perspective == getActivePerspective()) {
actionSets.change(descriptor, changeType);
* Retrieves the perspective stack of the window that's containing this
* workbench page.
* @return the stack of perspectives of this page's containing window
private MPerspectiveStack getPerspectiveStack() {
if (_perspectiveStack != null) {
return _perspectiveStack;
List<MPerspectiveStack> theStack = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPerspectiveStack.class);
if (theStack.size() > 0) {
_perspectiveStack = theStack.get(0);
return _perspectiveStack;
for (MWindowElement child : window.getChildren()) {
if (child instanceof MPerspectiveStack) {
_perspectiveStack = (MPerspectiveStack) child;
return _perspectiveStack;
MPartSashContainer stickySash = modelService.createModelElement(MPartSashContainer.class);
MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = modelService.createModelElement(MPerspectiveStack.class);
perspectiveStack.setContainerData("7500"); //$NON-NLS-1$
MPartStack stickyFolder = modelService.createModelElement(MPartStack.class);
stickyFolder.setContainerData("2500"); //$NON-NLS-1$
stickyFolder.setElementId("stickyFolderRight"); //$NON-NLS-1$
IStickyViewDescriptor[] stickyViews = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getViewRegistry().getStickyViews();
for (IStickyViewDescriptor stickyView : stickyViews) {
if (stickyView.getLocation() == IPageLayout.RIGHT) {
MStackElement viewModel = ModeledPageLayout.createViewModel(application, stickyView.getId(), false,
this, partService, true);
_perspectiveStack = perspectiveStack;
return perspectiveStack;
* Sets the active working set for the workbench page. Notifies property change
* listener about the change.
* @param newWorkingSet the active working set for the page. May be null.
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated individual views should store a working set if needed
public void setWorkingSet(IWorkingSet newWorkingSet) {
IWorkingSet oldWorkingSet = workingSet;
workingSet = newWorkingSet;
if (oldWorkingSet != newWorkingSet) {
firePropertyChange(CHANGE_WORKING_SET_REPLACE, oldWorkingSet, newWorkingSet);
if (newWorkingSet != null) {
} else {
* @see IWorkbenchPage
public void showActionSet(String actionSetID) {
Perspective persp = getActivePerspective();
if (persp != null) {
ActionSetRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getActionSetRegistry();
IActionSetDescriptor desc = reg.findActionSet(actionSetID);
if (desc != null) {
List<IActionSetDescriptor> offActionSets = persp.getAlwaysOffActionSets();
for (IActionSetDescriptor off : offActionSets) {
if (off.getId().equals(desc.getId())) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_ACTION_SET_SHOW);
* See IWorkbenchPage.
public IViewPart showView(String viewID) throws PartInitException {
return showView(viewID, null, VIEW_ACTIVATE);
public IViewPart showView(final String viewID, final String secondaryID, final int mode) throws PartInitException {
if (secondaryID != null) {
if (secondaryID.length() == 0 || secondaryID.indexOf(':') != -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_IllegalSecondaryId);
if (!certifyMode(mode)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_IllegalViewMode);
// Run op in busy cursor.
final String compoundId = secondaryID != null ? viewID + ':' + secondaryID : viewID;
final Object[] result = new Object[1];
BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, () -> {
try {
result[0] = busyShowView(compoundId, mode);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
result[0] = e;
if (result[0] instanceof IViewPart) {
return (IViewPart) result[0];
} else if (result[0] instanceof PartInitException) {
throw (PartInitException) result[0];
} else {
throw new PartInitException(WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_AbnormalWorkbenchCondition);
* @param mode the mode to test
* @return whether the mode is recognized
* @since 3.0
private boolean certifyMode(int mode) {
switch (mode) {
return true;
return false;
public MUIElement getActiveElement(IWorkbenchPartReference ref) {
MUIElement element = null;
MPerspective curPersp = modelService.getActivePerspective(window);
if (curPersp == null)
return null;
MPlaceholder eaPH = (MPlaceholder) modelService.find(IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA, curPersp);
MPart model = ((WorkbenchPartReference) ref).getModel();
MPlaceholder placeholder = model.getCurSharedRef();
switch (modelService.getElementLocation(placeholder == null ? model : placeholder)) {
MUIElement parent = placeholder == null ? model.getParent() : placeholder.getParent();
if (parent instanceof MPartStack) {
element = parent;
case EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA:
element = eaPH;
return element;
public void setPartState(IWorkbenchPartReference ref, int iState) {
MUIElement element = getActiveElement(ref);
String state = null;
if (iState == STATE_MINIMIZED) {
state = IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED;
} else if (iState == STATE_MAXIMIZED) {
state = IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED;
setPartState(element, state);
public int getPartState(IWorkbenchPartReference ref) {
int state = STATE_RESTORED;
MUIElement element = getActiveElement(ref);
if (element != null) {
if (element.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED)) {
} else if (element.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED)) {
return state;
// if the state is null, then we'll just restore the view
private void setPartState(MUIElement element, String state) {
if (element != null) {
if (IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED.equals(state)) {
} else if (IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED.equals(state)) {
} else {
* updateActionBars method comment.
public void updateActionBars() {
public void zoomOut() {
// TODO compat: what does the zoom do?
public void toggleZoom(IWorkbenchPartReference ref) {
MUIElement element = getActiveElement(ref);
if (element != null) {
String state = null;
if (!element.getTags().contains(IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED)) {
state = IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED;
this.setPartState(element, state);
public IPerspectiveDescriptor[] getOpenPerspectives() {
MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = modelService.findElements(window, null, MPerspectiveStack.class).get(0);
IPerspectiveRegistry registry = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
ArrayList<IPerspectiveDescriptor> tmp = new ArrayList<>(perspectiveStack.getChildren().size());
for (MPerspective persp : perspectiveStack.getChildren()) {
String perspectiveId = persp.getElementId();
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = registry.findPerspectiveWithId(perspectiveId);
if (desc != null) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor[] descs = new IPerspectiveDescriptor[tmp.size()];
return descs;
public IPerspectiveDescriptor[] getSortedPerspectives() {
return sortedPerspectives.toArray(new IPerspectiveDescriptor[sortedPerspectives.size()]);
* Returns the reference to the given part, or <code>null</code> if it has no
* reference (i.e. it is not a top-level part in this workbench page).
* @param part the part
* @return the part's reference or <code>null</code> if the given part does not
* belong to this workbench page
public IWorkbenchPartReference getReference(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part != null) {
IWorkbenchPartSite site = part.getSite();
if (site instanceof PartSite) {
return ((PartSite) site).getPartReference();
return null;
public MPerspective getCurrentPerspective() {
MPerspectiveStack stack = getPerspectiveStack();
return stack == null ? null : stack.getSelectedElement();
Perspective getActivePerspective() {
return getPerspective(getCurrentPerspective());
public IViewPart[] getViewStack(IViewPart part) {
String compoundId = PagePartSelectionTracker.getPartId(part);
MPart mpart = partService.findPart(compoundId);
if (mpart != null) {
MElementContainer<?> parent = mpart.getParent();
if (parent == null) {
// this is a shared part, check for placeholders
MPlaceholder placeholder = mpart.getCurSharedRef();
if (placeholder != null) {
parent = placeholder.getParent();
if (parent instanceof MPartStack) {
MStackElement selectedElement = ((MPartStack) parent).getSelectedElement();
final MUIElement topPart = selectedElement instanceof MPlaceholder
? ((MPlaceholder) selectedElement).getRef()
: null;
List<CompatibilityView> stack = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object child : parent.getChildren()) {
MPart siblingPart = child instanceof MPart ? (MPart) child
: (MPart) ((MPlaceholder) child).getRef();
// Bug 398433 - guard against NPE
Object siblingObject = siblingPart != null ? siblingPart.getObject() : null;
if (siblingObject instanceof CompatibilityView) {
stack.add((CompatibilityView) siblingObject);
// sort the list by activation order (most recently activated
// first)
stack.sort((o1, o2) -> {
MPart model1 = o1.getModel();
MPart model2 = o2.getModel();
* WORKAROUND: Since we only have the activation list and not a bingToTop list,
* we can't set/know the order for inactive stacks. This workaround makes sure
* that the topmost part is at least at the first position.
if (model1 == topPart)
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (model2 == topPart)
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int pos1 = activationList.indexOf(model1);
int pos2 = activationList.indexOf(model2);
if (pos1 == -1)
pos1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (pos2 == -1)
pos2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return pos1 - pos2;
IViewPart[] result = new IViewPart[stack.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = stack.get(i).getView();
return result;
// not in a stack, standalone
return new IViewPart[] { part };
return null;
public IExtensionTracker getExtensionTracker() {
if (tracker == null) {
tracker = new UIExtensionTracker(getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getDisplay());
return tracker;
private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
private String[] getArrayForTag(String tagPrefix) {
List<String> id = getCollectionForTag(tagPrefix);
if (id == null)
return id.toArray(new String[id.size()]);
private List<String> getCollectionForTag(String tagPrefix) {
MPerspective perspective = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
if (perspective == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return ModeledPageLayout.getIds(perspective, tagPrefix);
public String[] getNewWizardShortcuts() {
return getArrayForTag(ModeledPageLayout.NEW_WIZARD_TAG);
public String[] getPerspectiveShortcuts() {
return getArrayForTag(ModeledPageLayout.PERSP_SHORTCUT_TAG);
public String[] getShowViewShortcuts() {
return getArrayForTag(ModeledPageLayout.SHOW_VIEW_TAG);
public boolean isPartVisible(IWorkbenchPartReference reference) {
IWorkbenchPart part = reference.getPart(false);
// Can't be visible if it isn't created yet
if (part == null) {
return false;
return isPartVisible(part);
public IWorkingSet[] getWorkingSets() {
return workingSets;
public void setWorkingSets(IWorkingSet[] newWorkingSets) {
if (newWorkingSets != null) {
} else {
if (newWorkingSets == null) {
newWorkingSets = new IWorkingSet[0];
IWorkingSet[] oldWorkingSets = workingSets;
// filter out any duplicates if necessary
if (newWorkingSets.length > 1) {
Set<IWorkingSet> setOfSets = new HashSet<>();
for (IWorkingSet workingSet : newWorkingSets) {
if (workingSet == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
newWorkingSets = setOfSets.toArray(new IWorkingSet[setOfSets.size()]);
workingSets = newWorkingSets;
if (!Arrays.equals(oldWorkingSets, newWorkingSets)) {
firePropertyChange(CHANGE_WORKING_SETS_REPLACE, oldWorkingSets, newWorkingSets);
if (aggregateWorkingSet != null) {
public IWorkingSet getAggregateWorkingSet() {
if (aggregateWorkingSet == null) {
IWorkingSetManager workingSetManager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager();
if (aggregateWorkingSetId == null) {
aggregateWorkingSetId = generateAggregateWorkingSetId();
} else {
aggregateWorkingSet = (AggregateWorkingSet) workingSetManager.getWorkingSet(aggregateWorkingSetId);
if (aggregateWorkingSet == null) {
aggregateWorkingSet = (AggregateWorkingSet) workingSetManager.createAggregateWorkingSet(
aggregateWorkingSetId, WorkbenchMessages.WorkbenchPage_workingSet_default_label,
return aggregateWorkingSet;
private String generateAggregateWorkingSetId() {
return "Aggregate for window " + System.currentTimeMillis(); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void showEditor(IEditorReference ref) {
IWorkbenchPart wPart = ref.getPart(false);
MPart part = ((EditorReference) ref).getModel();
// Workaround to get content visible. Otherwise the content sometimes is not
// rendered.
MElementContainer<MUIElement> partStack = part.getParent();
public void hideEditor(IEditorReference ref) {
MPart part = ((EditorReference) ref).getModel();
private String getEditorImageURI(EditorReference reference) {
String iconURI = null;
EditorDescriptor descriptor = reference.getDescriptor();
if (descriptor != null) {
IConfigurationElement element = descriptor.getConfigurationElement();
if (element != null) {
iconURI = MenuHelper.getIconURI(element, IWorkbenchRegistryConstants.ATT_ICON);
return iconURI;
public IMemento[] getEditorState(IEditorReference[] editorRefs, boolean includeInputState) {
IMemento[] m = new IMemento[editorRefs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < editorRefs.length; i++) {
m[i] = ((EditorReference) editorRefs[i]).getEditorState();
if (!includeInputState && m[i] != null) {
m[i] = m[i].getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_EDITOR_STATE);
return m;
public IEditorReference[] openEditors(IEditorInput[] inputs, String[] editorIDs, int matchFlags)
throws MultiPartInitException {
return openEditors(inputs, editorIDs, null, matchFlags, 0);
public IEditorReference[] openEditors(IEditorInput[] inputs, String[] editorIDs, IMemento[] mementos,
int matchFlags, int activationIndex) throws MultiPartInitException {
// If we are only working with mementos create a placeholder array of
// nulls
if (inputs == null) {
Assert.isTrue(mementos != null);
inputs = new IEditorInput[mementos.length];
// If we are only working with mementos create a placeholder array of
// nulls
if (editorIDs == null) {
Assert.isTrue(mementos != null);
editorIDs = new String[mementos.length];
Assert.isTrue(inputs.length == editorIDs.length);
Assert.isTrue(inputs.length > 0);
Assert.isTrue(mementos == null || mementos.length == inputs.length);
PartInitException[] exceptions = new PartInitException[inputs.length];
IEditorReference[] references = new IEditorReference[inputs.length];
boolean hasFailures = false;
IEditorRegistry reg = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
MPart editorToActivate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
String curEditorID = editorIDs[i];
IEditorInput curInput = inputs[i];
IMemento curMemento = mementos == null ? null : mementos[i];
// If we don't have an editorID get it from the memento
if (curEditorID == null && curMemento != null) {
curEditorID = curMemento.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID);
// If we don't have an input create on from the memento
if (curInput == null && curMemento != null) {
try {
curInput = EditorReference.createInput(curMemento);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
curInput = null;
exceptions[i] = e;
hasFailures = true;
// Adjust the memento so that it's always 'comlpete (i.e. including
// both input and editor state)
if (curMemento != null && !curMemento.getID().equals(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_EDITOR)) {
XMLMemento outerMem = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_EDITOR);
outerMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID, curEditorID);
XMLMemento inputMem = (XMLMemento) outerMem.createChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_INPUT);
inputMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FACTORY_ID, curInput.getPersistable().getFactoryId());
inputMem.putString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PATH, curInput.getName());
// OK, by this point we should have the EditorInput, the editor ID
// and the memento (if any)
if (reg.findEditor(curEditorID) == null) {
references[i] = null;
exceptions[i] = new PartInitException(
NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_unknownEditorIDMessage, curEditorID));
hasFailures = true;
} else if (curInput == null) {
references[i] = null;
exceptions[i] = new PartInitException(
NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_no_persisted_state, curEditorID));
hasFailures = true;
} else {
// Is there an existing editor ?
IEditorReference[] existingEditors = findEditors(curInput, curEditorID, matchFlags);
if (existingEditors.length == 0) {
MPart editor = partService.createPart(CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID);
references[i] = createEditorReferenceForPart(editor, curInput, curEditorID, null);
if (i == activationIndex)
editorToActivate = editor;
// Set the information in the supplied IMemento into the
// editor's model
if (curMemento instanceof XMLMemento) {
XMLMemento memento = (XMLMemento) curMemento;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {;
editor.getPersistedState().put(WorkbenchPartReference.MEMENTO_KEY, writer.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
editor.setIconURI(getEditorImageURI((EditorReference) references[i]));
((PartServiceImpl) partService).addPart(editor);
} else {
// Use the existing editor, update the state if it has *not*
// been rendered
EditorReference ee = (EditorReference) existingEditors[0];
if (i == activationIndex)
editorToActivate = ee.getModel();
if (ee.getModel().getWidget() == null) {
// Set the information in the supplied IMemento into the
// editor's model
if (curMemento instanceof XMLMemento) {
XMLMemento momento = (XMLMemento) curMemento;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
// editor already rendered, try to update its state
if (curMemento != null && ee.getModel().getObject() instanceof CompatibilityEditor) {
CompatibilityEditor ce = (CompatibilityEditor) ee.getModel().getObject();
if (ce.getEditor() instanceof IPersistableEditor) {
IPersistableEditor pe = (IPersistableEditor) ce.getEditor();
// Extract the 'editorState' from the memento
IMemento editorMem = curMemento.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_EDITOR_STATE);
if (editorMem == null) {
// Must be an externally defined memento,
// take the second child
IMemento[] kids = curMemento.getChildren();
if (kids.length == 2)
editorMem = kids[1];
if (editorMem != null)
if (editorToActivate != null) {
boolean hasSuccesses = false;
for (IEditorReference reference : references) {
if (reference != null) {
hasSuccesses = true;
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), reference, CHANGE_EDITOR_OPEN);
// only fire this event if an editor was opened
if (hasSuccesses) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_EDITOR_OPEN);
if (hasFailures) {
throw new MultiPartInitException(references, exceptions);
return references;
void updatePerspectiveActionSets() {
updateActionSets(null, getActivePerspective());
void fireInitialPartVisibilityEvents() {
MPerspective selectedElement = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
// technically shouldn't be null here
if (selectedElement != null) {
Collection<MPart> parts = modelService.findElements(selectedElement, null, MPart.class);
List<MPart> visibleParts = new ArrayList<>(parts.size());
for (MPart part : parts) {
if (isVisible(selectedElement, part)) {
for (MPart part : visibleParts) {
private boolean isVisible(MPerspective perspective, MUIElement element) {
if (element == perspective) {
return true;
} else if (element.isVisible() && element.isToBeRendered()) {
MElementContainer<?> parent = element.getParent();
if (parent instanceof MPartStack) {
if (parent.getSelectedElement() == element) {
return isVisible(perspective, parent);
} else if (parent == null) {
if (element instanceof MTrimmedWindow) {
return true;
MPlaceholder placeholder = element.getCurSharedRef();
return placeholder == null ? false : isVisible(perspective, placeholder);
} else {
return isVisible(perspective, parent);
return false;
private void firePartActivated(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
final IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
if (partReference == null) {
WorkbenchPlugin.log(new RuntimeException("Reference is null in firePartActivated: " + part)); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
} else if (client != null) {
if (part.getTransientData().get(E4PartWrapper.E4_WRAPPER_KEY) instanceof E4PartWrapper) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = (IWorkbenchPart) part.getTransientData()
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
if (partReference != null) {
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
private void firePartDeactivated(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
final IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
} else if (client != null) {
if (part.getTransientData().get(E4PartWrapper.E4_WRAPPER_KEY) instanceof E4PartWrapper) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = (IWorkbenchPart) part.getTransientData()
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
if (partReference != null) {
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
* @param comPart e4 wrapper around {@link IWorkbenchPart}
* @return can return null, in case {@link CompatibilityPart} was already
* disposed
private IWorkbenchPart getWrappedPart(CompatibilityPart comPart) {
IWorkbenchPart part = comPart.getPart();
if (part == null) {
WorkbenchPlugin.log(new RuntimeException("Trying to access already disposed part: " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ comPart));
return part;
public void firePartOpened(CompatibilityPart compatibilityPart) {
final IWorkbenchPart part = getWrappedPart(compatibilityPart);
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = compatibilityPart.getReference();
if (part != null) {
SaveablesList saveablesList = (SaveablesList) getWorkbenchWindow()
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
if (part instanceof IPageChangeProvider) {
((IPageChangeProvider) part).addPageChangedListener(pageChangedListener);
if (compatibilityPart instanceof CompatibilityView) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), partReference, CHANGE_VIEW_SHOW);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_VIEW_SHOW);
public void firePartClosed(CompatibilityPart compatibilityPart) {
final IWorkbenchPart part = getWrappedPart(compatibilityPart);
final WorkbenchPartReference partReference = compatibilityPart.getReference();
MPart model = partReference.getModel();
if (part != null) {
SaveablesList modelManager = (SaveablesList) getWorkbenchWindow()
Object postCloseInfo = modelManager.preCloseParts(Collections.singletonList(part), false,
if (postCloseInfo != null) {
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
if (part instanceof IViewPart) {
} else if (part != null) {
} else {
// Whatever it was, try to cleanup the dirt
for (int i = 0; i < activationList.size(); i++) {
if (model == activationList.get(i)) {
MPart activePart = partService.getActivePart();
if (activePart == null) {
// unset active part/editor sources if no active part found
} else if (part instanceof IEditorPart) {
// an editor got closed, update information about active editor
IEditorPart activeEditor = getActiveEditor();
if (activeEditor == null) {
} else {
if (part instanceof IPageChangeProvider) {
((IPageChangeProvider) part).removePageChangedListener(pageChangedListener);
if (compatibilityPart instanceof CompatibilityView) {
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), partReference, CHANGE_VIEW_HIDE);
legacyWindow.firePerspectiveChanged(this, getPerspective(), CHANGE_VIEW_HIDE);
private void firePartBroughtToTop(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
final IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
for (final IPartListener listener : partListenerList) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
} else {
Integer val = partEvents.get(part);
if (val == null) {
partEvents.put(part, Integer.valueOf(FIRE_PART_BROUGHTTOTOP));
} else {
partEvents.put(part, Integer.valueOf(val.intValue() | FIRE_PART_BROUGHTTOTOP));
private WeakHashMap<MPart, Integer> partEvents = new WeakHashMap<>();
private static final int FIRE_PART_VISIBLE = 0x1;
private static final int FIRE_PART_BROUGHTTOTOP = 0x2;
private EventHandler firingHandler = event -> {
Object element = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
Object value = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE);
if (value instanceof CompatibilityPart && element instanceof MPart) {
Integer events = partEvents.remove(element);
if (events != null) {
int e = events.intValue();
firePartVisible((MPart) element);
firePartBroughtToTop((MPart) element);
private EventHandler childrenHandler = event -> {
Object changedObj = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
// this window ?
MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) changedObj;
if (modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(changedElement) != window)
if (UIEvents.isADD(event)) {
for (Object o : UIEvents.asIterable(event, UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE)) {
if (!(o instanceof MUIElement))
// We have to iterate through the new elements to see if any
// contain (or are) MParts (e.g. we may have dragged a split
// editor which contains two editors, both with EditorRefs)
MUIElement element = (MUIElement) o;
List<MPart> addedParts = modelService.findElements(element, null, MPart.class, null);
for (MPart part : addedParts) {
IWorkbenchPartReference ref = (IWorkbenchPartReference) part.getTransientData()
// For now we only check for editors changing pages
if (ref instanceof EditorReference && getEditorReference(part) == null) {
addEditorReference((EditorReference) ref);
// FIXME: convert me to e4 events!
private void firePartVisible(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
} else {
Integer val = partEvents.get(part);
if (val == null) {
partEvents.put(part, Integer.valueOf(FIRE_PART_VISIBLE));
} else {
partEvents.put(part, Integer.valueOf(val.intValue() | FIRE_PART_VISIBLE));
// FIXME: convert me to e4 events!
public void firePartHidden(MPart part) {
Object client = part.getObject();
if (client instanceof CompatibilityPart) {
IWorkbenchPart workbenchPart = getWrappedPart((CompatibilityPart) client);
if (workbenchPart == null) {
final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference = getReference(workbenchPart);
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
public void firePartInputChanged(final IWorkbenchPartReference partReference) {
for (final IPartListener2 listener : partListener2List) { SafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
public int getEditorReuseThreshold() {
IPreferenceStore store = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
return store.getInt(IPreferenceConstants.REUSE_EDITORS);
public void setEditorReuseThreshold(int openEditors) {
// this is an empty implementation in 3.x, see IPageLayout's
// setEditorReuseThreshold
* Opens an editor represented by the descriptor with the given input.
* @param fileEditorInput the input that the editor should open
* @param editorDescriptor the descriptor of the editor to open
* @param activate <code>true</code> if the editor should be activated,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param editorState the previously saved state of the editor as a
* memento, this may be <code>null</code>
* @return the opened editor
* @exception PartInitException if the editor could not be created or
* initialized
public IEditorPart openEditorFromDescriptor(IEditorInput fileEditorInput, IEditorDescriptor editorDescriptor,
final boolean activate, final IMemento editorState) throws PartInitException {
if (editorDescriptor.isOpenExternal()) {
openExternalEditor((EditorDescriptor) editorDescriptor, fileEditorInput);
return null;
return openEditor(fileEditorInput, editorDescriptor.getId(), activate, MATCH_INPUT, editorState, true);
* Open a specific external editor on an file based on the descriptor.
private IEditorReference openExternalEditor(final EditorDescriptor desc, IEditorInput input)
throws PartInitException {
final CoreException ex[] = new CoreException[1];
final IPathEditorInput pathInput = getPathEditorInput(input);
if (pathInput != null && pathInput.getPath() != null) {
BusyIndicator.showWhile(legacyWindow.getWorkbench().getDisplay(), () -> {
try {
if (desc.getLauncher() != null) {
// open using launcher
Object launcher = WorkbenchPlugin.createExtension(desc.getConfigurationElement(),
((IEditorLauncher) launcher).open(pathInput.getPath());
} else {
// open using command
ExternalEditor oEditor = new ExternalEditor(pathInput.getPath(), desc);;
} catch (CoreException e) {
ex[0] = e;
} else {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_errorOpeningExternalEditor,
desc.getFileName(), desc.getId()));
if (ex[0] != null) {
throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_errorOpeningExternalEditor,
desc.getFileName(), desc.getId()), ex[0]);
recordEditor(input, desc);
// we do not have an editor part for external editors
return null;
private IPathEditorInput getPathEditorInput(IEditorInput input) {
if (input instanceof IPathEditorInput)
return (IPathEditorInput) input;
return Adapters.adapt(input, IPathEditorInput.class);
* Unzooms the shared area if there are no more rendered parts contained within
* it.
* @see #unzoomSharedArea(MUIElement)
private void unzoomSharedArea() {
MPerspective curPersp = getPerspectiveStack().getSelectedElement();
if (curPersp == null)
MPlaceholder eaPH = (MPlaceholder) modelService.find(IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA, curPersp);
for (MPart part : modelService.findElements(eaPH, null, MPart.class, null)) {
if (part.isToBeRendered()) {
MPlaceholder placeholder = part.getCurSharedRef();
if (placeholder == null || placeholder.isToBeRendered()) {
setPartState(eaPH, null);
* Unzooms the shared area if the specified element is in the shared area.
* @param element the element to check if it is in the shared area
* @see #unzoomSharedArea()
private void unzoomSharedArea(MUIElement element) {
if (modelService.getElementLocation(element) == EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA) {
* An event handler for listening to parts and placeholders being unrendered.
private EventHandler referenceRemovalEventHandler = event -> {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE))) {
Object element = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
if (element instanceof MPlaceholder) {
MUIElement ref = ((MPlaceholder) element).getRef();
// a placeholder has been unrendered, check to see if the shared
// area needs to be unzoomed
if (ref instanceof MPart) {
// find all placeholders for this part
List<MPlaceholder> placeholders = modelService.findElements(window, ref.getElementId(),
MPlaceholder.class, null, EModelService.IN_ANY_PERSPECTIVE | EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA
for (MPlaceholder placeholder : placeholders) {
if (placeholder.getRef() == ref && placeholder.isToBeRendered()) {
// if there's a rendered placeholder, return
// no rendered placeholders around, unsubscribe
ViewReference reference1 = getViewReference((MPart) ref);
if (reference1 != null) {
} else if (element instanceof MPart) {
MPart part = (MPart) element;
// a part has been unrendered, check to see if the shared
// area needs to be unzoomed
if (CompatibilityEditor.MODEL_ELEMENT_ID.equals(part.getElementId())) {
EditorReference reference2 = getEditorReference(part);
if (reference2 != null) {
public String getHiddenItems() {
MPerspective perspective = getCurrentPerspective();
if (perspective == null)
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String result = perspective.getPersistedState().get(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY);
if (result == null)
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
public void addHiddenItems(MPerspective perspective, String id) {
String hiddenIDs = perspective.getPersistedState().get(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY);
if (hiddenIDs == null)
hiddenIDs = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String persistedID = id + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!hiddenIDs.contains(persistedID)) {
hiddenIDs = hiddenIDs + persistedID;
perspective.getPersistedState().put(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY, hiddenIDs);
public void addHiddenItems(String id) {
MPerspective perspective = getCurrentPerspective();
if (perspective == null)
addHiddenItems(perspective, id);
public void removeHiddenItems(MPerspective perspective, String id) {
String persistedID = id + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$
String hiddenIDs = perspective.getPersistedState().get(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY);
if (hiddenIDs == null)
String newValue = hiddenIDs.replaceFirst(persistedID, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (hiddenIDs.length() != newValue.length()) {
if (newValue.length() == 0)
perspective.getPersistedState().put(ModeledPageLayout.HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY, newValue);
public void removeHiddenItems(String id) {
MPerspective perspective = getCurrentPerspective();
if (perspective == null)
removeHiddenItems(perspective, id);
public void setNewShortcuts(List<String> wizards, String tagPrefix) {
MPerspective persp = getCurrentPerspective();
if (persp == null)
List<String> existingNewWizards = new ArrayList<>();
for (String tag : persp.getTags()) {
if (tag.contains(tagPrefix))
List<String> newWizards = new ArrayList<>(wizards.size());
for (String wizardName : wizards) {
newWizards.add(tagPrefix + wizardName);
public void resetToolBarLayout() {
ICoolBarManager2 mgr = (ICoolBarManager2) legacyWindow.getCoolBarManager2();
* Call {@link #firePartDeactivated(MPart)} if the passed part is the currently
* active part according to the part service. This method should only be called
* in the case of workbench shutdown, where E4 does not fire deactivate
* listeners on the active part.
* @param part
public void firePartDeactivatedIfActive(MPart part) {
if (partService.getActivePart() == part) {
// At shutdown, e4 doesn't fire part deactivated on the active
// part.
* Add ToolItems for perspectives specified in "PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS"
private void createPerspectiveBarExtras() {
String persps = PrefUtil.getAPIPreferenceStore()
// e3 allowed spaces and commas as separator
String[] parts = persps.split("[, ]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Set<String> perspSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String part : parts) {
part = part.trim();
if (!part.isEmpty())
for (String perspId : perspSet) {
MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) modelService.find(perspId, window);
if (persp != null)
continue; // already in stack, i.e. has already been added above
IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = getDescriptorFor(perspId);
if (desc == null)
continue; // this perspective does not exist
persp = createPerspective(desc);
// "add" fires Event, causes creation of ToolItem on perspective bar
private IPerspectiveDescriptor getDescriptorFor(String id) {
IPerspectiveRegistry perspectiveRegistry = getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
if (perspectiveRegistry instanceof PerspectiveRegistry) {
return ((PerspectiveRegistry) perspectiveRegistry).findPerspectiveWithId(id, false);
return perspectiveRegistry.findPerspectiveWithId(id);