blob: a93b99deeadd70a58e81bd29305958665ed842e5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<context id="markerHelpProblem1" title="Marker Help for Problem 1">
<description>This is custom context help for the problem with the code 1.</description>
<topic label="Topic"/>
<context id="markerHelpProblem2" title="Marker Help for Problem 2">
<description>This is custom context help for the problem with the code 2.</description>
<topic label="Topic"/>
<context id="markerHelpProblem3" title="Marker Help for Problem 3">
<description>This is custom context help for the problem with the code 3.</description>
<topic label="Topic"/>
<context id="markerHelpProblem4" title="Marker Help for Problem 4">
<description>This is custom context help for the problem with the code 4.</description>
<topic label="Topic"/>